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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by Admin Tue May 06, 2008 6:44 am

Robert Owen, the social reformer, attended over a dozen seances with the visiting American medium Mrs.Hayden, and subsequently became an ardent Spiritualist. On April 23rd, 1855, he wrote a letter to the editor of the Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph,
which was subsequently published within its columns.

"Dear Sir:-
Just now, on my return from London where, last night, I had been giving a lecture to Mr.
Ronge's party of foreigners and others on Education, I had the pleasure to receive your 2nd Number of 'The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph.' I have hastily glanced over it, and I feel much interest in your proceedings, and wish you all success in the good cause. I say
good cause, for it is sure to lead to great ultimate good, and especially will it destroy the many evils arising from sectarianism, and other causes of hatred and ruin between man and nations. I must tell you of what occurred to me last night, after my return from
the lecture, about nine o'clock.

A Mr. Hume, a young Scotchman, who went to America to pursue his studies as a medical student, four or five years ago, became a medium, (he is now about twenty years of age,) and soon became a very superior one. He had engaged to accompany the Haydens and Miss Jay. He took his passage and came, but the others, for some cause, postponed their voyage, but may now be daily expected. They arrived on the 22nd. I had heard on my arrival in London, from friends on whom I could depend, of the etraordinary results by his mediumship. I made arrangements to visit those riends and Mr. Hume when I finished my lecture, which I did, and found my two friends and Mr. Hume waiting my arrival.

On being seated around a regular fill-sized card table, there were raps immediately, and because I do not hear very well, the raps increased until they became very loud, but I heard the first raps distinctly. Many spirits were present; some, relatives of my friends, and others, my own relations. My wife and daughters, my son and brother, and also my father and mother, with all of whom I have had frequent delightful intercourse through various mediums. My two friends present are husband and wife; and the first new occurrence to me was, seeing the lady's silk apron untied by invisible means – a somewhat complicated operation - and taken from her and given to Mr. Hume, opposite to her. It was then conveyed backward and forward, from one to another, and it soon came to me. I held it with much force, but it was drawn from me with greater force, for I was afraid damage would be done to it.

Next a flower was taken from the table, conveyed away by invisible means, and brought to me. The flower I kept for being so presented to me. Next I had my handkerchief out; it was taken from my hands, and in an instant thrown from the opposite side of the table, not as it was taken, but made into a large hat, which I also have as a curiosity. Then the spirits came and touched each of us. I was occasionally touched on one knee, then on the other, and afterward on both at once; and then one of them shook hands with me, and I most distinctly felt the fingers of them separately.

An accordeon was then placed under the table, and soon the spirit of the daughter of the family played most beautifully several tunes and pieces of music. I asked for one of my favourite Scotch tunes, and it was immediately played. The instrument was then raised by invisible power, and given first to one, then to another; it was thus brought to me. The table was then lifted from the floor; at first, about a foot, and immediately afterward, about three feet.

After this the medium was put into a trance, during which he saw beautiful visions of spirits, and one of them spake through him while in that state sentiments that went to the heart of each of us, giving us advice, invaluable in its import, and in language beautifully and eloquently expressed, and calculated to make the deepest impression on our memories. While reason remains I shall never forget it; and it was given with many encouraging words; to pursue my course in the measures in which I am engaged; to endeavour to introduce the millennium, but also stating the obstacles I should meet, and the great difficulties which were to be overcome.

Much more occurred, very interesting; but thepost time expires, and I wish you to have this communication by this mail.

Yours sincerely, Robert Owen."

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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by zerdini Tue May 06, 2008 10:16 am

A very interesting article - thanks Jim.

Robert Owen also wrote in his book "The Debatable Land" published in 1871:

"Especially should the Spiritualist be on his guard against seeking worldly wealth and profit through spiritual revealings. The very attempt tends to attract spirits of a low order. The medium who submits to it incurs grave dangers; while the votary puts himself in the sure road to delusion and disappointment. A medium who is true to his high trust will refuse to enter a path thus perilous and misleading."



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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by tmmw Mon May 11, 2009 1:01 am

zerdini wrote:A very interesting article - thanks Jim.

Robert Owen also wrote in his book "The Debatable Land" published in 1871:

"Especially should the Spiritualist be on his guard against seeking worldly wealth and profit through spiritual revealings. The very attempt tends to attract spirits of a low order. The medium who submits to it incurs grave dangers; while the votary puts himself in the sure road to delusion and disappointment. A medium who is true to his high trust will refuse to enter a path thus perilous and misleading."


Here is a link to the online book "The Debatable Land" by Robert Owen. To increase the size of the book to make it easier to see hold the ctrl key then press the + sign as many times as is necessary to read the text comfortably.


Take care,


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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by zerdini Mon May 11, 2009 2:41 pm

You may also be interested toread "Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World" by Robert Owen.



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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by Admin Tue May 12, 2009 1:08 am

Unfortunately one shortcoming of the forums is an inability to host ebooks as I have copies of both of those in pdf format. I laso have some other rare books, like Baron Schenke Von Notzig's tome (which I also have a physical copy) now but even in pdf format they are so big I cannot put them even on a Yahoo Group. Last count, excluding the physical library about 400 books lol

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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by zerdini Tue May 12, 2009 6:20 am

Admin wrote:Unfortunately one shortcoming of the forums is an inability to host ebooks as I have copies of both of those in pdf format. I laso have some other rare books, like Baron Schenke Von Notzig's tome (which I also have a physical copy) now but even in pdf format they are so big I cannot put them even on a Yahoo Group. Last count, excluding the physical library about 400 books lol

I do not have any ebooks in PDF format or otherwise. All mine are hard copies as I prefer to read in that way. Sad


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The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home Empty Re: The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Robert Owen on DD Home

Post by Admin Tue May 12, 2009 6:28 am

So do I Z but I guess you have access to many that I am scrabbling about finding on the web. The real books can be scanned to give us the sections we want was well. Most ebooks are in pdf so you have to print the bits you want then scan them.

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