Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Jane Lyzell
21 posters
SpiritualismLink :: Psychic and Mediumship - Only True Mediumship Gives Proof of Survival :: Physical Mediumship
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Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
I have discovered a link to the paper written in the SPR's Paranormal review.
Fall of the House of Felix?
An Investigation of the Mediumship of Kai Mügge and the Felix Circle
Fall of the House of Felix?
An Investigation of the Mediumship of Kai Mügge and the Felix Circle
Admin- Admin
statement about seances with physical medium "Kai Muegge"
This is a statement about seances with physical medium "Kai Muegge" from Hanau Germany.
This statement is based on various séances in 2015, 2016 and 2017, and is supported by various witnesses who are experienced in the field of (physical) mediumship, research and practice. This statement is only applicable for séances where Kai Muegge is the medium and it is NOT applicable to other physical mediums.
This statement is supported by 9 people who witnessed one or more séances of Kai Muegge. The names of these people remain private by reason that their main objective is to put a warning to others. They do not wish to be part in the true/false discussion that will follow after this statement is published. The supporters of this statement are 100% sure of their findings and discussing it (like others did in the past) has no positive added value to their point of view regarding the involved medium.
Statement text
Over the last years, various people spoke out about their experiences regarding the physical mediumship of Kai Muegge. These experiences are based on various séances, investigations by trustful people who witnessed situations that were explained, sold and interpreted as an act of physical mediumship.
The supporters of this statement do not find it necessary to describe their own experiences in detail, because these details have already been published on earlier occasions by many others. We herewith refer to the detailed publications of Michael Nahm, Peter Mulacs, Stephen Braude and the collected work of many others who wrote about their experiences and published them online.
Based upon our own experiences and the detailed descriptions of earlier mentioned publications, the supporters of this statement conclude that most of the current public Kai Muegge séances contain none to very little happenings which can be typed as an act of physical mediumship. The happenings that are shown during the séances of Kai Muegge have the express intent to be the outcome of physical mediumship, but the supporters of this statement conclude that these are mostly not part of something of which where spirit is involved.
If people have the intention to be part of a séance where the working medium is Kai Muegge AND if this séance is sold as a demonstration of physical mediumship, this statement makes it very clear that in most cases, the content of this séance will be one with very little spirit intervention. In our opinion, the happenings you will witness are mostly initiated by a physical person from this world and NOT the world of spirit.
In this statement we use words like " most, mostly or most cases" and "none to very little" Reason for this is the following: Based upon séances that were held in earlier years than which this statement refers to, it is known that there were séances of Kai Muegge that were good demonstrations of physical mediumship. Therefore we find it sad that the development of the séances over the last years have headed into a different direction.
Advice for seances of Kay Muegge
Physical mediumship always has a purpose. Why should Spirit make an effort to produce ectoplasm, bring apports or move things in the room? The happenings in a physical séance should have a deeper meaning to at least one person in the room. This mostly is the missing part in the séances of Kai Muegge.
Our advice to those who wish to attend a seance of Kai that is published as a seance of "physical mediumship” is:
• Go, if you accept the fact that only a part of what you will witness is real physical mediumship.
• If you wish to go, but if quality is important, you can ONLY accept this as "physical mediumship” if all of these four points are met:
1. the basics are good. Every sitter, the medium and helpers are checked by an independent checker. The cabinet and the room are checked by independent checkers and there is nothing they are not allowed to examine;
2. the medium brings a beloved one from the spirit world through for one or more sitters. In this contact solid proof is given, where solid means that the information that is given cannot be found on the internet nor can it be gained in any other way;
3. In the case of an apport, it needs to be unique and there must be a deeper meaning to it;
4. this séance is conducted with the presence of an independent cameraman with a thermal camera, where afterwards the film is showed to the sitters to confirm the authenticity of the physical séance. (needs to be announced when booking) Next to this we need to make the remark that the delivery of infrared, thermal film material or photos of earlier séances cannot be seen as the proof of authenticity for future physical séances, unless you have participated in the earlier séance yourself and that convinced you of it’s uniqueness.
If (4) is not announced and not followed up, or announced but not followed up in the séance, then you should doubt the uniqueness of the séance and ask for money back. In the case of any payments asked, we find that it is not fair to ask € 100,- to € 200,- per person for attending a physical séance where the quality is not assured by these 4 points.
This statement is based on various séances in 2015, 2016 and 2017, and is supported by various witnesses who are experienced in the field of (physical) mediumship, research and practice. This statement is only applicable for séances where Kai Muegge is the medium and it is NOT applicable to other physical mediums.
This statement is supported by 9 people who witnessed one or more séances of Kai Muegge. The names of these people remain private by reason that their main objective is to put a warning to others. They do not wish to be part in the true/false discussion that will follow after this statement is published. The supporters of this statement are 100% sure of their findings and discussing it (like others did in the past) has no positive added value to their point of view regarding the involved medium.
Statement text
Over the last years, various people spoke out about their experiences regarding the physical mediumship of Kai Muegge. These experiences are based on various séances, investigations by trustful people who witnessed situations that were explained, sold and interpreted as an act of physical mediumship.
The supporters of this statement do not find it necessary to describe their own experiences in detail, because these details have already been published on earlier occasions by many others. We herewith refer to the detailed publications of Michael Nahm, Peter Mulacs, Stephen Braude and the collected work of many others who wrote about their experiences and published them online.
Based upon our own experiences and the detailed descriptions of earlier mentioned publications, the supporters of this statement conclude that most of the current public Kai Muegge séances contain none to very little happenings which can be typed as an act of physical mediumship. The happenings that are shown during the séances of Kai Muegge have the express intent to be the outcome of physical mediumship, but the supporters of this statement conclude that these are mostly not part of something of which where spirit is involved.
If people have the intention to be part of a séance where the working medium is Kai Muegge AND if this séance is sold as a demonstration of physical mediumship, this statement makes it very clear that in most cases, the content of this séance will be one with very little spirit intervention. In our opinion, the happenings you will witness are mostly initiated by a physical person from this world and NOT the world of spirit.
In this statement we use words like " most, mostly or most cases" and "none to very little" Reason for this is the following: Based upon séances that were held in earlier years than which this statement refers to, it is known that there were séances of Kai Muegge that were good demonstrations of physical mediumship. Therefore we find it sad that the development of the séances over the last years have headed into a different direction.
Advice for seances of Kay Muegge
Physical mediumship always has a purpose. Why should Spirit make an effort to produce ectoplasm, bring apports or move things in the room? The happenings in a physical séance should have a deeper meaning to at least one person in the room. This mostly is the missing part in the séances of Kai Muegge.
Our advice to those who wish to attend a seance of Kai that is published as a seance of "physical mediumship” is:
• Go, if you accept the fact that only a part of what you will witness is real physical mediumship.
• If you wish to go, but if quality is important, you can ONLY accept this as "physical mediumship” if all of these four points are met:
1. the basics are good. Every sitter, the medium and helpers are checked by an independent checker. The cabinet and the room are checked by independent checkers and there is nothing they are not allowed to examine;
2. the medium brings a beloved one from the spirit world through for one or more sitters. In this contact solid proof is given, where solid means that the information that is given cannot be found on the internet nor can it be gained in any other way;
3. In the case of an apport, it needs to be unique and there must be a deeper meaning to it;
4. this séance is conducted with the presence of an independent cameraman with a thermal camera, where afterwards the film is showed to the sitters to confirm the authenticity of the physical séance. (needs to be announced when booking) Next to this we need to make the remark that the delivery of infrared, thermal film material or photos of earlier séances cannot be seen as the proof of authenticity for future physical séances, unless you have participated in the earlier séance yourself and that convinced you of it’s uniqueness.
If (4) is not announced and not followed up, or announced but not followed up in the séance, then you should doubt the uniqueness of the séance and ask for money back. In the case of any payments asked, we find that it is not fair to ask € 100,- to € 200,- per person for attending a physical séance where the quality is not assured by these 4 points.
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Preaching to the converted - is there any point in that?
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Hi Mac,
While taking your point, I also think that perhaps, as a first response to Vargas's first post on this topic, it may come across as somewhat harsh, and even dismissive of what the poster is wishing to convey.
While many of us who are on this forum may, indeed, have already been rather skeptical of the mediumship of Kau Muegge, and certainly more so than the general physical mediumship crowd, I hesitate to dismiss the comments of someone who has arrived at a perspective that others have arrived at somewhat earlier.
Indeed, I am, personally, gratified that others who have partaken of KM seances, have subsequently arrived at a conclusion similiar to many of us. That rather tends to lend support and confirmation to the position we have taken.
While taking your point, I also think that perhaps, as a first response to Vargas's first post on this topic, it may come across as somewhat harsh, and even dismissive of what the poster is wishing to convey.
While many of us who are on this forum may, indeed, have already been rather skeptical of the mediumship of Kau Muegge, and certainly more so than the general physical mediumship crowd, I hesitate to dismiss the comments of someone who has arrived at a perspective that others have arrived at somewhat earlier.
Indeed, I am, personally, gratified that others who have partaken of KM seances, have subsequently arrived at a conclusion similiar to many of us. That rather tends to lend support and confirmation to the position we have taken.
Lis- Admin
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
I don't doubt the value of what Fargas has found for her/himself and the associated group Lis, but it's hardly novel or - I suggest - particularly helpful to our contributors. Whether 'lurkers', the non-contributing readership, will be helped by its information we don't know but my guess is probably not.
I saw it as pretentious to present the piece here on this website as guidance or advice and I find the unpreparedness of the authors to engage with us regular contributors as dismissive.
Maybe I'm getting ever-more cranky as I approach the end of my sixth decade in this world but increasingly I'm saying as I find, even when if my words come over as harsh. But it's your website and of course I respect that ownership.
I saw it as pretentious to present the piece here on this website as guidance or advice and I find the unpreparedness of the authors to engage with us regular contributors as dismissive.
Maybe I'm getting ever-more cranky as I approach the end of my sixth decade in this world but increasingly I'm saying as I find, even when if my words come over as harsh. But it's your website and of course I respect that ownership.
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Hi Mac,
I think you may be getting rather more cranky than you need to, or is good for your health! Nevertheless, I hope that those whom you refer to as 'lurkers'will indeed be assisted by Vargas's post, but of course neither you or I will ever know if they have been because they are the 'non-contributing readership.'
The Vargas statement claims it is supported by "9 people who witnessed one or more séances of Kai Muegge". Such a remark, if followed up by the names of the witnesses and the dates on which they witnessed that which brought them to a certainty as to the mediumship of KM, might indeed, have had a powerful impact on many.
That the author/s then claim the names remain private because the "main objective is to put a warning to others," but they "do not wish to be part in the true/false discussion that will follow after this statement is published", actually undermines the validity of their claim because there is no evidence presented that shows these "9 people" actually exist, or actually attended any KM seances or that they in fact have the necessary knowledge or expertise with which to make the assessment that they have regarding the nature of the KM seances..
Surely, if these people have witnessed something, and are "100% sure of their findings" they should be willing to put their name to their findings, regardless of whether they are interested in entering into further discussion with others about their point of view.
I think you may be getting rather more cranky than you need to, or is good for your health! Nevertheless, I hope that those whom you refer to as 'lurkers'will indeed be assisted by Vargas's post, but of course neither you or I will ever know if they have been because they are the 'non-contributing readership.'
The Vargas statement claims it is supported by "9 people who witnessed one or more séances of Kai Muegge". Such a remark, if followed up by the names of the witnesses and the dates on which they witnessed that which brought them to a certainty as to the mediumship of KM, might indeed, have had a powerful impact on many.
That the author/s then claim the names remain private because the "main objective is to put a warning to others," but they "do not wish to be part in the true/false discussion that will follow after this statement is published", actually undermines the validity of their claim because there is no evidence presented that shows these "9 people" actually exist, or actually attended any KM seances or that they in fact have the necessary knowledge or expertise with which to make the assessment that they have regarding the nature of the KM seances..
Surely, if these people have witnessed something, and are "100% sure of their findings" they should be willing to put their name to their findings, regardless of whether they are interested in entering into further discussion with others about their point of view.
Lis- Admin
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Lis wrote:Hi Mac,
I think you may be getting rather more cranky than you need to, or is good for your health!
Indulging my crankiness helps get such frustrations off my chest.... I was termed 'cranky', incidentally, by another website's owner. At the time I was a little upset but I quite enjoy being thought of that way now.
Lis wrote:Nevertheless, I hope that those whom you refer to as 'lurkers'will indeed be assisted by Vargas's post, but of course neither you or I will ever know if they have been because they are the 'non-contributing readership.'
Yes it's a shame they don't tell us.
Lis wrote:The Vargas statement claims it is supported by "9 people who witnessed one or more séances of Kai Muegge". Such a remark, if followed up by the names of the witnesses and the dates on which they witnessed that which brought them to a certainty as to the mediumship of KM, might indeed, have had a powerful impact on many.
I wonder if they really do care that much??? They won't engage with us so we won't get to hear, of course....
Lis wrote:That the author/s then claim the names remain private because the "main objective is to put a warning to others," but they "do not wish to be part in the true/false discussion that will follow after this statement is published", actually undermines the validity of their claim because there is no evidence presented that shows these "9 people" actually exist, or actually attended any KM seances or that they in fact have the necessary knowledge or expertise with which to make the assessment that they have regarding the nature of the KM seances.
Yes, it could just be just one individual trying to 'big up' her/his supposed importance. What do we feel about such behaviour? Well it makes me cranky!
Lis wrote:Surely, if these people have witnessed something, and are "100% sure of their findings" they should be willing to put their name to their findings, regardless of whether they are interested in entering into further discussion with others about their point of view.
I agree....
Maybe I'm in curmudgeon mode again but not only on 'Spiritualism Link' but also on other websites where I'm a regular contributor, I find it irksome when a freshly-registered member delivers a lecture, gives advice, but has no intention of engaging with others. Only we active members end up discussing the points raised.
I acknowledge, however, a website's owner affords all of us - new and old member alike - the privilege of using their cyber space in whatever way they wish. (within the rules)
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
It's amazing that KM is still going strong. I was at one of his events and it was quite a disappointment to witness the unlikely truth of it all. Ectoplasm = halloween cobweb. Photographs in red light are deceiving. In red light photographs of rather striated halloween cobweb look like a smooth cloud of fog. One circle that I am aware of experimented with this and produced stunning photos in red light.
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
Agreed it does seem that those who want to believe will, sad that they are taken in, especially with theamazingly unlikely stories that come with it like Shamballa. Mark you they may have created a new industry
Admin- Admin
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
None so blind as those who will not see...... Fantasy appeals to some more than reality and there's nothing you can do for such individuals. They likely grew into adolescence also choosing to believe in fairies and Santa Claus.
It's a shame to tell 'em anything different.....
It's a shame to tell 'em anything different.....
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
It’s always worth asking about the evidential content isn’t it, aside from purported phenomena.
Re: Investigation into the Mediumship of Kai Muegge
obiwan wrote:It’s always worth asking about the evidential content isn’t it, aside from purported phenomena.
Ask whom - the phenomenalist?
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