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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing Empty Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

Post by Admin Sat May 12, 2012 5:01 am


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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing Empty Re: Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

Post by hiorta Sat May 12, 2012 8:54 am

This is a very intriguing view of Life as perceived from a material standpoint - 'nothing' being thought to be an absence of anything capable of physical detection. Space is considered to be 'empty', for example, apart from an unknown amount of planets that have been 'named' - a bit like sticking a possessive wee flag in a continent then claiming ownership of it.

If Life is vibratory in essence, then it must follow that, as humanity's sensory range is so severely limited that most things are beyond our ken. Space is teeming with Life, but not Life as we can normally detect.

To create something from nothing would be a fine trick, but for something to appear/ disappear it would simply require a change in the vibratory co-relationship of what lies beyond our perceptive range. Quantum physics may be the key - beam me up Scotty' may have been onto something. When we try to glean more info on 'The Philadelphia Experiment' in the 1940's the fog thickens.

But imagine the furore if such were to be unquestionably seen to be the case, with long-held theories being seen to be obsolete overnight.
The very foundations of the various 'just' societies would dissolve in a flash.

Would not the powers that be seek to hide/ contain, defer or prevent such information getting loose, preferring a phoney status quo? Religions would be seen to be devoid of anything of value, politics would be side-lined and the mighty financial empires would have metaphorical tumbleweed blowing randomly through them.

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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing Empty Re: Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

Post by KatyKing Sat May 12, 2012 11:38 am

Most impressive!
Couldn't we all just do with a smidgin of the unshakeable faith that the atheists seem to possess?
It must be a great comfort to them on their journey to Spirit.
Those guys really are true believers in their cause, God bless 'em.

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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing Empty Re: Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

Post by Left Behind Sat May 12, 2012 9:33 pm

I love the ones that list "Atheism" as their "Religion" on questionnaire's.

I sometimes wonder if they appreciate the irony of what they've just said. Laughing

Left Behind

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Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing Empty Re: Atheist view of creation - Something from Nothing

Post by KatyKing Sat May 12, 2012 10:14 pm

I reckon they are more religious than ever we'd pass for Jim.

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