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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic Empty First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

Post by Admin Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:20 am

Much nicer than being included on Bad Psychics I have discovered the following Spiritualist Church has placed a link to the forum on their site and I must thank them for that.

I enjoyed looking at their site as it is well presented. Willimantic looks like a nice place when you view it on Google Earth. Its probably one of TMMW's nearest churches a mere two hours away I guess as a reminder of distances in the USA.

First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic * 268 High Street * Willimantic, CT 06226-1340 http://www.firstspiritualistchurch.org/links.htm

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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic Empty Re: First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

Post by zerdini Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:41 am

I like their links to the Volunteer agencies to help those in need.

That is the practical application of Spiritualism.


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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic Empty Re: First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

Post by Admin Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:42 am

Agreed that was one of the things I really liked

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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic Empty Re: First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

Post by mac Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:46 am

What a lovely website - and they have their own 'Declaration of Principles' although I'm not fussed about: 9. We affirm that the Precepts of Prophecy and Healing contained in all scared texts are divine attributes proven through Mediumship.

Would that our Spiritualist churches could undertake something similar to the Willimantic church although I expect that some probably do.


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First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic Empty Re: First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

Post by tmmw Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:09 pm

Hi Jim,

Admin wrote:Much nicer than being included on Bad Psychics I have discovered the following Spiritualist Church has placed a link to the forum on their site and I must thank them for that.

I enjoyed looking at their site as it is well presented. Willimantic looks like a nice place when you view it on Google Earth. Its probably one of TMMW's nearest churches a mere two hours away I guess as a reminder of distances in the USA.

First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic * 268 High Street * Willimantic, CT 06226-1340 http://www.firstspiritualistchurch.org/links.htm

Wow, that does look like a nice Spiritualist Church and only 2 hours away, I will surly take a drive there "very" soon. I truly appreciate that link (see how some good can come out of "Bad", Psychics site that is, lol). I will report back after my trip Very Happy.

Lily Dale took me around 6 and a half hours to drive to in October. I stayed at one of the resident houses and met some wonderful people. I was really impressed with their Sunday service and only wish there was a Spiritualist church run in a similar manner that is closer. I was disappointed that the library and museum weren't open, but it was still a nice place to visit during off-season. I have yet to compare it with their busy summer season...

The Spiritualist church of Springfield Ma took around an hour and a half and had an interesting Sunday service. Its sad though that it is located in a bad part of town and all the stained glass windows are no longer in place, just pieces of plywood as coverings. One of the ladies I met at Lily Dale was a minister there and I found out that they record some of their speakers readings which are accessible on their website. (Reverend Rita Berkowitz is one of the interesting speakers from the Spiritualist church of Quincy Ma that has been recorded on the Springfield website).

Thanks again Jim, it is always great to know what Spiritualist centers are around my area, and it is so good that someone from Australia has such amazing resources for places around the world. If more people had such a passion for Spiritualism as you and Lis do there would be many more churches and centers around and that are being run with a higher amount of integrity.

Take care,

Last edited by tmmw on Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To add the speaker info of Reverend Rita Berkowitz recording)


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