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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by siemmens Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:22 pm

Jann Werner is acting selfishly, she is "killing" the Aquarian Foundation. She should stop all threats and complaints. The truth can not be hidden. KMR's wishes were contrary to the thoughts of Jann.

Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Af10

Last edited by siemmens on Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:36 am; edited 2 times in total


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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by Wes Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:32 pm

"Members posting on any thread or topic are expected to act in a courteous, polite and respectful manner towards other members posts.

On occasion, members may hold very different viewpoints, however, there is no excuse for personal insults, attacks or other forms of hostility in any debate, and such misconduct will incur censure. If offending is repeated, the member or members will receive a formal warning in the form of a Yellow Card and a private message will be sent to them by the Administrators notifying the member or members that their conduct breeches the forum rules and etiquette requirements."

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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by siemmens Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:43 pm

Open Letter to the Membership of Aquarian Foundation:

Since I was not allowed to speak openly at the last Biennial Business meeting, and an officer of the law was present to expel me on request, if I tried to communicate with the members present; I am posting my letter online. Ask yourselves...why such secrecy? What is being hidden from you? Jann suddenly stopped speaking to me in 2015. At the 2017 Biennial, it was obvious that she had gossiped about me to members who didn't know me ( and a few who hardly know me) to prejudice them against me. Some frowned and were unfriendly. I was treated with suspicion. Aren't you curious why so much time and effort have been expended to alienate me from the membership and silence me? I CERTAINLY AM! Can you not think and decide for yourselves? At the meeting Jann quoted several things from the document I created to share. She claimed to be a better psychic medium than anyone in the church. You don't have to be psychic, when you have hacked a person's facebook account and email, through a member they friended in April, 2017 (Suma of Seattle). Privacy in personal matters is justified (and mine has been violated for 2 yrs now), SECRECY in organizational business meetings is corruption, pure and simple.

Please read on...we've been taught not to "be afraid of black marks on white paper." KMR...and "Keep your critical faculties alive."

Created April, 2017
I am Sarah Liles. My significant other, Harry Kurtz and I have been continuous, card carrying members of AF for nearly 43 years. We attended the '75 Intergalactic International Convention and the four succeeding conventions. I lived 6 blocks from AF in Seattle '75-76, and attended all weekly services with our Ecclesiastical head, the Rev Dr Keith Milton Rhinehart.
We would like to suggest some items to be considered at the Biennial Business Meeting.
First, we would suggest that the business not be left until late evening on Monday, after two days of socializing, and no events to remain for on Monday. The socializing is very important and we could, and should create other events for this purpose (convention?). However, many travel far to attend the business meeting and may need to return to work by Monday. Since this is a business meeting, it seems better that the business be done Saturday afternoon or early evening. This would give time to consider the outcome and discuss afterward. People would be free to leave for Monday. The current schedule discourages members from being involved in the business meeting.

We have a vote. Vote implies a choice. I see no choice. What are we voting on? What does our vote effect? When Keith passed from the physical, neither he nor the Masters chose to appoint, or anoint anyone to a position of lifetime leadership. That was a court matter. Keith's Will stipulates that the Master Lessons are the only "permanent minister" of AF. Keith could be accepted as both ecclesiastical head and president, because he was our "human telephone" to the Masters. We no longer have that clear connection. Keith's amazingly accurate mediumship is a matter of record; tested and proven. As mortals, we are now on our own. Historically, the possibility of absolute authority, has proven to be a flawed system. The Real Ascended Masters often encouraged us to "Keep your critical faculties alive" and even "Buyer beware applies to all things, including religion." Perhaps there are those in the membership with the enthusiasm, energy and vision to fulfill the mission. Spread this New Dispensation of Truth that was intended to Light the Consciousness of the World for thousands of years to come.

On several conference calls, I have heard it said that we need not worry that we see few people attending chapel, because we have financial supporters who do not attend chapel. Jann has repeated this to me herself. Who are these generous anonymous donors, who have made it unnecessary to grow the membership, and disseminate the teachings that were given during Keith's career? More importantly, what's in it for them to do so? Do they gain influence? On one conference call we were asked, "Why do you want the church to grow? So you can give less money?" That was always the promise. We were often told in the '70s that we were being asked for great sacrifice, for the purpose of establishing the church in the physical, while Keith was still in his prime (in my personal experience, he was flawlessly evidential in both great detail and accuracy). Once we had increased our numbers, there would be more members to share the financial burden. In some centers there are only a few attendees to justify keeping the doors open. There is little, if any social life left. Recently, a member offered to pay the cost of AF having a booth at the "Mind, Body, Spirit Expo"' Jann said, "No." This, and other "psychic fairs", is something we used to do regularly as outreach, networking, and to share the Truth of Master Teaching.

At the last biennial I heard sincere members respectfully ask questions or make suggestions about appropriate matters. The responses given them were discouraging.

I questioned what was being done with the magnetic tape storing the Master lessons given through the mediumship of Rev. Dr. Keith Milton Rhinehart. No answer given. The previous day I had asked this question of Neil L. of SF. He'd been pointed out as either a Board Member or Trustee. He stated the tape would be fine for another 20 years. These recordings were mainly created in the late '50s through '80-'81, before Keith left Seattle and went into semi-retirement. Magnetic tape does not last that long. We should assess the condition of the tape. If it ever needs to be restored, will there be technicians who work in this medium? How costly will it be to wait? Should we be transferring this material to a more permanent medium now?

I and others questioned if we could reproduce additional lessons for the membership to personally acquire. We were told there were not funds for this. I asked if we could create a fund for this purpose, saying Keith had created special funds in the past that we could request our donations be applied to, or choose it be applied "Wherever needed the most". No answer was given. How costly is it to reproduce CDs? In the past, members had hundreds of titles available for purchase. And yes, it was made clear that this was a purchase and the tapes were our property. They were very affordable. Equal to the requested Sunday donation to listen. The Masters wanted us to have the lessons. The church was funded through tithing and donations for St. Germain's Sacred Object Program. We were told we could keep our SOs, and even hand them down to family or loved ones upon our passing. We collected 150 lesson titles and hundreds of White Stones and other early significant objects. We never dreamed the lessons would be withdrawn, or we'd have collected more.

This is business and should be handled with transparency and accountability. The financial reporting should include facts and specifics, in writing, that can be verified. Any sincere student of Teaching who has contributed time and material resource to create this community; has not only the right but the duty, to ensure that this church survives for future generations.

Keith lived an opulent lifestyle. St Germain taught the Law of Opulence. Keith insisted that center leadership was a full time job, and he paid for a full time job. He did not allow second jobs. This is no longer the case. Local leadership here in Portland, OR, has always been a part time, second job. Members maintain the chapel. It is claimed at every opportunity that, "I'm forced to work a second job 7 days a week, just to make ends meet." Hearing this prompted Jann to tell me 4 years ago, that a center leader's salary is $50,000 a year. They are allowed a parsonage, all utilities paid, all Sunday donations and the "Children of Light" seance for a mandatory $200 donation (two mutually exclusive terms). "I pay them, before I pay myself!" said Jann. We are told that VP Ted B. does $250,000 in repairs to church properties in two years. Since he receives a salary, his labor is not without cost. In the early 2000s I spent over 2 weeks at the Seattle parsonage working on the church archives. I saw Ted B. doing both carpentry and landscaping. I like Ted B. very much, but that is beside the point. If we spend that much on maintenance, then we should be getting some professional, competitive bids for this expense. I admit, I'm still not clear what the duties are of Trustees or Board Members. How are they serving us? What do we really know about the duties and hours any church employee actually works? From what I've had the opportunity to observe over 43 years, it's very laid back. Keith did his best. During a "private" in '86, St Germain apologized to me for the shortcomings of center leaders saying, "We had to work with who we had." I accepted that without complaint; seeing that was the fact of the matter. None of this is intended to hurt any individual, but to address inequities in policy. These are not accusations, but questions.

All that Keith created and acquired in his lifetime, belongs to Aquarian Foundation, and no individual. I have heard that study groups and branches have been closed down, and some properties have been sold. If true, have these funds been accounted for? And what about Keith's many personal collection's, and valuable property donated by members, such as Harry Kurtz?

In my program from the '75 AF International Inter-Galactic Banquet, (held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle), I counted 22 movies and films that were viewed that week. Many were personal interviews given by KMR of influential thinkers such as; Mrs. Aldous Huxley (on KMR's TV show "WAYOUT"), Arthur Ford (the medium who brought back Houdini), Geraldine Cummings (who brought back FDR to the PM of Canada), Susie Smith (researcher and author who wrote about her experience with KMR's mediumship) Mrs. Gustave Stromberg (her husband's book "Soul of the Universe" was endorsed by Einstein), Lord Bertrand Russell (Nobel Prize Winner, author, mathematician and philosopher), Maurice Barbanell (Ed of Psychic News, London, who documented much of KMR's world tour of tested Spiritualist phenomena), Agnes Moorehood ( prolific actress and contemporary of Orson Wells and Joseph Cotton), Steve Allen (actor and TV personality), Madalyn Murray (world famous church/state separationist, atheist, deist; who acknowledged KMR gave her proof of "life after death"), Margaret Rutherford (famous British actress), Lord Dowding (who "Won the Battle of Briton"), Margaret Mead (world famous anthropologist, author "Growing Up In Samoa"), and many more. Additional films of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Brazilian psychic surgeon Jose Arrigo (endorsed as genuine by the Masters, doing amazing demonstrations), KMR in Italy in the "Shadow of the Vatican", and my favorite, the spectacular film of KMR's world famous, scientifically tested physical phenomena demonstrations in Japan. Ectoplsm on film! Other film of KMR doing apportation also exists. This is inspiring and edifying material. Is this material in good condition? Others have requested to view this material over the years. There has never been an explanation as to why we are not allowed to view any of it. Are we supposed to forget the roots of this church we have built, and the amazing intellect and talent of the founder, Rev. Dr. Keith Milton Rhinehart? For those who never met or knew him, this would be a real treat. These should be viewed at Convention and shared at other gatherings. This I am sure would aid in growing the membership. What future time are we saving it for?

Harry and I have always been cooperative , loving and generous members, without exception. But, a little dissent
can be a healthy thing in the life of a nonprofit organization. What sort of tax records are kept? I have wondered why a tax exempt organization would turn down a sizeable donational check, and ask that I return with cash. I always did. Perhaps an independent audit should be considered.
(my contact info)

If you're still with me, you're either a member or you have way too much free time!

I wrote this after seeing mostly younger members, brow beaten for asking questions. They would not be at next biennial. Seeing that no discussion was allowed I wrote this to share. When I saw Jann had created a suspicious agenda around me, I wondered if it would do any good to share it. That was the 2017 biennial...hostile...I accepted a friend request from Suma of Seattle and they hacked me. I'm still hacked...I expected this biennial to be even more hostile (and it was!)...They read this letter and Jann moved Heaven and Earth to keep the membership from seeing it (at a business meeting).

(Sarah Liles)


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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by mac Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:45 pm

I didn't read all the above as I couldn't understand why it was posted here.  A little preamble or a footnote to explain might have persuaded me it has relevance for me, a dyed-in-the-wool Modern Spiritualist whose interests are actually more than only that.  Additionally it's in an ancient thread not 'pinged' since 2014 - five years ago!


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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by Admin Wed May 08, 2019 6:54 am


The whole issue of Milto Rhinehart and the Aquarian Foundation is extremely odd and much is decidedly odd and against anything we come accross in Modern Spiritualism. The films have often been quoted to me as has teh Susise Smith material but I end up very uncertain of what is or was supposed to have happened. Our late Zerdini referred to a joint sitting between Rhinehard and Alec Harris the famous physical medium but what ocurred is only seen now by writings and is hard to prove.

Rhinehart's arrest for Homosexuality and subseqent drag act at the Prison after his release is a matter of record. However, I remain very ambivalent about the story and believe the arrival of the "masters"" took it a whole step into a realm of fantasy.

It's interesting to hear from a believer but the Auarian Foundation has no relationship to any branch of Spiritualism that I could think of. It's more in the nature of the first Aquarian Foundation with Brother XII in on teh Canadian side accross from Seattle.


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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by mac Wed May 08, 2019 7:16 am

curiouser and curiouser, Jim

I still wonder, though, why someone would come here - a website whose focus is Spiritualism - to re-activate a thread dormant since November 2014 of all things - so long after it was very-briefly active. Who would even remember it was here and that they'd posted it in the first place!

I must have started lots and lots of threads on various websites over the years but I don't have a clue what they were and where. Occasionally I'll stumble on an old one and be transported back often in amazement, sometimes remembering the occasion and/or circumstances but often not.

Yet this one member posted one comment to start a new thread and then found her way back after 5 years to add to it - it's astonishing to me but maybe I'm just dumb. Wink


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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by Admin Thu May 09, 2019 12:27 am

Hi mac,

I sense that person has some frustration which I have found echoed by others who wer involved with AF. Clearly they feel it has been hi jacked.

I agree that its strange someone suddenly re appears on a lost thread but just imagine if these films, the existence of which Z used to imply, especially the one from Japan, were suddenly made available because of external pressure. I think if you google Keith Milton Rhinehart the threads on the forum would rank highly so you never know what may yet return from the grave.

Now my reading of KMR is that ther may have been something real to start with, whatever that was, from teh time he founded AF and became a living ascended master it was about ego and money; this became a very wealthy centre. I also note that he was mentioned by the NSAC in those early days but as he became more eccentric so they dropped any references to him.

I do shudder at teh thought of how many pople follow the"legendary" St. Germain and his fellow Masters (including the Ashtar Star Commande Sananada Hoot Jumi etc) created all those years ago . I remember this concept Benjamin Creme (1993) has suggested that "On the astral planes there are 'facsimiles' of various Masters - the Masters DK, Morya, Koot Humi, Serapis, Jesus, Hilarion and various others, created as astral thoughtforms by humanity. 'Sananda' does not exist (except as) another of the many products of astral imagination which today muddy the waters of new age understanding. There are many mediumistic, astrally-sensitive individuals who 'receive' from these 'facsimiles' so-called 'teachings from the Masters'. This is glamour and illusion."

This came from teh excellent piece on the forum https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t121-ascended-masters-and-ascension-by-roger-brown

In tune with our ability to entangle our energy into objects (proven now in quantum physics) I beleiev that we can create the concept of non existent beings, especially once many people start to focus on them; clearly the "wisdom" they impart is valueless and potentially dangerous being created by the subconcious of those in contact with their personal desires at the forefront of develoopments..true Astral Glamour to bewitch people (Kyron comes to mind) hence teh apparent success of each wave of ascension until the events fail to occur.

Hmm Brings to mine the philip experiment (The Toronto Society for Psychical Research (TSPR) was another organization dedicated to psychical research and had Iris Owen on as its Secretary-Treasurer. It was under the TSPR’s auspices that the Owens’ famous Philip experiment was conducted. Headed by Iris, the Philip experiment sought to recreate the table tilting experiments of British psychical researchers such as Kenneth J. Batcheldor, who determined that group psychokinesis was possible. To do so, an imaginary ghost named Philip was created as a way to guide and focus the table tilting group’s psychical energy as questions were posed to and responses sought from the imaginary Philip. Iris published the experiment’s results in a 1976 book, “Conjuring up Philip: An Adventure in Psychokinesis”, where she concluded that table tilting is the result not of spiritual remnants of the deceased tilting the table, but of group psychokinesis – she firmly believed that the imaginary Philip only responded the way the group desired and provided no information that they as individuals or a group did not already possess.
" http://umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/collections/complete_holdings/ead/html/Owen_GeorgeAndIris_2011.shtml "

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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by Admin Thu May 09, 2019 12:47 am

I found youtube footage from the Philip Experiment https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2447-the-philip-experiment#21257

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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by Admin Thu May 09, 2019 1:05 am

Also this lovely paper in memorium to the Owen's https://survivalresearch.ca/Colombo_John_Robert_Conjuring_Up_the_Owens_1999.pdf

There is a book Conjuring up Philip : An Adventure in Psychokinesis
by Iris M. Owen and Margaret Sparrow but it seems to be rare and expensive.

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Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith  Milton Rhinehart Empty Re: Aquarian Foundation & Jann Werner & Keith Milton Rhinehart

Post by mac Thu May 09, 2019 4:49 am

Interesting stuff Jim and I can go with what you've said.  

I also remember 'Conjuring up Philip' and I think I had the book many years ago but I'm not certain - I may just have read an account or an online copy.  

Frustration and disillusionment over what's happened certainly might be why siemmens posted the stuff here on SL and I'd expect it may have been posted elsewhere too, on other unrelated, online sites.


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