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god as open source

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god as open source Empty god as open source

Post by skfarblum Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 7:14

For those who don't know to much about open source operating systems,the usual model
is a kernel and a userland(this where we do things)
I came up with the idea,and please it really is just a fun idea which all are welcome
to build on ,that god is an open source system.
There is this kernel which is all potential but it can't do anything with all this potential ,so
it brings about a userland where all potential can be realized.
Although each part has an independence.In order for this system to work each part has to
work within a whole,balanced system.God if you like.
Kernel supports and allows userland to function and userland feeds back into kernel,
thereby allowing kernel to grow and change.This change is reflected in ever evolving
potentialities in userland.Thus there is endless change and growth .


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 14:40

Don't take this the wrong way please Stephen it's genuine concern NOT criticism but might you not feel the benefit of getting out a bit more and meeting some flesh and bone working Spiritualists?
There's something on local to you this weekend and you'll be amazed and delighted by the welcome you'll get.
'What kept you Stephen?'
...they'll ask...
...'we've been expecting you for ages'.
Plus you'll be given confirmation of the path you are to set out on.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 15:18

Dear KatyKing,
I live in a corner of the world where Spiritualism is
equal to devil worship.I keep a very low profile.
You people here on this forum and other forums are just about my only spiritual
Have an old friend in a retirement home.We exchange
ideas via email.He is to far away for me to visit regularly.
Sorry if some of my ideas are weird.You are most welcome to them.Use them at your peril.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 15:56

There are good folk close by you Stephen.
You'll find 'em by looking.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 16:20

Thank you Katy.Kind sentiments and thoughts are
great gifts to receive and to pass on.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 18:38

skfarblum wrote:For those who don't know to much about open source operating systems,the usual model
is a kernel and a userland(this where we do things)
I came up with the idea,and please it really is just a fun idea which all are welcome
to build on ,that god is an open source system.
There is this kernel which is all potential but it can't do anything with all this potential ,so
it brings about a userland where all potential can be realized.
Although each part has an independence.In order for this system to work each part has to
work within a whole,balanced system.God if you like.
Kernel supports and allows userland to function and userland feeds back into kernel,
thereby allowing kernel to grow and change.This change is reflected in ever evolving
potentialities in userland.Thus there is endless change and growth .


I like this analogy - I wonder how far we can take it? The kernel idea is an interesting one. Of course when we add programs (characteristics? skills? abilities?) we eventually end up with an 'environment' - so the computer creates its own environment perhaps? I am sure we do too.

I remember reading somewhere that one school of thought is that we start off simply as a form of consciousness, and the idea is to develop our individuality and grow over time.

I have to say I don't agree with Katy that you should just wander off and meet spiritualists. I would advise a degree of circumspection. My experience of visiting spiritualist churches, although not unpleasant, is that is has largely been a waste of time - but then again I am interested in evidence of survival not spiritualist philosophy.


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 21:50

Bet you got tea and biscuits though obi.
Very big on tea and biscuits are Spiritualists.
You'd get cake at our church too. No such place as the perfect church but with evidence its like the lottery slogan.... you gotta be in it to win it.....you can't be a practising Spiritualist on your own... it's a collective concept.
Birds of a feather etc....

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 22:29

KatyKing wrote:Bet you got tea and biscuits though obi.
Very big on tea and biscuits are Spiritualists.
You'd get cake at our church too. No such place as the perfect church but with evidence its like the lottery slogan.... you gotta be in it to win it.....you can't be a practising Spiritualist on your own... it's a collective concept.
Birds of a feather etc....
I did but I had to pay for it lol. They'll have to do a lot better than that.

For the avoidance of doubt; I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in being a Spiritualist.


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by Admin Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 1:20

obiwan wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Bet you got tea and biscuits though obi.
Very big on tea and biscuits are Spiritualists.
You'd get cake at our church too. No such place as the perfect church but with evidence its like the lottery slogan.... you gotta be in it to win it.....you can't be a practising Spiritualist on your own... it's a collective concept.
Birds of a feather etc....
I did but I had to pay for it lol. They'll have to do a lot better than that.

For the avoidance of doubt; I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in being a Spiritualist.

In many ways I can understand that Obi, first you have to define what type of Spiritualist and what sort of church. Then you get the lottery of the address and mediumship even before the chance of a personal message. On the whole I think the movement offers little to attract people and engage their minds however good the cake is.

I will always be a Spiritualist and disagree with Katy that you need to vist any church. Spiritualism is an acceptance of teh truth of survival after death and acceptance of the principles. It can be a very personal affair and with the dodgy standards which are appearing in both the organised and independent churches I am not sure that apart from my direct personal involvement I would bother.

I can understand Stephen's difficulty as well, even with the spread of contacts I have there is no organisation anywhere near him.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by Admin Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 1:21

Like Obi I quite like the concepts behind Stephen's first post.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 4:26

Thanks for the positive comments.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 11:35

Admin wrote:
obiwan wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Bet you got tea and biscuits though obi.
Very big on tea and biscuits are Spiritualists.
You'd get cake at our church too. No such place as the perfect church but with evidence its like the lottery slogan.... you gotta be in it to win it.....you can't be a practising Spiritualist on your own... it's a collective concept.
Birds of a feather etc....
I did but I had to pay for it lol. They'll have to do a lot better than that.

For the avoidance of doubt; I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in being a Spiritualist.

In many ways I can understand that Obi, first you have to define what type of Spiritualist and what sort of church. Then you get the lottery of the address and mediumship even before the chance of a personal message. On the whole I think the movement offers little to attract people and engage their minds however good the cake is.

I will always be a Spiritualist and disagree with Katy that you need to vist any church. Spiritualism is an acceptance of teh truth of survival after death and acceptance of the principles. It can be a very personal affair and with the dodgy standards which are appearing in both the organised and independent churches I am not sure that apart from my direct personal involvement I would bother.

I can understand Stephen's difficulty as well, even with the spread of contacts I have there is no organisation anywhere near him.

Agreed Jim


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 13:02

This is very interesting.Ever since I became interested in Modern Spiritualism
I have been in very close touch with a mentor ,who I knew when he was
alive.I see him dreams and there is in these dreams an actual exchange
of information.There is also an on going contact by just words popping into my mind.
Even though there is,at present little or no chance of me ever contacting a medium I feel no real need for this.
The fact I have this inner on going contact with a mentor who I honoured
and respected is more than sufficient for me.
Even now ,since I joined this forum,there have been huge junks of the conversations ,that have confirmed much I have learnt from my mentor.
A very good example is Hiorta's experience with his niece.
I knew nothing about that strange persistent memory in the departed
soul of its death,and how it could impact upon a still incorporated soul.
I had learnt that it is to my advantage to come to terms with life traumas and in away to both accept and let go.Being forgiving of others as well
as oneself.
This experience confirms these understandings but goes further than I
had realized to include also a painful and traumatic death.
Thank you Hiorta for this precious bit of learning.


Last edited by skfarblum on Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 13:06; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 13:20

Just one small observation Stephen. You started this thread posing an idea - open source. I attempted to engage you in discussion about this but you haven't replied really or taken it further. I mention this, not because it bothers me particularly but rather to make an observation: if a person starts a thread inviting comment but doesn't respond and simply talks about their own experiences this isn't a dialogue. It may also put others off from engaging in discussion with you. Just saying....


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 13:36

Dear Obiwan,
I am sorry.Please put it down to inexperience and
thoughtlessness on my part.I am still in a process of learning
here and I am grateful for you pointing out these errors to me.
Now what did you have in mind about god as open source.?


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 13:57

One major problem with this analogy of mine, is the problem
of the infinite regress.Who made the kernel?
To avoid this the kernel would need to be a chaotic
or random type of creating generator.
Any ideas?

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 14:28

skfarblum wrote:Dear Obiwan,
I am sorry.Please put it down to inexperience and
thoughtlessness on my part.I am still in a process of learning
here and I am grateful for you pointing out these errors to me.
Now what did you have in mind about god as open source.?

No need to apologise Stephen.

The problem is I think the one of 'original cause'. I am operating above my pay grade here but I do wonder if the assumption of original cause might be flawed. It presupposes, it seems to me, a sequence of cause and effect in a timeline. ie my actions now cause an effect further down the timeline. Perhaps time is a dimension that only really has meaning in our physical state? Is it possible that outside our physical universe, there exists some entity which exists outside time and which in effect caused time to come into existence via the creation of the physical universe (not that I subscribe to the view of a personal creator God). If this is possible or even conceivable, maybe we have the creator of the kernel.

In any event it is only an analogy and most analogies only go so far I think.


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by _Leslie_ Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 14:45

Making my head hurt this... Wink

Going for a walk shortly (I'm lucky to live in the countryside) before attending my weekly circle, after which I'll reflect on the posts and 'try' to offer a constructive contribution.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by skfarblum Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 15:48

Dear Obiwan,
Yes you are stating exactly the problem of the infinite regress.
You honour me in even thinking I have an answer.Here is a rough hypothesis.

I have read some mystics for example Nicholas Berdyaev who saw this theoretical source of the kernel
as meonic freedom (completely limitless freedom).Berdyaev saw this meonic
freedom as the source of all.This meonic freedom so Berdyaev goes on to explain is centred
everywhere but no where to be found.For him God(kernel) was pure Spirit and only involved
with Spirit.
So the origins of God lie in this meonic freedom.The how of it he does not explain,perhaps
it was a one time event of meonic freedom that brought God into being and thus time-space (knowingness)

I personally like the this idea as I consider meonic freedom as Love.Thus in summary.
Great Spirit through using the Natural Law(perhaps Love in an endless number of degrees) has brought userland into being.
kernel=great spirit

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 16:34

In the beginning............
Do we really need yet another creation narrative?
Teaching first year undergrads they love nothing better than to sit up half the night endlessly spouting such as this. Same old stuff every year signifying nothing but sounding profound to the less critically analytical ... and then they're too dozy to polish their essays.
I've been digging our potato patch again today. Too cold and damp to plant potatoes.
Maybe tomorrow.
In due course potatoes will grow. I'll lift them and they'll be eaten by Spiritualists. Me included, home grown potatoes are tasty. All of us will pass, that's 100% guaranteed so eventually we'll know more than we do now. Philosophy on this side is all very well but we see as if through cloudy glass. We are partial, imperfect spirits hampered by clumsy flesh and clumsy thinking. We see in part and know in part. So Leslie's walk an my potato patch are maybe better approaches to the profound mysteries of the universe. Sod 'em there's nowt we can say that'll make a ha'porth of difference to the unfoldment of either this world or the celestial spheres Get out in the fresh air and do something you can enjoy and may see some tangible benefit from Stephen. Procrastination is the thief of time.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 16:45

There'd have been no Kibbutzim if folk had only talked about it.
Hands to Work... Hearts to the cause.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 17:22

KatyKing wrote:In the beginning............
Do we really need yet another creation narrative?
Teaching first year undergrads they love nothing better than to sit up half the night endlessly spouting such as this. Same old stuff every year signifying nothing but sounding profound to the less critically analytical ... and then they're too dozy to polish their essays.
I've been digging our potato patch again today. Too cold and damp to plant potatoes.
Maybe tomorrow.
In due course potatoes will grow. I'll lift them and they'll be eaten by Spiritualists. Me included, home grown potatoes are tasty. All of us will pass, that's 100% guaranteed so eventually we'll know more than we do now. Philosophy on this side is all very well but we see as if through cloudy glass. We are partial, imperfect spirits hampered by clumsy flesh and clumsy thinking. We see in part and know in part. So Leslie's walk an my potato patch are maybe better approaches to the profound mysteries of the universe. Sod 'em there's nowt we can say that'll make a ha'porth of difference to the unfoldment of either this world or the celestial spheres Get out in the fresh air and do something you can enjoy and may see some tangible benefit from Stephen. Procrastination is the thief of time.
This is a thread started for discussion. If you haven't got anything constructive to say, why say anything?


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 17:35

Gid yom tov.... Stephen.
Back in Teddy Kolek' day on a 'Holy Land' tour we were privileged to visit beautful Kfar Blum some years ago. The kibbutzniks gave us a wonderful welcome and lunch. Does your dining hall crew stll cook that delicious St Peter fish accompanied by shredded carrot in orange juice?

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by KatyKing Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 17:45

Very Happy Are you to police the posts Obi?
It's poor work for a free man to be about.

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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by obiwan Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 17:52

KatyKing wrote: Very Happy Are you to police the posts Obi?
It's poor work for a free man to be about.
This is about constructive discussion. I am as free to comment on what you're posting as you are to post irrelevant matter. Do you have some kind of compulsion to comment on every thread no matter how irrelevant?

Perhaps that is also poor work for a free man to be about.


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god as open source Empty Re: god as open source

Post by Sponsored content

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