When asked to leave the Spirit Guides attack them
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When asked to leave the Spirit Guides attack them
It is scary when material likes this gets out. It is so out of step with the reality of the life I know as a Spiritualist and is just another Christian attack on Spiritualism. However, what she describes as their determined pathway into discovery is pretty scary and you do run into those who have apparently mentally expeienced this type of event. The whole topic is one which should openly be talked about because some people are unsuited to a path where the dividing line betwwen mental issues and real mediumship can be quite fine. When is it real spirit contact, when psychic connection and when is it your own mind? How many Churches or development groups consider these very important matters.
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Re: When asked to leave the Spirit Guides attack them
People who mentally unstable should not start on the Sppiritual path or work in the ocfcult (which means Secret) In the exact sens of the word Spirit is unknown we know it is there, but we must understand that althought there are Laws you must adhere to them. Protection is paramount You would not walk into a fire without a fire suit would you?? But ther e are people who can blame Spirit and it is nothing to do with Spirit. If you ply with fire you get burneda
Spirit or mental health. research
I have come across a lot of people in my life, that I think are bordering between Spiritualism and mental illness, the Question that I would like to ask is, has eneyone ever looked close at the sumularity of these cases. I think it deserves looking into, simply because I have noticed that a lot of the people who approch me, appear to have the same or very simular storys, albeit a bit far feched, but never the less, simular. and most of these people don't know each other. I had a person in the past that I recomended speak to a Spiritualist medium who was also a psycoiligist, to see if she could shed some light on the experiences that she apeared to be having. nedless to say she declined the opertunity, despite the fact that she had called every local medium and some from out of the area. Dose eny one else see a patern forming in this or am I the only person, most of the people that report that they are being taken over, report the same experience, they are normaly vanerable people that lack natual social skills, and they all say that it gose on in there bed room when they are alone. when I explain that the mind can wake from sleep before the body and this explains the feeling that they are paralised, the next step is normaly strangeling them or pulling the bedding of of them. I have never heard of anyone with any physical signs of this, nor have i ever seen any recorded signs of this dispite that fact that I allways ask people if the have the facilitys to record it. A very basic CCTV in the bed room would do the job, and these people are paying mediums more to come and see what is going on. I am not saying that there are not some genuin cases, but I have noticed that most of the people who have these experiences claim that it gets worse if they are not getting a lot of attention. I have not formed an opinion on this as yet, but would like to ask other people if they would be willing to do some case studdy, to see just where we stand on this, maybe if anyone is working on somthing at the moment they could ask the person if they would be intrested in the case beeing documnted for more reserch into it. There is to many quincidences for me to ignore, where this is Spirit or mental health, the one thing that I am sure of that it has a pattern, and needs more investigation.
Re: When asked to leave the Spirit Guides attack them
Hi publiceye,
I agree this is a very concerning arae and one we see to frequently. Sadly the people often move from psychic to psychic here (they are not looking for a Medium to connect them to loved ones) and in the seeking the situation only gets worse.
You have psychics out there who will tell them they are surronded by negative entities, that they are responsible for thousands of souls and its their failure that is causing them problems. OK there are good ones too but their mnatter of fact approach is not what these people wish to hear.
Its a real concern and of course we do see a wide range because our phone is one of the two numbers as contact for the Spiritualist Mission we are involved in. We try to help and guide them to people who we trust, fortunately two of our known readers are just finishing qualifying as counsellors so we will try and guide some that way too. In running my development group I try and persuade people who want to earn money as psychics (rather than Mediums) to consider formal study in counselling as an adjunct.
Personally, unless the situation requires it, I will only work as a medium bringing through loved one's, however as I am sure you know when you run a group you can be in the forefront of trying to deal with problems if someone arrives who does have a problem.
This whole area needs exploration as it cuts accross the requisite skills readers need, their training and the ethical approach people adopt.
I agree this is a very concerning arae and one we see to frequently. Sadly the people often move from psychic to psychic here (they are not looking for a Medium to connect them to loved ones) and in the seeking the situation only gets worse.
You have psychics out there who will tell them they are surronded by negative entities, that they are responsible for thousands of souls and its their failure that is causing them problems. OK there are good ones too but their mnatter of fact approach is not what these people wish to hear.
Its a real concern and of course we do see a wide range because our phone is one of the two numbers as contact for the Spiritualist Mission we are involved in. We try to help and guide them to people who we trust, fortunately two of our known readers are just finishing qualifying as counsellors so we will try and guide some that way too. In running my development group I try and persuade people who want to earn money as psychics (rather than Mediums) to consider formal study in counselling as an adjunct.
Personally, unless the situation requires it, I will only work as a medium bringing through loved one's, however as I am sure you know when you run a group you can be in the forefront of trying to deal with problems if someone arrives who does have a problem.
This whole area needs exploration as it cuts accross the requisite skills readers need, their training and the ethical approach people adopt.
Admin- Admin
Re: When asked to leave the Spirit Guides attack them
As a former counsellor, I sometimes found it not at all unusual to be told a carefully edited account of the basic set of problems.
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