Meditation, and Mediumship
Left Behind
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Meditation, and Mediumship
Do you find that meditation helps your mediumship? Is so, what sort of meditation do you do?
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Prayer and reflective reading. Do the Coverdale Psalms every morning both morning and evening readings from the old Book Of Common Prayer. Beats reading the bad news in Daily Mail over breakfast. Then twenty mins or so before bed just reflective chatting to spirit friends and healing list intercessions,that's a long list and getting longer as we all get older.
The Coverdale Psalms are brilliant as they translate Luck as the word Luck [eg Ps .118 v24...we have wished you good luck ye that be of the house of the Lord]. They changed the words to lose Luck in the later KJV. I'm not a Christian spiritualist but then nor was the inspired medium who wrote the psalms.
Amazing how many times that days reading speaks to something on my mind at the time. Ten mediums at our church and we all do different things. One chap does a mini meditation in between sittings one lady is a TM fan.
Whatever works for you really just set aside fixed times so it becomes part of nomal life and any other times you need to know directly that touch of and from Spirit are a lovely bonus..
It works.
The Coverdale Psalms are brilliant as they translate Luck as the word Luck [eg Ps .118 v24...we have wished you good luck ye that be of the house of the Lord]. They changed the words to lose Luck in the later KJV. I'm not a Christian spiritualist but then nor was the inspired medium who wrote the psalms.
Amazing how many times that days reading speaks to something on my mind at the time. Ten mediums at our church and we all do different things. One chap does a mini meditation in between sittings one lady is a TM fan.
Whatever works for you really just set aside fixed times so it becomes part of nomal life and any other times you need to know directly that touch of and from Spirit are a lovely bonus..
It works.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Talking about reading. Quiet posted elsewhere on here about how explicit some thrillers have become. I put one down yesterday..The Babylon Rite by Tom Knox. A foul text from an obviously troubled mind. With that sort of dross in the world plus these ultra violent video games its no wonder so many are so far from the Light. I don't get hung up on all that Light v Dark nonsense,the Lights fine by me and the rest can look out for itself. But just now and then you have to wonder.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Although I meditate daily on a personal basis, I have also attended a weekly meditation circle for the last 5 or more years.
Do I find meditation helps? absolutely... and not only my mediumship - but me in general! For example, when in hospital once having kidney stones treated, whilst they were all set to give me morphine, I received virtually none! The nurse kept asking if I was ok and to not be a hero... if I had pain, to just say. Truth was I didn't need it. The Indian doctor who was treating me asked if I had been meditating I said yes, he just smiled and nodded knowingly
Peter: Is the Old Book Of Common Prayer this one? ->
Do I find meditation helps? absolutely... and not only my mediumship - but me in general! For example, when in hospital once having kidney stones treated, whilst they were all set to give me morphine, I received virtually none! The nurse kept asking if I was ok and to not be a hero... if I had pain, to just say. Truth was I didn't need it. The Indian doctor who was treating me asked if I had been meditating I said yes, he just smiled and nodded knowingly
Peter: Is the Old Book Of Common Prayer this one? ->
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
I take it that you (all respondents) keep your meditation sessions separate from your mediumship sessions?
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
I do Jim, find that I need to be all there when demonstrating mediumship.
Do get overshadowed now and then when demming but that's very different from reflection. Platform work and sittings is very active and tiring, I can be wringing with sweat at end of an hour and a quarter on platform. Meditation I find is passive and relaxing if that makes sense.
Les I can't open links on KIndle but Coverdale BCP Psalms are online via The Prayer Book Society. Daily readings all on there too. The prayer book I use is the pocket Free Church of England edition. Picked it up second hand years ago. You can still buy them new I think..
Do get overshadowed now and then when demming but that's very different from reflection. Platform work and sittings is very active and tiring, I can be wringing with sweat at end of an hour and a quarter on platform. Meditation I find is passive and relaxing if that makes sense.
Les I can't open links on KIndle but Coverdale BCP Psalms are online via The Prayer Book Society. Daily readings all on there too. The prayer book I use is the pocket Free Church of England edition. Picked it up second hand years ago. You can still buy them new I think..
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
So I need to rethink it all; meditation. passive, but mediumship, active.
I have an American Episcopal service book here: might start daily readings from same
When I worked for the federal government,, my job involved answering people's questions. My bosses wanted me to train in mediation (yet a third thing: often confused, via mispronunciation, with meditation! )
I told them I couldn't do it: and I couldn't!
How was I supposed to sit there passively, and "try to help the parties work it out themselves: not suggest a solution", when all day long, people came to me FOR solutions?
I have an American Episcopal service book here: might start daily readings from same
When I worked for the federal government,, my job involved answering people's questions. My bosses wanted me to train in mediation (yet a third thing: often confused, via mispronunciation, with meditation! )
I told them I couldn't do it: and I couldn't!
How was I supposed to sit there passively, and "try to help the parties work it out themselves: not suggest a solution", when all day long, people came to me FOR solutions?
Last edited by Left Behind on Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
That mediations OK right up to, but not beyond the point you say 'No'.
My jobs unionised as effectively teachers are government employees so its expected, even our managers have their own union. With our union reps they demand, management either concedes, or they don't. Some ya win, some ya lose but try and talk reason and management sees that as a sign of weakness.
My jobs unionised as effectively teachers are government employees so its expected, even our managers have their own union. With our union reps they demand, management either concedes, or they don't. Some ya win, some ya lose but try and talk reason and management sees that as a sign of weakness.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
KatyKing wrote:Talking about reading. Quiet posted elsewhere on here about how explicit some thrillers have become. I put one down yesterday..The Babylon Rite by Tom Knox. A foul text from an obviously troubled mind. With that sort of dross in the world plus these ultra violent video games its no wonder so many are so far from the Light. I don't get hung up on all that Light v Dark nonsense,the Lights fine by me and the rest can look out for itself. But just now and then you have to wonder.
I've sometimes wondered whether the pathologically violent themes in some modern 'thriller' type novels and TV series enable people to displace inherently violent desires or whether they actually desensitise people to horrific violence, thereby contributing to a more sadistic and unconcerned society.
There are some better writers, however!
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
KatyKing wrote:Prayer and reflective reading. Do the Coverdale Psalms every morning both morning and evening readings from the old Book Of Common Prayer. Beats reading the bad news in Daily Mail over breakfast. Then twenty mins or so before bed just reflective chatting to spirit friends and healing list intercessions,that's a long list and getting longer as we all get older.
The Coverdale Psalms are brilliant as they translate Luck as the word Luck [eg Ps .118 v24...we have wished you good luck ye that be of the house of the Lord]. They changed the words to lose Luck in the later KJV. I'm not a Christian spiritualist but then nor was the inspired medium who wrote the psalms.
Amazing how many times that days reading speaks to something on my mind at the time. Ten mediums at our church and we all do different things. One chap does a mini meditation in between sittings one lady is a TM fan.
Whatever works for you really just set aside fixed times so it becomes part of nomal life and any other times you need to know directly that touch of and from Spirit are a lovely bonus..
It works.
Thanks for this response. It took me three years of sitting in development circles to realise that I didn't have the ongoing peace and serenity needed for effective living let alone effective mediumship development. Have had periods of this kind of peace but I struggled to maintain it consistently.
Realised a few months ago that I needed some kind of structure to help and have been reading things from Silver Birch first thing in the morning and having quiet moments during the day when I reflect consciously on how I am going. A spirit communicator three years ago told me personally (through one of teacher's trance sessions) that I would be advised to seek a teacher and follow the 'narrow path'.
I didn't know where to look for a 'spiritual teacher' or what 'narrow path' to follow. I read a lot and have spoken about this here. Recently I settled on the works of Silver Birch as both 'teacher' and 'narrow path' and am continuing to develop these themes in my life and consciousness.
I felt that I couldn't couldn't continue in participation in a development circle until I sorted this out for myself. Meditation is quite difficult for me personally. One of my development circle leaders was very good at leading meditation classes (that is how I came to her circle) and I am using some CD sessions from people like Petrea King to help replicate that. Irena used these CDs sometimes in her meditation classes. The second development circle I joined was excellent in teaching the techniques of mediumship and psychic practice but didn't (for me) have much of a connection with spiritual practice. I realise that I wanted to be there more as a connection with Spirit and my loved ones (now mostly gone) than anything else. So I took a break. . I was more 'in need' than conscious of developing to serves and give.
I can see now that the way we live our lives is a condition for mediumship (well, for me, anyway) and that meaningful times in the day where I do reflect and open up to possibility and peace will be essential for any future development. I work in a fairly full-on job. I have been encouraged to write and need to begin to do that, even as a way of inspirational communication. A lot of my professional work is around writing.
My first exposure to evidential mediumship was so powerful, reinforced by several experiences since, that I really wanted to be a medium. I'm not so sure of that now and have placed any aspirations like that in the hands of Spirit. Maybe in the next life I might be a good medium? . There are many ways to love and serve.
Thanks again for sharing your personal practice. It's interesting and encouraging to see what others do.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Left Behind wrote:So I need to rethink it all; meditation. passive, but mediumship, active.
I have an American Episcopal service book here: might start daily readings from same
When I worked for the federal government,, my job involved answering people's questions. My bosses wanted me to train in mediation (yet a third thing: often confused, via mispronunciation, with meditation! )
I told them I couldn't do it: and I couldn't!
How was I supposed to sit there passively, and "try to help the parties work it out themselves: not suggest a solution", when all day long, people came to me FOR solutions?
Jim, are you a medium as well as many here?
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Q you are a brilliant writer. I'd pay for a mag with an article in it like you've written above. Have you thought of sending a piece in to PN? Sue Farrow the editor is always on the lookout for well written copy.
Development circles are excellent. Not everybody will go on to platform work or doing sittimgs ['Because they have more sense'.. says Mrs K] but they are the best places for anybody to explore their potential in a safe supportive environment. We are stronger together in a group, there's more energy so results tend to be better than walking a lomely path. Plus you get to meet like minded people. We have circles each week night some nights more than one so if folk aren't suited to one they can try another. Lucky in that its one of the biggest causes in England with lots of mediums active but there are circles just about everywhere there's a cause.
One thing that has changed and that for the good is that apart from the physical merchants [and they are low in numbers] you don't see those 'frozen chosen' exclusive circles of yesteryear same faces same time same place meeting for years and closed to all but a very select few.
If Spirit inspires someone to develop then nothing will stop that happening. Paths open up as do doors.
Development circles are excellent. Not everybody will go on to platform work or doing sittimgs ['Because they have more sense'.. says Mrs K] but they are the best places for anybody to explore their potential in a safe supportive environment. We are stronger together in a group, there's more energy so results tend to be better than walking a lomely path. Plus you get to meet like minded people. We have circles each week night some nights more than one so if folk aren't suited to one they can try another. Lucky in that its one of the biggest causes in England with lots of mediums active but there are circles just about everywhere there's a cause.
One thing that has changed and that for the good is that apart from the physical merchants [and they are low in numbers] you don't see those 'frozen chosen' exclusive circles of yesteryear same faces same time same place meeting for years and closed to all but a very select few.
If Spirit inspires someone to develop then nothing will stop that happening. Paths open up as do doors.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Quiet wrote:
Jim, are you a medium as well as many here?
Yes, and no, Q! I believe that good mediums - like good just-about-anythings - are born, more so than made: and I've never sensed any such inherent ability in myself.
However, I also believe that - again, like most things in life - most people do have some inherent mediumistic ability: and I'm trying to develop mine.
Partly by just trying to open my mind to spirit, but also via automatic writing. Why that in particular attracts me, I have no idea, but I've been giving it a try (started just a week ago) and am amazed. SOMETHING is definitely moving my hand!
What I'm getting is mostly drawing - scribbled drawing, really. But Last night I got a clear, cursive letter "L". And I've also gotten what could be a name.
It's really exciting, and a lot of fun, and I plan to continue trying to develop.
Thanks for asking!
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
I agree with KK, Q: you're an excellent writer!
That and as you say, loving and serving others, are an excellent path to follow.
Few of us will ever be platform mediums: or should ever attempt to be! But I still think it's great to try to develop such abilities as we have.
I will try reading Silver Birch and other guides. Right now, I say the rosary daily, and am reading psalms and prayers daily. Like you, I feel a strong need to get my own thoughts sorted out: over and above anything to do with mediumship.
I also plan to start taking a more active role in my church (non-Spiritualist), once I'm recovered from my broken ankle.
That and as you say, loving and serving others, are an excellent path to follow.
Few of us will ever be platform mediums: or should ever attempt to be! But I still think it's great to try to develop such abilities as we have.
I will try reading Silver Birch and other guides. Right now, I say the rosary daily, and am reading psalms and prayers daily. Like you, I feel a strong need to get my own thoughts sorted out: over and above anything to do with mediumship.
I also plan to start taking a more active role in my church (non-Spiritualist), once I'm recovered from my broken ankle.
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Left Behind wrote:I agree with KK, Q: you're an excellent writer!
That and as you say, loving and serving others, are an excellent path to follow.
Few of us will ever be platform mediums: or should ever attempt to be! But I still think it's great to try to develop such abilities as we have.
I will try reading Silver Birch and other guides. Right now, I say the rosary daily, and am reading psalms and prayers daily. Like you, I feel a strong need to get my own thoughts sorted out: over and above anything to do with mediumship.
I also plan to start taking a more active role in my church (non-Spiritualist), once I'm recovered from my broken ankle.
Jim, it sounds as though you're Catholic (rosary). I was also brought up in the Catholic faith but walked away it . It made no sense to me by the time I could think. It was really hard to reconcile my fascination with the mystical path and the narrowness and ignorance of the brand of bog Irish/Australian Catholicism in which I was raised. Or maybe I didn't know how to discern then.
In later adult life I've come to appreciate the real beauty of people like Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Hildegarde von Bingen, Francis of Assisi, John of the Cross, When looking for some kind of daily program for myself I bought a book called "The Book of Mystical Chapters: meditations on the Soul's ascent from the Desert Fathers and early Christian contemplatives" edited by Kevin Anthony McGuckin. It is quite beautiful but I was drawn back to the trance lectures of Silver Birch and others. I think they contain such depth of mystical and practical knowledge.
Yes, I don't know what the future holds but this feels right at the moment. Thank you for the compliment about the writing
Last edited by Quiet on Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Duplicate post.
Last edited by Quiet on Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:50 am; edited 3 times in total
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
KatyKing wrote:Q you are a brilliant writer. I'd pay for a mag with an article in it like you've written above. Have you thought of sending a piece in to PN? Sue Farrow the editor is always on the lookout for well written copy.
Development circles are excellent. Not everybody will go on to platform work or doing sittimgs ['Because they have more sense'.. says Mrs K] but they are the best places for anybody to explore their potential in a safe supportive environment. We are stronger together in a group, there's more energy so results tend to be better than walking a lomely path. Plus you get to meet like minded people. We have circles each week night some nights more than one so if folk aren't suited to one they can try another. Lucky in that its one of the biggest causes in England with lots of mediums active but there are circles just about everywhere there's a cause.
One thing that has changed and that for the good is that apart from the physical merchants [and they are low in numbers] you don't see those 'frozen chosen' exclusive circles of yesteryear same faces same time same place meeting for years and closed to all but a very select few.
If Spirit inspires someone to develop then nothing will stop that happening. Paths open up as do doors.
Thanks KK. You've answered a question I had about the value of staying in a development circle. Sometimes I feel such a sense of reverence when I know that Spirit is as near as they are in development circles,
Thanks also for the compliment about the writing. I'm not sure what I'd write about - the soul in search of meaning who tripped over the obvious?
I am coming to believe that mediums are born not made, as Jim said.
Perhaps you can help a little. On two occasions I've had such clear direction from Spirit in the form of thought. I know both times this came from something Other and I felt so differently happy for days. Other times I've had more peripheral thoughts which I thought were some kind of communication but they did not come within the circle. I know I have quite strong intuition and at times in the circle meditation I've had some quite beautiful symbolic visions. I thought these indicated some mediumistic gifts but am not so sure now. They might be something that everyone gets. I know I can do inspirational talks but they don't flow with the frequency or ease that I've seen in others.
Ha ..... I can see that I am perhaps asking for advice that cannot be given ...... but at least you can see the doubts and questions that pervade . I think I am working towards some kind of answer myself.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Lana is it Jim?
Q you are spot on. Everyone has their own path to walk there's as many different ways to develop as there are people. Everybody is psychic like it or not. We're spirit first and foremost
Mediumship I reckon is more common than some say because so many people report mediumistic experiences. Loved ones in Spirit will contact whom they will. Its just that most folk don't take the time to listen or they are so wrapped up in a technique for listening and/or worldly busy-ness that can't listen well or they're deaf to all save their own desires for contact and that becomes a barrier. Quiet reflection call it meditation if you will, in any form that suits is the best path. That's a way which has stood the test of time. If you like the Desert Fathers [John the Dwarf is my all time favourite. So funny but so wise too] and have beads handy then the Jesus Prayer technique with the breathing is very good. If mind wanders just gently bring it back to the breath plus the words. You'll get there. Martin and 'Liz' [Betty?] in Spirit are both rooting for you and send regards and there could be a nun as wants to apologize too. But ya kinda knew that anyway.
Q you are spot on. Everyone has their own path to walk there's as many different ways to develop as there are people. Everybody is psychic like it or not. We're spirit first and foremost
Mediumship I reckon is more common than some say because so many people report mediumistic experiences. Loved ones in Spirit will contact whom they will. Its just that most folk don't take the time to listen or they are so wrapped up in a technique for listening and/or worldly busy-ness that can't listen well or they're deaf to all save their own desires for contact and that becomes a barrier. Quiet reflection call it meditation if you will, in any form that suits is the best path. That's a way which has stood the test of time. If you like the Desert Fathers [John the Dwarf is my all time favourite. So funny but so wise too] and have beads handy then the Jesus Prayer technique with the breathing is very good. If mind wanders just gently bring it back to the breath plus the words. You'll get there. Martin and 'Liz' [Betty?] in Spirit are both rooting for you and send regards and there could be a nun as wants to apologize too. But ya kinda knew that anyway.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Quiet wrote:
Jim, it sounds as though you're Catholic (rosary). I was also brought up in the Catholic faith but walked away it . It made no sense to me by the time I could think. It was really hard to reconcile my fascination with the mystical path and the narrowness and ignorance of the brand of bog Irish/Australian Catholicism in which I was raised. Or maybe I didn't know how to discern then.
In later adult life I've come to appreciate the real beauty of people like Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Hildegarde von Bingen, Francis of Assisi, John of the Cross, When looking for some kind of daily program for myself I bought a book called "The Book of Mystical Chapters: meditations on the Soul's ascent from the Desert Fathers and early Christian contemplatives" edited by Kevin Anthony McGuckin. It is quite beautiful but I was drawn back to the trance lectures of Silver Birch and others. I think they contain such depth of mystical and practical knowledge.
Yes, I don't know what the future holds but this feels right at the moment. Thank you for the compliment about the writing
Ah. . . but as you learned, Catholicism is ideally suited for the mystical path.
I was raised as a Catholic: became an agnostic at 14: came back to Christianity in my mid-30's: was as mainstream Episcopalian (affiliated with the UK's C of E) for awhile. After I married, my Methodist wife and I planned to belong to the RC church, but there was a glitch involving her prior divorce.
We joined a conservative Anglican-offshoot denomination, but she found it too high-church: so at my suggestion, I joined / she rejoined the United Methodist church.
From which she was buried, and to which I still belong.
But I regard myself spititually as a Christian Spiritualist: or a Christian who recognizes the Spiritualist origins or Christianity, and who believes in Spiritualism and practices it: rather than a denominational Christian. Catholcism, Protestant denominations, Eastern Orthodox churches all have beliefs and practices that I do and do not like, will and will not do.
I'll mix Christian denominations, and Spiritualism, and see no conflict. Many say they do: they should be guided by their own hearts.
I don't believe in mixing religions as such, though. Jews are not Christians: Christians are not Buddhists. Etc.
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
John the Dwarf says to a pupil.
'We need to get away from worldly distractions'
Pupil [a recent arrival in the Desert].......
'DISTRACTIONS !!! We're eighty stadia from the nearest souk three days by camel from anything resembling a town, we live in a bunch of caves on one loaf of rotten bread a week weaving crappy baskets and praying all day and you reckon we need to get away!
John the Dwarf.....
Thank you. It is all a bit much isn't it? All this fancy living you list has obviously made us soft. I'm off. Byeee
The Philokalia then reports ....
And so it was that John the Dwarf retired to the inner Desert.
'We need to get away from worldly distractions'
Pupil [a recent arrival in the Desert].......
'DISTRACTIONS !!! We're eighty stadia from the nearest souk three days by camel from anything resembling a town, we live in a bunch of caves on one loaf of rotten bread a week weaving crappy baskets and praying all day and you reckon we need to get away!
John the Dwarf.....
Thank you. It is all a bit much isn't it? All this fancy living you list has obviously made us soft. I'm off. Byeee
The Philokalia then reports ....
And so it was that John the Dwarf retired to the inner Desert.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
KatyKing wrote:Q you are a brilliant writer. I'd pay for a mag with an article in it like you've written above. Have you thought of sending a piece in to PN? Sue Farrow the editor is always on the lookout for well written copy.
Development circles are excellent. Not everybody will go on to platform work or doing sittimgs ['Because they have more sense'.. says Mrs K] but they are the best places for anybody to explore their potential in a safe supportive environment. We are stronger together in a group, there's more energy so results tend to be better than walking a lomely path. Plus you get to meet like minded people. We have circles each week night some nights more than one so if folk aren't suited to one they can try another. Lucky in that its one of the biggest causes in England with lots of mediums active but there are circles just about everywhere there's a cause.
One thing that has changed and that for the good is that apart from the physical merchants [and they are low in numbers] you don't see those 'frozen chosen' exclusive circles of yesteryear same faces same time same place meeting for years and closed to all but a very select few.
If Spirit inspires someone to develop then nothing will stop that happening. Paths open up as do doors.
I think that physical mediumship circles tend to be more exclusive - and closed - because the work is more difficulty, and requires a rarer ability and a higher degree of commitment than mental circles.
Also, I'm sure that they tend to draw more thrill seekers and more debunkers than do mental circles.
There might also be some degree of danger involved.
All said, I can see why they are very careful about who they admit.
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
There's another Desert Father nicknamed 'Moses the Black' who could well have been the Ethiopian eunuch mentioned in the NT.
Happy days!
Happy days!
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
KatyKing wrote: Lana is it Jim?
I can't say that this name is familiar to me, Peter.
However, someone or something has written me a pretty clear cursive letter "L", in response to my request for a name or initial: this during my automatic writing attempts a couple nights back.
Left Behind
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
That plus some of 'em only want shills in the audience Jim.
We have suffered more at the hands of the physical merchants than from anything else.
It's not THAT some of 'em will be found out it's WHEN.
Always has happened always will because 99%of what passes for physical mediumship is conjuring tricks executed by heartless charlatans to gull the gullible or vulnerable.
We probably don't hear about the genuine phenomena.
Good rule of thumb........
If it's reported in the psychic 'trade' press and there was a paying audience... then it was faked.
We have suffered more at the hands of the physical merchants than from anything else.
It's not THAT some of 'em will be found out it's WHEN.
Always has happened always will because 99%of what passes for physical mediumship is conjuring tricks executed by heartless charlatans to gull the gullible or vulnerable.
We probably don't hear about the genuine phenomena.
Good rule of thumb........
If it's reported in the psychic 'trade' press and there was a paying audience... then it was faked.
Re: Meditation, and Mediumship
Keep at it Jim. I still get that Mari Beth round your posts too but I'm not much of an electronic medium.
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