Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
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SpiritualismLink :: Psychic and Mediumship - Only True Mediumship Gives Proof of Survival :: Trance, Transfiguration and Direct Voice
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Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Mark74 wrote:''Silver Birch himself stated: "I am not a Red Indian. I am using the astral body of a Red Indian because this particular one had many psychic gifts on earth and therefore became available for me when I was asked to return and engage on this mission''. Now thats interesting zerdini, I have all of Silver Birch's books, do you know what book the above is from.
Yes, Mark I do.
It's from the 1979 edition of "More Philosophy of Silver Birch", chapter one, "Who is Silver Birch"?
All the best
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
zerdini wrote:Lis wrote:The issue is not whether 'Silver Birch' ever revealed his "real" name, but that until his words of wisdom as transmitted through Maurice Barbanell were made public, the name by which he went in his circle was 'Big Jump' and not Silver Birch according to the record of a scribe of the circle. In historical terms that information is of significant interest and worthy of gaining wider attention as it is in a recent publication.
The issue is very much whether SB revealed his earthly identity or not as the headline in PN read. That is what caused all the controversy.
I explained before that the nickname ‘Big Jump’ was part of a joke. As a sitter explained, “Years ago, Silver Birch was a boisterous, hilarious spirit, seldom, if ever, serious. As time went on, this gay, jesting Indian guide gradually developed into the wise philosopher we now respect and honour”
The 'scribe' (stenographer) was A.W. Austen who, for eight years, faithfully recorded the teachings spoken by Silver Birch. He was followed by Frances Moore, who together with her husband Vernon, became members of the circle.
Not many people realise that the original circle had more than one medium. One guide was ‘White Shadow’ who was responsible for the physical phenomena such Direct Voice and materialisation, and the overall management of the circle, whereas ‘Silver Birch’ brought the teachings.
Owing to a personal disagreement among the sitters......the circle was reconstructed. Four of the original members, including the medium of Silver Birch remained and two others joined them.
The loss of the trumpet medium, and, consequently, the majority of the physical phenomena, the work of the circle became to a large extent the reception of teachings from Silver Birch.
I am familiar with the guide White Shadow he was mentioned in one of the NAS reviews must be the early 2000's. I remember our circle discussing the article at the time.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
re White Shadow....
"Issue 46 May 1994
As the Noah's Ark Society reaches its fourth birthday - launched with the prompting of Noah Zerdin, founder of "The Link", from Spirit - a report concerning that organisation's third birth-day celebrations sixty years ago has recently come into my possession. Published in "Psychic News" on May 5th 1934, and written by Hannen Swaffer, the article gives some idea of the strength of physical phenomena when members of the 187 home circles gathered together in London's Aeolian Hall.
Headlined "The World's Largest Voice Seance", the report tells how over 500 people heard direct voice, through a microphone, for two and a half hours - the whole proceedings being recorded on nine 18" gramophone records. Nearly 50 voices spoke, through the mediumship of Mrs A.E.Perriman, including the guides of other mediums. One of these was "Red Cloud" whose medium, Estelle Roberts, was in the second row of the audience. He told the gathering: "I want the Truth to grow and grow. Fourteen years ago I could not speak your language, but now I can." The guide of Swaffer's circle, "White Shadow", said: "I want to give a blessing to all those who have taken part in this meeting. I want them to rejoice at the growing understanding of Truth. I am here to give a blessing upon all those who try to uplift humanity."
Apart from individual family messages given to members of different "Link" circles, some famous names also spoke through the microphone. They included Sir Vincent Caillard, Raymond Lodge, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He told the audience: "Never mind what attitude the world may show to you. Just put everything else behind you and carry on. I want you to know that I have been interested in this movement, as well as many others. I hope this is only one gathering of many of its kind."
At the time of the meeting, England's most famous psychic photographer was John Myers who was in the audience. He had a message from another medium who produced the same phenomena, Billie Hope, who had `died' soon after Myers' began to develop his powers. "If you take my advice, you will have nothing to do with tests", said Hope. "I do not believe in them. You just carry on and try to do the best you can for everybody. Never mind what anybody says. This is Billie Hope of Heaven, not of Crewe".
What made the proceedings more extra-ordinary was the fact that Mrs Perriman was suffering from severe laryngitis at the time, and could hardly whisper. However, the voices were so loud that `they could have been heard at the back of the hall even without a microphone', reported Hannen Swaffer.
Issue 128, Jan/Feb 2003
You con prove Survival in your own family, or with a group of friends, without paying a penny to anybody. You con develop your own psychic gifts, as innumerable thousands are doing today -yes, even on worships, in camps and close behind the battle line wherever British troops are fighting! In some cases, padres are interested observers.
In the Hannen Swaffer home circle, which I formed in 1930, we were experiencing, after three years of weekly sittings, every known form of phenomena. Only one of its mediums, a non-professional trance medium, had hitherto developed his psychic powers.
He, while an Agnostic at the age of seventeen, had started an enquiry into Spiritualism, laughed at trance control at his first sitting, and then been himself controlled, although still a cynical sceptic, on the second occasion.
When told, just after, that he would take a very prominent part in Spiritualist propaganda, he jeered. His guide, now known to the world as Silver Birch, then spoke only a few words of English. Today, his oratory, with no trace of an accent, is superb.
Well, the Hannen Swaffer home circle began with clairvoyance and clairaudience. Then, after trance, we developed the direct voice, and the
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phenomena soon included spirit lights, raps, psychic lights and scents, healing, levitation and, finally, materialisation.
All those "spiritual gifts" that St. Paul described in the 12th chapter of his first epistle to the Corinthians as being a normal part of early Christian worship were soon developed in my own home circle. All of us were non-professionals. What we experienced, many of you can. For psychic powers are not abnormal but natural. Had not personal differences, which end so many circles, closed it, I venture to say that, before long, our phenomena would have become some of the most extraordinary recorded in our generation.
It began, seemingly by chance, because I addressed, one night, the first of the large Spiritualist gatherings, which, until the Blitz destroyed the building, filled the Queen’s Hall every Sunday night for ten years.
I took with me, as a soloist, a woman friend. She was the wife of a West End theatre manager, a Chilean by birth who had been a favourite pupil of Caruso. All her life, without knowing anything about Spiritualism, she had been a clairvoyant and a clairaudient, which means that she could see spirits and hear their voices. That night she got very excited on the platform because, during the clairvoyance given by Estelle Roberts, she could see the spirits who were being described before Estelle described them, and because she heard their messages just before Mrs Roberts did.
When I went back to supper with her and her husband they said, "Shall we sit?" To my surprise, they knew nothing about it, except that sometimes they got a spirit message.
"Who is your guide?" I asked. As they had not got one, so far as they knew, I pointed out the dangers of casual sitting. Immediately my Chilean friend saw an enormous Red Indian, whose name, he told her, was White Shadow. He said he had come to be the guide of the circle. Thus we began the first of weekly sittings, which went on regularly for years.
White Shadow announced that night that he had been sent in answer to my request for a guide. Now those who tell you that it is ((evil spirits" who communicate with the living should meet White Shadow. He closed every circle with a prayer. He always referred to what orthodox people call God, and what scientists call "the Law of Nature," as "the Great White Spirit."
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I want you to remember," he told us once, "that the Great White Spirit is everywhere, in everything, in everybody. I want to remind you all to pray to the Great White Spirit aloud, in such a way, as you would speak to your best friend. A particle of the Great Spirit is within you. Through that particle you are in direct contact with Him. Never forget that. Never let it down."
You gradually learn, because of the teachings of so-called spirit guides, that you and I, and every one of us, are an essential part of creation, which is eternal, that each of us has within himself a spark of divinity, which he can develop. It does not sound very much like an evil spirit, does it?
Now I once took along to argue with White Shadow, a young scientist, who merely knew that he had had a strange psychic experience, during which he wrote a book on some deep scientific matter quite outside his own knowledge. White Shadow argued with him with knowledge far beyond mine. I could not understand it. The young scientist did.
I have taken to White Shadow people who were mourning, people who were in trouble, former members of churches who had lost their faith. Always White Shadow talked to them with a nobility of manner and a dignity of mien that is impressive beyond words.
He described to us how he had lived near San Francisco 3,000 years ago, that the spot is now covered by the sea, that he was the head of what we would now call a university, although in those times it took another form. He told us that the more intelligent among his people understood many things about natural laws, which scientists do not know today. He became the chief of more than a dozen spirit helpers who all played some part in arranging our seances.
At some of the earlier sittings he described what he was going to do that night: blend rays, tune in, perfect the means of communicating. Then the medium would see him and his helpers doing it. You must try to understand that, just as the B.B.C. has to build a transmitting station before it can send words out across the air, so a somewhat similar condition prevails on the Other Side.
This is how White Shadow's medium described the first stages of her development: "This guide developed my clairvoyance and clairaudience to a remarkable extent, and I found that I could hear Christian and surnames perfectly
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clear. I was given all sorts of messages, and was able to receive them accurately. Then my guide said that he was going to train me to leave my body. He would tell me to hold my hands up, and sometimes they would remain held up for half an hour. Ordinarily, of course, I could not have held my hands up for anything like half an hour, but I suppose additional strength had been given me.
“He promised that at the next sitting he would take the astral body away completely. My husband was very frightened at this; but my guide said it was quite all right.”
"My guide then began to withdraw my astral body from the human form. He withdrew it gradually, a little more each time, and then at last he announced that I was ready to go into trance. He promised that at the next sitting he would take the astral body away completely. My husband was very frightened at this; but my guide said it was quite all right.
This is a good spirit, he said. "Don’t you worry; your wife is perfectly safe and nothing can happen to her. You know, if a burglar comes to your house, what do you do? You telephone for the police. If anything happens now that I cannot control, we have centres to go to, and I can get all the help I want. She will be perfectly all right."
"Gradually I went deeper into trance and was often taken for a tour round the spheres, although sometimes I could remember nothing and it seemed that I had just been asleep. The thing that has impressed me most about the spirit world is the vegetation. The flowers and the trees seem to be made of coloured lights, and are transparent and radiant. The plants are very big. A red flower is a consistent red, but you can see right through it. The atmosphere suggests bright sunlight all the time, although there is no sun visible. I have only once met another spirit on my astral travels, and that was when I found myself by the side of my sister. I never see my guide, because when I go he takes charge of my body. I remember once seeing my body in the chair as I left it. It was apparently sleeping, and I thought it looked rather stupid. Strange as it sounds, leaving the body seems perfectly natural at the time."
That is the medium's story. While spirits chatted through the medium,
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which could hear them clairaudiently, she was being prepared for trance. Sometimes she saw a room, extended though into a
great spaciousness, literally crowded with spirit forms.
Then one night, very naturally and very quietly, she dropped
into a sleep. Her guide controlled her, explaining his difficulties because he did not want to hurt her vocal chords.
After that, he controlled her regularly. Soon, half a dozen other spirits were doing the same thing.
The medium, in turn, was controlled by her own guide; by her husband's guide; by Laura, her sister, who "died" when she was two, but who has grown up in the spirit world; by the Marquise de Monpensier, an ancestress who lived in the days of Louis XIV; and her two grandmothers, the Corntesse d'Erfeuil, a member of the Orleans family, and Maria Chaparro de Alba. Each control was characteristic of a different personality. Each talked as naturally as though the speaker were sitting in the room. Some talked of worldly things. Laura's talk was always deeply spiritual. When she spoke, we were conscious of contacting a highly evolved spiritual
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being, one unsoiled, because of her early passing.
Now and then, the guide sent for some friend of a sitter, so that, through the medium, his spirit friends might advise or give comfort. Everyone obtained evidence that he or she accepted. In one case a brilliant surgeon had evidence from his old professor in a foreign university, and was counselled as to his work. Another person, summoned to attend, was warned about the passing, before long, of a very dear relative and prepared for what otherwise would have been an overwhelming shock. A "Society' woman, who was specially invited, was reunited with her son, who had "died" more or less estranged from her. A K.C. received a message from his mother. A woman was advised as to the proper way to pray.
We had, in fact, dozens of visitors, some famous, some unknown. Yet our only critic was an Atheist who, not used to the "family" atmosphere of a home circle, accused us, despite his
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Atheism, of "being irreverent."
We had, in the early stages of our sittings, long waits. It was obvious to me that unusual powers were being drawn out of the circle's combined mediumship, and being blended to an exceptional degree, and that great patience was necessary.
But often, during the waiting, “dead” friends called in.... There was, for instance, the mediums father-in-law, who had passed on not long before - a Christian Scientist. "You took me to my first Christian Science meeting," I said to him. "That was in New York. Now I have introduced your son to Spiritualism. You know what the truth is now, don’t you?"
It is like two books," he replied, with a grave gentleness. "They are the same, but in a different-coloured binding."
He had charge of a class in the other world, he explained, one in which 500 unenlightened spirits were being trained.
Conan Doyle, who sometimes called in, once said, "Do not say' Up There,' but' Out There'," giving an idea of great space and unlimited wideness. He said that he, too, had a class, and that he was himself learning how communication was established with our earth. Afterwards we learned that Doyle's literary powers had been found of great use Out There; that, because of his literary powers, he could write, very clearly, instructions for dull-minded spirits.
When Irving spoke, at another sitting, he used words that were most illuminating. "Yes, I have met Tree," he said in answer to a question. If I may use the phrase, he is teaching deportment of the soul."
Belasco, who knew two of the sitters, said that, in the other world, he was still producing plays. "You can teach some spirits with spectacle when they cannot learn any other way," he explained.
Irving had told us before that, Out There, producers had troubles, not with lights but with shadows. It is difficult to get the shades," he said. "We have bother with darks, not with lights."
Belasco said this was quite right that earthly difficulties were often reversed.
That was in the days of clairvoyance and clairaudience. At long last, after nearly three years, surprises were to come.
They began with the visit of Frank Decker, a Syrian-born American physical medium who is so "tough” that he has on several occasions gone along, all alone, to
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be tested by scores of New Yorks’ policemen and detectives, been handcuffed, tied up, and submitted to all kinds of indignities. Yet, despite all that, phenomena happened.
He has defied self advertising magicians who attacked Spiritualism in order to gain publicity for themselves. He would take on anything or anybody.
I have sat with him in London, in a cabin on board the Berengaria, in New York, in a holiday camp in New Jersey, on all sorts of occasions. Despite every handicap, and however bad were the conditions, there were always phenomena.
Well, on the night he visited our circle we heard the direct voice and there was materialisation, both for the first time. It was, of course, Decker's mediumship. The voice of Decker's guide shouted out and a new sitter felt a materialised hand upon his own.
Before he left us, Decker said: "Put a trumpet in the circle the next time you sit. I think you will yourselves get the direct voice."
A trumpet is often used for direct voice phenomena for two reasons, it concentrates the power within a small space and also, being a megaphone, it makes the voice louder.
Well, before long, one of the two trumpets we used went up in the air. A new kind of phenomenon had started in our own circle. Then, weeks after that, we heard the first voice.
So amazingly did phenomena develop that we could tell which of the guides was lifting the trumpet, because each had a characteristic of his own.
There was no need for the guide to give his name. We knew when the trumpet was lifted slowly and in a most dignified way that that was White Shadow. When excitedly the initials S. E. were formed in the air by the luminous trumpet, we knew, because those were the initials of his name, that it was another of the guides.
And, before many weeks had passed, the voices had become so loud that one particularly exuberant spirit who was the guide of one of the sitters always shouted so excitedly that had people been in the garden they could have easily heard
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the sound.
Among White Shadow’s helpers in making the direct voice possible was a Dr Wiitzner, who told us he had lived in Leipzig more than a century ago.
I deal with the mechanical side of the seance arrangements," he explained. I used to do my work with mechanism. Now I use rays and chemicals. It is more complicated."
He was helped by Teddy Williams, who, on earth, was an analytical chemist employed in the diamond fields in South Africa. Through their efforts and those of other guides belonging to various races, spirits were enabled to speak each in his own language. We heard German, French, Spanish and Russian, all understood by one or other of the sitters; Swedish on the night that Carl Carleson, then Stockholds best-known Spiritualist, visited our circle; Hindustani when V. D. Rishi and his wife, our great propagandist in India, came along; and Arabic, which was vouched for by another sitter.
Another of the guides at this home circle was Carlos Zamora, a Spaniard who has been "dead" for four centuries. I know his story because he told it to me. He came along and added to it, bit by bit, every now and then. He committed a murder, and he likes to tell people. It seems to help him, this continuous confession.
Carlos began with an antique knife. The husband of the chief medium at that time collected antiques. On Saturdays he explored "junk shops," as he called them. Once, he bought, for a shilling or so, a fearsome-looking weapon, and, taking it home, put it on a table in the drawing room. One day, he noticed that it had been moved. This happened more than once. Then the knife was found unclasped. My friend wondered if it were a spirit. That night in our home circle, he asked the chief guide. We were told that an earthbound spirit had moved the knife, to which he was attached by the memory of some crime. He wanted to call attention to his plight. "Pray for him”, my friend was told. He and his wife prayed that night for the release of the spirit from his earthbound condition. At the next sitting he was told that it had done good, but he was to go on praying.
Then, one night, at our weekly seance, a spirit new to us controlled the medium, in trance, and gave the name. He was Carlos Zamora, he said. He had killed a man with the knife, and he had been bound to it,
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by the memory or his wrongdoing, ever since. That was nearly four hundred years ago. "Your prayers have helped me," he added. In gratitude I will guard your house. I will never forget you." After that, on several occasions, a noise was heard downstairs after the family had gone to bed. Each time someone found that a window was left open, or a door unlocked. More than once Carlos has been seen "on guard." Sometimes he was only a shadow; sometimes the medium saw him dearly. Now, at another sitting, knowing that I had been asked to write about him, Carlos arrived to make sure we got his story right. He spelled all the names out.
He had told us before that he had killed a man because of jealousy. We had learned that the man he killed had tried to steal his “lady love," as he called her. So that I could mention it, he told us that his victim was a man named Jose' Montanares.
Montanares was his master, he said. He had sent Carlos away because he had designs on Carlos' wife. He said it was a Navajo knife. The handle had been changed since the time of the murder, but the blade was the same. It was the blade to which he had been attached through all the years.
Now the beginning of the story was told through trance mediumship. The end of it was in Carlos' own voice, speaking through what we call a "trumpet", really an aluminium amplifier. Carlos, in a year or so, had built up a definite personality. He argued. He corrected us if we misunderstood him. He told us that it was a “long time" before anybody noticed him. He may have been trying to attract attention for centuries, for all we know. Then, of course, the knife passed into the possession of the family in which there was psychic power. By means of that Carlos could move the knife and did. So it was noticed. And so he was helped. I was brought up to believe it was wicked to pray for the "dead." I know now that it was necessary, and that the "dead," too, should pray for US. Well, according to Carlos, his other job now is to help the man he murdered. And he does not like him, to this day. But only by helping him can he himself progress. He tries to like, but even now, four hundred years later, he cannot forget the wrong done him by a man he wronged even more because of his jealousy. Still, he and his wife are together.
By the way, Carlos spoke, after some time, excellent English. When
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he first came it was very halting. He learned our language, he explained, so that he could talk to us.
Well, after the voices - and we heard, among others, those of John Galsworthy, Hall Caine and Gilbert Parker, the return of whom I have described elsewhere in this book -materialisation began.
The medium used for this, and the voices, was the Chilean-born singer in whose home we sat. Her father began to materialise his hands sufficiently to make, as evidence, the loud clicking noise peculiar to his habit, and also to strum on the wall just as he used to do in his office.
Dogs materialised and wagged their tails against the legs of the chair; a cat scratched at the carpet; and a bird which the medium had that morning found injured in the road outside, nursed until it "died" and then buried in the garden covered with rose leaves, flew about the room.
Always, I felt on my head and stroking my hair the materialised hand of my sister-in-law.
Sometimes an enormous Red Indian guide would clasp our ankles, and once we heard him stamping a war dance and chanting, while he did it, the native tune which, he said, was always played for that particular dance.
Then the phenomena took another extraordinary form.
"We have removed the medium's body from the room," said one of the guides. "Feel her chair to make sure she is not there."
We felt the chair, which was empty. Now, as the circle filled the room and the medium's chair was right up against the fireplace, there was nowhere to which she could have gone. On that night, just before she came out of trance, and always after that, we heard a jump as though a body had dropped from somewhere.
Then, gradually emerging from trance, she would always say, 'What a lot of stuff." She explained afterwards that, in her semi-trance condition, she had seen a room full of ectoplasm more or less in the form of a spider's web.
To this circle we would have begun inviting all kinds of hardboiled investigators. For it was foolproof. It was something, which, if only because of the reputation of the people sitting in it, could not have been attacked or criticised.
But, alas, there was a silly argument one night. The "conditions" were disturbed. We had to stop sitting.
Article submitted by Tommy Hartmeier"
"Issue 46 May 1994
As the Noah's Ark Society reaches its fourth birthday - launched with the prompting of Noah Zerdin, founder of "The Link", from Spirit - a report concerning that organisation's third birth-day celebrations sixty years ago has recently come into my possession. Published in "Psychic News" on May 5th 1934, and written by Hannen Swaffer, the article gives some idea of the strength of physical phenomena when members of the 187 home circles gathered together in London's Aeolian Hall.
Headlined "The World's Largest Voice Seance", the report tells how over 500 people heard direct voice, through a microphone, for two and a half hours - the whole proceedings being recorded on nine 18" gramophone records. Nearly 50 voices spoke, through the mediumship of Mrs A.E.Perriman, including the guides of other mediums. One of these was "Red Cloud" whose medium, Estelle Roberts, was in the second row of the audience. He told the gathering: "I want the Truth to grow and grow. Fourteen years ago I could not speak your language, but now I can." The guide of Swaffer's circle, "White Shadow", said: "I want to give a blessing to all those who have taken part in this meeting. I want them to rejoice at the growing understanding of Truth. I am here to give a blessing upon all those who try to uplift humanity."
Apart from individual family messages given to members of different "Link" circles, some famous names also spoke through the microphone. They included Sir Vincent Caillard, Raymond Lodge, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He told the audience: "Never mind what attitude the world may show to you. Just put everything else behind you and carry on. I want you to know that I have been interested in this movement, as well as many others. I hope this is only one gathering of many of its kind."
At the time of the meeting, England's most famous psychic photographer was John Myers who was in the audience. He had a message from another medium who produced the same phenomena, Billie Hope, who had `died' soon after Myers' began to develop his powers. "If you take my advice, you will have nothing to do with tests", said Hope. "I do not believe in them. You just carry on and try to do the best you can for everybody. Never mind what anybody says. This is Billie Hope of Heaven, not of Crewe".
What made the proceedings more extra-ordinary was the fact that Mrs Perriman was suffering from severe laryngitis at the time, and could hardly whisper. However, the voices were so loud that `they could have been heard at the back of the hall even without a microphone', reported Hannen Swaffer.
Issue 128, Jan/Feb 2003
You con prove Survival in your own family, or with a group of friends, without paying a penny to anybody. You con develop your own psychic gifts, as innumerable thousands are doing today -yes, even on worships, in camps and close behind the battle line wherever British troops are fighting! In some cases, padres are interested observers.
In the Hannen Swaffer home circle, which I formed in 1930, we were experiencing, after three years of weekly sittings, every known form of phenomena. Only one of its mediums, a non-professional trance medium, had hitherto developed his psychic powers.
He, while an Agnostic at the age of seventeen, had started an enquiry into Spiritualism, laughed at trance control at his first sitting, and then been himself controlled, although still a cynical sceptic, on the second occasion.
When told, just after, that he would take a very prominent part in Spiritualist propaganda, he jeered. His guide, now known to the world as Silver Birch, then spoke only a few words of English. Today, his oratory, with no trace of an accent, is superb.
Well, the Hannen Swaffer home circle began with clairvoyance and clairaudience. Then, after trance, we developed the direct voice, and the
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phenomena soon included spirit lights, raps, psychic lights and scents, healing, levitation and, finally, materialisation.
All those "spiritual gifts" that St. Paul described in the 12th chapter of his first epistle to the Corinthians as being a normal part of early Christian worship were soon developed in my own home circle. All of us were non-professionals. What we experienced, many of you can. For psychic powers are not abnormal but natural. Had not personal differences, which end so many circles, closed it, I venture to say that, before long, our phenomena would have become some of the most extraordinary recorded in our generation.
It began, seemingly by chance, because I addressed, one night, the first of the large Spiritualist gatherings, which, until the Blitz destroyed the building, filled the Queen’s Hall every Sunday night for ten years.
I took with me, as a soloist, a woman friend. She was the wife of a West End theatre manager, a Chilean by birth who had been a favourite pupil of Caruso. All her life, without knowing anything about Spiritualism, she had been a clairvoyant and a clairaudient, which means that she could see spirits and hear their voices. That night she got very excited on the platform because, during the clairvoyance given by Estelle Roberts, she could see the spirits who were being described before Estelle described them, and because she heard their messages just before Mrs Roberts did.
When I went back to supper with her and her husband they said, "Shall we sit?" To my surprise, they knew nothing about it, except that sometimes they got a spirit message.
"Who is your guide?" I asked. As they had not got one, so far as they knew, I pointed out the dangers of casual sitting. Immediately my Chilean friend saw an enormous Red Indian, whose name, he told her, was White Shadow. He said he had come to be the guide of the circle. Thus we began the first of weekly sittings, which went on regularly for years.
White Shadow announced that night that he had been sent in answer to my request for a guide. Now those who tell you that it is ((evil spirits" who communicate with the living should meet White Shadow. He closed every circle with a prayer. He always referred to what orthodox people call God, and what scientists call "the Law of Nature," as "the Great White Spirit."
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I want you to remember," he told us once, "that the Great White Spirit is everywhere, in everything, in everybody. I want to remind you all to pray to the Great White Spirit aloud, in such a way, as you would speak to your best friend. A particle of the Great Spirit is within you. Through that particle you are in direct contact with Him. Never forget that. Never let it down."
You gradually learn, because of the teachings of so-called spirit guides, that you and I, and every one of us, are an essential part of creation, which is eternal, that each of us has within himself a spark of divinity, which he can develop. It does not sound very much like an evil spirit, does it?
Now I once took along to argue with White Shadow, a young scientist, who merely knew that he had had a strange psychic experience, during which he wrote a book on some deep scientific matter quite outside his own knowledge. White Shadow argued with him with knowledge far beyond mine. I could not understand it. The young scientist did.
I have taken to White Shadow people who were mourning, people who were in trouble, former members of churches who had lost their faith. Always White Shadow talked to them with a nobility of manner and a dignity of mien that is impressive beyond words.
He described to us how he had lived near San Francisco 3,000 years ago, that the spot is now covered by the sea, that he was the head of what we would now call a university, although in those times it took another form. He told us that the more intelligent among his people understood many things about natural laws, which scientists do not know today. He became the chief of more than a dozen spirit helpers who all played some part in arranging our seances.
At some of the earlier sittings he described what he was going to do that night: blend rays, tune in, perfect the means of communicating. Then the medium would see him and his helpers doing it. You must try to understand that, just as the B.B.C. has to build a transmitting station before it can send words out across the air, so a somewhat similar condition prevails on the Other Side.
This is how White Shadow's medium described the first stages of her development: "This guide developed my clairvoyance and clairaudience to a remarkable extent, and I found that I could hear Christian and surnames perfectly
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clear. I was given all sorts of messages, and was able to receive them accurately. Then my guide said that he was going to train me to leave my body. He would tell me to hold my hands up, and sometimes they would remain held up for half an hour. Ordinarily, of course, I could not have held my hands up for anything like half an hour, but I suppose additional strength had been given me.
“He promised that at the next sitting he would take the astral body away completely. My husband was very frightened at this; but my guide said it was quite all right.”
"My guide then began to withdraw my astral body from the human form. He withdrew it gradually, a little more each time, and then at last he announced that I was ready to go into trance. He promised that at the next sitting he would take the astral body away completely. My husband was very frightened at this; but my guide said it was quite all right.
This is a good spirit, he said. "Don’t you worry; your wife is perfectly safe and nothing can happen to her. You know, if a burglar comes to your house, what do you do? You telephone for the police. If anything happens now that I cannot control, we have centres to go to, and I can get all the help I want. She will be perfectly all right."
"Gradually I went deeper into trance and was often taken for a tour round the spheres, although sometimes I could remember nothing and it seemed that I had just been asleep. The thing that has impressed me most about the spirit world is the vegetation. The flowers and the trees seem to be made of coloured lights, and are transparent and radiant. The plants are very big. A red flower is a consistent red, but you can see right through it. The atmosphere suggests bright sunlight all the time, although there is no sun visible. I have only once met another spirit on my astral travels, and that was when I found myself by the side of my sister. I never see my guide, because when I go he takes charge of my body. I remember once seeing my body in the chair as I left it. It was apparently sleeping, and I thought it looked rather stupid. Strange as it sounds, leaving the body seems perfectly natural at the time."
That is the medium's story. While spirits chatted through the medium,
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which could hear them clairaudiently, she was being prepared for trance. Sometimes she saw a room, extended though into a
great spaciousness, literally crowded with spirit forms.
Then one night, very naturally and very quietly, she dropped
into a sleep. Her guide controlled her, explaining his difficulties because he did not want to hurt her vocal chords.
After that, he controlled her regularly. Soon, half a dozen other spirits were doing the same thing.
The medium, in turn, was controlled by her own guide; by her husband's guide; by Laura, her sister, who "died" when she was two, but who has grown up in the spirit world; by the Marquise de Monpensier, an ancestress who lived in the days of Louis XIV; and her two grandmothers, the Corntesse d'Erfeuil, a member of the Orleans family, and Maria Chaparro de Alba. Each control was characteristic of a different personality. Each talked as naturally as though the speaker were sitting in the room. Some talked of worldly things. Laura's talk was always deeply spiritual. When she spoke, we were conscious of contacting a highly evolved spiritual
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being, one unsoiled, because of her early passing.
Now and then, the guide sent for some friend of a sitter, so that, through the medium, his spirit friends might advise or give comfort. Everyone obtained evidence that he or she accepted. In one case a brilliant surgeon had evidence from his old professor in a foreign university, and was counselled as to his work. Another person, summoned to attend, was warned about the passing, before long, of a very dear relative and prepared for what otherwise would have been an overwhelming shock. A "Society' woman, who was specially invited, was reunited with her son, who had "died" more or less estranged from her. A K.C. received a message from his mother. A woman was advised as to the proper way to pray.
We had, in fact, dozens of visitors, some famous, some unknown. Yet our only critic was an Atheist who, not used to the "family" atmosphere of a home circle, accused us, despite his
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Atheism, of "being irreverent."
We had, in the early stages of our sittings, long waits. It was obvious to me that unusual powers were being drawn out of the circle's combined mediumship, and being blended to an exceptional degree, and that great patience was necessary.
But often, during the waiting, “dead” friends called in.... There was, for instance, the mediums father-in-law, who had passed on not long before - a Christian Scientist. "You took me to my first Christian Science meeting," I said to him. "That was in New York. Now I have introduced your son to Spiritualism. You know what the truth is now, don’t you?"
It is like two books," he replied, with a grave gentleness. "They are the same, but in a different-coloured binding."
He had charge of a class in the other world, he explained, one in which 500 unenlightened spirits were being trained.
Conan Doyle, who sometimes called in, once said, "Do not say' Up There,' but' Out There'," giving an idea of great space and unlimited wideness. He said that he, too, had a class, and that he was himself learning how communication was established with our earth. Afterwards we learned that Doyle's literary powers had been found of great use Out There; that, because of his literary powers, he could write, very clearly, instructions for dull-minded spirits.
When Irving spoke, at another sitting, he used words that were most illuminating. "Yes, I have met Tree," he said in answer to a question. If I may use the phrase, he is teaching deportment of the soul."
Belasco, who knew two of the sitters, said that, in the other world, he was still producing plays. "You can teach some spirits with spectacle when they cannot learn any other way," he explained.
Irving had told us before that, Out There, producers had troubles, not with lights but with shadows. It is difficult to get the shades," he said. "We have bother with darks, not with lights."
Belasco said this was quite right that earthly difficulties were often reversed.
That was in the days of clairvoyance and clairaudience. At long last, after nearly three years, surprises were to come.
They began with the visit of Frank Decker, a Syrian-born American physical medium who is so "tough” that he has on several occasions gone along, all alone, to
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be tested by scores of New Yorks’ policemen and detectives, been handcuffed, tied up, and submitted to all kinds of indignities. Yet, despite all that, phenomena happened.
He has defied self advertising magicians who attacked Spiritualism in order to gain publicity for themselves. He would take on anything or anybody.
I have sat with him in London, in a cabin on board the Berengaria, in New York, in a holiday camp in New Jersey, on all sorts of occasions. Despite every handicap, and however bad were the conditions, there were always phenomena.
Well, on the night he visited our circle we heard the direct voice and there was materialisation, both for the first time. It was, of course, Decker's mediumship. The voice of Decker's guide shouted out and a new sitter felt a materialised hand upon his own.
Before he left us, Decker said: "Put a trumpet in the circle the next time you sit. I think you will yourselves get the direct voice."
A trumpet is often used for direct voice phenomena for two reasons, it concentrates the power within a small space and also, being a megaphone, it makes the voice louder.
Well, before long, one of the two trumpets we used went up in the air. A new kind of phenomenon had started in our own circle. Then, weeks after that, we heard the first voice.
So amazingly did phenomena develop that we could tell which of the guides was lifting the trumpet, because each had a characteristic of his own.
There was no need for the guide to give his name. We knew when the trumpet was lifted slowly and in a most dignified way that that was White Shadow. When excitedly the initials S. E. were formed in the air by the luminous trumpet, we knew, because those were the initials of his name, that it was another of the guides.
And, before many weeks had passed, the voices had become so loud that one particularly exuberant spirit who was the guide of one of the sitters always shouted so excitedly that had people been in the garden they could have easily heard
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the sound.
Among White Shadow’s helpers in making the direct voice possible was a Dr Wiitzner, who told us he had lived in Leipzig more than a century ago.
I deal with the mechanical side of the seance arrangements," he explained. I used to do my work with mechanism. Now I use rays and chemicals. It is more complicated."
He was helped by Teddy Williams, who, on earth, was an analytical chemist employed in the diamond fields in South Africa. Through their efforts and those of other guides belonging to various races, spirits were enabled to speak each in his own language. We heard German, French, Spanish and Russian, all understood by one or other of the sitters; Swedish on the night that Carl Carleson, then Stockholds best-known Spiritualist, visited our circle; Hindustani when V. D. Rishi and his wife, our great propagandist in India, came along; and Arabic, which was vouched for by another sitter.
Another of the guides at this home circle was Carlos Zamora, a Spaniard who has been "dead" for four centuries. I know his story because he told it to me. He came along and added to it, bit by bit, every now and then. He committed a murder, and he likes to tell people. It seems to help him, this continuous confession.
Carlos began with an antique knife. The husband of the chief medium at that time collected antiques. On Saturdays he explored "junk shops," as he called them. Once, he bought, for a shilling or so, a fearsome-looking weapon, and, taking it home, put it on a table in the drawing room. One day, he noticed that it had been moved. This happened more than once. Then the knife was found unclasped. My friend wondered if it were a spirit. That night in our home circle, he asked the chief guide. We were told that an earthbound spirit had moved the knife, to which he was attached by the memory of some crime. He wanted to call attention to his plight. "Pray for him”, my friend was told. He and his wife prayed that night for the release of the spirit from his earthbound condition. At the next sitting he was told that it had done good, but he was to go on praying.
Then, one night, at our weekly seance, a spirit new to us controlled the medium, in trance, and gave the name. He was Carlos Zamora, he said. He had killed a man with the knife, and he had been bound to it,
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by the memory or his wrongdoing, ever since. That was nearly four hundred years ago. "Your prayers have helped me," he added. In gratitude I will guard your house. I will never forget you." After that, on several occasions, a noise was heard downstairs after the family had gone to bed. Each time someone found that a window was left open, or a door unlocked. More than once Carlos has been seen "on guard." Sometimes he was only a shadow; sometimes the medium saw him dearly. Now, at another sitting, knowing that I had been asked to write about him, Carlos arrived to make sure we got his story right. He spelled all the names out.
He had told us before that he had killed a man because of jealousy. We had learned that the man he killed had tried to steal his “lady love," as he called her. So that I could mention it, he told us that his victim was a man named Jose' Montanares.
Montanares was his master, he said. He had sent Carlos away because he had designs on Carlos' wife. He said it was a Navajo knife. The handle had been changed since the time of the murder, but the blade was the same. It was the blade to which he had been attached through all the years.
Now the beginning of the story was told through trance mediumship. The end of it was in Carlos' own voice, speaking through what we call a "trumpet", really an aluminium amplifier. Carlos, in a year or so, had built up a definite personality. He argued. He corrected us if we misunderstood him. He told us that it was a “long time" before anybody noticed him. He may have been trying to attract attention for centuries, for all we know. Then, of course, the knife passed into the possession of the family in which there was psychic power. By means of that Carlos could move the knife and did. So it was noticed. And so he was helped. I was brought up to believe it was wicked to pray for the "dead." I know now that it was necessary, and that the "dead," too, should pray for US. Well, according to Carlos, his other job now is to help the man he murdered. And he does not like him, to this day. But only by helping him can he himself progress. He tries to like, but even now, four hundred years later, he cannot forget the wrong done him by a man he wronged even more because of his jealousy. Still, he and his wife are together.
By the way, Carlos spoke, after some time, excellent English. When
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he first came it was very halting. He learned our language, he explained, so that he could talk to us.
Well, after the voices - and we heard, among others, those of John Galsworthy, Hall Caine and Gilbert Parker, the return of whom I have described elsewhere in this book -materialisation began.
The medium used for this, and the voices, was the Chilean-born singer in whose home we sat. Her father began to materialise his hands sufficiently to make, as evidence, the loud clicking noise peculiar to his habit, and also to strum on the wall just as he used to do in his office.
Dogs materialised and wagged their tails against the legs of the chair; a cat scratched at the carpet; and a bird which the medium had that morning found injured in the road outside, nursed until it "died" and then buried in the garden covered with rose leaves, flew about the room.
Always, I felt on my head and stroking my hair the materialised hand of my sister-in-law.
Sometimes an enormous Red Indian guide would clasp our ankles, and once we heard him stamping a war dance and chanting, while he did it, the native tune which, he said, was always played for that particular dance.
Then the phenomena took another extraordinary form.
"We have removed the medium's body from the room," said one of the guides. "Feel her chair to make sure she is not there."
We felt the chair, which was empty. Now, as the circle filled the room and the medium's chair was right up against the fireplace, there was nowhere to which she could have gone. On that night, just before she came out of trance, and always after that, we heard a jump as though a body had dropped from somewhere.
Then, gradually emerging from trance, she would always say, 'What a lot of stuff." She explained afterwards that, in her semi-trance condition, she had seen a room full of ectoplasm more or less in the form of a spider's web.
To this circle we would have begun inviting all kinds of hardboiled investigators. For it was foolproof. It was something, which, if only because of the reputation of the people sitting in it, could not have been attacked or criticised.
But, alas, there was a silly argument one night. The "conditions" were disturbed. We had to stop sitting.
Article submitted by Tommy Hartmeier"
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
The above article was taken from "The Ark Review" and was called "Have You Psychic Gifts?".
The article was submitted by Tommy Hartmeier, a Swedish member of the NAS, who copied it from "My Greatest Story" by Hannen Swaffer.
The article was submitted by Tommy Hartmeier, a Swedish member of the NAS, who copied it from "My Greatest Story" by Hannen Swaffer.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Great to read that article again, I knew it was the early 2000s couldn't remember the exact year though. Enjoyed the earlier one also. Great read thanks mac for posting that much appreciated.
Last edited by Mark74 on Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
I hadn't realised that the article titles - images - didn't get copied. Sorry I didn't notice it when posting.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
That Ok Mac sadly teh way the forum dumbs things down ever image has to be loaded onto their web system and then placed en situ manually.
Admin- Admin
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Mark74 wrote:As a sitter explained, “Years ago, Silver Birch was a boisterous, hilarious spirit, seldom, if ever, serious. As time went on, this gay, jesting Indian guide gradually developed into the wise philosopher we now respect and honour”
The loss of the trumpet medium, and, consequently, the majority of the physical phenomena, the work of the circle became to a large extent the reception of teachings from Silver Birch.
If Silver Birch - the later one, at least - was not a Red Indian but was using the Red Indian as an intermediary, and if "Silver Birch's" personality changed over time, maybe the early Silver Birch was the real Indian, and the later Silver Birch wasn't.
Left Behind
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Mac I meant to thank on posting the above article. Thanks great read.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Mark74 wrote:Mac I meant to thank on posting the above article. Thanks great read.
my pleasure - I wish I'd managed to get the identification details posted as well, though.....
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Left Behind wrote:Mark74 wrote:As a sitter explained, “Years ago, Silver Birch was a boisterous, hilarious spirit, seldom, if ever, serious. As time went on, this gay, jesting Indian guide gradually developed into the wise philosopher we now respect and honour”
The loss of the trumpet medium, and, consequently, the majority of the physical phenomena, the work of the circle became to a large extent the reception of teachings from Silver Birch.
If Silver Birch - the later one, at least - was not a Red Indian but was using the Red Indian as an intermediary, and if "Silver Birch's" personality changed over time, maybe the early Silver Birch was the real Indian, and the later Silver Birch wasn't.
Good point Jim. The person communicating could perhaps have been bringing wisdom through from others in spirit. We know the communicator was not called Silver Birch. It' unlikely he ws an American Indian. H may have been called Big Jump and his methods of communication varied as to suggest a different personality at one time or another. The books are pretty homogenous in tone though and most come with that picture resembling a provincial pre WWII bank manager with a feather in his hair. Steady sellers too over the years so obviously what some folk enjoy reading. An amusing letter a few PNs back from a chap castigating the religious aspect of Spiritualism who used extensive reference to SB to support his thesis. Within Spirtualism the SB canon almost has something of the status that the KJV enjoys amongst some Christian streams along the lines of an 'Authorised Version' White Eagle and Zodiac are two similar but with fewer 'followers'. Miss Jean Brodie in fiction has said...
'For those who like that sort of thing,that is the sort of thing tha they like'.
We visited the Anglican Marian shrine at Walsingham last Thursday. A completely fictive imagining made concrete. National Pilgrimage there tomorrow and thousands will parade carrying the images through the village. Powerful stuff is belief.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Mark74 wrote:''Silver Birch himself stated: "I am not a Red Indian. I am using the astral body of a Red Indian because this particular one had many psychic gifts on earth and therefore became available for me when I was asked to return and engage on this mission''. Now thats interesting zerdini, I have all of Silver Birch's books, do you know what book the above is from.
I was recently browsing through "More Philosophy of Silver Birch" and found the above quote on page 13.
He further clarifies his statement by saying:
He is just as much my medium as this medium is mine,too. It is not possible for people like myself, who left your world many hundreds of years ago and have achieved a certain spiritual staus, to reach you and communicate on your level where the vibrations are entirely different. I had to have what on your world would be a transformer, someone through whom the vibrations can be stepped up or slowed down so that I can achieve communication on your level.
If this is true and highly evolved beings need a go-between to connect to a medium here on earth, then where does this put all the ascended masters, aliens and egyptian gods that are seemingly able to make direct connections with people on earth? Maybe they do use go-betyweens but don't like sharing the credit
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Wes wrote:Mark74 wrote:''Silver Birch himself stated: "I am not a Red Indian. I am using the astral body of a Red Indian because this particular one had many psychic gifts on earth and therefore became available for me when I was asked to return and engage on this mission''. Now thats interesting zerdini, I have all of Silver Birch's books, do you know what book the above is from.
I was recently browsing through "More Philosophy of Silver Birch" and found the above quote on page 13.
He further clarifies his statement by saying:
He is just as much my medium as this medium is mine,too. It is not possible for people like myself, who left your world many hundreds of years ago and have achieved a certain spiritual staus, to reach you and communicate on your level where the vibrations are entirely different. I had to have what on your world would be a transformer, someone through whom the vibrations can be stepped up or slowed down so that I can achieve communication on your level.
If this is true and highly evolved beings need a go-between to connect to a medium here on earth, then where does this put all the ascended masters, aliens and egyptian gods that are seemingly able to make direct connections with people on earth? Maybe they do use go-betyweens but don't like sharing the credit
"If this is true and highly evolved beings need a go-between to connect to a medium here on earth, then where does this put all the ascended masters, aliens and egyptian gods that are seemingly able to make direct connections with people on earth?" I've been challenging folk by asking similar questions for quite some time on a number of websites..... If such communications genuinely involve direct contact between highly spiritually-evolved entities and humans it might suggest a different form of communication compared with that explained by teachers such as Silver Birch.
I try to be open-minded towards that possibility as there have been indications of it for some years but it's still far from clear that there's any real evidence that's the case. It's possible that we who are traditional Modern Spiritualists, whose ideas have been shaped by words from teachers and guides of the past, are being left behind. Maybe genuinely new-age transdimensional communication is happening and all we do is poo-poo it?
Or, perhaps equally, there are many hopelessly misguided new-agers out there who believe they are receiving personal guidance and support; and psychic practitioners whose words are revered by individuals who see them as modern-day mediums?
All we need to do is decide which group is right - us or them?
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
SB reminded us that he was but the mouthpiece for a group whose function was trying to enlighten us of the Spiritual Truths they had encountered.
This task was undertaken because Religion, whose task it should have been, had completely lost their way, descending into competing dogma and doctrines, with spiritually barren ritual and visual trappings, instead of presenting the simple truths of the Great Spirit, to the children of the Great Spirit who hungered for them.
In another, relevant teaching episode, SB reminded us that: 'The Great Spirit does not change, the Natural Laws do not alter.....'
This task was undertaken because Religion, whose task it should have been, had completely lost their way, descending into competing dogma and doctrines, with spiritually barren ritual and visual trappings, instead of presenting the simple truths of the Great Spirit, to the children of the Great Spirit who hungered for them.
In another, relevant teaching episode, SB reminded us that: 'The Great Spirit does not change, the Natural Laws do not alter.....'
Last edited by hiorta on Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:28 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Additional text)
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Although gender roles were not as ridged within the First Nations Tribes and Nations as in European/Christian Cultures, the names people chose were gender role related. So Silver Birch is a female name and Big Jump is a male name, but if the male decided to play a female role he could change from Big Jump to Silver Birch and still remain/be a man.KatyKing wrote:Well it's Paul Gaunt's research.
He's as sound as a pound.
But just as the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west (it doesn't), not all is as it seems when it comes to Silver Birch. But what is hidden is not in the written record. For some, if you ask your Spirit Guides, more will be revealed.
PS: I realize I sound like a pontificating A**, but most Spiritualists dogmatically quote Silver Birch without examining the source. For some, an examination of the source will reveal more (just engage your guides in conversation and ask probing questions including gender related ones).
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Not all of us are able to have such conversations with our spirit guides, so perhaps you could provide more detail about the claims you are making about deception and hidden agendas?
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Please do not assume I meant either because that is not the direction or information I hoped people would contribute. But until others do answer, it would be best if I didn't interfere with the message by offering more information (at this time) than I already have.Wes wrote:Not all of us are able to have such conversations with our spirit guides, so perhaps you could provide more detail about the claims you are making about deception and hidden agendas?
Eg: If I point at a jet airliner, some will think:
A. A fantastic vacation.
B. Another business trip.
C. 90 seconds of terror as the burning plane falls out of the sky.
I want all the answers (so I can grow too) but I may want to discus "Lockerby."
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
As I have written elsewhere this evening, open a new thread and there may be more responses, rather than 'pinging' an inactive, old one.....
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
mac wrote:As I have written elsewhere this evening, open a new thread and there may be more responses, rather than 'pinging' an inactive, old one.....
Opening new threads that don't include hidden agendas, sorry, vague insinuations, may also attract more responses. In other words, if you have a point to make, please make it
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
I wish I had had this at the start of this debate when Z went way over the top about the name being rubbish and Paul Gaunt's research inadequate. Hmm a lot of friction which could have been saved.
Well here you Go Barbie under Oath in Court on 3rd March 1939 agreeing that his control was known as Big Jump
The case was not all that good for Barbie and PN because they appeared to be defending fraudulent Physical mediums and intent on damaging Nandor Fodor's reputation. 1939 was not a good year for PN and Barbie they went on to lose a case against The Zomah's a husband and wife team of magicians who had been used in accepting a PN challenge for Magicians to impersonate a medium named Kelly; I suspect the result did not help the "genuine" medium either.
I think PN should have reviewed Fodors Book and just criticised the very many errors that it included to warn off others.
Well here you Go Barbie under Oath in Court on 3rd March 1939 agreeing that his control was known as Big Jump
The case was not all that good for Barbie and PN because they appeared to be defending fraudulent Physical mediums and intent on damaging Nandor Fodor's reputation. 1939 was not a good year for PN and Barbie they went on to lose a case against The Zomah's a husband and wife team of magicians who had been used in accepting a PN challenge for Magicians to impersonate a medium named Kelly; I suspect the result did not help the "genuine" medium either.
I think PN should have reviewed Fodors Book and just criticised the very many errors that it included to warn off others.
Last edited by Admin on Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Admin- Admin
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
It's nice to see this great old Thread revived after lying dormant for several years.
Ont thing that caught my eye as I was scrolling down to today's message was a line where someone (Silver Birch himself? I'd have to go back and check) said something to the effect that 'you can prove survival yourself among your loved ones without paying anything to a medium.'
This HAS been my personal experience. Also, once you prove survival to yourself: you have the essence of that Modern Spiritualism is all about.
Ont thing that caught my eye as I was scrolling down to today's message was a line where someone (Silver Birch himself? I'd have to go back and check) said something to the effect that 'you can prove survival yourself among your loved ones without paying anything to a medium.'
This HAS been my personal experience. Also, once you prove survival to yourself: you have the essence of that Modern Spiritualism is all about.
Left Behind
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Its also good that Maurice Barbanell settled the argument about Big Jump once and for all from beyond the grave so to speak Jim
Admin- Admin
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Admin wrote:Its also good that Maurice Barbanell settled the argument about Big Jump once and for all from beyond the grave so to speak Jim
Interesting though historical and I wonder how many actually care?
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Admin wrote:I wish I had had this at the start of this debate when Z went way over the top about teh name being rubbish and Paul gaunt's research inadequate. Hmm a lot of friction which could have been saved.
Well here you Go Barbie under Oath in Court on 3rd March 1939 agreeing that his control was known as Big Jump
Jeez! This thread started five and a half years ago! All that falling-out for nothing. I wonder if George can actually remember any of the kerfuffle now? We have little idea how many memories from incarnate life remain with us for long after our passing.
Re: Silver Birch's real name was Big Jump
Hm his control was known as “the Big Jump”, not “Big Jump”. Not perhaps as conclusive as it seems at first sight maybe? Whilst Big Jump definitely seems significant it sounds like more of a title than a name as reported.
Was Silver Birch the medium’s control or simply the principle communicator? I don’t recall if Barbanel was ever used by any other spirit? I think there maybe someone I can ask about it.
Was Silver Birch the medium’s control or simply the principle communicator? I don’t recall if Barbanel was ever used by any other spirit? I think there maybe someone I can ask about it.
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