David Duguids Photographic Mediumship
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David Duguids Photographic Mediumship
" Photographing the Invisible" J. Coates 1911
IT would be impossible, within my limited space, to do justice to either Mr Duguid or his mediumship. He was born in 1832 and died in 1907. I became ac¬quainted with him in 1878, shortly after Hafed had been published. I knew not only Mr Duguid, but all the members of the" Hafed Circle," and have been several times witness to his trance painting gifts. Out of the hundreds who could bear testimony, I have selected a few, and these mainly from those whom I knew as possessing undoubted authority and fitness. My remarks are confined to spirit photo¬graphy, which was only one phase out of the psycho¬physical phenomena which took place in his presence. The characteristic feature was not so much the number of identifiable psychic portraits as the evidence ¬scientifically demonstrated-of the fact of spirit photography, In addition to this, through him were obtained the clearest possible cases of what are called in these pages "psychographs," i.e. pictures obtained without sunlight, phos, lens, or camera.
In giving this original and hitherto unpublished photograph, I do so not only because of ita genuineness,
but of its history. No one can say whether it is a true Iikeness or not of the reputed Hafed
FIG. 8.-Photograph of the late Mr David Duguid, the Glasgow trance painting medium, at the age of sixty-two, taken after a series of test experiments conducted by Mr J. Traill Taylor, in London.
that this spirit claims to have lived in the body when Jesus lived and taught on earth.
Mr David Duguid was not a. cultured man; that
cannot be denied. Of the volumes of information which fell from his lips, Hafed, Prince of Persia, is a notable instance, unique in literature. The contents
FIG. 9. -Photograph of Mr Andrew Glendinning and Mr James Robertson, and psychic portrait of “Hafed," taken on marked plates supplied by Mr Glendinning.
of the volume and the manner of its production. and the "direct" illustrations, were undoubtedly beyond the intellectual capacity of the medium, and are strik¬ing evidence of the existence of Intelligences in the Invisible.
Mr James Robertson, being present at, and taking part in: the majority of cases when Mr Duguid took psychic photographs, is my first important witness.
Writing me on 6th August 1910, from 5 Granby Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow, Mr James Robertson says:-
DEAR MR COATES, - I may not be able to com¬prehend the process by which spirits are able to im¬press their forms or thoughts on a sensitive plate, but as I believe the spirit body is a substance, and sub¬stances can be photographed, I have no difficulty in accepting the fact that eyes do not catch all this universe presents-we have neither the microscopic nor the telescopic power-but who would deny what these discoveries have brought to view. We see in the process of materialisation solid forms built up, which we can touch; at other times these forms are vapoury and we can see through them, and so by degrees our sight fails to take in all there is. What to our eyes becomes invisible is caught up by the more subtle eye of the instrument. All this will be found to be in harmony with the laws of Nature, and experiments made outside the domain of the psychic will come into touch and accord with what has been done by us.
In David Duguid we had a rare instrument for giving forth that aura through which the unseen world could manifest. He readily lent himself to all experi¬ments which were suggested, and took as deep an interest as anyone. The phenomena in his case gradually developed. There were but hints at first, some vague markings it may be, but sufficient to show that something was added from an external source. The success was so limited at first that the matter was discarded for some years, till the arrival of a friend from New Zealand, who was an ardent investi-
gator, and this gentleman induced Mr Duguid to sit with him. The experiment was made in my dining¬ room, and a form came clearly on the plate. The face
FIG. lO.-Photograph of Mr James Robertson and Mr Andrew Glendinning, and the earliest test psychic portrait of the “Cyprian Priestess," taken in Glasgow. Mr Robertson was present, but is cut out of the print. Both Messrs Robertson and Glendinning superintended the experiment, Mr Duguid merely making the exposure. Two other test pictures of this “extra" are produced further on.
was quite distinct, though the drapery was shadowy, and we could see through it the knobs of the shutters in front of which the plate was exposed. A new interest
was created after this, and several experiments were made in my garden with good results.I can remember the fervour with which I witnessed the development of the plates, and the satisfaction when we were rewarded. My oId friend, Mr Glendinning, was soon informed of our success, and he eagerly entered with us on our investigations. All these were made with the greatest carefulness, not that we had any doubt of Mr Duguid's bona-fidee, but that we wished to be in a position to speak positively that there was no room for fraud. The same care we took was after¬wards carried through by Mr Traill Taylor when he was asked to give the weight of his authority as to the genuine nature of psychic photography. Nothing more forcible could be penned than Mr Taylor's report, which was reproduced in Mr Glendinning's “Veil Lifted”
When carrying out these experiments, Mr Duguid did not complain much of loss of power, but ever after there seemed to be a great drain on his constitution when he lent himself to these sittings. It seemed to me that his "controls," after Mr Taylor's scientific report, felt that he need not give himself more to this work. His honesty and the facts of psychic photo¬graphy had been established.
One of the most effective tests of spirit power and spirit identity given through Mr Duguid's mediumship wa.s obtained by a well-known legal gentleman in Edinburgh, who had long desired the portrait of his deceased son. Nothing could be more satisfactorily attested. The parents ever spoke in the highest terms of gratitude for the blessing granted to them. As years went on they were again and again favoured with other pictures of the boy, grown-up, but still revealing the features so loved. This stands out as one clear bit of evidence that the dead, so-called, can make their impress on the sensitive plate. The gentleman who got the picture was no weak-minded enthusiast,
but a man of culture, trained long in criminal investi¬gation. Mr. Taylor's support built up to the full the great fact that in the presence of some human sensi¬tives it is possible for those gone on to give consolation to those left behind.
Mr David Duguid was in my service for over twenty years. I knew the man thoroughly; a more honest, modest person-with ideals of truth and right-I never met.- Yours fraternally, JAS. RoBERTSON.
I have known Mr James Robertson intimately for thirty-three years, and can safely say that no man is better known throughout Scotland as a shrewd, far¬seeing man of business. For nearly forty years he has been an investigator of modern spiritualism, wields a vigorous pen, and has never hesitated to advocate whatever he knows to be true. He has found leisure, amid his great business concerns, to lecture and write on spiritualism. His latest work is entitled “Spiritualism: the open door to the Unseen Universe.”(1) In journalistic circles he is held in high esteem. Were it not for the facts of modern spiritualism, Mr. James Robertson would have been a hard-headed, dour Scotch agnostic-a materialist¬ without guile. No one living is better qualified to testify to Mr Duguid's character and gifts.
Mr Andrew Glendinning, to whom Mr. James Robertson refers, was a man among men, who lived a full and strenuous life. I knew of no one in con¬nection with spiritualism who possessed his ripe experience. He was a lifelong total abstainer, and
(1) Messrs L. N. Fowler, Publlshers, London.
advocated temperance when to do so was not fashion¬able. As a. friend of William Lloyd Garrison, and of Elihu Burritt, the learned blacksmith, he was an anti¬slavery man in 1850-60, when it was fashionable to find excuses for slavery. He waged war not only on
FIG. 11.-My copy of the enlarged psychic portrait of the" Cyprian Priestess," from The Veil Lifted. (1)
1 Concerning this 'portrait I take from p. 92 of The Veil Lifted the following, contributed by Mr James Robertson :-" It was the good fortune of Mr Glendinning to get beside us on one occasion a most exquisite face of a lady, full of each charm and grace that make up the womanly character. The term “ angelic' might be applied to it. Such a face the seraphic painters have ofttimes drawn; a Raphael might have painted it. From somewhere must have come this form. And spiritualism demonstrates what Mr Justice Groves, in the Co-relation of Physical Force, gives as a probable theory-myriads of organised beings may exist, im¬perceptible to our vision, even if we were among them."
negro slavery, but on the white man's slavery to intemperance, debasing passions, intolerant theology which made infidels, on materialism, then fashion¬able in scientific circles. Over thirty years ago, he and another were pioneers of the vegetarian and fruitarian restaurants in London, which helped to familiarise thousands with the physical benefits and economies of reformed diet. Amid his many interests in life, he found time to investigate spiritualism, which came to him forty-seven years ago in Scotland. When satisfied he had found something real, he did not hesitate to state the facts as he knew them.
In his letter to me, dated Dalston, 23rd April 1910, giving me permission to use certain extracts from the “Veil Lifted” he authorised me to say he had nothing to withdraw as to his good opinion of the late Mr J. Traill Taylor and Mr David Duguid, the thoroughness of the London test experiments; and said: "When I reprint, I shall put emphasis on this." Our friend did not live to carry out this proposal. Writing on 19th August 1910, and thanking me for a number of the Parkes and Duguid photographs which I submitted to him, he says :-
It may interest you to learn that at a private seance here, on 17th inst., Mr J. Traill Taylor materialised, also my wife, my daughter, and many other friends. The Rev. Haraldiur Nielsson, of Reykjavik, Iceland, was with us, and he conversed in the Danish language with one of the materialised forms, who was known to him in his earth-life.
The Rev. Mr Nielsson visited Mr Wyllie and got a
photo, on which is the face of his uncle, the late Bishop Savinsson. This Was in fulfilment of a promise. The face of the Bishop is quite distinct. Mr Nielsson has kindly given me a print of it.
The foregoing were among •the last letters received from Mr Glendinning, who passed into the Higher Life in October 1910.
FIG. 12.-The original photograph or .Mrs J. N.
Anderson and Mrs Andrew Glendinning, and the psychic portrait or Mr and Mrs Anderson's child; Mr David Duguid, medium.
Referring to the above photograph, Mr Andrew Glendinning, in The Veil Lifted (pp. 143-144), says:-
. . . Another child's portrait was got unexpectedly at a test seance in April 1892. The arrangements and operations were under my superintendence. I invited a lady (Mrs J. N. Anderson) to take a place near the sitter, in order to try whether her mediumistic power would aid in the experiment.
I was vexed at not getting the result I wanted, but soon I had cause for gladness in the joy which the portrait obtained brought to the hearts of the child's father and mother. The child's dress exhibits what was not known to any person outside of Mr Anderson's• family. That test is of a kind to impress the mother's mind Previous to the child's departure, he was lying cold in bed, when his mother took from a drawer a nightdress of one of her older boys and put it on the ailing child. This nightdress had a certain kind of frill round the neckband, and that nightdress, with its long frill and long sleeves, is represented in the photograph. There was no picture in existence from which the photograph could have been copied. The likeness is not only attested by the parents, but by friends of the family, and by Mr James Robertson, who had often seen the boy.
Someone may ask, How was the photograph of the child obtained, seeing he was too young to come unaided to stand before the camera? An interesting question, no doubt. To it I reply, I do not know; I am stating facts, not trying to explain.
The facts concerning the above were well known in Glasgow, where Mr and Mrs James Anderson resided. I wrote Mr Robertson, who not only sent me the original print produced above, but the statement:
"This was taken in my dining-room in Glasgow, and is the portrait of Mr James Anderson's child, whom I knew. It is a good likeness."
This is one of the many well-substantiated cases obtained through Mr Duguid in the months of April and May 1892, when several sittings were held in Glasgow, under strict test conditions.
Mr J. Traill Taylor was fortunate enough to have Mr David Duguid introduced to him by Mr Andrew Glendinning, who was, in fact, one of the "two extremely hard-headed Glasgow merchants, gentlemen of commercial eminence and probity," mentioned as among the witnesses present. Mr James Robertson, of Glasgow, was another, when Mr Taylor conducted his experiments. So struck was Mr Taylor with the results of these with Mr Duguid, that he read a paper on "Spirit Photography, with Remarks on Fluorescence," before a meeting of the London and Provincial Photographic Association. The lecture, and discussion which followed, were printed in full in the British Journal of Photography (vol, xl., No. 1715, 17th March 1893), and afterwards in Mr Glen¬dinning's work,’The Veil Lifted” published in 1894.
While the paper is of deepest interest, much of it was really intended for the consideration of practical photographers, and need not be repeated here. Mr J. Traill Taylor was admittedly head of the profession in his day. He had investigated psychic photography with mediums., and speaking with the authority of one who knew, says ;-
My conditions were exceedingly simple. They were that I should use my own camera and unopened packages of dry plates, purchased from dealers of
repute, and that I should be excused from allowing a plate to go out of my own hand till after development, unless I felt otherwise disposed; but that, as I was to treat them as under suspicion, so must they treat me, and that every act I performed must be in presence of two witnesses; nay, that I would set a watch upon my own camera in the guise of a duplicate one of the same focus-in other words, I would use a binocular stereoscopic camera and dictate all the conditions of operation. All this I was told was what they very strongly wished me to do, as they desired to know the truth and that only. There were present during one or other of the evenings when the trials were made representatives of various schools of thought, including a clergyman of the Church of England; a practitioner of the healing art, who is a Fellow of two learned societies; a gentleman who graduated in the Hall of Science, in the days of the late Charles Bradlaugh; two extremely hard-headed Glasgow merchants, gentle¬men of commercial eminence and probity; our host, his wife, the medium, and myself. Dr G. was the first sitter, and, for a reason known to myself, I used a monocular camera. I myself took the plate out of a packet just previously ripped up under the surveillance of my two detectives. I placed the slide in my pocket, and exposed it by magnesium ribbon, which I held in my own hand, keeping one eye, as it were, on the sitter, and the other on the camera. There was no background. I myself took the plate from the dark slide, and under the eyes of the two detectives placed it in the developing dish. Between the camera and the sitter, a female figure was developed, rather in a more pronounced form than that of the sitter. The lens was a portrait one of short focus; the figure, being somewhat in front of the sitter, was . proportionately larger in dimensions. I do not recognise her, or.any of the other figures I obtained, as being like anyone I know, and from my
point of view, that of a mere investigator and experi¬mentalist, not caring whether the psychic subject were embodied or disembodied.
Many experiments of like nature followed; on some plates were abnormal appearances; on others, none. All this time, Mr D., the medium, during the exposure of the plates, was quite inactive. If the precautions I took during all the experiments are thought to have been imperfect or incomplete, I pray of you to point them out.
The psychic figures behaved badly. Some were in focus, others not so; some were lighted from the right, while the sitter was so from the left; some were comely, others not so; some monopolised the major portion of the plate, quite obliterating the material sitters; others were as if an atrociously badly vignetted portrait, or one cut oval out of a photograph by a can¬ opener, or equally badly clipped out, were held up behind the sitter.
It is due to the psychic entities to say that what¬ever was produced on one half of the stereoscopic plates was reproduced on the other, alike good or bad in definition. But, on a careful examination of one which was rather better than the other, I deduce this fact, that the impressing of the spirit form was not consentaneous with that of the sitter. This I consider an important discovery. I carefully examined one in the stereoscope, and found that, while the two sitters were stereoscopic per se, the psychic figure was absolutely flat. I also found that the psychic figure was at least a millimetre higher up in one than the other. Now, as both had been simultaneously ex¬posed, it follows to demonstration that, although both were correctly placed vertically in relation to the particular sitter behind whom the figure appeared, and not so horizontally, this figure had no only not been impressed on the plate simultaneously with the two gentlemen forming the group, but had not been
formed by the lens at all, and that, therefore, the psychic image might be produced without a camera. I think this is a fair deduction. But still the question obtrudes: How came these figures there? I again assert that the plates were not tampered with by either myself or anyone present. Are they crystallisations of thought? Have lens and light really nothing to do with their formation? The whole subject was mysterious enough on the hypothesis of an invisible spirit, whether a thought projection or an actual spirit, being really there in the vicinity of the sitter, but it is now a thousand times more so. There are plenty of Tycho Brahes capable of supplying details of observations, but who is to be the Kepler that will from such observations evolve a law by which they can be satisfactorily explained.
I read in The London Magazine a statement to the effect that Mr J. Traill Taylor, shortly before he died, withdrew from the position he had taken as to spirit photography. This I am in a position to deny in toto. In the first place, Mr Taylor-while admitting the fact of psychic or spirit photography-never stated that the" extras" obtained were those of spirits; and, secondly, Mr Taylor was thoroughly convinced there were no errors in his experiments, and of the fact that these psychic figures came on the plates outwith the ordinary laws of photography. Both Mr Andrew Glendinning and Mr James Robertson were, among others, in touch to the last with Mr Taylor. So far from denying the genuineness of the phenomenon, he eventually became thoroughly convinced that our spirit friends did affect the plates, even to the extent of producing identifiable portraits.
With the questions raised by Mr Taylor at the con¬clusion of his paper I do not propose to deal. It is, however, interesting to note:-
1. Psychic pictures are obtained under scientific conditions.
2. "The psychic figures behaved badly"; in a word, looked fraudulent, were genuinely produced.
3. While Mr David Duguid was present, he had nothing whatever-photographically-to do with the results. .
4. That psychic images might be produced without the camera.
"The gentleman who ... was no weak-minded enthusiast, but a man of culture, trained long in criminal investigation," referred to by Mr Robertson, was no other than the late Mr Duncan Antonio, a legal luminary whose figure, for forty years, was well known in the Court of Session, Edinburgh. as "Edina," he was a. frequent contributor to Light and other publications. His testimony to Mr Duguid's gifts and to psychic photography was of the most valuable and convincing character. With reference to obtaining the psychic photograph of his son, " Edina" says:-
It has been with considerable reluctance that I have alluded to so much that is sacred and personal in our family, but in the interests of spiritual truth, and for the sole purpose of showing that spirit photo-
graphy, by an honest medium like David Duguid, is possible, I have deemed it necessary to give the facts, and they have been stated with all the care and minuteness of detail in my power. We are certainly under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr David Duguid for the beneficent use of his mediumistic powers in literally" giving us back our dead," or rather showing us our dear one, clothed as he now is, in his spiritual body, as on the other side. These are the consola¬tions of spiritualism, which the uninstructed cannot understand or appreciate. In my humble judgment spiritualistic research should be prosecuted in the home, as there only results will be got of the best and purest kind. That at least has been our experience, and we gratefully acknowledge the mercies bestowed upon us.
Owing to the standing of the writer, I give the above. I have been privileged to see the psychic photograph of this child alluded to. I regret I did not succeed in getting permission to produce it in this work.
Many were the pictures obtained of this lady, of whom two photographs have already been given. I produce two more, which a tyro in psychic photo¬graphy would denounce as fraudulent. Before giving " Edina's" evidence (summarised from pp. 439-463, Light, vol. xvi.), I wish to state that this gentleman (who was an expert amateur photographer) and a friend, Mr G., an accomplished photographer, who is not to be confounded with the late Mr Glendinning,
three years after the conclusive tests of Mr J. Traill Taylor, Had a series of test sittings with Mr Duguid in May 1896. The test procedure was simply effective. The plates were purchased in Edinburgh by Mr G., who there loaded his camera with twelve plates. These were brought to Glasgow, and except when Mr Duguid was asked to take off the cap and make an exposure, the same was untouched by him. The camera was never for a moment out of sight while the experiments were conducted. The plates (with the camera) were taken back to Edinburgh and developed there. Concerning the results, some plates revealed nothing, but on three were distinct" extras," one being Mr G.'s brother Alexander, who had already shown himself to his surviving brother, at Cecil Husk's, in Peckham; one of an old lady, identified by a lady in Edinburgh as her mother; and the third was the reproduction of a female, similar to one obtained three years previously. This seance thus gave two identi¬fiable portraits and one replica.
At the test seance held in June, Mr G.'s brother Alexander came again, and the portraits of a military man and of two females unknown. I wish to emphasise that neither Mr nor Mrs Duguid, who were present, saw or handled the plates, which were developed in Edinburgh and prints taken off them there.
At further test sittings, held in July 1896, with similar precautions by these honourable men, Mr David Duguid. Mrs Duguid. and a niece of Mrs Duguid were
present. Sometimes G., Mrs Duguid, and her niece sat as subjects, The plates were brought from Edinburgh,
FIG. 13. -Photograph of Mora Duguid, and psychic photograph of the so-called "Cyprian Priestess."
and taken back there for development. Neither Mr nor Mrs Duguid nor the niece saw or handled them.
What were the results ?
The first psychic photograph was that of the so- called "Cyprian Priestess" (see figs. 10, 11, 13, 14) Although the face is distinct, the drapery is different from that in former photographs, but reveals, in quite a natural position, a plump hand and arm held across
Fig 14.-Photograph or the foregoing “Cyprian Priestess" magnified, showing the inartistic joining or the head to the body.
the lower portion of the chest. On another plate of Mrs Duguid's trio, there was a reproduction of a spirit face obtained by Mr G. four years before. Of the three plates where Mr G. was the sitter, one was blank. On one was found the "Cyprian Priestess," and on
98 Photographing The Invisible
the third the face and form of a lady clad in Modern costume. She stood by Mr. G:s side, clasping his arm.
I have called the .”Cyprian Priestess" a reproduc¬tion. for whether, so represented, it is the photograph of a spirit who manifested in the Duguid circles or not, one thing is now clear, that before this photograph was obtained there was in the possession of Mr Brodie Innes. an Edinburgh solicitor, a photograph of a German picture called "Night." The discovery was msde, I believe, by Madame de Steiger, F.T.S. Upon examination. the face and head in “Night" and on Mr Duguid's photographs and psychographs were found to be identical. Great publicity was given to the matter at the time, and five, among other, things are clear:-
1. Mr Brodie Innes, W.S., was not a spiritualist, and Mr Duguid neither knew of nor ever had access to the portrait.
2. With all the publicity in Light and Borderland, which raged for several years, and search in Great Britain and Germany, neither the original painting nor a copy of it has been obtained.
3. Under the strictest test conditions, both photo¬graphs and psychograpbs of this reproduction have been obtained by experts, including Mr J. T. Taylor.
4. To the very last, Mr David Duguid believed in her reality as a spirit, and those most familiar with the Hafed and other circles were impressed by the story that in earth-life she was dedicated
to the Temple of Venus in Cyprus. I cannot re¬call when she was called the" Cyprian Priestess," but this name was given to her by the habitues of Duguid's circles.
5. The critical investigators, even those who were non-spiritualistic, upon a crucial examination of the whole circumstances, acquitted Duguid of dishonest procedure.
Mr A. J. Riko, editor of The Sphinz, The Hague (who at one time made a thorough study of these pro¬ductions, wrote a critical article and severe condemna¬tion of them), sent Mr W. T. Stead the following amende (which appeared in Borderland, p. 179, vol. iv.):-
Your readers remember my article on "The Cyprian Priestess." . . . I need not say that I wrote so in per¬fect good faith, as I do now. Well, I have since then followed with attention all that has been written on the same subject by my old acquaintance Mr Glendinning, by “Edina" and others, and I frankly confess that my suspicions are greatly shaken, and that now I admit also the most perfect honesty at least of the operators on this side, Mr Duguid and consorts, On the other side there remains, however, still, I will not say fraud, but an amount of mystery in relation to that perfect beauty of the " Priestess, whom I offer my homage."
THE HAGUE, HOLLAND, February 1897.
I have given this as the most striking and inexplic¬able case of reproduction in the history of spirit photography, It is another illustration that spirit photographs are not necessarily photographs of spirits.
Mr W. T. Stead and his son, Mr William Stead, ex¬perimented with Mr Duguid later on, but in a very hurried manner. The results were neither of a test character nor conclusive. With Mr Duguid's stereo¬scopic camera and magnetised plates, Mr William Stead developed one plate and Mr Duguid the other. A female form was obtained. This was submitted to Mr J. Traill Taylor, who said:-
The figure of the female was not, as on some spirit photographs, the result or photographing a plane surface. The photograph indicated the existence of a body with sufficient substance to indicate rotundity and solidity. The pictures were stereoscopically correct.
Attempts made by Mr William Stead to get psychic pictures with his Frena kodak failed. Notwithstand¬ing this, Mr Stead says:-
I know that Mr Duguid is a thoroughly honest man.
It was my own fault that the photograph was not taken with my own plates. Mr Duguid assented to my conditions, and was annoyed that I had no time to carry out test experiments. It was only at my suggestion and with much reluctance he consented to use the only two plates of his own which he had left in the house.
Had Mr Stead brought plates and been able to give a few days to these experiments, so as to place himself in touch and sympathy with the medium and his surroundings-as Mr Taylor, Mr Glendinning, and " Edina" had done-no doubt better results would . have been obtained.
I have frequently come into contact with Mr Duguid, and also with many who were familiar with the man and his varied gifts of mediumship. I had evidence of his psychic powers in having photographic plates impressed while in his hands, the experiments being carried out in Glenbeg House. The plates were bought by me from Mr Jamieson, chemist, Rothesay, wrapped up in pairs, film to film, as taken out of original packet, and after they were held, I took them away and had them developed for me by Mr Howie, photographer, Rothesay. All the plates held presented indications of the abnormal-but not due to light. On two of these plates were portraits, one a positive and the other a negative. One of the faces I knew, but the history is not of sufficient importance to have a half-tone produced for these pages. Other plates were held by friends, while Mr Duguid was present. He had nothing to do with the plates. On one pair, held by Mrs Coates and Mr Auld, there was a long message written on the plates. This was in accord with a message which Mr Auld had received some three months previously to making our acquaint¬ance. Unfortunately, the plates taken under the above circumstances were accidentally broken by Mr Howie, photographer. Upon plates held by Mrs Coates and mr Duguid there were two imperfect forms, one said to represent" Silver Eagle," a Black¬foot Indian, who was one of Mr Duguid's controls, and the other that of the late Professor Blackie, whom I knew personally. The psychic impressions
were valueless from an identification standpoint, but from the 8tandard of test: and scientific inquiry, most valuable. We had in our home many other such experiments, but never had anything like the results obtained with Mr Duguid, when that gentle¬man and his good lady were our guests at Glenbeg House. I may say, in passing, that the experiments with Mr Duguid were suggested by me, and the matter was spontaneously entered upon. There was no pre-arrangement. That Mr Duguid was a medium - among other things-for psychic photography I can endorse. I think, however, that the testimony of Mr Traill Taylor, Mr Andrew Glendinning, "Edina" (the late Mr Duncan Antonio), Mr W. T. Stead, and Mr James Robertson, a group of shrewd, independent investigators, is much more important than anything which I can advance myself.
IT would be impossible, within my limited space, to do justice to either Mr Duguid or his mediumship. He was born in 1832 and died in 1907. I became ac¬quainted with him in 1878, shortly after Hafed had been published. I knew not only Mr Duguid, but all the members of the" Hafed Circle," and have been several times witness to his trance painting gifts. Out of the hundreds who could bear testimony, I have selected a few, and these mainly from those whom I knew as possessing undoubted authority and fitness. My remarks are confined to spirit photo¬graphy, which was only one phase out of the psycho¬physical phenomena which took place in his presence. The characteristic feature was not so much the number of identifiable psychic portraits as the evidence ¬scientifically demonstrated-of the fact of spirit photography, In addition to this, through him were obtained the clearest possible cases of what are called in these pages "psychographs," i.e. pictures obtained without sunlight, phos, lens, or camera.
In giving this original and hitherto unpublished photograph, I do so not only because of ita genuineness,
but of its history. No one can say whether it is a true Iikeness or not of the reputed Hafed
FIG. 8.-Photograph of the late Mr David Duguid, the Glasgow trance painting medium, at the age of sixty-two, taken after a series of test experiments conducted by Mr J. Traill Taylor, in London.
that this spirit claims to have lived in the body when Jesus lived and taught on earth.
Mr David Duguid was not a. cultured man; that
cannot be denied. Of the volumes of information which fell from his lips, Hafed, Prince of Persia, is a notable instance, unique in literature. The contents
FIG. 9. -Photograph of Mr Andrew Glendinning and Mr James Robertson, and psychic portrait of “Hafed," taken on marked plates supplied by Mr Glendinning.
of the volume and the manner of its production. and the "direct" illustrations, were undoubtedly beyond the intellectual capacity of the medium, and are strik¬ing evidence of the existence of Intelligences in the Invisible.
Mr James Robertson, being present at, and taking part in: the majority of cases when Mr Duguid took psychic photographs, is my first important witness.
Writing me on 6th August 1910, from 5 Granby Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow, Mr James Robertson says:-
DEAR MR COATES, - I may not be able to com¬prehend the process by which spirits are able to im¬press their forms or thoughts on a sensitive plate, but as I believe the spirit body is a substance, and sub¬stances can be photographed, I have no difficulty in accepting the fact that eyes do not catch all this universe presents-we have neither the microscopic nor the telescopic power-but who would deny what these discoveries have brought to view. We see in the process of materialisation solid forms built up, which we can touch; at other times these forms are vapoury and we can see through them, and so by degrees our sight fails to take in all there is. What to our eyes becomes invisible is caught up by the more subtle eye of the instrument. All this will be found to be in harmony with the laws of Nature, and experiments made outside the domain of the psychic will come into touch and accord with what has been done by us.
In David Duguid we had a rare instrument for giving forth that aura through which the unseen world could manifest. He readily lent himself to all experi¬ments which were suggested, and took as deep an interest as anyone. The phenomena in his case gradually developed. There were but hints at first, some vague markings it may be, but sufficient to show that something was added from an external source. The success was so limited at first that the matter was discarded for some years, till the arrival of a friend from New Zealand, who was an ardent investi-
gator, and this gentleman induced Mr Duguid to sit with him. The experiment was made in my dining¬ room, and a form came clearly on the plate. The face
FIG. lO.-Photograph of Mr James Robertson and Mr Andrew Glendinning, and the earliest test psychic portrait of the “Cyprian Priestess," taken in Glasgow. Mr Robertson was present, but is cut out of the print. Both Messrs Robertson and Glendinning superintended the experiment, Mr Duguid merely making the exposure. Two other test pictures of this “extra" are produced further on.
was quite distinct, though the drapery was shadowy, and we could see through it the knobs of the shutters in front of which the plate was exposed. A new interest
was created after this, and several experiments were made in my garden with good results.I can remember the fervour with which I witnessed the development of the plates, and the satisfaction when we were rewarded. My oId friend, Mr Glendinning, was soon informed of our success, and he eagerly entered with us on our investigations. All these were made with the greatest carefulness, not that we had any doubt of Mr Duguid's bona-fidee, but that we wished to be in a position to speak positively that there was no room for fraud. The same care we took was after¬wards carried through by Mr Traill Taylor when he was asked to give the weight of his authority as to the genuine nature of psychic photography. Nothing more forcible could be penned than Mr Taylor's report, which was reproduced in Mr Glendinning's “Veil Lifted”
When carrying out these experiments, Mr Duguid did not complain much of loss of power, but ever after there seemed to be a great drain on his constitution when he lent himself to these sittings. It seemed to me that his "controls," after Mr Taylor's scientific report, felt that he need not give himself more to this work. His honesty and the facts of psychic photo¬graphy had been established.
One of the most effective tests of spirit power and spirit identity given through Mr Duguid's mediumship wa.s obtained by a well-known legal gentleman in Edinburgh, who had long desired the portrait of his deceased son. Nothing could be more satisfactorily attested. The parents ever spoke in the highest terms of gratitude for the blessing granted to them. As years went on they were again and again favoured with other pictures of the boy, grown-up, but still revealing the features so loved. This stands out as one clear bit of evidence that the dead, so-called, can make their impress on the sensitive plate. The gentleman who got the picture was no weak-minded enthusiast,
but a man of culture, trained long in criminal investi¬gation. Mr. Taylor's support built up to the full the great fact that in the presence of some human sensi¬tives it is possible for those gone on to give consolation to those left behind.
Mr David Duguid was in my service for over twenty years. I knew the man thoroughly; a more honest, modest person-with ideals of truth and right-I never met.- Yours fraternally, JAS. RoBERTSON.
I have known Mr James Robertson intimately for thirty-three years, and can safely say that no man is better known throughout Scotland as a shrewd, far¬seeing man of business. For nearly forty years he has been an investigator of modern spiritualism, wields a vigorous pen, and has never hesitated to advocate whatever he knows to be true. He has found leisure, amid his great business concerns, to lecture and write on spiritualism. His latest work is entitled “Spiritualism: the open door to the Unseen Universe.”(1) In journalistic circles he is held in high esteem. Were it not for the facts of modern spiritualism, Mr. James Robertson would have been a hard-headed, dour Scotch agnostic-a materialist¬ without guile. No one living is better qualified to testify to Mr Duguid's character and gifts.
Mr Andrew Glendinning, to whom Mr. James Robertson refers, was a man among men, who lived a full and strenuous life. I knew of no one in con¬nection with spiritualism who possessed his ripe experience. He was a lifelong total abstainer, and
(1) Messrs L. N. Fowler, Publlshers, London.
advocated temperance when to do so was not fashion¬able. As a. friend of William Lloyd Garrison, and of Elihu Burritt, the learned blacksmith, he was an anti¬slavery man in 1850-60, when it was fashionable to find excuses for slavery. He waged war not only on
FIG. 11.-My copy of the enlarged psychic portrait of the" Cyprian Priestess," from The Veil Lifted. (1)
1 Concerning this 'portrait I take from p. 92 of The Veil Lifted the following, contributed by Mr James Robertson :-" It was the good fortune of Mr Glendinning to get beside us on one occasion a most exquisite face of a lady, full of each charm and grace that make up the womanly character. The term “ angelic' might be applied to it. Such a face the seraphic painters have ofttimes drawn; a Raphael might have painted it. From somewhere must have come this form. And spiritualism demonstrates what Mr Justice Groves, in the Co-relation of Physical Force, gives as a probable theory-myriads of organised beings may exist, im¬perceptible to our vision, even if we were among them."
negro slavery, but on the white man's slavery to intemperance, debasing passions, intolerant theology which made infidels, on materialism, then fashion¬able in scientific circles. Over thirty years ago, he and another were pioneers of the vegetarian and fruitarian restaurants in London, which helped to familiarise thousands with the physical benefits and economies of reformed diet. Amid his many interests in life, he found time to investigate spiritualism, which came to him forty-seven years ago in Scotland. When satisfied he had found something real, he did not hesitate to state the facts as he knew them.
In his letter to me, dated Dalston, 23rd April 1910, giving me permission to use certain extracts from the “Veil Lifted” he authorised me to say he had nothing to withdraw as to his good opinion of the late Mr J. Traill Taylor and Mr David Duguid, the thoroughness of the London test experiments; and said: "When I reprint, I shall put emphasis on this." Our friend did not live to carry out this proposal. Writing on 19th August 1910, and thanking me for a number of the Parkes and Duguid photographs which I submitted to him, he says :-
It may interest you to learn that at a private seance here, on 17th inst., Mr J. Traill Taylor materialised, also my wife, my daughter, and many other friends. The Rev. Haraldiur Nielsson, of Reykjavik, Iceland, was with us, and he conversed in the Danish language with one of the materialised forms, who was known to him in his earth-life.
The Rev. Mr Nielsson visited Mr Wyllie and got a
photo, on which is the face of his uncle, the late Bishop Savinsson. This Was in fulfilment of a promise. The face of the Bishop is quite distinct. Mr Nielsson has kindly given me a print of it.
The foregoing were among •the last letters received from Mr Glendinning, who passed into the Higher Life in October 1910.
FIG. 12.-The original photograph or .Mrs J. N.
Anderson and Mrs Andrew Glendinning, and the psychic portrait or Mr and Mrs Anderson's child; Mr David Duguid, medium.
Referring to the above photograph, Mr Andrew Glendinning, in The Veil Lifted (pp. 143-144), says:-
. . . Another child's portrait was got unexpectedly at a test seance in April 1892. The arrangements and operations were under my superintendence. I invited a lady (Mrs J. N. Anderson) to take a place near the sitter, in order to try whether her mediumistic power would aid in the experiment.
I was vexed at not getting the result I wanted, but soon I had cause for gladness in the joy which the portrait obtained brought to the hearts of the child's father and mother. The child's dress exhibits what was not known to any person outside of Mr Anderson's• family. That test is of a kind to impress the mother's mind Previous to the child's departure, he was lying cold in bed, when his mother took from a drawer a nightdress of one of her older boys and put it on the ailing child. This nightdress had a certain kind of frill round the neckband, and that nightdress, with its long frill and long sleeves, is represented in the photograph. There was no picture in existence from which the photograph could have been copied. The likeness is not only attested by the parents, but by friends of the family, and by Mr James Robertson, who had often seen the boy.
Someone may ask, How was the photograph of the child obtained, seeing he was too young to come unaided to stand before the camera? An interesting question, no doubt. To it I reply, I do not know; I am stating facts, not trying to explain.
The facts concerning the above were well known in Glasgow, where Mr and Mrs James Anderson resided. I wrote Mr Robertson, who not only sent me the original print produced above, but the statement:
"This was taken in my dining-room in Glasgow, and is the portrait of Mr James Anderson's child, whom I knew. It is a good likeness."
This is one of the many well-substantiated cases obtained through Mr Duguid in the months of April and May 1892, when several sittings were held in Glasgow, under strict test conditions.
Mr J. Traill Taylor was fortunate enough to have Mr David Duguid introduced to him by Mr Andrew Glendinning, who was, in fact, one of the "two extremely hard-headed Glasgow merchants, gentlemen of commercial eminence and probity," mentioned as among the witnesses present. Mr James Robertson, of Glasgow, was another, when Mr Taylor conducted his experiments. So struck was Mr Taylor with the results of these with Mr Duguid, that he read a paper on "Spirit Photography, with Remarks on Fluorescence," before a meeting of the London and Provincial Photographic Association. The lecture, and discussion which followed, were printed in full in the British Journal of Photography (vol, xl., No. 1715, 17th March 1893), and afterwards in Mr Glen¬dinning's work,’The Veil Lifted” published in 1894.
While the paper is of deepest interest, much of it was really intended for the consideration of practical photographers, and need not be repeated here. Mr J. Traill Taylor was admittedly head of the profession in his day. He had investigated psychic photography with mediums., and speaking with the authority of one who knew, says ;-
My conditions were exceedingly simple. They were that I should use my own camera and unopened packages of dry plates, purchased from dealers of
repute, and that I should be excused from allowing a plate to go out of my own hand till after development, unless I felt otherwise disposed; but that, as I was to treat them as under suspicion, so must they treat me, and that every act I performed must be in presence of two witnesses; nay, that I would set a watch upon my own camera in the guise of a duplicate one of the same focus-in other words, I would use a binocular stereoscopic camera and dictate all the conditions of operation. All this I was told was what they very strongly wished me to do, as they desired to know the truth and that only. There were present during one or other of the evenings when the trials were made representatives of various schools of thought, including a clergyman of the Church of England; a practitioner of the healing art, who is a Fellow of two learned societies; a gentleman who graduated in the Hall of Science, in the days of the late Charles Bradlaugh; two extremely hard-headed Glasgow merchants, gentle¬men of commercial eminence and probity; our host, his wife, the medium, and myself. Dr G. was the first sitter, and, for a reason known to myself, I used a monocular camera. I myself took the plate out of a packet just previously ripped up under the surveillance of my two detectives. I placed the slide in my pocket, and exposed it by magnesium ribbon, which I held in my own hand, keeping one eye, as it were, on the sitter, and the other on the camera. There was no background. I myself took the plate from the dark slide, and under the eyes of the two detectives placed it in the developing dish. Between the camera and the sitter, a female figure was developed, rather in a more pronounced form than that of the sitter. The lens was a portrait one of short focus; the figure, being somewhat in front of the sitter, was . proportionately larger in dimensions. I do not recognise her, or.any of the other figures I obtained, as being like anyone I know, and from my
point of view, that of a mere investigator and experi¬mentalist, not caring whether the psychic subject were embodied or disembodied.
Many experiments of like nature followed; on some plates were abnormal appearances; on others, none. All this time, Mr D., the medium, during the exposure of the plates, was quite inactive. If the precautions I took during all the experiments are thought to have been imperfect or incomplete, I pray of you to point them out.
The psychic figures behaved badly. Some were in focus, others not so; some were lighted from the right, while the sitter was so from the left; some were comely, others not so; some monopolised the major portion of the plate, quite obliterating the material sitters; others were as if an atrociously badly vignetted portrait, or one cut oval out of a photograph by a can¬ opener, or equally badly clipped out, were held up behind the sitter.
It is due to the psychic entities to say that what¬ever was produced on one half of the stereoscopic plates was reproduced on the other, alike good or bad in definition. But, on a careful examination of one which was rather better than the other, I deduce this fact, that the impressing of the spirit form was not consentaneous with that of the sitter. This I consider an important discovery. I carefully examined one in the stereoscope, and found that, while the two sitters were stereoscopic per se, the psychic figure was absolutely flat. I also found that the psychic figure was at least a millimetre higher up in one than the other. Now, as both had been simultaneously ex¬posed, it follows to demonstration that, although both were correctly placed vertically in relation to the particular sitter behind whom the figure appeared, and not so horizontally, this figure had no only not been impressed on the plate simultaneously with the two gentlemen forming the group, but had not been
formed by the lens at all, and that, therefore, the psychic image might be produced without a camera. I think this is a fair deduction. But still the question obtrudes: How came these figures there? I again assert that the plates were not tampered with by either myself or anyone present. Are they crystallisations of thought? Have lens and light really nothing to do with their formation? The whole subject was mysterious enough on the hypothesis of an invisible spirit, whether a thought projection or an actual spirit, being really there in the vicinity of the sitter, but it is now a thousand times more so. There are plenty of Tycho Brahes capable of supplying details of observations, but who is to be the Kepler that will from such observations evolve a law by which they can be satisfactorily explained.
I read in The London Magazine a statement to the effect that Mr J. Traill Taylor, shortly before he died, withdrew from the position he had taken as to spirit photography. This I am in a position to deny in toto. In the first place, Mr Taylor-while admitting the fact of psychic or spirit photography-never stated that the" extras" obtained were those of spirits; and, secondly, Mr Taylor was thoroughly convinced there were no errors in his experiments, and of the fact that these psychic figures came on the plates outwith the ordinary laws of photography. Both Mr Andrew Glendinning and Mr James Robertson were, among others, in touch to the last with Mr Taylor. So far from denying the genuineness of the phenomenon, he eventually became thoroughly convinced that our spirit friends did affect the plates, even to the extent of producing identifiable portraits.
With the questions raised by Mr Taylor at the con¬clusion of his paper I do not propose to deal. It is, however, interesting to note:-
1. Psychic pictures are obtained under scientific conditions.
2. "The psychic figures behaved badly"; in a word, looked fraudulent, were genuinely produced.
3. While Mr David Duguid was present, he had nothing whatever-photographically-to do with the results. .
4. That psychic images might be produced without the camera.
"The gentleman who ... was no weak-minded enthusiast, but a man of culture, trained long in criminal investigation," referred to by Mr Robertson, was no other than the late Mr Duncan Antonio, a legal luminary whose figure, for forty years, was well known in the Court of Session, Edinburgh. as "Edina," he was a. frequent contributor to Light and other publications. His testimony to Mr Duguid's gifts and to psychic photography was of the most valuable and convincing character. With reference to obtaining the psychic photograph of his son, " Edina" says:-
It has been with considerable reluctance that I have alluded to so much that is sacred and personal in our family, but in the interests of spiritual truth, and for the sole purpose of showing that spirit photo-
graphy, by an honest medium like David Duguid, is possible, I have deemed it necessary to give the facts, and they have been stated with all the care and minuteness of detail in my power. We are certainly under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr David Duguid for the beneficent use of his mediumistic powers in literally" giving us back our dead," or rather showing us our dear one, clothed as he now is, in his spiritual body, as on the other side. These are the consola¬tions of spiritualism, which the uninstructed cannot understand or appreciate. In my humble judgment spiritualistic research should be prosecuted in the home, as there only results will be got of the best and purest kind. That at least has been our experience, and we gratefully acknowledge the mercies bestowed upon us.
Owing to the standing of the writer, I give the above. I have been privileged to see the psychic photograph of this child alluded to. I regret I did not succeed in getting permission to produce it in this work.
Many were the pictures obtained of this lady, of whom two photographs have already been given. I produce two more, which a tyro in psychic photo¬graphy would denounce as fraudulent. Before giving " Edina's" evidence (summarised from pp. 439-463, Light, vol. xvi.), I wish to state that this gentleman (who was an expert amateur photographer) and a friend, Mr G., an accomplished photographer, who is not to be confounded with the late Mr Glendinning,
three years after the conclusive tests of Mr J. Traill Taylor, Had a series of test sittings with Mr Duguid in May 1896. The test procedure was simply effective. The plates were purchased in Edinburgh by Mr G., who there loaded his camera with twelve plates. These were brought to Glasgow, and except when Mr Duguid was asked to take off the cap and make an exposure, the same was untouched by him. The camera was never for a moment out of sight while the experiments were conducted. The plates (with the camera) were taken back to Edinburgh and developed there. Concerning the results, some plates revealed nothing, but on three were distinct" extras," one being Mr G.'s brother Alexander, who had already shown himself to his surviving brother, at Cecil Husk's, in Peckham; one of an old lady, identified by a lady in Edinburgh as her mother; and the third was the reproduction of a female, similar to one obtained three years previously. This seance thus gave two identi¬fiable portraits and one replica.
At the test seance held in June, Mr G.'s brother Alexander came again, and the portraits of a military man and of two females unknown. I wish to emphasise that neither Mr nor Mrs Duguid, who were present, saw or handled the plates, which were developed in Edinburgh and prints taken off them there.
At further test sittings, held in July 1896, with similar precautions by these honourable men, Mr David Duguid. Mrs Duguid. and a niece of Mrs Duguid were
present. Sometimes G., Mrs Duguid, and her niece sat as subjects, The plates were brought from Edinburgh,
FIG. 13. -Photograph of Mora Duguid, and psychic photograph of the so-called "Cyprian Priestess."
and taken back there for development. Neither Mr nor Mrs Duguid nor the niece saw or handled them.
What were the results ?
The first psychic photograph was that of the so- called "Cyprian Priestess" (see figs. 10, 11, 13, 14) Although the face is distinct, the drapery is different from that in former photographs, but reveals, in quite a natural position, a plump hand and arm held across
Fig 14.-Photograph or the foregoing “Cyprian Priestess" magnified, showing the inartistic joining or the head to the body.
the lower portion of the chest. On another plate of Mrs Duguid's trio, there was a reproduction of a spirit face obtained by Mr G. four years before. Of the three plates where Mr G. was the sitter, one was blank. On one was found the "Cyprian Priestess," and on
98 Photographing The Invisible
the third the face and form of a lady clad in Modern costume. She stood by Mr. G:s side, clasping his arm.
I have called the .”Cyprian Priestess" a reproduc¬tion. for whether, so represented, it is the photograph of a spirit who manifested in the Duguid circles or not, one thing is now clear, that before this photograph was obtained there was in the possession of Mr Brodie Innes. an Edinburgh solicitor, a photograph of a German picture called "Night." The discovery was msde, I believe, by Madame de Steiger, F.T.S. Upon examination. the face and head in “Night" and on Mr Duguid's photographs and psychographs were found to be identical. Great publicity was given to the matter at the time, and five, among other, things are clear:-
1. Mr Brodie Innes, W.S., was not a spiritualist, and Mr Duguid neither knew of nor ever had access to the portrait.
2. With all the publicity in Light and Borderland, which raged for several years, and search in Great Britain and Germany, neither the original painting nor a copy of it has been obtained.
3. Under the strictest test conditions, both photo¬graphs and psychograpbs of this reproduction have been obtained by experts, including Mr J. T. Taylor.
4. To the very last, Mr David Duguid believed in her reality as a spirit, and those most familiar with the Hafed and other circles were impressed by the story that in earth-life she was dedicated
to the Temple of Venus in Cyprus. I cannot re¬call when she was called the" Cyprian Priestess," but this name was given to her by the habitues of Duguid's circles.
5. The critical investigators, even those who were non-spiritualistic, upon a crucial examination of the whole circumstances, acquitted Duguid of dishonest procedure.
Mr A. J. Riko, editor of The Sphinz, The Hague (who at one time made a thorough study of these pro¬ductions, wrote a critical article and severe condemna¬tion of them), sent Mr W. T. Stead the following amende (which appeared in Borderland, p. 179, vol. iv.):-
Your readers remember my article on "The Cyprian Priestess." . . . I need not say that I wrote so in per¬fect good faith, as I do now. Well, I have since then followed with attention all that has been written on the same subject by my old acquaintance Mr Glendinning, by “Edina" and others, and I frankly confess that my suspicions are greatly shaken, and that now I admit also the most perfect honesty at least of the operators on this side, Mr Duguid and consorts, On the other side there remains, however, still, I will not say fraud, but an amount of mystery in relation to that perfect beauty of the " Priestess, whom I offer my homage."
THE HAGUE, HOLLAND, February 1897.
I have given this as the most striking and inexplic¬able case of reproduction in the history of spirit photography, It is another illustration that spirit photographs are not necessarily photographs of spirits.
Mr W. T. Stead and his son, Mr William Stead, ex¬perimented with Mr Duguid later on, but in a very hurried manner. The results were neither of a test character nor conclusive. With Mr Duguid's stereo¬scopic camera and magnetised plates, Mr William Stead developed one plate and Mr Duguid the other. A female form was obtained. This was submitted to Mr J. Traill Taylor, who said:-
The figure of the female was not, as on some spirit photographs, the result or photographing a plane surface. The photograph indicated the existence of a body with sufficient substance to indicate rotundity and solidity. The pictures were stereoscopically correct.
Attempts made by Mr William Stead to get psychic pictures with his Frena kodak failed. Notwithstand¬ing this, Mr Stead says:-
I know that Mr Duguid is a thoroughly honest man.
It was my own fault that the photograph was not taken with my own plates. Mr Duguid assented to my conditions, and was annoyed that I had no time to carry out test experiments. It was only at my suggestion and with much reluctance he consented to use the only two plates of his own which he had left in the house.
Had Mr Stead brought plates and been able to give a few days to these experiments, so as to place himself in touch and sympathy with the medium and his surroundings-as Mr Taylor, Mr Glendinning, and " Edina" had done-no doubt better results would . have been obtained.
I have frequently come into contact with Mr Duguid, and also with many who were familiar with the man and his varied gifts of mediumship. I had evidence of his psychic powers in having photographic plates impressed while in his hands, the experiments being carried out in Glenbeg House. The plates were bought by me from Mr Jamieson, chemist, Rothesay, wrapped up in pairs, film to film, as taken out of original packet, and after they were held, I took them away and had them developed for me by Mr Howie, photographer, Rothesay. All the plates held presented indications of the abnormal-but not due to light. On two of these plates were portraits, one a positive and the other a negative. One of the faces I knew, but the history is not of sufficient importance to have a half-tone produced for these pages. Other plates were held by friends, while Mr Duguid was present. He had nothing to do with the plates. On one pair, held by Mrs Coates and Mr Auld, there was a long message written on the plates. This was in accord with a message which Mr Auld had received some three months previously to making our acquaint¬ance. Unfortunately, the plates taken under the above circumstances were accidentally broken by Mr Howie, photographer. Upon plates held by Mrs Coates and mr Duguid there were two imperfect forms, one said to represent" Silver Eagle," a Black¬foot Indian, who was one of Mr Duguid's controls, and the other that of the late Professor Blackie, whom I knew personally. The psychic impressions
were valueless from an identification standpoint, but from the 8tandard of test: and scientific inquiry, most valuable. We had in our home many other such experiments, but never had anything like the results obtained with Mr Duguid, when that gentle¬man and his good lady were our guests at Glenbeg House. I may say, in passing, that the experiments with Mr Duguid were suggested by me, and the matter was spontaneously entered upon. There was no pre-arrangement. That Mr Duguid was a medium - among other things-for psychic photography I can endorse. I think, however, that the testimony of Mr Traill Taylor, Mr Andrew Glendinning, "Edina" (the late Mr Duncan Antonio), Mr W. T. Stead, and Mr James Robertson, a group of shrewd, independent investigators, is much more important than anything which I can advance myself.
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