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Silver Birch

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Silver Birch - Page 3 Empty Re: Silver Birch

Post by Admin Fri 22 Jun 2012 - 3:32

Anne taught it without Spirit assistance, her view is , a bit like Zener cards, why on earth would Spirit assist you to do such a meaningless thing and I agree with that. She had the one fork where she asked for Spirit help when she was put on the spot in a very public place and she asked for her guides to help.

Apparently it bent instantaneously, she had it with her the prongs were bent in different directions at 180 degrees twisted as well, the handle was spiralled an amazing sight.

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Silver Birch - Page 3 Empty Re: Silver Birch

Post by Wes Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 4:07

Here's a nice little titbit from Silver Birch to ponder, it was part of a response to a question about individuality:

You become, as you progress, more of an individual, and less of a person


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Silver Birch - Page 3 Empty Re: Silver Birch

Post by Admin Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 6:04

Hey Wes Monday night I had 27 people attend the group and 11 people bent their spoons indeed one bent 2 and did a very credible job on a plastic fork.

Back on topic yes its an interesting thought from Silver Birch

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Silver Birch - Page 3 Empty Re: Silver Birch

Post by Wes Mon 9 Jul 2012 - 0:49

Admin wrote:Hey Wes Monday night I had 27 people attend the group and 11 people bent their spoons indeed one bent 2 and did a very credible job on a plastic fork.

Back on topic yes its an interesting thought from Silver Birch

That's pretty impressive Jim, now can you get them to bend the spoons back into their original shape? Very Happy

I take that quote from Silver Birch to mean that the more spiritual you become, the less you are a part of the "mainstream" that follows the material path, and the more you strike out on your own, following paths less travelled. It also taps into an idea that the physical body and it's personality is not a true reflection of our spiritual beings.

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Silver Birch - Page 3 Empty Re: Silver Birch

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