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Inge's statement re: wallacia mediums (Mannion?)

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Inge's statement re: wallacia mediums (Mannion?) Empty Inge's statement re: wallacia mediums (Mannion?)

Post by Slatewriter Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:32 am

This just in from Inge Crosson -
via the wallacia development centre's facebook page:

During this ongoing story, I have noticed here, in comments and also being approached on messenger, by quite a few different Sitters who stated (not only with the medium in question) that they became aware or perceived their demonstrating medium’s presence in the middle of the seance room because they became aware of a certain smell, saw the form outline, felt physical characteristics (like the medium's footwear etc).

My question to this phenomenon of observations would be:

Why did you not ask the communicator what was going on? To keep Harmony and out of respect? Respect for whom? The medium or the poor spirit team you thought had no control? Did you feel spirit in the room? How can there be harmony in a sitting if sitters experience something they think is not right. How can people say we love spirit, we work with spirit, we sit in harmony, when within the sitting they experience the fear of being deceived or taken for a fool?

What energy is that creating for spirit friends to use? Resentment, anger, even hate for having spent 30 pounds. Perfect harmony and support for what spirit want to achieve would not have been present, but the teams are still expected to perform! I am truly not having a go at anyone, but please consider this from a point with no outcome attached. As true investigators, we need to ask the uncomfortable question for safety of mediums and support for spirit teams to become aware what is experienced by sitters. Is that is not allowed by the medium or team that raises different questions.

I do not get any support from the movement of spiritualism, but I sure get help from many spirit teams.The right conditions play a major part for those teams who work for education and experiments to move the understanding and possibilities forward. Maybe the spiritualism religion people will always see mediumship only as important when they can talk to loved ones and think it should be the only way of working, while another part of physical mediumship is working towards learning new ways and working with technology and the information field and expanding consciousness to a greater picture. Neither is better than the other, but just perfect.

I am not connected to an outcome in this process, as physical mediumship to me is an interest, not a passion, not an income, not an ego status, but just a learning opportunity for my next job when I transition to the other world. The more I read posts, the more I seem to understand why the side of experimental physical mediumship needs to be addressed and brought to ‘light’.

The need for educated sitters is paramount in moving forward that part of physical mediumship.

My next post I want to describe some experiences where I came across or aware of trance puppetry used within physical and trance mediumship.


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Inge's statement re: wallacia mediums (Mannion?) Empty Re: Inge's statement re: wallacia mediums (Mannion?)

Post by Admin Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:51 am

Thanks Slatewriter; in reality this is all mumbo jumbo..if Spirit are involved in any way then it is not to the benefit of proving survival, to help the medium or to those who attend.

Wallacia is down under, like we are but a long way away. I have heard nothing positive about Gary Mannion from any of the serious mediums who I know have visited him at Wallacia or other events in the past. As to Spirit using the medium as a trance puppet! there is a new definition to add to all the other stories told to justify discovery in what seems a clear act of cheating.

In addition I have heard nothing to convince me that Wallacia is a leading Spiritualist Centre, not by my definition of Modern Spiritualism. A New Age centre inetrested in the survival hypothesis maybe. However, I am still surprised how many mediums locally remain involved with a centre where this core activity; Gary Mannion's Seances take pride of place. Better to remain aloof from it until this issue is played out.

Educated sitters will only help when the process is transparent and illuminated (or covered well by Thermographic images).

By the way the tables moved with great alacrity in dimmed halogen light within 3 minutes of sitting three weeks ago and we received transfiguration in the same conditions. Spirit are ready to work with people in those conditions but forget the materialisation for a while. However, by now Spirit Chemists must be old hat with the new technologies available. Possibly we should expect holographic imaging, no need of darkness.

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