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R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

Post by Jane Lyzell Tue 25 Aug 2015 - 11:03

It is with great sadness that I must announce that Rev. Colin Fry gone over to the other side . A friend one soul brother and my mentor and teacher of many. Rest now brother and come back spiritually when you are ready ❤ You will always be with us in the heart - thank you for all these years ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ has been an amazing journey my warmest thoughts to his family in this hour <3R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Photo.php?fbid=10205038227937079&set=gm https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205038227937079&set=gm.10153278459701865&type=1&theater
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty Re: R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

Post by Admin Wed 26 Aug 2015 - 6:12

That was sad news, it was either very quick (which with serious cancer is a mercy) or Colin delayed telling people until it was well advanced.

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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty Re: R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

Post by Jane Lyzell Wed 26 Aug 2015 - 6:45

Admin wrote:That was sad news, it was either very quick (which with serious cancer is a mercy) or Colin delayed telling people until it was well advanced.

Lung Cancer http://colinfry.co.uk/
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty Re: R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

Post by mac Wed 26 Aug 2015 - 21:29

If we know Colin he'll soon be at work on 'the other side' as soon as he's adjusted to being back. Smile And who better to still be working for the spirit?


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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty Re: R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

Post by Jane Lyzell Thu 27 Aug 2015 - 10:37

mac wrote:If we know Colin he'll soon be at work on 'the other side' as soon as he's adjusted to being back.  Smile  And who better to still be working for the spirit?
Thats trou Wink
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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R. I . P  Rev Colin Fry Empty Re: R. I . P Rev Colin Fry

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