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Warren Caylor

Jane Lyzell
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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty NEW - Caylor on youtube

Post by Slatewriter Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:49 pm

New youtube video - Warren Caylor produces gemstones in the seance room


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:03 pm

Did you attend last night's seance Slatewriter?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Neilos Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:13 pm

More 'crystals' sprayed around the séance room like wedding confetti lol!


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Slatewriter Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:14 pm

AngelCake wrote:Did you attend last night's seance Slatewriter?

Good job I didn't - I'd have called an ambulance. He could have choked on all that crap in his gullet

Last edited by Slatewriter on Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:23 pm

What a bunch of crap!  And what was all that strange moaning about?  SHIDAD!  Rolling Eyes Crying or Very sad No No


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Neilos Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:49 pm

If sitters are going to chant they could at least do it properly 😦👳👼


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:12 pm

In your professional opinions then, where did they come from? Regurgitated? Hidden in his mouth?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:40 pm

I don't think there are any professionals here to give a professional opinion....  Wink


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:42 pm

A humble personal opinion would suffice Wink


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Slatewriter Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:17 pm

AngelCake wrote:In your professional opinions then, where did they come from? Regurgitated? Hidden in his mouth?

I only have the video to go on - so anything could have happened. Were you there ?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:26 pm

AngelCake wrote:A humble personal opinion would suffice Wink

That's more like it - humble or not will do for me.....  Smile


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:03 pm

I was not present for this particular seance but have attended many other of Warren's seances where there have been apports post seance. Both in the seance room and during tea and cake afterwards.


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Neilos Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:15 pm

Where were they apported from?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:20 pm

And how were they positively identified as apports?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:28 pm

From the mouth.
The post seance apports fascinate me most. Watching Warren have a coffee and a sandwich, then seeing a dozen or so gems come out his mouth, totally clean... I'm rather a sceptic, want to believe but question everything, and I'm struggling with this one.
I saw one come out of his eye. I was sat right next to him holding the bowl. Again, this was during post seance refreshments.
So unless he'd been walking round for 20 minutes with a small sharp stone under his eyelid *shudder*, I can only assume they are apports?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:42 pm

Presumably with no explanation from Caylor where they've been apported from, who apported them or why?  

And even if they are genuine apports, without an explanation of their significance do they have one? Being sceptical about such issues is healthy. Wanting to believe may result in actual belief rather than an understanding of the facts.... Crying or Very sad


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:11 pm

Do they have to have an explanation attached?
I bought my friend a gift, just because, no reason other than out of love.
Are gifts from spirit not the same? Does their have to be whys and wherefores?
Obviously if there was a specific apport from a specific spirit for a specific person, it would come with details. But these little gems are just tokens of love, that's my humble opinion anyway lol.
And if they are apported post seance, with the medium fully conscious, how would an explanation be given? During trance in seance, clairvoyance afterwards? Hmmm... as I said before, this fascinates me.


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Neilos Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:39 pm

So, no evidential value but 'love tokens' interesting view Smile. Surely spirit could devise a more meaningful way of showing love, for example: transfiguration of the face of a loved one. Far more evidential, meaningful and would use less energy I would imagine. I wonder AngelCake if anyone has had one if the 'love tokens' examined by a jeweller just to establish what they are made of?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:01 pm

Neilos wrote:So, no evidential value but 'love tokens' interesting view Smile. Surely spirit could devise a more meaningful way of showing love,  for example: transfiguration of the face of a loved one. Far more evidential, meaningful and would use less energy I would imagine. I wonder AngelCake if anyone has had one if the 'love tokens' examined by a jeweller just to establish what they are made of?

Transfiguration would be more personally evidential to individual sitters, yes I agree. These apports tend to be given to the group as a whole.

I don't know if anyone has done this, would be interesting to find out.


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:43 am

AngelCake wrote:Do they have to have an explanation attached?
I bought my friend a gift, just because, no reason other than out of love.
Are gifts from spirit not the same? Does their have to be whys and wherefores?
Obviously if there was a specific apport from a specific spirit for a specific person, it would come with details. But these little gems are just tokens of love, that's my humble opinion anyway lol.
And if they are apported post seance, with the medium fully conscious, how would an explanation be given? During trance in seance, clairvoyance afterwards? Hmmm... as I said before, this fascinates me.

 Yes apports are tokens of love but so many of them delivered in such a way seems - to me - to cheapen their value.  Maybe it's just me but an apport should be meant as something special and preferably not delivered via a body orifice....

An explanation would relate to the number of the tokens and their intention.  If they're for handing out to anyone and everyone after being in someone's mouth it just isn't my understanding of the meaning of apports.


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by AngelCake Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:02 am

I get your point, totally Mac!
I'm still learning, so from your understanding, how should apports work? Should they appear in a flash, a la Kai, or materialise in front of your eyes, or what?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:25 am

AngelCake wrote:I get your point, totally Mac!
I'm still learning, so from your understanding, how should apports work? Should they appear in a flash, a la Kai, or materialise in front of your eyes, or what?

It's a good question and one I can't answer for certain! It would be great if they did materialise in front of our eyes or even appear in a flash. I don't see why either mechanism would be an unreasonable expectation. But from someone's orifice for me is plain tacky.... eyew!


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Admin Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:07 am

Hi Angelcake

AngelCake wrote:I get your point, totally Mac!
I'm still learning, so from your understanding, how should apports work? Should they appear in a flash, a la Kai, or materialise in front of your eyes, or what?

The problem is that Kai's are just as odd as Warren's, same provenance Chinese Glass, indeed the strikes against the genuineness of Kai are as many and well documented as those against Warren. The history of apport's is very murky, why would Spirit use that much energy to produce that many pieces of just glass, with no reason for its existence and scatter them round the room. In no way could that be seen to prove anything about the Spirit World or survival. It is a while since anything of value, an object personally connected to the loved one in Spirit (Rev Anne Gehmann, of the NSAC, still has, in dried form the Red rose received from Spirit, from a loved one). David Thompson claimed a couple, one from Houdini , but that was a much older commemorative medal not at all from his era and the sewing kit of the mother of his guide William Charles Cadwell, who of course never had the physical life claimed and whom David Thompson has moved on from to a Caldwell who still does not fit.

Both Kai and Warren switched on to apports at the same time and of course invoked the memories of Keith Milton Rhinehart. They may as well have brought up the name of Charles Bailey the Australian apport medium of some notoriety, who's apports led to the establishment of a psychical research section at Stanford University. There is one beautiful newspaper article of Charles Bailey being caught in fraud in Adelaide, hot footing it down the street in bare feet (given an Adelaide summer as I well know hot footing is appropriate 42C on Thursday this week).

We have nearly all the material we need for the long Charles Bailey story just waiting to get the full set of Harbinger of Light digitised.

However, Charles Bailey does have some credibility through the testing he went through which was of a much higher standard than any current medium would accept.

Trouble is people really want them to be real

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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Neilos Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:39 pm

It transpires that sitters at these séances are satisfied that phenomena is good evidence of survival and are waxing lyrical. Any sober questions are met with much disdain followed quickly by bans and blocks. It seems that any questions it is deemed that the enquirer is a 'hater or troublemaker'  😱😱😱


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by mac Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:20 pm

Neilos wrote:It transpires that sitters at these séances are satisfied that phenomena is good evidence of survival and are waxing lyrical. Any sober questions are met with much disdain followed quickly by bans and blocks. It seems that any questions it is deemed that the enquirer is a 'hater or troublemaker'  😱😱😱

Nothing new to report, then.  The PM4U response if anyone raises concerns or questions authenticity.  And how can you explain to folk who are happy that phenomenalism is evidence of survival? Should we even try?


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Warren Caylor - Page 10 Empty Re: Warren Caylor

Post by Sponsored content

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