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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Sun 4 Mar 2012 - 16:58

Anyone here know much about them?

They follow the Leadership of Jesus the Christ. . . does that mean that they believe he is divine, in the traditional Christian sense?

Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by KatyKing Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:03

They have a website Jim there's a free magazine on there. My impression is that they are a bit of a one trick pony. Winifred Moyes channeled Zodiac and those texts became holy writ. Bit like if Barbie had founded a sect based on Silver Birch communicatons. He didn't and GW shouldn't have.
They did a lot of social work pre second world war hostels for young women etc. Steep decline since and no hostels remain. The leadership tended to be people who worked as paid staff within GW in hostel administration or HQ paid roles. Bit like a spiritualist version of Salvation Army officers but without the bonnets. There was a GW style though. Dark clothes long skirts and always hats for the ladies. They own five churches including London HQ which must be worth a bob or two as its fashionably central, some affiliate churches but tiny numbers attending seems to be the norm and in the main congregations such as they are consist of very elderly folk. My GW HQ chum told me last month that neither last year nor this had they signed up anyone to their development course. Excellent service book though, I've used their order for funerals as its spiritualist but shaped so as not to alienate non spiritualist attenders.

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by _Leslie_ Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:08

My local church (and the one I'm booking sec for Wink ) is affiliated to the Greater World. Our founder (who is no longer with us) decided this path, though for many years now, the committee and President have kept a more (how shall I phrase it) wider perspective and view.

Our divine service attendance is excellent, perhaps a min of 25 but on average around 35+ (there are even occasions where we have to bring the chairs out of the kitchen to accommodate everyone.

Last edited by _Leslie_ on Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:10; edited 1 time in total

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by KatyKing Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:10

They were pioneers in the wearing of clerical collars by ministers. Some SNU do that and all Corinthians who choose to be ordained as ministers.

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by _Leslie_ Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:13

KatyKing wrote:My GW HQ chum told me last month that neither last year nor this had they signed up anyone to their development course. Excellent service book though, I've used their order for funerals as its spiritualist but shaped so as not to alienate non spiritualist attenders.
Possibly because they want such a loooooong commitment to the courses. I'd have happily applied to gain accreditation via them, but as they (and many others) fail to give recognition or accreditation for anything previously / currently undertaken - simply don't bother Sad

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:32

KatyKing wrote:They have a website Jim there's a free magazine on there. My impression is that they are a bit of a one trick pony. Winifred Moyes channeled Zodiac and those texts became holy writ. Bit like if Barbie had founded a sect based on Silver Birch communicatons. He didn't and GW shouldn't have.
They did a lot of social work pre second world war hostels for young women etc. Steep decline since and no hostels remain. The leadership tended to be people who worked as paid staff within GW in hostel administration or HQ paid roles. Bit like a spiritualist version of Salvation Army officers but without the bonnets. There was a GW style though. Dark clothes long skirts and always hats for the ladies. They own five churches including London HQ which must be worth a bob or two as its fashionably central, some affiliate churches but tiny numbers attending seems to be the norm and in the main congregations such as they are consist of very elderly folk. My GW HQ chum told me last month that neither last year nor this had they signed up anyone to their development course. Excellent service book though, I've used their order for funerals as its spiritualist but shaped so as not to alienate non spiritualist attenders.

Wasn't Zodiac supposedly a rabbi who questioned Jesus, was impressed by his answers, and became a disciple?

Yes, I noticed from glancing at the map that their London HQ is near Regent's Park.


Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:34

_Leslie_ wrote:My local church (and the one I'm booking sec for Wink ) is affiliated to the Greater World. Our founder (who is no longer with us) decided this path, though for many years now, the committee and President have kept a more (how shall I phrase it) wider perspective and view.

Our divine service attendance is excellent, perhaps a min of 25 but on average around 35+ (there are even occasions where we have to bring the chairs out of the kitchen to accommodate everyone.

It sounds as though your church is prospering, Leslie: congratulations! Very Happy

Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:35

KatyKing wrote:They were pioneers in the wearing of clerical collars by ministers. Some SNU do that and all Corinthians who choose to be ordained as ministers.

Corinthians. . . I've heard of them, but don't know anything about them. Question

Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by _Leslie_ Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:36

Yes, though as I understand it, his true name isn't Zodiac.

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:38

Spirit Guides changing their earthly names seems to be a common practice.

Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by _Leslie_ Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:39

Left Behind wrote:
It sounds as though your church is prospering, Leslie: congratulations! Very Happy

Yes, I think we are very 'lucky' and 'blessed', though oddly enough we are a bit off the beaten track and hard to find unless you know we are there LOL - Our Monday awareness class sees a regular 16+ attendees, the weekly healing circle even more!

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by _Leslie_ Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:41

Left Behind wrote:
KatyKing wrote:They were pioneers in the wearing of clerical collars by ministers. Some SNU do that and all Corinthians who choose to be ordained as ministers.

Corinthians. . . I've heard of them, but don't know anything about them. Question

My Wife and I were fortunate enough to visit Corinth (home of the Corinthians) once, amazing place!

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by KatyKing Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:55

Leigh on Sea is much the same Les they are GW affiliated but eclectic in a christian spiritualist sort of fashion. I think the affiliates fare better than the GW directly owned causes. Its probably a case of open ness for survival as opposed to decline via rigid orthodoxy.
Some former GW affiliate causes are now with the United Spiritualists 'franchise'. Wimbledon for example was in PN second issue they seem to have gone down that route.
Can't see the advantage personally. Corinthian non franchise affiliation being a fraction of the US cost with far better insurance coverage.
Still each to their own.

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by KatyKing Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 14:59

Google 'Corinthian Church and Healing Association'

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by Left Behind Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 17:36

KatyKing wrote:Google 'Corinthian Church and Healing Association'

They seem to have quite a few churches.

I note that they were founded to try to get away from excessive rules and regulations. Sometimes this works: sometimes it just results in yet-another organization. Rolling Eyes

As a Christian, and a Spiritualist, I'm understandably interested in the concept of Christian Spiritualism. Wink But what concerns me is the way some of these groups talk about "accepting the leadership" or "being guided by the teachings", etc., of Jesus Christ / the Christ / the Nazarene, or whatever.

I figure, Spiritualists should either accept Christ in the traditional sense: or let the "Christian" aspect go, and concentrate on pure Spiritualism.


Left Behind

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Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Empty Re: Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association

Post by KatyKing Mon 5 Mar 2012 - 20:23

It's a mixed bag Jim. Some Corinthans are similar to GW, some more SNU-oriented, others quasi quaker / unitarian/universalist etc etc. One chap and his wife I know are very into Native Amerian Great Spirit path. Their cenre is called Yah ta Hee (which I believe is a Cherokee term). Each to their own.
All orinthians are spiritualists by definition (their own definition of what constitutes spiritualism) but not spiritualists by dogma. It's a slippy concept this PoMo/Corinthian subjectivism and one that many aren't comfortable with. ' Some spiritualists are happier with an approach that says - 'You're either this or you're that' - and that's fair call.
The medium Ezekiel has something about a river without banks becomong a swamp but if you claim to be 'the spiritual way open to all' as Corinthians do then you either are totally inclusive or you're not.
Ron Jones who founded Corinthians did so to escape from the dogmatic bureaucracy he found in the main spiritualist organizations of the day (Ron's 83 next month and can still run fast).
Quite right to say that all these splits lead to more and more groups but I'm with Chairman Mao on this one who said...
'Let a thousand flowers bloom'.

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