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Meditation, and Mediumship

Left Behind
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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by KatyKing Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:16 pm

Stick with me on this Jim it's a sure fire winner.
Summerland Hat Emporium [The Olde Firm].
Purveyors of finest quality headwear to Spirit Guides.
No money need change hands but our stock would be available to Spirit Guides planning a materialisation in physical circles.
I'm seeing Chinese guides renting, in order to wear; Native American feathered head dresses. Bonny Lasses covering their golden tresses in flying helmets or natty bowlers and Shaman guides with football helmets over their dreadlocks.
Business should be good. Nice change for the Spirit Guides and would put the cat amongst the pigeons in some physical circles on this side when guides materilise sporting a new look.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:52 pm

Broad, single feathers for those attempting a Silver Birch look: and full feather headdresses, for a more generic "Indian Guide" styling.

Personally, I think turbans have been neglected for far too long. Always adds a general note of mystery.

Cowls, also. Wink


Left Behind

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:04 pm

Good idea Jim also Shriner ceremonial Fez.
Wonderful photo of a cowled 'spirit' on cover of book to hand to the moment. Rather resembles someone's old grandma wrapped in a non to clean bedsheet.
Not especially convincing to the casual observer but I guess you had to be there at the seance.
Just read a super travel log from a medium who visited spiritist churches in Phillipines on
well worth a looksee .
I've been rained off the land this afternoon. It's too wet for digging so stuck indoors reading.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:24 pm

I read that, it was an interesting article.


Left Behind

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Still flippin' raining

Post by KatyKing Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:13 pm

KatyKing wrote:Good idea Jim also Shriner ceremonial Fez.
Wonderful photo of a cowled 'spirit' on cover of book to hand to the moment. Rather resembles someone's old grandma wrapped in a non to clean bedsheet.
Not especially convincing to the casual observer but I guess you had to be there at the seance.
Just read a super travel log from a medium who visited spiritist churches in Phillipines on
well worth a looksee .
I've been rained off the land this afternoon. It's too wet for digging so stuck indoors reading.

Still rained off the land. At this rate the potatoes will never get planted. Thoughts and prayers please colleagues for a dry spell over Leicestershire.
I blame hosepipe ban. First mention of that in the papers and it's rained every day since.
Thanks in anticipation.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by Left Behind Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:19 pm

That's the second time in a week I've heard the term "hosepipe ban". What does it mean? The other time I heard it was in the context of "I'm over 65 so am exempt from it."


Left Behind

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by KatyKing Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:17 pm

When we are short of rain local authorities can ban the use of watering hosepipes for domestic gardening or car washing use. Soon as they announce a ban it rains. Guaranteed.

Thank you all for prayers against rain.
Lovely day today. Three more rows of potatoes planted plus all lawns mown.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by KatyKing Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:28 pm

Age is not an exemption but disability is. Chap in our village last time we had a ban got hold of a wheelchair and watered his front garden from that. Then he was off to play golf!
English are natural anarchists. All you can hear when it gets dark during bans is the splash of hosepipes.
Mrs K and I ARE exempt because this property was formerly a market garden [truck farm?] and it's still a registered agricultural smallholding. No restrictions for agriculture or most business. Just domestic useage.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by Left Behind Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:01 pm

Ah, we have that in California and the Southwest very frequently: not around here, though. Althoughts droughts are occasionally happening. I remember how everything was burning out last summer.

Left Behind

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

Post by KatyKing Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:23 pm

Saw a TV docu on New Orleans Garden dIstrict homes just now Jim.
No idea you all lived in such style.

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Meditation, and Mediumship - Page 3 Empty Re: Meditation, and Mediumship

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