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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by Quiet Sat May 05, 2012 12:11 am

Some years I downloaded a tape of Ursula Roberts speaking in trance. I couldn't listen to it at the time and the lost it.

It was a site of the Ramadahn Trust which published some of her talks and other materials. I have a whole collection of her books - about 7 volumes I think.

The Ramadahn Trust seems to have disappeared. Does anyone know what happened to them or whether they still exist?


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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by KatyKing Sat May 05, 2012 12:44 am

Ashley Robinson curates a Ramadahn Trust site Q. I suspect that it's more a tribute site rather than the very active pre internet RT. Most of those stalwarts would likely be very elderly or passed now. Can't post hyperlinks via Kindle but Google should find it for you.

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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by Quiet Sat May 05, 2012 8:44 am

I have not been able to find that site for a couple of years and wondered whether it had been removed because of Islamic sensitivities in the UK.


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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by KatyKing Sat May 05, 2012 11:30 am

Try Googling in inverted commas
'ashleyr and Ramadahn Trust'.

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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by Quiet Sat May 05, 2012 9:36 pm

Thanks KK. I found it with a slight variation of your search term.


It looks as though the site is not more than a tribute site but it was good to see it again and to actually hear the voice of Ursula Roberts.

She was one of the first trance mediums I read on discovering spiritualism. She and Ivy Northage who was Chan's medium.

I wonder why these trance talks have not received the same promotion as those of Silver Birch. The wisdom is similar, though the style and emphasis is different. I bought all the books I could about both mediums and am steadily acquiring those about Silver Birch.

A thought just occurred. I think people speak about the politics of spiritualism so much because they are somehow reluctant to discuss the spiritual issues and philosophy raised in these various trance lectures.

Maybe people are just private? Internet forums are very public places. The query I made yesterday about Ursula Roberts is already traceable through Google Smile

I am not really interested in David Thompson and other purportedly controversial physical mediums. It is not necessary for me to believe in physical mediumship to believe in Spirit.

Do these people purport to be spiritualists? If that is the case, I can understand why people are so concerned.

And history is important as well. I'm reading more of the history of Spiritualism in Melbourne now. There was always contoversy Smile


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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by KatyKing Sat May 05, 2012 11:22 pm

On the commercial side SB books have sold consistently over the years so it's almost a brand too and success breeds success. White Eagle Lodge has been a family concern from the off so they promote their 'business' well and continue to do so. I'm not implying that is wrong in any way but it possibly explains why some guides are 'bigger' than others.

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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by Quiet Sat May 05, 2012 11:31 pm

As you say, it is just promotion.

There is a simplicity to Silver Birch that I really love. Oddly enough, I kept away from him at first because of the celebrity status and the Red Indian image on the front of each book. Smile.

And I was interested in women mediums then. I did read quite a bit of Maurice Barbanell and Harry Edwards, however.


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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by normy Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:11 pm

I was lucky enough to meet Ursula back in the 1990's, and she gave me a very good reading as well. A lovely lady. The Ramadhan philosophy in her books I found very interesting, but parts of it, for me, was hard to believe.
Her book " All about mediumship" contains a very good chapter about physical mediumship, which is my main spiritual interest, despite the fraud which has occurred at times. Fraud is not limited to physical mediumship, the evidence should be looked at rationally and critically.

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Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust Empty Re: Ursula Roberts and the Ramadahn Trust

Post by normy Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:30 am

KatyKing wrote:Did Ursula do PM as well as trance I wonder normy?

Good question KatyKing, I have no evidence she did PM. I wish I'd asked her when I belonged to the CFPSS in the 1980's, when she was close friends with the local group I belonged to for a while.

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