David Thompson - Personal Message
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Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Mac, I have more than serious doubt this posting of Thompson was genuine. Thompson usually is far from any interest discussing with people, especially sceptics and his reaction on earlier questions mostly ended with sentences like "I am not on this planet to answer your questions". A good example of that can be still found on Roy Stenman's Paranormal Review.
The title that can be googled... "David Thompson replies — then refuses to give answers"
“Dear Mr Stemman. You are quiet correct, I have chosen not to answer your questions, why should I? I am only answerable to the spirit world, not you or any other person. I choose not to engage with you any longer to promote your website or your forthcoming ventures. Please feel free along with your few cohorts to slap each other on the back and believe that you have made a contribution to a subject you only have limited knowledge about. Along with your cohorts please hear this: I AM NOT IN THIS LIFE TO LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS OR TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Best Regards – David Thompson”
On the other hand side i cannot believe anyone is so stupid to fake comments with DT name. Does anyone see a reason why someone should fake that?
The title that can be googled... "David Thompson replies — then refuses to give answers"
“Dear Mr Stemman. You are quiet correct, I have chosen not to answer your questions, why should I? I am only answerable to the spirit world, not you or any other person. I choose not to engage with you any longer to promote your website or your forthcoming ventures. Please feel free along with your few cohorts to slap each other on the back and believe that you have made a contribution to a subject you only have limited knowledge about. Along with your cohorts please hear this: I AM NOT IN THIS LIFE TO LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS OR TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Best Regards – David Thompson”
On the other hand side i cannot believe anyone is so stupid to fake comments with DT name. Does anyone see a reason why someone should fake that?
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
I suspect if it wasn't David Thompson, we'd know about it by now
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
I can't think why anyone would impersonate him (no disrespect intended). I can't think of any motive.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
eternaltruths wrote:Mac, I have more than serious doubt this posting of Thompson was genuine. Thompson usually is far from any interest discussing with people, especially sceptics and his reaction on earlier questions mostly ended with sentences like "I am not on this planet to answer your questions". A good example of that can be still found on Roy Stenman's Paranormal Review.
............s so stupid to fake comments with DT name. Does anyone see a reason why someone should fake that?
I was surprised that DT (apparently) had become a member of this website. I edited my original response before posting it to give the benefit of the doubt about the apparent reasons. Jim and Lis were convinced it was he although I do understand the point you've made; it's what I already understood about the guy from what I'd read in the past.
Whether it was an impersonator or the real McKoy I think this thread's run its course unless something fresh and interesting is added for discussion and debate.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Wes wrote:I suspect if it wasn't David Thompson, we'd know about it by now
Yes but would DT know; would he even care if he did know?
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Last edited by Waller on Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Last edited by Waller on Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Last edited by Waller on Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Not much point Mac, Waller has spoken his truth, except we have no idea who he is probably some drive by Troller from a comment he once made. Indeed it was only Waller saying he would not accept without proof and going on ad nauseum in the same vein that let this issue come under question. Now we know Waller was an identity, apparently well crafted and unveiled to the public in February 2014, it is a question about the identity of David raised by an individual whose existence is in question.
Suffice to say that Leroy, Lis and I are sure its DT, many reasons for that, but we are not going to share those especially as I have no idea what Waller would do with them if we said anything. Remember all three of us have spent some days with David so quite possibly we know more of him than others here.
I bet anything gets passed back on PM4U where Waller is happily posting, just as shen1987 said on the Scott Milligan thread
( https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2062p75-scott-milligan )
Indeed nice post by Waller on PM4U about some people who are familiar to us here,
Waller Joel replied to Paul Faircloth's discussion First physical seance with Gary Mannion
"I'm having a discussion with two Modern Spiritualists with the same last names that everyone knows from their website - wink - where they are maintaining it is "rubbish" to be concerned with what I term "ethereal physics".…"
suitably ingratiating to the people there.
In honesty I doubt if we are very noticeable to members of PM4U, although, once upon a time, to be a member posting here would have been enough to ban you from any séance entry or even access to PM4U. I wonder where Waller may next be banned, from séances, from PM4U or from other places?
Suffice to say that Leroy, Lis and I are sure its DT, many reasons for that, but we are not going to share those especially as I have no idea what Waller would do with them if we said anything. Remember all three of us have spent some days with David so quite possibly we know more of him than others here.
I bet anything gets passed back on PM4U where Waller is happily posting, just as shen1987 said on the Scott Milligan thread
( https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2062p75-scott-milligan )
Indeed nice post by Waller on PM4U about some people who are familiar to us here,
Waller Joel replied to Paul Faircloth's discussion First physical seance with Gary Mannion
"I'm having a discussion with two Modern Spiritualists with the same last names that everyone knows from their website - wink - where they are maintaining it is "rubbish" to be concerned with what I term "ethereal physics".…"
suitably ingratiating to the people there.
In honesty I doubt if we are very noticeable to members of PM4U, although, once upon a time, to be a member posting here would have been enough to ban you from any séance entry or even access to PM4U. I wonder where Waller may next be banned, from séances, from PM4U or from other places?
Admin- Admin
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Two issues from my perspective, Jim.
Firstly I accept your and Lis's certainty that it was DT who started this thread but the thread's not going anywhere unless he returns to engage with members; not looking promising.
Secondly, whoever this character Waller Joel actually is he isn't now able to cause disruption if that is his intent.
Firstly I accept your and Lis's certainty that it was DT who started this thread but the thread's not going anywhere unless he returns to engage with members; not looking promising.
Secondly, whoever this character Waller Joel actually is he isn't now able to cause disruption if that is his intent.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Good two points mac. Why David came on here is very hard to understand. I never thought it was to answer questions, especially as the thorny Cadwell/Caldwell one is there now. We can pontificate all we like but unless a dialog starts then it is only a speculative process.
On the second one, you are correct as well, people remember only to vividly what occurred last time, for example, with the misappropriation of your name on other forums. I think just about everyone who posts regularly had their identity taken over with blame and cross charges racing across and between Spiritual and sceptical forums. I think everyone from you, to George Cranley, to Jon Donnis and onwards, including me, were stated to have been conclusively proved to be MU, (adding in all the people that Shen mentions in his post on the Scott Milligan thread). Whoever Shen1987 is he was helpful then so I take note now. For the life of me I cannot understand the mental processes behind the actions the person who was MU, and may well be Waller, took. Probably an expression of Ethereal Physics
Moderators, who are in different time zones to us, are watching, mainly off line and everyone knows what to do, if needed. I know David has been on now, so he will be watching for anything else too.
On the second one, you are correct as well, people remember only to vividly what occurred last time, for example, with the misappropriation of your name on other forums. I think just about everyone who posts regularly had their identity taken over with blame and cross charges racing across and between Spiritual and sceptical forums. I think everyone from you, to George Cranley, to Jon Donnis and onwards, including me, were stated to have been conclusively proved to be MU, (adding in all the people that Shen mentions in his post on the Scott Milligan thread). Whoever Shen1987 is he was helpful then so I take note now. For the life of me I cannot understand the mental processes behind the actions the person who was MU, and may well be Waller, took. Probably an expression of Ethereal Physics
Moderators, who are in different time zones to us, are watching, mainly off line and everyone knows what to do, if needed. I know David has been on now, so he will be watching for anything else too.
Admin- Admin
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Hi Everyone,
I can assure you I am definitely who I say I am, yes Waller I have received your message and to prove it is me to satisfy your curiosity I will confirm it when you attend the séance in Sarasota.
I noticed the negative comment by Mickyb which is just the type of comment that makes someone not want to participate in forums.
In regards to the question of William, I will explain what I know and of course you must draw your own conclusions from my explanation.
I first encountered William many years ago during a meditation, he politely introduced himself to me and expressed a desire to work with me, of course not knowing him I said that I would like to get to know him and build a relationship with him.
Back then he only gave his name as William and I was satisfied with that, as time passed and my Trance/Physical mediumship started to manifest, I began asking for more details of him, eventually after my continued asking, he gave me the name William Charles Cadwell, I then started to question him about other details of his existence and although he was reluctant to give any information, he told me that he was born in Scotland and lived most of his life in England and passed over in 1897.
He has said to me many times his identity is really of no value to what he is trying to achieve and that is to bring proof of the existence of life after death.
He did tell me he was a man of science and medicine but never elaborated more than that.
He also said at one point that he still had descendants living and he wished to respect their privacy and had changed some of the information and had done so to protect their identity, which I can respect.
In relation to the cut and paste on my website of the census, I personally felt that was him, he has never agreed or denied that fact. The reason that I omitted some information as Liz accurately observed in a previous posting was merely for ease of posting on my website and for no other reason of any sorts.
I had at one time, what I would call a true to like image of how I see him, unfortunately this picture was sadly lost, since then I have been hoping for the nearest likeness of that picture, and to date the nearest anyone has come to is the one I now have on my website.
Over the many years William has given me adequate personal proof of his sincere endeavours to help people, does it really matter who he is? personally I don't think so, I will as well as many other know him as a kind person from the world of spirit who wishes to help.
Do I actually think he is William Charles Cadwell who passed in 1897? well to be honest, I don't care and wish to respect his privacy and just see him as my close friend William.
In regards to Roy Steman`s article, I personally feel he had his own agenda and that was to be controversial, knowing that it would draw interest in his website, and also he didn't have the decency to accurately put forward my opinions of what he had wrote.
Personally, I will not and do not rise to negative and obviously one-sided debate, because that serves no purpose other than to diminish and belittle the course of proving the existence of the afterlife.
You must all draw you own thoughts from what I have wrote, and decide for yourself if in the great scheme of things does it really matter, after all many spirit guides in the past have only given scant information as to their true identity. NOT saying William is by any means of the same ilk as Silver Birch but if I am right, he stated that he only gave that name to satisfy his mediums curiosity so it wasn't an impediment in his communications.
Yes, it is true we do record every séance (not all home circle ones though) and I do not listen to any of the recordings as I was advised by William that the least I interfere and allow my mind to hear the information the easier it would be for me to continue to develop the state of trance.
As you can see there is nothing underhanded or hidden from anyone, just me sharing here and on my website what I know and feel is the best interpretation of what I know.
It is also fair to say at this point anything I may share are my opinions and not those of the circle members or William.
David Thompson
I can assure you I am definitely who I say I am, yes Waller I have received your message and to prove it is me to satisfy your curiosity I will confirm it when you attend the séance in Sarasota.
I noticed the negative comment by Mickyb which is just the type of comment that makes someone not want to participate in forums.
In regards to the question of William, I will explain what I know and of course you must draw your own conclusions from my explanation.
I first encountered William many years ago during a meditation, he politely introduced himself to me and expressed a desire to work with me, of course not knowing him I said that I would like to get to know him and build a relationship with him.
Back then he only gave his name as William and I was satisfied with that, as time passed and my Trance/Physical mediumship started to manifest, I began asking for more details of him, eventually after my continued asking, he gave me the name William Charles Cadwell, I then started to question him about other details of his existence and although he was reluctant to give any information, he told me that he was born in Scotland and lived most of his life in England and passed over in 1897.
He has said to me many times his identity is really of no value to what he is trying to achieve and that is to bring proof of the existence of life after death.
He did tell me he was a man of science and medicine but never elaborated more than that.
He also said at one point that he still had descendants living and he wished to respect their privacy and had changed some of the information and had done so to protect their identity, which I can respect.
In relation to the cut and paste on my website of the census, I personally felt that was him, he has never agreed or denied that fact. The reason that I omitted some information as Liz accurately observed in a previous posting was merely for ease of posting on my website and for no other reason of any sorts.
I had at one time, what I would call a true to like image of how I see him, unfortunately this picture was sadly lost, since then I have been hoping for the nearest likeness of that picture, and to date the nearest anyone has come to is the one I now have on my website.
Over the many years William has given me adequate personal proof of his sincere endeavours to help people, does it really matter who he is? personally I don't think so, I will as well as many other know him as a kind person from the world of spirit who wishes to help.
Do I actually think he is William Charles Cadwell who passed in 1897? well to be honest, I don't care and wish to respect his privacy and just see him as my close friend William.
In regards to Roy Steman`s article, I personally feel he had his own agenda and that was to be controversial, knowing that it would draw interest in his website, and also he didn't have the decency to accurately put forward my opinions of what he had wrote.
Personally, I will not and do not rise to negative and obviously one-sided debate, because that serves no purpose other than to diminish and belittle the course of proving the existence of the afterlife.
You must all draw you own thoughts from what I have wrote, and decide for yourself if in the great scheme of things does it really matter, after all many spirit guides in the past have only given scant information as to their true identity. NOT saying William is by any means of the same ilk as Silver Birch but if I am right, he stated that he only gave that name to satisfy his mediums curiosity so it wasn't an impediment in his communications.
Yes, it is true we do record every séance (not all home circle ones though) and I do not listen to any of the recordings as I was advised by William that the least I interfere and allow my mind to hear the information the easier it would be for me to continue to develop the state of trance.
As you can see there is nothing underhanded or hidden from anyone, just me sharing here and on my website what I know and feel is the best interpretation of what I know.
It is also fair to say at this point anything I may share are my opinions and not those of the circle members or William.
David Thompson
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Thank you for clearing that up David and for coming back on and sharing this with us.
Admin- Admin
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
I'm happy to be proven wrong that David would not return - welcome back and thanks for the explanations.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Hi David,
Thanks for your post and your comments about William. While I may have concerns about the information that William has given and some of what you have written, I do accept that there is an entity that you appear to know as William.
I remember seeing him (clairvoyantly, which of course many would dispute was a real perception, but I am sure it was) when you were at our centre, (just as I had a genuine communication for you from MK at that time) and I must admit, though I really respect the artistic ability of the person who has provided the current image on your website I do not see in that image much likeness to what I perceived back then.
Regardless of that, I do welcome you back and hope you will take more opportunities to express your viewpoint on this forum.
Thanks for your post and your comments about William. While I may have concerns about the information that William has given and some of what you have written, I do accept that there is an entity that you appear to know as William.
I remember seeing him (clairvoyantly, which of course many would dispute was a real perception, but I am sure it was) when you were at our centre, (just as I had a genuine communication for you from MK at that time) and I must admit, though I really respect the artistic ability of the person who has provided the current image on your website I do not see in that image much likeness to what I perceived back then.
Regardless of that, I do welcome you back and hope you will take more opportunities to express your viewpoint on this forum.
Lis- Admin
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
A very humble response by David. Thank you for the clarification.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
@COSC2014- not that it matters what my opinion is, but fwiw I think your response is a perfectly reasonable answer to the question as far as I can see with my limited knowledge of the history of the discussion.
If I assume that your mediumship is genuine (which I am not qualified to form a definitive view on, never having witnessed it and not knowing the people who have and who have reported on it) you're certainly not accountable for your guide's/control's opinions or advice as far as I can see.
If I assume that your mediumship is genuine (which I am not qualified to form a definitive view on, never having witnessed it and not knowing the people who have and who have reported on it) you're certainly not accountable for your guide's/control's opinions or advice as far as I can see.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
COSC2014 wrote:Hi Everyone,
I can assure you I am definitely who I say I am, yes Waller I have received your message and to prove it is me to satisfy your curiosity I will confirm it when you attend the séance in Sarasota.
David Thompson
I shall be very interested to hear what Waller has to tell us members after the upcoming seance.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your positive response's, I have been looking through some of the other postings in "Questions for David Thompson" I know the Aspirin question has raised a lot of controversy in the past, I just wanted to make you aware that the majority of the questions you have posed where answered last year.
Last year a special trance sitting was set up and videoed and recorded for evidential purposes and Sue Farrow (PN Editor) and Paul Barker (Previous Circle Leader) were invited to attend which they both did and were given the opportunity to ask William to clarify all those sticky questions that have arisen over the past, as far as I know because I have not seen or know the full content of the session, all the questions were answered.
I know both Paul and Sue have a copy of the said video recording, this of course was done to demonstrate that as far as possible we try to be as open and transparent as possible.
In regards to the light situation, we have been and will continue to conduct experiments with a thermal imaging camera, we have had some good results and, I have the results on film of ectoplasm being shown clearly on the film, as I am sure you can appreciate sometimes its best to have all the facts and evidence available before you go public, so until we have clear and defined irrefutable proof its best to keep the film private, we have shown the film to selected independent people who have been impressed with the results so far.
Often people ask how long will it take for the mediumship to be seen in lighted conditions? well the only real honest answer I can give to that is how long is a piece of string? I don't honestly know, what I do know is, that it is a very fragile process and that vibrations can affect the process greatly, so until we can be confident that anything we do will not harm the forward development, we must take counsel and guidance from our spirit team and be patient.
In regards to mediumship being my living, like many others, that is true, but I am registered in Australia as a Sole Trader and submit yearly tax returns like any other Australian Citizen to declare my earnings,contrary to belief I don't earn a great deal of money, in fact after I have paid my own airfares/hotel/travel/food/other expenses, like most people I earn an average wage here in Australia, so mediumship is not and will never be for most, including myself a road to wealth, in fact I am a lot worse off than when I had full-time employment.
I hope this has cleared up a few more of the posed questions.
Thanks for your positive response's, I have been looking through some of the other postings in "Questions for David Thompson" I know the Aspirin question has raised a lot of controversy in the past, I just wanted to make you aware that the majority of the questions you have posed where answered last year.
Last year a special trance sitting was set up and videoed and recorded for evidential purposes and Sue Farrow (PN Editor) and Paul Barker (Previous Circle Leader) were invited to attend which they both did and were given the opportunity to ask William to clarify all those sticky questions that have arisen over the past, as far as I know because I have not seen or know the full content of the session, all the questions were answered.
I know both Paul and Sue have a copy of the said video recording, this of course was done to demonstrate that as far as possible we try to be as open and transparent as possible.
In regards to the light situation, we have been and will continue to conduct experiments with a thermal imaging camera, we have had some good results and, I have the results on film of ectoplasm being shown clearly on the film, as I am sure you can appreciate sometimes its best to have all the facts and evidence available before you go public, so until we have clear and defined irrefutable proof its best to keep the film private, we have shown the film to selected independent people who have been impressed with the results so far.
Often people ask how long will it take for the mediumship to be seen in lighted conditions? well the only real honest answer I can give to that is how long is a piece of string? I don't honestly know, what I do know is, that it is a very fragile process and that vibrations can affect the process greatly, so until we can be confident that anything we do will not harm the forward development, we must take counsel and guidance from our spirit team and be patient.
In regards to mediumship being my living, like many others, that is true, but I am registered in Australia as a Sole Trader and submit yearly tax returns like any other Australian Citizen to declare my earnings,contrary to belief I don't earn a great deal of money, in fact after I have paid my own airfares/hotel/travel/food/other expenses, like most people I earn an average wage here in Australia, so mediumship is not and will never be for most, including myself a road to wealth, in fact I am a lot worse off than when I had full-time employment.
I hope this has cleared up a few more of the posed questions.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Thanks David. I think the strategy of getting things right before revealing them (eg pictures or videos) is very wise. As I am sure you appreciate, whatever the content there will be flak however it's much better if this is anticipated and questions/criticisms pre-empted.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
Thank you David for continuing to share this information which helps. It would be good to know what questions were asked by Paul and Sue together with the answers.
As you suggested, in the reference to the aspirin issue, there were many issues on the list, some of them complex. Thanks for giving some explanations on here for us all to see.
I am glad to hear about the use of thermal imaging, I know it is possibly the least intrusive and safest approach. I look forward to hearing of new advances.
In terms of your earnings, despite what others comment about what I said, I have always accepted that, if you choose to become a full time medium, you need to be able to earn a living. What a medium charges is entirely up to them and what their market will pay.
My only comment was that too many of your supporters seemed to think you did not earn money from doing this work. I have always expected you would disclose this to the ATO and of course with an EEC passport and permanent residency in Aus you can move freely around many countries without any of the visa issues that others may face.
A final thought, on your comment about seeing Waller at Saratosa, we may find out if Waller is the person claimed or someone else as suggested elsewhere on the forum.
As you suggested, in the reference to the aspirin issue, there were many issues on the list, some of them complex. Thanks for giving some explanations on here for us all to see.
I am glad to hear about the use of thermal imaging, I know it is possibly the least intrusive and safest approach. I look forward to hearing of new advances.
In terms of your earnings, despite what others comment about what I said, I have always accepted that, if you choose to become a full time medium, you need to be able to earn a living. What a medium charges is entirely up to them and what their market will pay.
My only comment was that too many of your supporters seemed to think you did not earn money from doing this work. I have always expected you would disclose this to the ATO and of course with an EEC passport and permanent residency in Aus you can move freely around many countries without any of the visa issues that others may face.
A final thought, on your comment about seeing Waller at Saratosa, we may find out if Waller is the person claimed or someone else as suggested elsewhere on the forum.
Admin- Admin
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
COSC2014 wrote:
In relation to your comments on Kai, instead of commenting on something where all the evidence has not been seen...
David Thompson
(read it online by refusing the download and no log in is needed)
PS: This is Dr.Braudes paper, Dr.Nahms paper will follow soon as I was told.
Re: David Thompson - Personal Message
eternaltruths wrote:COSC2014 wrote:
In relation to your comments on Kai, instead of commenting on something where all the evidence has not been seen...
David Thompson
(read it online by refusing the download and no log in is needed)
PS: This is Dr.Braudes paper, Dr.Nahms paper will follow soon as I was told.
thanks - It's a long read but an interesting one.....
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