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What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Left Behind
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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Left Behind Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:28 pm

For me it would have to be The World Unseen: a compilation of three spirit-channeled volumes from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through the medium Anthony Borgia.

My second favorite would be On the Edge of the Etheric, by Arthur Findlay.

What are your favorites? Smile

Left Behind

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Left Behind Tue May 26, 2015 4:30 am

No one here has any favorite books about Spiritualism? Shocked

Left Behind

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by normy Tue May 26, 2015 4:57 am

While I have many books about Spiritualism, my favourite book is, 'Is there an afterlife?' by David Fontana. It contains much of the best evidence for psychic/afterlife/Spiritualism, which appeals to me as a great basic reference book written by a scientist who searched and investigated for himself and wrote honestly about what he found.

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by mac Tue May 26, 2015 6:51 am

Most of my books were lent out and never returned and I don't remember if I had a favourite anyway... Now I think I'm mostly past reading about 'stuff'. Perhaps, though, 'Soul Trek' by Julie Gale is one that's enhanced the meaning of everything I learned in my earlier years.


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by obiwan Tue May 26, 2015 6:59 am

Barbanell's "This Is Spiritualism" is a good one if you can find a copy.


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by hiorta Tue May 26, 2015 7:46 am

I suppose the 'best book' would depend on where you stand at the moment. Books detailing personal experiences are usually good if not great and do to break new ground.
These views are subjective, of course.

Like mac, I'd suggest 'Soul Trek' - a channelled book for the expansion of vision it offers. A tighter edit would have helped, but again,my opinion only.
I appreciate too, that some may well be disappointed in it.

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by obiwan Tue May 26, 2015 8:33 am

David Fontanas book is excellent but not about spiritualism per se.


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by mac Tue May 26, 2015 8:38 am

You're the only individual who's mentioned knowing that book, hiorta...


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by hiorta Tue May 26, 2015 10:02 am

Seem to recall mentioning it in here a few years back.

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by mac Tue May 26, 2015 5:58 pm

I must have missed that or just forgotten - that's happening more as I grow older!


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by hiorta Tue May 26, 2015 8:02 pm


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Wes Wed May 27, 2015 7:14 pm

More suggestions can be found in this thread:


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Left Behind Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:55 am

Wes wrote:More suggestions can be found in this thread:


All of Arthur Findlay's books seem to be highly recommended. I've read On the Edge of the Etheric. I understand that The Rock of Truth is in print: a facsimile edition of the original.

Left Behind

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by roywilljenks Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:54 am

I enjoyed The Power of Now..


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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Left Behind Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:10 am

roywilljenks wrote:I enjoyed The Power of Now..

I'm not familiar with that one. What's it about?

Left Behind

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Admin Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:19 am

Hi Jim, its one of Eckhart Tolle's books not a Spiritualist writing more from someone who teaches personal change and growth from a spiritual position.

I know a number of people who follow his teachings and have found tehm helpful in changing their lives, albeit many then move on to the next life changing idea. None of those people had any interest in the concepts of Modern Spiritualism as represented by this site. Indeed I am unsure that some of them have any real view on the afterlife, those who visited our centre were more interested in the area of psychism.

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by Left Behind Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:03 am

Yes: I've noticed that about a lot of spiritually-inclined people. Some of them seem to be genuine seekers and followers of a system that benefits them. Others seem to just make a hobby out of it: or are looking for that magic course or book or teacher who's going to turn their life around for them, with little or no effort on their part.

You see the same thing with physical exercise programs.

In either case, I think it's less a case of what path you're on, than how dedicated you are on the trek.

Left Behind

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What is the best book about Spiritualism? Empty Re: What is the best book about Spiritualism?

Post by hiorta Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:44 pm

"In either case, I think it's less a case of what path you're on, than how dedicated you are on the trek".... by Left Behind Today at 11:03 am.

How true.
I have seen so many pursue development seemingly to enhance their present status, rather than walk the long road to fruition.
However, it should all lead to inner benefit of some kind in some way.

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