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Eileen Garrett and the R101

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Eileen Garrett and the R101 Empty Eileen Garrett and the R101

Post by Admin Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:55 am

I am not going to try and reinvent the wheel on this one all I could do is to study the work of others and rewrite it. In some ways I may yet do this to add pictures and ensure that we do not become hostage to others maintaining there websites.

Eileen Garrett was one of the finest Mediums of the 20th century, willingly subjected herself to research testing and produced some remarkable work.
The R101 seances were quite remarkable and the Harry Price report is notable as he attended the first. Remember the seance was not organised for this but to try and contact the recently departed Conan Doyle

The second interestiing contribution is from our old friemd Michael Prescott and can be found here

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Eileen Garrett and the R101 Empty Re: Eileen Garrett and the R101

Post by zerdini Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:22 am

The Belgian website referred to by Michael Prescott has some interesting information and photographs.

It has a list of all the people on board including passengers and crew and the handful of survivors.



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