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the life and death of Essex ‘witch’ Ursula Kemp

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the life and death of Essex ‘witch’ Ursula Kemp Empty the life and death of Essex ‘witch’ Ursula Kemp

Post by Admin Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 23:38

This is an interesting review of a film, available on DVD, which could be well worth a look

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the life and death of Essex ‘witch’ Ursula Kemp Empty Re: the life and death of Essex ‘witch’ Ursula Kemp

Post by Bill Tue 21 Feb 2012 - 16:41

Interesting article, thanks Jim.
It is awful to think that so many poor women were executed for witchcraft in those times. Many for no more reason than that they had a wart on their body. It certainly didn't pay to upset a neighbour in those days.


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