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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by mac Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:10 pm

more interesting points - thanks


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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by Quiet Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:41 pm

Surely there are different types of mediumship?

And mediumship demonstrations can be different from face-to-face individual readings.

I have seen excellent demonstrations where the mediums released information as they received it and worked with people by a process of elimination to work out who the message is for. Saw one of the best exponents of mediumship on Sunday. One teacher I had uses this approach all the time in demonstrations but uses a different technique in one-to-one readings obviously.

And I have personally experienced an excellent platform reading from a medium who came straight to me. That was incredibly in-depth and accurate. Another teacher uses that approach all the time.


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thrown open - Page 2 Empty oops!

Post by mac Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:45 pm

Quiet wrote:Surely there are different types of mediumship?

And mediumship demonstrations can be different from face-to-face individual readings.

I have seen excellent demonstrations where the mediums released information as they received it and worked with people by a process of elimination to work out who the message is for. Saw one of the best exponents of mediumship on Sunday. One teacher I had uses this approach all the time in demonstrations but uses a different technique in one-to-one readings obviously.

And I have personally experienced an excellent platform reading from a medium who came straight to me. That was incredibly in-depth and accurate. Another teacher uses that approach all the time.

Yes there are many forms of mediumship but the original discussion was about forum 'messages' just apparently randomly thrown out to anyone who might take 'em - not about traditional evidential (mediumship, so-called 'platform work' or personal sittings.) mediumship - often termed 'platform work' - or via personal sittings. (does that read better?)

Last edited by mac on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:28 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : poorly worded)


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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by KatyKing Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:14 pm

Very Happy It's real work up on a platform mac. Solid hard graft sometimes.

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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by mac Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:23 pm

KatyKing wrote: Very Happy It's real work up on a platform mac. Solid hard graft sometimes.

The emphasis should have been on 'so-called' - not on the word 'work'.

I hadn't meant for one moment that it's not work, only that evidential mediumship might not necessarily be known by that name.

sorry Embarassed


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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by KatyKing Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:36 pm

Very Happy I was being flippant.
Some of what I've seen passing itself off as evidence from the platform was little more than chats with chums about mutual aquaintances on the other side. Spirit didn't need to bother to show. Lot of that in the 'good' old days and biggest offender a then SNU Pres. Complete and utter waffler he was. Not so much of that about now thankfully.

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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by KatyKing Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:44 pm

Time was someone would pitch up from on high sporting a badge of office the size of a drinks coaster and folk would listen respectfully no matter what old bilge came forth. Thankfully peoples' boredom thresholds are much lower and their BS detectors more finely tuned these days.

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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by _Leslie_ Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:52 pm

Agreed Peter, I also think that people are more educated / informed than they used to be and as such not as gullible.

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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by Quiet Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:11 am

mac wrote:
Quiet wrote:Surely there are different types of mediumship?

And mediumship demonstrations can be different from face-to-face individual readings.

I have seen excellent demonstrations where the mediums released information as they received it and worked with people by a process of elimination to work out who the message is for. Saw one of the best exponents of mediumship on Sunday. One teacher I had uses this approach all the time in demonstrations but uses a different technique in one-to-one readings obviously.

And I have personally experienced an excellent platform reading from a medium who came straight to me. That was incredibly in-depth and accurate. Another teacher uses that approach all the time.

Yes there are many forms of mediumship but the original discussion was about forum 'messages' just apparently randomly thrown out to anyone who might take 'em - not about traditional evidential (mediumship, so-called 'platform work' or personal sittings.) mediumship - often termed 'platform work' - or via personal sittings. (does that read better?)

Mea culpa! Didn't read properly. I wouldn't take any message thrown out ina forum seriously. Am surprised to hear that it's happening. Assume you mean on-line forum?

I belonged to a tarot forum once when people would sometimes do tarot readings and ask if they were specific to someone. People were just experimenting with psychic abilities, however, and it didn't happen all that often.


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thrown open - Page 2 Empty Re: thrown open

Post by KatyKing Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:21 am

Very Happy Amen to that Les.
I 'blame' TV and t'internet. :-)
Fewer are reading books but more selective when they do that too and the best modern books are so much better than the 'thus sayeth this famous Spiritualist...God-substitute 'guides' or self serving biographies'.... of yesteryear.
Not to say there isn't some good stuff out there from the old days but much of it is of its time.

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