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Just Sharing.

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Just Sharing. Empty Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:16 pm

Just thought I would share with you one of our Trance Communications at the end of one of our sittings.

Given by Marnie through Trance Mediumship

Our hearts expand and our minds grow
As we walk along our journey that we refer to as life
If we live our life in a spiritual slumber and wait until death for what we refer to as an awakening
I would wonder if we wait until then if we wouldn’t approach that as slumber also
For it is our choice to open our minds and our hearts
It is our choice to awaken our soul
To not stay in slumber through out what we call life
Do not fear what lays within you
Do not fear bearing this to all
Do not fear as your soul awakens So does you understanding
They are 2 parts of the same piece
Your understanding and your soul develop as one
If we spend what we refer to as our earthly lives in a spiritual slumber
This means we have chosen, chosen to do nothing
Chosen not to live,
Chosen not to see the beauty you were born with
Chosen not to understand who and what you are
And yes this slumber is your choice
Mine is not to question this, but to help you question this yourself. We join you so that we can touch, so that we can touch the part within you in that stays within the slumber, to help it awaken
But I ask you my friends,
To look beyond the levitation, to look beyond the voices and the faces, to look beyond the humor, to look beyond the love that you feel,
and I ask you to question, question not what is happening, but to question what it means, question what it means to you,
What does it mean to your soul,? what does it mean to your slumber,?
What does it mean to your message?
For every soul, every spirit that comes to this earth comes with a message within their lives,
It is a message that you show and that you tell to others, through your actions through your deeds, through your joy and your happiness,
I would ask what your message is?
What does your message show?
Is it one of slumber?
Is it one of emptiness?
Is it one of non understanding?
And I ask you, if you look at it like this,
does it not make you want to search further?
Does it not make you want to change the content of your message?
As we search ourselves
it is within ourselves we can find the truth
The true meaning Of happiness
the true meaning of awakening
and understanding the answers are all within,
but sometimes we have to go within to be able to come out
Sometimes we have to go to our very core
to find all that is beautiful inside of you.
And all that can shine through your message
To your children
To your family
To your friends
To the person you walk past in the street that has given up hope
What is your message to them?


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:02 am

Thanks Bravo

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by MU!! Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:56 pm

Bravo, who are you and what does all these disconnected phrases mean?


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:18 pm

Hi Mu,
I am just a forum member that wanted to share some trance communication that we received at the end of one of our circles, I did my best at transcribing it from the tape but if you feel it is just disconnected phases that is fine


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:29 pm

Hi Bravo,

What you received was to me pretty valid philosophy.

you need to look within it and understand Spiritualism is more about Philosophy than Phenomena,

Mu when you look at Spiritualism it is not just about the phenomena. There are some good phrases in there where IMHO Spirit are trying to share.


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by hiorta Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:37 pm

Trance speech may well come in seeming halting phrases in the early stages of development. This can be due quite simply in trying to synchronise breathing with thought flow, for example.
I thought that those offered here were of a good quality in content and can become a decent platform for further growth.
They were not aimed at public consumption at this stage, I presume?
Additionally, should there be a language or cultural difference between communicator and medium, it has to be seamlessly 'joined' at around this stage.

Thank you for posting this and I would be very interested in further news.

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:12 pm

Thankyou Admin and Hiorta for your feedback and observations.
And you are quite right about this not being aimed at public consumption, This communication was given at the end of our home circle.. What is interesting is that our "control" communication is very fluent and he has no problem communicating, but Marnie doesnt come through all the time and when he does its always significant for the circle, Its interesting when you say about cultural or language difference,, As when he 1st started to communicate it was in very broken english and in no more than a sentance at a time, and it was said that he was learning to communicate in our language. I think his 1st communication was " I say hello to you "
We always record all of our circles on a voice recorder and then transcribe them and it was whilst we were transcribing I thought Lets share, Constructive feedback is of real value to me so I thank you both for that..
As a devoloping trance and physical medium it can sometimes be really hard to get constructive feedback, It always seems I never quite fit in with a train of thought and that as you can imagine can be quite frustrating.


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:31 pm

Hi Bravo I can really understand how you feel but please keep going in the new year

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by hiorta Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:32 pm

I used to regularly give trance addresses, but not for many years now.
Practising breathing is quite important as when it is realised that 'you' breath for someone else to 'talk' with and when you do not know what will be said - well you see the situation.
Additionally, the medium is trying to hold a link and trying to listen to but not interfere with what's being said in any way, at the same time. Of course, if you own thoughts were to wander....

For me anyway, I have nothing but the greatest wonder and admiration for 'those who quietly guide'
As in all things, regular and constant practice opportunities help immensely.

Best wishes to your group.

And to all aboard at Hogmany.

Edit to say that recently there have been 'prompts' about this - and I've only just realised it, although I was aware of the prompts. Hmmnh.

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by obiwan Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:22 pm

Hi Bravo

I realise that you are simply reporting something that was communicated. The questions in my mind are: what is the purpose of the purported communication; who is it from;how do we know it is not just random thoughts from the 'mediums' mind?

I say this not to be deliberately disrespectful but to me it seems purposeless and reads a bit like a fortune cookie.

@hiorta - prompts about what?


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Wes Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:41 pm

Thank you Bravo, it was worth sharing and I found the words about our own "message" quite thought provoking


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:58 pm

I have to admit that joining this forum was a real help for me, I tend not to get involved that much but I read everything that is posted, In fact It was this Forum that stopped me from questioning myself just a few months ago... Transfiguration Within our sittings is going very very well,,, But what happens within our circle is that the spirit person will transfigure and then try to communicate through trance (only a sentance or so at mo )whilst holding the transfiguration the whole time, and in turn that can be very evidential, Anyway I demonstrate Mediumship in churches throughout south wales,, so in turn without sounding judgmental i know the churches that are very supportive and that give a great environment to demonstrate mental Mediumship in.... And we were given the opportunity by spirit to demonstrate transfiguration at one of these churches only a month or so ago... But about 2 weeks before hand I was talking to a lady that is a Transfiguration Medium and I had Mentioned what happened... And i got the reply that I shouldnt be allowing that to happen as it will be ruining the transfiguration... and as this lady is a Transfiguration Medium herself for many years and also a tutor,,,, This knocked me hugely and made me question our development,,,, to the point where I was going to cancel the demonstration.. Being a medium as we know can make us a little sensitive, Anyway I come on to the forum and began to read about Queenie Nixon, and realized whilst reading that she used to do the same, I am not comparing to Queenie obviously but it made me understand that it is possible, And in turn gave me the confidence to go ahead.... At the sitting there were 20 people, We limited the numbers as we were directed by spirit to do so... During the sitting all 20 people seen the faces,,, and 9 of these people seen spirit people that they knew and in some cases were able to have short communications with them,, several spirit people were known and recognised by multiple sitters,,, And when listening back to the recording It was most heart touching to hear a daughter and grandaughter talking to there father/grandfather whos face they could see right in front of them.
All of the people there were so very happy, But I must admit It did make me chuckle afterwoulds when 3 of the older ladys that had been members of the church for a long long time announced that what they had seen was truly wonderful but now they needed to go to the pub for a swift drink,, I think they had expected to see nothing or even face pulling lol..
We hope to be able to do this again in the future when spirit say its ok, But again we are in no rush,, As development take a long time, We have absolutely no interest in money for what we do,, In fact the above sitting we took 10 pounds only... and that was to cover our petrol.
I know this may sound strange to some,,, But even though i have started to make an income From Mental Mediumship With shows and things,,, I never ever want Money to come into place with transfiguration,,, I dont know why but it just doesnt seem right to me, anyway i think i am babbling now which is probably why i dont post that often as i have a habit of doing that ha.
Happy new year to all


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:20 am

obiwan wrote:Hi Bravo

I realise that you are simply reporting something that was communicated. The questions in my mind are: what is the purpose of the purported communication; who is it from;how do we know it is not just random thoughts from the 'mediums' mind?

I say this not to be deliberately disrespectful but to me it seems purposeless and reads a bit like a fortune cookie.

@hiorta - prompts about what?

Hi Obi.
Maybe some day when i have the confidence to do so... I will post recordings rather than trying to write out what I hear from stop starting the recording,,, I appreciate my use of grammer and punctuation may completely change the way something was said.. And I also appreciate that as it was directed at our circle it may have no relevance to others at all..,, I just thought in my Mind whilst typing out a transcript "lets share that bit" so i did,, Not to try and prove anything or even try and have an impact of any sorts... just to share, and tbh I am glad I did,,, as it had created a conversation and a sharing of thoughts.
And i dont take what you said as disrespectful at all, they are your thoughts and I take them on board. so thankyou.


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by obiwan Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:10 am

Thanks bravo x


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by MU!! Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:16 am

bravo321uk wrote:Hi Mu,
I am just a forum member that wanted to share some trance communication that we received at the end of one of our circles, I did my best at transcribing it from the tape but if you feel it is just disconnected phases that is fine
I'm new.

What circle?


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by bravo321uk Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:55 am

Hi Mu,
After watching your posts via this and other forums,, I will just thankyou for being condescending, But also give you the following advice Mathew 7... even though I am not a christian but a Spiritualist, I personally believe it is a little piece of philosophy that you will benefit from within your own journey,, good luck to you and yours and Happy New year


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by hiorta Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:04 am

Bravo, May I suggest that in demonstrating transfig., conditions might be best during the winter months and before the clocks go forward at the spring solstice?

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:04 pm

Once again Bravo thanks, I could understand where the trance piece was coming from. The transfiguration is interesting, a year ago we were getting some quite consistent appearances of faces, not real transfiguration but like a video reel running in front of an individuals face. Interestingly it would occur in front of anyone who was focused upon. This in a platform mediums development group.

You are the second person to mention about MU and other forums I am sure he will progressively fit in by remaining within the rules on here.

By the way Bravo I am glad this forum has helped your work in some way.


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by MU!! Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:03 am

bravo321uk wrote:Hi Mu,
After watching your posts via this and other forums,, I will just thankyou for being condescending, But also give you the following advice Mathew 7... even though I am not a christian but a Spiritualist, I personally believe it is a little piece of philosophy that you will benefit from within your own journey,, good luck to you and yours and Happy New year
It's condescending to ask what circle you belong? It's condescending for MU!! to state that he isn't aware of any information regarding you because I am new to the forum?

Who's being condescending, bravo? No


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by MU!! Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:04 am

hiorta wrote:Bravo, May I suggest that in demonstrating transfig., conditions might be best during the winter months and before the clocks go forward at the spring solstice?
Why would that be, hiorta? Shocked


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by hiorta Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:16 am

It often helps growth to try to work out a reason why, rather than simply ask questions.
The first circle I sat in had guiding influences that insisted we try to collectively answer the many points that arose. it was explained that mental development was probably more beneficial to us as individuals, rather than just be given answers we could not verify.

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by obiwan Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:58 am

hiorta wrote:It often helps growth to try to work out a reason why, rather than simply ask questions.
The first circle I sat in had guiding influences that insisted we try to collectively answer the many points that arose. it was explained that mental development was probably more beneficial to us as individuals, rather than just be given answers we could not verify.
nevertheless Mu!! did ask a question Smile


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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:00 am

Interesting Hiorta, I have not noticed the effect you mention but we are in the other hemisphere of the world. What I do notice is that mediums react differently to different weather conditions which in turn affect both the barometric pressures, level of electricity in the air, gales etc.

This may be relevant because of the big differences that can be experienced in a UK winter.

Then of course we have the mediums own health and energy levels and the state of the circle (or even a Sunday Meeting, if everyone sits with their arms crossed non responsive...the call yourself a medium then prove it crowd"

Lots of variations, certainly electrical storm (I naturally have a high level of elecrtical static in me impacting on TV's Computers at times this goes up one day in a car park I was unlocking cars as I passed, got home and did it 3 times tto my sons new car) and also high winds can affect me.

If you look and think about it you will see there are some natural things involved which can create significant variations

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:06 am

Natural Law and supposed variations are often caused by things we do not know about MU. If science truly accepted Crookes Psychic Force and the potential this gives in relation to Carl Jungs Collective Unconscious and use of Archetypes we may get closer to explaining the causes of the variation.

If we do accept them then naturally weather conditions are going to impose an effect upon the results. Just as naturally the energy inputs both of those in the room and the building itself plus its positioning upon the natural earth energy lines will also have an impact.

Time to dump all normal thinking and look to truly understand how the whole system works. That's what was lost from the earliest Researchers compared to the more recent ones. All to often the attempt has been to quantify repeatability to prove their are psychic skills not to look at why and how it happens.

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

Post by Admin Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:16 am

As a dowser I know if I deal with the energy lines I can improve either the resultant impact upon people living in the house or remove/limit the impact on one person.

In one review of a house a child had been sleeping poorly, was losing vitality and not eating properly. The bed was on a terrible intersection of 4 of the negatively charged natural energy lines and at a crossing point of two negatively charged streams. Rearranged the bed, removed the impact of the streams on the house, dimmed down the effect of the energy lines and problem solved.

I review the energy lines around our house and the Spiritualist Centre. We also ensure that the placement of chairs etc. fits in with the lines to minimise those impacts. The centre has a wonderful positive energy spiral, generated by the use which is made of the building, in the main room. Similar spirals will be found in most religious buildings of any denomination.

Energy of some type is what we are and what drives all the psychic and mediumistic communications so variations is energy caused by any number of factors will impact upon the result. Its also why a reading for a person who is totally negative about receiving one, blocks it refuses to accept any evidence is so hard to do.

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Just Sharing. Empty Re: Just Sharing.

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