Scott Milligan!?
nick pettitt
Jane Lyzell
23 posters
SpiritualismLink :: Psychic and Mediumship - Only True Mediumship Gives Proof of Survival :: Physical Mediumship
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Re: Scott Milligan!?
Admin wrote:Thanks for sharing that story Bulldog, I wonder who the medium was.
Yes I understand Scott has been training for a fair time. He is an extremely close friend of David Thompson and even visited him in Australia back around 2007 when David visited the Tumbetin Centre in the Dandenongs, Victoria (anyone reading the threads here would have noticed the friendship).
To have kept and digitised a recording is great it must be fascinating to listen to.
I don't know who the medium was I have asked Scott and he is strangely vague which is very odd as everyone seemed to know him there and he can recall his past in great detail except this particular "event" ...
Re: Scott Milligan!?
I donyt know, do you have a photo I would recognize him if I saw his pictureSpectre wrote:Hi bulldog, was the circle leader John Austin
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Hi -
follow this link and scroll down to the last photo.
It shows John Austin with David Thompson and the Harrisons.
follow this link and scroll down to the last photo.
It shows John Austin with David Thompson and the Harrisons.
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Hi thanks the medium was thicker set, but the Harrisons look familiar especially the man
Re: Scott Milligan!?
bulldog wrote:
Was the circle held in the attic of a house in Brighton?
nick pettitt
Re: Scott Milligan!?
bulldog wrote:Yes
I attended that circle as a guest about the same time that you did. It was called the Crystal Circle. I don't remember how I heard about it but it may have been advertised in the local paper. They had guest sitters once a month and charged about £15. I don't think the medium ever demonstrated outside of the home circle. There were a couple of other guest sitters that evening and about four regular sitters. It was held in the attic in total darkness, there was no cabinet and the medium was not restrained. They had a kind of large umbrella suspended above the circle which they told me was to contain the energies of the circle. There were several communicators that came from the medium, not independent. There was no survival evidence or spiritual philosophy in the communications instead it was just talk of Earthly events and childish humor. There were several rocks and crystals in the centre of the circle some of which landed in people's laps resulting in one of the guest sitters being hurt when a rock landed on her lap!
nick pettitt
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Hi Nick, yes I saw it in a local free paper I thought it was about a tenner or so, I dont remember the umbrella, but I did think the whole thing was set up from the start. It didnt "feel" right to me at all. I cant remember the Guys name but I sat next to him and he owned the house and the second time I attended thought something was not "right" The medium "Barrie?" I felt was not what he said in private conversation afterwards, I recall the crystals
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Now this thread kind of wandered away but it is about Scott so maybe it needs re awakening
this was posted elsewhere in teh thread that is covered by the title
Re: Psychic News TRUTH campaign to end fraud in physical mediums
Post by TheTruthShallSetYouFree Fri 4 Jan 2019 - 11:50
In 2017 approx Psychic News (PN) announced the Psychic News Truth Campaign to stop fraud in Physical Mediumship (PM) there was much hoo ha following the secret recording of Gary Mannion at Banyan retreat following which there were accusations, denials, slander and hostility to anyone that questioned PM in general, myself included. PN together with the AFC (Arthur Findlay College) put protocols in place to ensure all public displays of PM were videoed with suitable equipment either infrared or thermal imaging cameras. At the time as a professional photographer I said infrared and thermal cameras were not necessary as digital technology could now photograph in blackout conditions and offered to provide the equipment, hence Physical Mediums could not use the excuse of IR causing them injury. I looked up the original PN post today (screenshots enclosed) And its quite telling.
In 2015 one medium was tested by the AFC and the results were negative and not published – Why not I ask?
Psychic News Said;
“Scott Milligan is experimenting with such equipment under spirit instruction at his home circle of which Nic Whitham and Steven Siu Banyan retreat co-owners are members”
I would ask “where are the videos?” Two years later as far as I am aware no public videos of either Scott Milligan or other PMs have surfaced, if not why not? If The results were negative lets see the evidence, if the results were positive lets see the evidence.
Banyan also said in the article :
” In order to protect and ensure the legitimacy of our physical mediums in the modern world it has become necessary for us to ask them to work whilst we film them with a thermal imaging camera”
Since a long time has passed and there must have been quite a few displays of PM at Banyan by Scott Milligan and others where on earth is the video evidence? I am not singling out Scott Milligan or Banyan as this applies to all current PMs and and displays of PMs at centres, I am highlighting the aforementioned as they were in the original PN article. The time has come to stop hiding in the dark and put a stop to this once and for all, my offer to provide High Res low lux digital equipment still stands for any PM that is willing to be tested and proved one way or the other!
this was posted elsewhere in teh thread that is covered by the title
Re: Psychic News TRUTH campaign to end fraud in physical mediums
Post by TheTruthShallSetYouFree Fri 4 Jan 2019 - 11:50
In 2017 approx Psychic News (PN) announced the Psychic News Truth Campaign to stop fraud in Physical Mediumship (PM) there was much hoo ha following the secret recording of Gary Mannion at Banyan retreat following which there were accusations, denials, slander and hostility to anyone that questioned PM in general, myself included. PN together with the AFC (Arthur Findlay College) put protocols in place to ensure all public displays of PM were videoed with suitable equipment either infrared or thermal imaging cameras. At the time as a professional photographer I said infrared and thermal cameras were not necessary as digital technology could now photograph in blackout conditions and offered to provide the equipment, hence Physical Mediums could not use the excuse of IR causing them injury. I looked up the original PN post today (screenshots enclosed) And its quite telling.
In 2015 one medium was tested by the AFC and the results were negative and not published – Why not I ask?
Psychic News Said;
“Scott Milligan is experimenting with such equipment under spirit instruction at his home circle of which Nic Whitham and Steven Siu Banyan retreat co-owners are members”
I would ask “where are the videos?” Two years later as far as I am aware no public videos of either Scott Milligan or other PMs have surfaced, if not why not? If The results were negative lets see the evidence, if the results were positive lets see the evidence.
Banyan also said in the article :
” In order to protect and ensure the legitimacy of our physical mediums in the modern world it has become necessary for us to ask them to work whilst we film them with a thermal imaging camera”
Since a long time has passed and there must have been quite a few displays of PM at Banyan by Scott Milligan and others where on earth is the video evidence? I am not singling out Scott Milligan or Banyan as this applies to all current PMs and and displays of PMs at centres, I am highlighting the aforementioned as they were in the original PN article. The time has come to stop hiding in the dark and put a stop to this once and for all, my offer to provide High Res low lux digital equipment still stands for any PM that is willing to be tested and proved one way or the other!
Admin- Admin
Re: Scott Milligan!?
This followed an earlier post about the Truth in Physical Mediumship Protocols.
Of course when these were presented to Scott he walked away from the AFC in an apparent huff.
Re: Psychic News TRUTH campaign to end fraud in physical mediums
Post by Admin Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 23:52
Interesting I note that, on last Friday, Banyan Retreat, who released the video that exposed Gary Mannion, were having a physical mediumship seance with Scott Milligan. Now Banyan signed up to the new protocols; I wonder whether they will have enforced them on Scott a close friend of theirs.
Hmm I have been wondering how much time would elapse before the Dark Seance, with no filming would re appear. Admittedly by my reading none of these rules have stopped Mannion from working.
(Saturday) 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
This is a great opportunity to experience a physical séance with Scott.
Places are only made available to people who:
have sat with Scott before
have attended a workshop at Banyan Retreat with Scott
are known to Banyan Retreat
are known to Scott
We anticipate much – but can promise nothing.
CLICK HERE to read the séance protocol before you book your place.
The seance protocols they are using would seem to suggest they will not be filming it, I note, from the information above, that they may have decided this is not truly an open seance because of the entry restrictions; so they could argue this exempts the need for the new Truth campaign rules;
Please read carefully as you may be asked to sign in agreement.
Physical Mediumship is a rare form of Mediumistic Phenomena and few Mediums subject themselves to this type of mediumship in today’s public arena. Mediums in the past have sustained serious injury and loss of life due to inappropriate conduct of persons during séances.
All séance that are held at Banyan Retreat are for the sole purpose of experimentation, at no time will we be held responsible in any way for the content of any séance.
We request you to read and accept the following conditions. If you are unable to accept any of the conditions listed, we request that you refrain from attending a séance.
In booking your place you agree to the following:
Physical mediums are highly sensitive, sitters/guests agree that they will not disrupt the event in any way because any disruption could cause serious injury to the medium.
Physical Mediums cannot be exposed to ANY light whatsoever and accordingly all sitters/guests agree they will not do anything in any way whatsoever to interfere with the medium, with the conditions of the sessions, with the spirit communicators or to introduce any light/cameras/recording devices whatsoever. I also consent to a physical search by a representative of the Circle.
During the sitting, the sitters/guests undertake to act with due responsibility and to respect the medium, spirit communicators and all other persons present and to follow all instructions and or directions given by the circle leader or representative of the Circle.
The Physical Medium and Banyan Retreat state that during the séance and or trance event, they will take no responsibility for the effects of any communication which may occur during the séance or trance event.
Accordingly: When you sign the register, you sign to confirm that you are in a fit and proper condition to participate in this session and will not make any claim against the Physical Medium and his authorized agents or managers in relation to anything which may transpire before, during or after the session or as a result of it.
Please understand you are duly bound by ALL instructions & precautions.
All séance are held in complete darkness, and can last between one to two hours. If you have a fear of the darkness (Nyctophobia) or are claustrophobic, you must NOT attend the séance.
Careful procedures are taken to protect the medium. If a ticket is given to another individual other than the person whom it was sold to, that person will not be allowed to attend the séance.
Any person who is or maybe pregnant must advise a representative before booking into a séance, unfortunately we are unable to accept any responsibility for their well being, before, during or after a séance.
Individuals attending a séance MUST NOT use any unnecessary drugs or alcohol 24 hours before attending a séance.
All persons, including the medium will be searched thoroughly before entering the séance room. All items listed must be removed before entering the séance room; Shoes, Jewellery, wallets, purses, bags, head gear, belts, watches, and ALL pockets must be emptied. All metal objects must be removed, ALL sources of light, mobile phones and any electrical equipment or machinery. IE cameras/recording devices of any type will NOT be permitted at any time in the séance room without written permission. ALL participants will be searched by a member of the same sex by hand and also by a metal detector and must agree to being searched, failure to comply with any reasonable request by the persons conducting the search will result in exclusion from the séance.
If you feel you would become distressed or unnerved in anyway by a spirit person communicating verbally or physically at the event you must not attend.
It is advisable to only have a light meal two hours before a séance, so that energy is not used in digesting food.
Sitters are asked not to make any unnecessary noise during the séance unless participating in the singing or forum at anytime. They must also keep movements to an absolute minimum throughout the event.
A representative of the circle will give a talk on the séance protocols before the commencement of the séance; ALL participants must attend this pre-séance talk regardless of any previous attendances.
Once the séance room is sealed off, if a person were to panic or feel uncomfortable and wanted to leave the room, depending on the level of trance state obtained at that time by the medium would be dependant if the séance would have to be terminated, so all persons are reminded that they have a responsibility to disclose any information that may cause the séance to terminate prematurely.
It is extremely important that sitters come with an open mind to the séance. The success of the communication can come down to the positive vibration that those in attendance create. We ask that all worries and thoughts of our day to day lives are left outside and that we mentally or verbally analyse what takes place after the séance has concluded, as too much analytical thinking can impede communication. We are the only limitation to what takes place.
Once invited into the séance room, sitters are asked to sit where directed by a designated representative, where possible new sitters will be asked to sit between those who have sat in a previous séance. Once seated, we ask you to minimize movements and at no time exchange seats with any other person.
All items made or adapted to create any type of light or energy in anyway including but not limited to light bulbs will be removed from the séance room. A red light generator maybe used by the designated circle leader and is the only light source allowed at anytime in the room.
The medium will be secured into his chair with straps, cable ties and independent checkers will be invited to check the straps and bindings. An independent checker will be chosen to keep possession of the cable tie cutter at all times during the séance.
All exits to the séance room will then be closed and secured and a final light check will be conducted before the red light source is extinguished.
Sitters must remain as still and quiet as possible throughout the séance, unless instructed otherwise by the spirit control or a circle representative. There should be no clapping of hands at anytime. Over exaggerated movements disturbs the séance room energy and unexpected ectoplasm contact can cause grave harm to the medium as the spirit people are within ectoplasm that is produced and exuded from the medium’s body. It is therefore a part of him and will recoil back into his body and may cause internal damage if inappropriately disturbed.
Sitters MUST NOT touch or grab levitated objects or spirit entities, unless permission is expressly granted from a spirit person or the designated circle leader.
An opening/closing prayer will be said before and on conclusion of each séance this is not meant to cause harm or distress in any way to any persons attending regardless of that person’s creed, colour or personal belief.
All persons when instructed to do so must hold hands, this is done to ensure all persons are located in their appropriate place and also to maintain the safety of the Medium during any type of phenomena that maybe taking place within the séance room.
Attendees should note that all sessions are audio-recorded and may be published in various media, including print, audio and video formats without further notice.
Places are not refundable or transferable.
Of course when these were presented to Scott he walked away from the AFC in an apparent huff.
Re: Psychic News TRUTH campaign to end fraud in physical mediums
Post by Admin Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 23:52
Interesting I note that, on last Friday, Banyan Retreat, who released the video that exposed Gary Mannion, were having a physical mediumship seance with Scott Milligan. Now Banyan signed up to the new protocols; I wonder whether they will have enforced them on Scott a close friend of theirs.
Hmm I have been wondering how much time would elapse before the Dark Seance, with no filming would re appear. Admittedly by my reading none of these rules have stopped Mannion from working.
(Saturday) 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
This is a great opportunity to experience a physical séance with Scott.
Places are only made available to people who:
have sat with Scott before
have attended a workshop at Banyan Retreat with Scott
are known to Banyan Retreat
are known to Scott
We anticipate much – but can promise nothing.
CLICK HERE to read the séance protocol before you book your place.
The seance protocols they are using would seem to suggest they will not be filming it, I note, from the information above, that they may have decided this is not truly an open seance because of the entry restrictions; so they could argue this exempts the need for the new Truth campaign rules;
Please read carefully as you may be asked to sign in agreement.
Physical Mediumship is a rare form of Mediumistic Phenomena and few Mediums subject themselves to this type of mediumship in today’s public arena. Mediums in the past have sustained serious injury and loss of life due to inappropriate conduct of persons during séances.
All séance that are held at Banyan Retreat are for the sole purpose of experimentation, at no time will we be held responsible in any way for the content of any séance.
We request you to read and accept the following conditions. If you are unable to accept any of the conditions listed, we request that you refrain from attending a séance.
In booking your place you agree to the following:
Physical mediums are highly sensitive, sitters/guests agree that they will not disrupt the event in any way because any disruption could cause serious injury to the medium.
Physical Mediums cannot be exposed to ANY light whatsoever and accordingly all sitters/guests agree they will not do anything in any way whatsoever to interfere with the medium, with the conditions of the sessions, with the spirit communicators or to introduce any light/cameras/recording devices whatsoever. I also consent to a physical search by a representative of the Circle.
During the sitting, the sitters/guests undertake to act with due responsibility and to respect the medium, spirit communicators and all other persons present and to follow all instructions and or directions given by the circle leader or representative of the Circle.
The Physical Medium and Banyan Retreat state that during the séance and or trance event, they will take no responsibility for the effects of any communication which may occur during the séance or trance event.
Accordingly: When you sign the register, you sign to confirm that you are in a fit and proper condition to participate in this session and will not make any claim against the Physical Medium and his authorized agents or managers in relation to anything which may transpire before, during or after the session or as a result of it.
Please understand you are duly bound by ALL instructions & precautions.
All séance are held in complete darkness, and can last between one to two hours. If you have a fear of the darkness (Nyctophobia) or are claustrophobic, you must NOT attend the séance.
Careful procedures are taken to protect the medium. If a ticket is given to another individual other than the person whom it was sold to, that person will not be allowed to attend the séance.
Any person who is or maybe pregnant must advise a representative before booking into a séance, unfortunately we are unable to accept any responsibility for their well being, before, during or after a séance.
Individuals attending a séance MUST NOT use any unnecessary drugs or alcohol 24 hours before attending a séance.
All persons, including the medium will be searched thoroughly before entering the séance room. All items listed must be removed before entering the séance room; Shoes, Jewellery, wallets, purses, bags, head gear, belts, watches, and ALL pockets must be emptied. All metal objects must be removed, ALL sources of light, mobile phones and any electrical equipment or machinery. IE cameras/recording devices of any type will NOT be permitted at any time in the séance room without written permission. ALL participants will be searched by a member of the same sex by hand and also by a metal detector and must agree to being searched, failure to comply with any reasonable request by the persons conducting the search will result in exclusion from the séance.
If you feel you would become distressed or unnerved in anyway by a spirit person communicating verbally or physically at the event you must not attend.
It is advisable to only have a light meal two hours before a séance, so that energy is not used in digesting food.
Sitters are asked not to make any unnecessary noise during the séance unless participating in the singing or forum at anytime. They must also keep movements to an absolute minimum throughout the event.
A representative of the circle will give a talk on the séance protocols before the commencement of the séance; ALL participants must attend this pre-séance talk regardless of any previous attendances.
Once the séance room is sealed off, if a person were to panic or feel uncomfortable and wanted to leave the room, depending on the level of trance state obtained at that time by the medium would be dependant if the séance would have to be terminated, so all persons are reminded that they have a responsibility to disclose any information that may cause the séance to terminate prematurely.
It is extremely important that sitters come with an open mind to the séance. The success of the communication can come down to the positive vibration that those in attendance create. We ask that all worries and thoughts of our day to day lives are left outside and that we mentally or verbally analyse what takes place after the séance has concluded, as too much analytical thinking can impede communication. We are the only limitation to what takes place.
Once invited into the séance room, sitters are asked to sit where directed by a designated representative, where possible new sitters will be asked to sit between those who have sat in a previous séance. Once seated, we ask you to minimize movements and at no time exchange seats with any other person.
All items made or adapted to create any type of light or energy in anyway including but not limited to light bulbs will be removed from the séance room. A red light generator maybe used by the designated circle leader and is the only light source allowed at anytime in the room.
The medium will be secured into his chair with straps, cable ties and independent checkers will be invited to check the straps and bindings. An independent checker will be chosen to keep possession of the cable tie cutter at all times during the séance.
All exits to the séance room will then be closed and secured and a final light check will be conducted before the red light source is extinguished.
Sitters must remain as still and quiet as possible throughout the séance, unless instructed otherwise by the spirit control or a circle representative. There should be no clapping of hands at anytime. Over exaggerated movements disturbs the séance room energy and unexpected ectoplasm contact can cause grave harm to the medium as the spirit people are within ectoplasm that is produced and exuded from the medium’s body. It is therefore a part of him and will recoil back into his body and may cause internal damage if inappropriately disturbed.
Sitters MUST NOT touch or grab levitated objects or spirit entities, unless permission is expressly granted from a spirit person or the designated circle leader.
An opening/closing prayer will be said before and on conclusion of each séance this is not meant to cause harm or distress in any way to any persons attending regardless of that person’s creed, colour or personal belief.
All persons when instructed to do so must hold hands, this is done to ensure all persons are located in their appropriate place and also to maintain the safety of the Medium during any type of phenomena that maybe taking place within the séance room.
Attendees should note that all sessions are audio-recorded and may be published in various media, including print, audio and video formats without further notice.
Places are not refundable or transferable.
Admin- Admin
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Post by TheTruthShallSetYouFree Fri 4 Jan 2019 - 11:50
In 2017 approx Psychic News (PN) announced the Psychic News Truth Campaign to stop fraud in Physical Mediumship (PM) there was much hoo ha following the secret recording of Gary Mannion at Banyan retreat following which there were accusations, denials, slander and hostility to anyone that questioned PM in general, myself included. PN together with the AFC (Arthur Findlay College) put protocols in place to ensure all public displays of PM were videoed with suitable equipment either infrared or thermal imaging cameras. At the time as a professional photographer I said infrared and thermal cameras were not necessary as digital technology could now photograph in blackout conditions and offered to provide the equipment, hence Physical Mediums could not use the excuse of IR causing them injury. I looked up the original PN post today (screenshots enclosed) And its quite telling.
In 2015 one medium was tested by the AFC and the results were negative and not published – Why not I ask?
One thing before another one reason that nothing was mentioned about the AFC event in 2014 may be as a result of these amazing photographs from the seance room post the event. I have this on a variety of authorities and the red threads matched the track suit trousers Scott was wearing that day.
So he would not come back to work under Thermographic Conditions .
However, Banyan Retreat had agreed to the new Protocols and yet the post directly above this show they were letting Scott do a paid Seance without it, despite the assurances that they were helping Scott develop with the use of Thermography.
I thought he had moved on to Trance but even then, when the AFC had some evidence of possible misbehavior letting him inn as a Specialist Tutor, without any of the training all other have had looks, to say the least, a little odd.
Then I find that there are some claims about his unfortunate behaviour to Males, students and tutors, which I have received from several sources. Shame all involved seem unwilling to follow this up, although I dare say a few texts may still be about. From what I have heard a few people around the traps may know about this maybe that is why the new contact, which I presume Scott has signed, are so heavy on non fraternisation with students and personal misbehaviour and harassment. Surely the College Committee have fully checked Scott out?
Admin- Admin
obiwan and notabigjump like this post
Re: Scott Milligan!?
The obvious questions that arise are:
Did Scott Milligan have wads of cotton wool like substance secreted in his clothing? And if so was it to be used to give the appearance of ectoplasm?
Even more curious - why, if that was the case, did he leave the evidence behind after the seance?
Perhaps also why was this apparent evidence of improper conduct on the part of the medium not reported to the appropriate authorities.
Surely the AFC was made aware of the matter. Was this incident a part of the decision that Scott would no longer hold seances at the AFC - or did that only apply until there was a change in the president?
Is the current (invalidly re-elected) president aware of this incident?
If so, why, if there was a question about their seances, have they allowed this person back into the AFC and to act as a trainer?
Surely those who pay good money to attend the AFC deserve better than this.
Did Scott Milligan have wads of cotton wool like substance secreted in his clothing? And if so was it to be used to give the appearance of ectoplasm?
Even more curious - why, if that was the case, did he leave the evidence behind after the seance?
Perhaps also why was this apparent evidence of improper conduct on the part of the medium not reported to the appropriate authorities.
Surely the AFC was made aware of the matter. Was this incident a part of the decision that Scott would no longer hold seances at the AFC - or did that only apply until there was a change in the president?
Is the current (invalidly re-elected) president aware of this incident?
If so, why, if there was a question about their seances, have they allowed this person back into the AFC and to act as a trainer?
Surely those who pay good money to attend the AFC deserve better than this.
Last edited by Lis on Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lis- Admin
Admin and Jane Lyzell like this post
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Curious. Some people seem to be impressed by Scott Milligan. I’ve never seen him perform but I recall his contributions to a discussion on here many years ago and he seemed pretty unpleasant to me at the time. Doesn’t make him a fake of course but I don’t think I’d be interested in attending a seance with him.
Admin, Lis and Jane Lyzell like this post
Re: Scott Milligan!?
And some people are impressed by Kai Mugge...... say no more eh, my duck friend.
Admin, Lis and obiwan like this post
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Indeedmac wrote:And some people are impressed by Kai Mugge...... say no more eh, my duck friend.
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Lis wrote:The obvious questions that arise are:
Why did Scott Milligan have wads of cotton wool like substance secreted in his clothing?
Was it to give the appearance of ectoplasm?
Even more curious - why did he leave the evidence behind after the seance?
Perhaps also why was this apparent evidence of improper conduct on the part of the medium not reported to the appropriate authorities.
Surely the AFC was made aware of the matter. Was this incident a part of the decision that Scott would no longer hold seances at the AFC - or did that only apply until there was a change in the president?
Is the current (invalidly re-elected) president aware of this incident?
If so, why have they allowed this person back into the AFC and to act as a trainer?
Surely those who pay good money to attend the AFC deserve better than this.
Maybe it is now time that the shenanigans at the SNU / AFC came to a head with folk en masse voting with their feet?
The Summerland venue looks to be a suitable alternative to the Findlay college.
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Speak to Libby about this and devita they know what happened at the AFC seance and said nothing
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Care to share what YOU know/heard then???bulldog wrote:Speak to Libby about this and devita they know what happened at the AFC seance and said nothing
Re: Scott Milligan!?
This is a link to a Reply to these issues that Scott has posted to his facebook page, it is over 22 minutes long, I have a copy in my files for record purposes.
It is important, on our pages, to allow the other side of issues to be represented so as Scott asked that this should be shared around we have done so. As much as one side of it is fair comment in the public interest then showing the other is equally important.
It is interesting and informative but leaves us still wanting more and it goes a little overboard in its comments about critics and way over about blaming the 20 tutors for starting a campaign to remove the current President. Also in its evil comment, poison and die statements it probably crosses the tutors contract on use of social media but then Scott is upset, hurt and appears to be threatening slander actions. The big problem we all have with physical mediumship is there are amazing claims of proof of survival which can never be backed up by the type of minimal evidence given in dark seances. That was what Thermography was for.
This is a link to a Reply to these issues that Scott has posted to his facebook page, it is over 22 minutes long, I have a copy in my files for record purposes.
It is important, on our pages, to allow the other side of issues to be represented so as Scott asked that this should be shared around we have done so. As much as one side of it is fair comment in the public interest then showing the other is equally important.
It is interesting and informative but leaves us still wanting more and it goes a little overboard in its comments about critics and way over about blaming the 20 tutors for starting a campaign to remove the current President. Also in its evil comment, poison and die statements it probably crosses the tutors contract on use of social media but then Scott is upset, hurt and appears to be threatening slander actions. The big problem we all have with physical mediumship is there are amazing claims of proof of survival which can never be backed up by the type of minimal evidence given in dark seances. That was what Thermography was for.
Admin- Admin
Janhar likes this post
Re: Scott Milligan!?
mac wrote:Care to share what YOU know/heard then???bulldog wrote:Speak to Libby about this and devita they know what happened at the AFC seance and said nothing
Agree Mac, Bulldog back to you I feel you must have more to add about this
I know others were about the event, indeed I thought it was more than 2 but did not know they were. apart from the fact that the pictures were seen by the then President David Bruton. But, now we can hear Scott's version that this incident, with the photographs, had no impact on his relationship, but, his involvement ended with the insistence of Thermographic cameras. This we find from what Scott says on his reply was because Scott, although, having 6-8 months to prepare, using equipment either that Banyan Retreat had, or purchased to help him develop, spoke to his circle and on the basis of there suggestion plus his feeling from the guides not to proceed with using thermography.
So the interest waned until the 20 tutors left the AFC as part of a campaign..interesting use of what are disputed facts. I believe we have now allowed another point of view to be aired
As a short diversion from the strict topic
That Thermographic Camera business is fascinating. About the only thing I have had any sympathy with Gary Mannion is about the fact the cameras were used without his permission and Banyan Retreat released the video without his permission. Now, to our knowledge, they have never used it on Scott or David Thompson who have refused it and to maintain respect for their joining the new Protocols of Truth in Physical Mediumship they commented they would not hold public seances without using the cameras. It seems unfortunate that they turned them on to one medium, I presume that they would have known that David and Scott would have been scared that this may cause harm to them, one reason for their disavowal of any light even Thermography Now Garry Mannion was never offered that choice! I am grateful to Banyan for that, but why not the same action on other Physical Mediums working there.
We return again to the fact that, by their nature dark seances never offer the amazing proof that such amazing claims for survival need.We also know, from experience, that if development for physical mediumship starts in the dark it will, invariably, stay in the dark. Indeed materialisation has so little objective proof, and most of that from the early mediums who let cameras and light in, that it will always be challenged.
I also know, from some energetic transfiguration in the light, which have occurred in my experimentation in seances where the lights stay on, dimmed halogen and red light together and blinds stay open to allow the dying daylight to enter the room, recognisable faces will appear. Not just over the faces of the medium. Clear message from Spirit quit chemicals and move to energy.
Admin- Admin
Re: Scott Milligan!?
Lis wrote:The obvious questions that arise are:
Did Scott Milligan have wads of cotton wool like substance secreted in his clothing? And if so was it to be used to give the appearance of ectoplasm?
Even more curious - why, if that was the case, did he leave the evidence behind after the seance?
Perhaps also, why was this apparent evidence of improper conduct on the part of the medium not reported to the appropriate authorities.
Surely the AFC was made aware of the matter. Was this incident a part of the decision that Scott would no longer hold seances at the AFC - or did that only apply until there was a change in the president?
Is the current (invalidly re-elected) president aware of this incident?
If so, why, if there was a question about their seances, have they allowed this person back into the AFC and to act as a trainer?
Surely those who pay good money to attend the AFC deserve better than this.
As an update:
Scott Milligan has posted a video in which he offers clarification and an explanation of both his "departure" from holding seances at the AFC some years ago, and the matter of what he suggests is the wadding from the inside of a cushion, the cover of which was used to contain a piece of apparatus used by Scott in his seance in question.
What Scott has to say can be seen by going to his facebook page:
His talk is quite lengthy and covers a number of matters much of which does not relate to the issue at hand but merely serves to reinforce to his intended viewers that his protocols for seances are well-rehearsed and accepted as genuine.
I see that many supporters have responded to his post offering their encouragement, validation of his mediumship, etc., and quite a few are implying that the raising the issue of the wadding found after the seance has been done by those who hate physical mediumship/want to undermine physical mediums/or Milligan in particular, and the validity of physical mediumship, or are "jealous" of physical mediums like Scott.
More disturbingly, are comments that imply malicious intent.
Most disturbing, however, is the inference that the tutors who are in a dispute/complaint process with the AFC, are both behind the raising of the issue and are the ones posting comment about it. This is certainly not the case.
I also find Mr. Milligan's implicit threat of legal action for slander because of this thread and its recent content both unpleasant and inappropriate.
Questions have been asked about an event that it would seem various people who attended felt concerned about afterwards. They have aright to express their concern and to show what they have perceived as the "evidence" for their concern.
Certainly, Scott Milligan has the right to respond to such opinions being expressed. He has done so by producing a video purporting to explain and refute any perceived improper behaviour on his part. But, he has done so on facebook to his supporters. He did not choose come onto this forum and explain and refute what he finds objectionable that is on this thread.
In addition, he seems to have used what was written on this forum as an excuse to accuse both the tutors and this forum of unfairly, and unjustly, indeed, slanderously, accusing him of fraudulent mediumship. On reading the recent comments on this thread, and my own post questioning the circumstances surrounding that seance, I fail to see any slanderous remarks, just questions raised and concerns expressed.
Two questions come to mind on having listened to Scott Milligan's video.
First, if the apparatus in question that was to be placed in the centre of the circle needed to be "blacked out" during the seance in order not to cause an issue - why had Scott Milligan come unprepared to the seance with his apparatus? That is, without the necessary cover.
Surely, he was aware of the need to have some form of cover for it, and could hardly have assumed that at the AFC facility, there would be a handy cushion with a zipper allowing the internal stuffing to be removed in order to use the cushion cover?
Second, why would he not, himself, have replaced the stuffing into the cushion cover at the end of the seance? As a curtesy, this would seem the minimum he should do having made use of the association's cushion. And where was the cushion cover left?
So why was the "stuffing" left discarded?
One might ask, why, especially when, as Scott Milligan, himself refers to in his video, there is always a certain level of scepticism that exists about physical phenomena, and physical mediumship seances, and to leave a material substance that could so easily be seen as used to simulate physical phenomena, seems particularly careless in the circumstances.
Perhaps Mr. Milligan might care to clarify that aspect of his story about what happened that day for us all.
Last edited by Lis on Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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