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Recommended Reading Empty Recommended Reading

Post by Wes Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:34 am

As I am comparatively new to spiritualism, I thought it would be good to build a small collection of essential reading on the topic, and wonder what books people could recommend..

My own collection now stands at the lofty figure of three Silver Birch books purchased from the Psychic News Online Bookshop. Is there channeled material available from other guides that are equal to what Silver Birch has to say, or am I better served by reading something more "terrestrial"?

People's thoughts on this would be much appreciated and hopefully any suggested books could be easily obtained or downloaded.

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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by hiorta Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:28 am

" On the Edge of the Etheric" by Arthuir Findlay is considered a classic, especially as an introduction to the unseen worlds.

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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Martin T Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:26 am

I recommend:

For an Overview of Spiritualism
This is Spiritualism by Maurice Barbanell
Spirit Communication by Roy Stemman

History of Spiritualism
History of Spiritualism Vol I/II by Arthur Conan Doyle
100 Years of National Spiritualism by Jean Bassett

Martin T

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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Admin Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:22 pm

Hi Wes,

The Conan Doyle books can be downloaded from the Mission web site. This is an interesting book to look at You have to be a little careful with the later histories, like this, because they sometimes use sources which are later than events and embellish what occured.

I will look at what else I can get for you Wes 50 years a medium by Estelle Roberts is worth a look as Red Cloud her guide is a high level being. If you look in the trance forum you will find some work on Estelle and Red Cloud. I will load 50 years a medium into the mission elibrary for you.

In the Mission elibrary the Gladys Leonard Osborne My Life In Two Worlds is worth a look.

Arthur Findlays Rock of Truth is a good exposition of the philosophy of Spiritualism and a well researched critique of the problems with teh Christian Belief. Findlays books can be bought from teh Psychic News Bookstore no ecopies are available.

I will check round to see what else for you and what I have squirreled away in the extensive elibrary. the files are to big to email.

Most of the early books are a bit heavy but the Capron and Barron 1850 review of the Rochester Rappings at Corintian Hall is short and interesting. EE Lewis's pamphlet published just one month after Hydesville in 1848 is also worth reading. Eversions of both are available.



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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by zerdini Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:42 pm

"On the Edge of the Etheric" can be downloaded free here:


www.survivalebooks.org also has some very good books for download.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Guest Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:07 pm

Hi Wes

I second all those recommendations and would another - The University of Spiritualism by Harry Boddington.



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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Zandorf Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:39 pm

Although "On the Edge of the Etheric" is a must also from Findlay, "Rock of Truth" is a real eye opener.

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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by obiwan Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:04 pm

Edge of the Etheric is definitely worth a read. Particularly after reading up on the man himself because having done so I can find no rational motive for him lying about his experiences. He appears not to have profited (quite the reverse) and had a significant reputation to lose. Findlay's writing style is a bit dense in places (by that I mean wordy and hard work). Some of the historical statements he makes have been challenged I understand, but I haven't really tried to find out who by and where.

This will probably sound odd but Findlay's books didn't really tell me much about Spiritualism as a religion or organisation and I certainly didn't read anything that made them sound particularly attractive. As a source of reported phenomena and of religious history the books are of value though.

His autobiography "Looking Back" gives an interesting insight into this character.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:44 pm

Z, I went to the link you posted http://www.truly-free.org/#nonfiction, but I did not see any listing of ebooks by Arthur Findlay.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by zerdini Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:29 pm

lyfsagerny wrote:Z, I went to the link you posted http://www.truly-free.org/#nonfiction, but I did not see any listing of ebooks by Arthur Findlay.

It's been removed - see my PM.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by zerdini Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:54 pm

Try this one:



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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:40 pm

Great. Thanks again Z. Very Happy


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Skye Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:49 pm

I have just finished reading 'The Edge Of The Etheric' by Arthur Findlay. I found it to be an amazing insight into physical mediumship with wonderful communications from those who have lived and survived the physical death.
I admit I found the topic of electrons and protons to be a bit hard going, yet I persevered, determined not to discard this book like I did with my previous book (the combination of 3 books) from Arthur Findlay. I look forward to reading 'The Rock Of Truth' and 'The Unfolding Universe'.
Does anyone know if 'Looking Back' by the same author is worthwhile buying?


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by obiwan Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:17 pm

"Looking Back" is Arthur Findlay's autobiography. It is interesting IMHO because it gives some insight into the man himself. This may help you to form a view about how much his observation and comments can be trusted. I wouldn't worry too much about his explanation of protons and atomic physics - it is somewhat outdated and not very well explained.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by hiorta Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:46 pm

Arthur Findlay was well ahead of his time and wrote on a variety of topics
As you say obiwan, his explanations of atomic structures were of that time, though quantum physics has moved things along considerably. (BTW. if you understand Quantum Physics, will you try to explain a little of them.?

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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by Skye Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:57 pm

Thanks for that Obi, appreciate your comments.
Another one to add to my book list. Smile
Science wasn't a particular favourite subject of mine at school and physics goes way over my head with not being taught it. Domestic science though is a different story.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:34 pm

If you're interested in more of the scientific basis of metaphysics, I highly recommend watching the series of lectures by physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell, author of "My Big TOE" (TOE standing for Theory of Everything), on YouTube.
Dry, but fascinating! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxECb7zcQhQ


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by obiwan Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:08 am

Hi Hiorta
I am not sure why you think Findlay was ahead of his time - I'd be interested to know what makes you think so (though I am prepared to change my view). It isn't my impression of him from reading his books - interesting though they are in places.

On Quantum Physics I can do no better than quote Professor Richard Feynman: "If you think you understand Quantum Mechanics - you don't understand Quantum Mechanics". My academic study of Physics ended at 'A' Level but I can probably recite some of the key principles - as for understanding them...I have yet to read a clear exposition of the principles of Quantum Physics (and I have tried a few books on the subject and have studied applied mathematics at University level as part of my degree).

Interestingly, as you may be aware, some ideas considered out of date such as aether (Lodge makes reference to them), are perhaps coming back into fashion as dark matter or dark energy.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:15 am

Thomas Campbell makes numerous references to quantum physics and explains that it cannot be separated from consciousness itself. He gives a fascinating example of how a quantum particle is influenced by the consciousness of the observer wherein the particle will pass through a single slot of a two-slot barrier when being observed by a human observer, but will pass through BOTH slots when not being observed. Now try figuring that one out!


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by obiwan Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:27 am

I think that is probablysomething to do with the idea that observing quantum events changes the outcome and that observation implies intelligence? (OK I am now officially outside my pay grade).

The trouble is that such explanations seem to quickly get entangled in probability functions and similar mathematical concepts.... and don't get me going on Schrodinger's cat which I find most unhelpful as an illustration (perhaps I am too thick to get it). It is probably my ignorance but why people find it easier to accept these explanations than survival of physical death I have no idea.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:35 am

Yes, observing, which means conscious awareness of the event. Hence the inextricable link between consciousness and the physical universe. No need to get embroiled in the mathematics. Suffice it to say that the universe is the product of intelligent design by an incomprehensibly brilliant Consciousness. Works for me. Wink


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by obiwan Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:26 pm

lyfsagerny wrote:Yes, observing, which means conscious awareness of the event. Hence the inextricable link between consciousness and the physical universe. No need to get embroiled in the mathematics. Suffice it to say that the universe is the product of intelligent design by an incomprehensibly brilliant Consciousness. Works for me. Wink
If it works for you who am I to try to disabuse you? Smile


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Recommended Reading Empty Reading

Post by Wotan Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:08 pm

A lot of suff out there, and a lot of rubbish as well. My first introduction ( found in Woolies many years ago !!) was 'This is Spiritualism' by Maurice Barbanelle. One great read. Another is 'Cavalcade of Spirit', which I think you can get from PN press. The old book on Alex Harris ( They Walked Amongst us ) is gem, but a fuller account is in the new book which I have not read.
The History of Early American Spiritualism ( Emma Hardinge Brittain ) is an eye opener and almost a first hand account. 'Ghosts in Solid Form' by Gambier Bolton gives first hand accounts of early materialisation phenomena, as does 'There is no Death' by Florence Maryatt. Hope that helps

Wotan Smile


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by lyfsagerny Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:26 pm

So much to read!! In my enthusiasm, I just ordered another, more recently published book, "The Survival Files" by Miles Edward Allen. The author claims to have compiled "the most convincing evidence yet compiled for the survival of your soul." Looking forward to reading that one after I finish reading Arthur Findlay's "On the Edge of the Etheric" and Louie Harris' biographical account of her husband Alec Harris (the new book which Wotan mentioned). When I think of all the years I wasted totally unware of this information, it makes me want to cry. But then, I guess maybe I was not ready at that time to receive it. Or, there were other things in the world I needed to experience before I was willing to embrace spiritualism.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

Post by zerdini Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:45 pm

Wotan wrote:A lot of suff out there, and a lot of rubbish as well. My first introduction ( found in Woolies many years ago !!) was 'This is Spiritualism' by Maurice Barbanelle. One great read. Another is 'Cavalcade of Spirit', which I think you can get from PN press. The old book on Alex Harris ( They Walked Amongst us ) is gem, but a fuller account is in the new book which I have not read.
The History of Early American Spiritualism ( Emma Hardinge Brittain ) is an eye opener and almost a first hand account. 'Ghosts in Solid Form' by Gambier Bolton gives first hand accounts of early materialisation phenomena, as does 'There is no Death' by Florence Maryatt. Hope that helps

Wotan Smile

Hi Wotan and welcome to the forum.

All the books you recommend are excellent.

Modern American Spiritualism (1870) and Nineteenth Century Miracles (1884), by Emma Hardinge Britten are some of the greatest records of the history of the early Spiritualist movement in America plus Emma's travels around the world recording Spiritualism in many different countries.

‘Alec Harris – The full story of his remarkable physical mediumship’ (253 pages) is available from PN Books by post priced at £9.99, plus £2.40 postage and packing UK, £3.25 Europe and £5.55 rest of the world.

“Cavalcade of Spirit” is by Paul Miller.

Have you read the physical mediumship thread on this forum? It contains some very interesting material.


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Recommended Reading Empty Re: Recommended Reading

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