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SpiritualismLink :: Welcome and General Topics :: Psychic News What the Spiritualist National Union Did
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The Editor of Psychic News has made an announcement on which it is seen appropriate to also post on this site:
"Susan Farrow - Editor, Psychic News
To date I have made no public comment on the SNU's unilateral decision to wind up Psychic Press (1995) Ltd. and I do not propose to do so here. However, speculation abounds regarding the fate of Spiritualism's flagship newspaper, and I would like to thank Roy Stemman for his accurate and perceptive coverage of an issue which is a source of concern to Spiritualists worldwide, not least the editorial team of Psychic News.
My sole reason for posting today is to confirm that an offer has been made to the SNU to purchase Psychic News with a view to making it independent again for the first time in many years. As editor, I wholeheartedly support this offer. The dearest wish of Maurice Barbanell (a minister of the SNU) was that Psychic News would be a vehicle for the truth of Spiritualism itself and not allied to any individual group within the Spiritualist movement. Negotiations between the two parties will take place shortly and I ask all who have PN's future at heart to send out thoughts that guidance and inspiration will be given to all involved in those negotiations."
"Susan Farrow - Editor, Psychic News
To date I have made no public comment on the SNU's unilateral decision to wind up Psychic Press (1995) Ltd. and I do not propose to do so here. However, speculation abounds regarding the fate of Spiritualism's flagship newspaper, and I would like to thank Roy Stemman for his accurate and perceptive coverage of an issue which is a source of concern to Spiritualists worldwide, not least the editorial team of Psychic News.
My sole reason for posting today is to confirm that an offer has been made to the SNU to purchase Psychic News with a view to making it independent again for the first time in many years. As editor, I wholeheartedly support this offer. The dearest wish of Maurice Barbanell (a minister of the SNU) was that Psychic News would be a vehicle for the truth of Spiritualism itself and not allied to any individual group within the Spiritualist movement. Negotiations between the two parties will take place shortly and I ask all who have PN's future at heart to send out thoughts that guidance and inspiration will be given to all involved in those negotiations."
Lis- Admin
One must now hope that the SNU will treat this offer seriously and allow PN to once more become an independent voice for Spiritualism. If they don't I fear that the reputation and credibility of the NEC, already sadly undermined by their actions thus far, will be damaged beyond repair.
However much the SNU may desire to have a vehicle for promoting its brand of Spiritualism, surely this cannot be, must not be, at the expense of a newspaper with such an illustrious history. PN simply must be allowed to rise from the ashes of this situation to once more provide to Spiritualists around the world with the right to have news of their movement available to them.
May those in the SNU who hold the power realise PN belonged to all Spiritualists not just those who came under the SNU banner. In doing so, I hope they will recognise the importance of letting PN go from their control and into the hands of those who will respect and protect it and ensure that Maurice Barbanell's vision for an independent newspaper for all Spiritualists will continue.
However much the SNU may desire to have a vehicle for promoting its brand of Spiritualism, surely this cannot be, must not be, at the expense of a newspaper with such an illustrious history. PN simply must be allowed to rise from the ashes of this situation to once more provide to Spiritualists around the world with the right to have news of their movement available to them.
May those in the SNU who hold the power realise PN belonged to all Spiritualists not just those who came under the SNU banner. In doing so, I hope they will recognise the importance of letting PN go from their control and into the hands of those who will respect and protect it and ensure that Maurice Barbanell's vision for an independent newspaper for all Spiritualists will continue.
Lis- Admin
I have taken the liberty of posting below a comment made by Geoff Griffiths, a valued Spiritualist and past contributor to Psychic News, posted on
I believe what Geoff has to say is well worth reading.
"Geoff Griffiths
It is important not to blame the SNU for this; it was brought about by approximately ten members of the NEC, without any reference to the members. This, in spite of the outgoing president having said at the 2009 Conference that any closure of the Psychic News would be a matter for the members.
It is the NEC who have, in this instance, dragged the SNU's name through the mud. They really did not seem to have considered anything beyond the financial aspects of the question.
PN is a space where people can present ideas and exchange views. It is a place where church leaders (worthy of the name) can learn about the environment in which they operate and gain a sense of their purpose. It is a cohesive force which unites Spiritualists in 63 countries across the world and has until now enhanced the leadership of the SNU as the largest Spiritualist movement in the world. Was this not vastly more valuable than the piffling £3,000 per year they were reputed to be subsidising it by?
To replace this with a vacuum, was an act of supreme folly and creates an environment in which only rumour mills, uncertainty and even dictatorships thrive. Further, to think that the SNU - with its pitiful attempts at publications - could produce anything better that the Susan Farrow product, is an act of vanity or self-delusion, or both.
But here is the key to PN's long-term future - circulation. We need to have an 'each one reach one' campaign with each reader recruiting another. There are many ways to boost circulation in an affinity group like ours - and experts exist whom we can consult. But word of mouth is also a powerful way we can all take some personal responsibility in regaining that audience that made a judgment on PN when it was less well edited. They need to get up to date and return to the fold. Its not longer an ‘ought-to’ read, its now a ‘must-read'.
Approximately 20% of SNU members are readers. This may sound disheartening, but that is a very significant number. According to the Pareto's principle - the 'law of the vital few and the trivial many' - 80% of results are brought about by 20% of the activity; 80% of sales are created by 20% of the sales force. Most areas of human activity have spotted this principle in action when they have looked.
So the SNU readership of PN is actually its cream and although the NEC may have thought they might offend a general cross-section of the movement in closing PN, they were actually striking at its most vital members. At the movement's very heart.
Hence the firestorm of protest which must have staggered the NEC. They have many fences to mend. I only hope they will not make things worse for themselves by declining the offer now placed before them.
But let's remember, committees are made up of human beings. They are driven by many motivations - worthy and otherwise - and these can attract the wrong kind of inspiration to their work. A problem in every Spiritualist committee from time to time. Those in spirit life that Imperator termed 'the adversaries' (Stainton Moses' Spirit Teachings) must find our committees, particularly the NEC, as presenting prize targets. It is very important that the good people who work on these committees in our churches and at other levels, examine themselves and their actions in that forum where egotism, competing interests and personal agendas can leave us open to those very presences.
I say it again, we need a Vision for the movement. ‘Winning the world for Spiritualism’ is what drove our pioneers. Is this, or that, action helping us attain that vision or isn’t it? It’s a question that can spring us out of many a spiritual dilemma if we test it against the Vision.
Yes, the NEC have messed up. They now know it and will, I have no doubt, work hard to redeem the situation. At risk of seeming to break the 100% opposition to this act, I say: Let us give them a chance to unwind themselves and the Union out of this sorry episode."
I believe what Geoff has to say is well worth reading.
"Geoff Griffiths
It is important not to blame the SNU for this; it was brought about by approximately ten members of the NEC, without any reference to the members. This, in spite of the outgoing president having said at the 2009 Conference that any closure of the Psychic News would be a matter for the members.
It is the NEC who have, in this instance, dragged the SNU's name through the mud. They really did not seem to have considered anything beyond the financial aspects of the question.
PN is a space where people can present ideas and exchange views. It is a place where church leaders (worthy of the name) can learn about the environment in which they operate and gain a sense of their purpose. It is a cohesive force which unites Spiritualists in 63 countries across the world and has until now enhanced the leadership of the SNU as the largest Spiritualist movement in the world. Was this not vastly more valuable than the piffling £3,000 per year they were reputed to be subsidising it by?
To replace this with a vacuum, was an act of supreme folly and creates an environment in which only rumour mills, uncertainty and even dictatorships thrive. Further, to think that the SNU - with its pitiful attempts at publications - could produce anything better that the Susan Farrow product, is an act of vanity or self-delusion, or both.
But here is the key to PN's long-term future - circulation. We need to have an 'each one reach one' campaign with each reader recruiting another. There are many ways to boost circulation in an affinity group like ours - and experts exist whom we can consult. But word of mouth is also a powerful way we can all take some personal responsibility in regaining that audience that made a judgment on PN when it was less well edited. They need to get up to date and return to the fold. Its not longer an ‘ought-to’ read, its now a ‘must-read'.
Approximately 20% of SNU members are readers. This may sound disheartening, but that is a very significant number. According to the Pareto's principle - the 'law of the vital few and the trivial many' - 80% of results are brought about by 20% of the activity; 80% of sales are created by 20% of the sales force. Most areas of human activity have spotted this principle in action when they have looked.
So the SNU readership of PN is actually its cream and although the NEC may have thought they might offend a general cross-section of the movement in closing PN, they were actually striking at its most vital members. At the movement's very heart.
Hence the firestorm of protest which must have staggered the NEC. They have many fences to mend. I only hope they will not make things worse for themselves by declining the offer now placed before them.
But let's remember, committees are made up of human beings. They are driven by many motivations - worthy and otherwise - and these can attract the wrong kind of inspiration to their work. A problem in every Spiritualist committee from time to time. Those in spirit life that Imperator termed 'the adversaries' (Stainton Moses' Spirit Teachings) must find our committees, particularly the NEC, as presenting prize targets. It is very important that the good people who work on these committees in our churches and at other levels, examine themselves and their actions in that forum where egotism, competing interests and personal agendas can leave us open to those very presences.
I say it again, we need a Vision for the movement. ‘Winning the world for Spiritualism’ is what drove our pioneers. Is this, or that, action helping us attain that vision or isn’t it? It’s a question that can spring us out of many a spiritual dilemma if we test it against the Vision.
Yes, the NEC have messed up. They now know it and will, I have no doubt, work hard to redeem the situation. At risk of seeming to break the 100% opposition to this act, I say: Let us give them a chance to unwind themselves and the Union out of this sorry episode."
Lis- Admin
How does Geoff Griffiths think the NEC are doing at the redemption process? Perhaps he would give us an update?
Can someone explain why I have been refused a refund for my Stewart Alexander ticket? I am aware that the company's liquidation is confirmed (Psychic World, August issue) yet the company is not under admistration and has not not been liquidated and appears to still be trading? What possible reason can they have for not refunding me?
Very good question Inspiration!
Duncan Gascoyne said there was no alternative to liquidation. David Bruton also, though his comments seem to convey he had a 'scheme' to ensure PN survived in some way - because it was such an important 'voice of Spiritualism' - yet the company does not appear to be in Administration, no liquidation has been registered and no one appears to have been successful in buying it. No creditors have been contacted to explain the situation, and that includes ticket purchasers and subscribers.
A very curious state of affairs.
Duncan Gascoyne said there was no alternative to liquidation. David Bruton also, though his comments seem to convey he had a 'scheme' to ensure PN survived in some way - because it was such an important 'voice of Spiritualism' - yet the company does not appear to be in Administration, no liquidation has been registered and no one appears to have been successful in buying it. No creditors have been contacted to explain the situation, and that includes ticket purchasers and subscribers.
A very curious state of affairs.
Lis- Admin
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