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Margaret O'Connor Dundee

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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by Admin Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:20 am

Hi All,

I recently had someone describe a wonderful physical seance they attended with this Lady in Dundee a while ago. I understand she tends to work exclusively in Scotland and mainly Dundee. However, I wondered if anyone had information they may be able to share with us about this Medium.


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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by Admin Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:00 am

Well the only reference I can find is on The Corinthian's list of Scottish Churches
Proggressive, (SNU) St, David’s Rooms, Nethergate, Dundee, Sun, 6.30 & Wed. 7.30 Tel. Margaret O’connor, 01382-8286

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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by hiorta Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:23 am

I have twice attended seances in Margarets home, where she has a dedicated room used only for this purpose.
On both occasions marvellous phenomena were in evidence, with different personalities, with entirely different voices, accents and manner of speaking, from Margarets own self.

The group was quite small, comprising of 6 or 8 her circle members plus two invited guests.
The quality of the pholosophical content, from the French Nun in particular, was superb.

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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by obiwan Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:09 am

Hi Hiorta - was this through independent direct voice?


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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by zerdini Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:30 am

hiorta wrote:I have twice attended seances in Margarets home, where she has a dedicated room used only for this purpose.
On both occasions marvellous phenomena were in evidence, with different personalities, with entirely different voices, accents and manner of speaking, from Margarets own self.

The group was quite small, comprising of 6 or 8 her circle members plus two invited guests.
The quality of the pholosophical content, from the French Nun in particular, was superb.

Can you describe a typical seance please, Jack, with particular reference to any survival evidence?

Thanks in anticipation.



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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by hiorta Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:22 am

No Obi, there wasn't direct voice. Although at times the sound seemed to be originating from a different direction than from where Margaret was sitting.

There was little in the way of survival evidence as many references were to local places and people. I was spoken to directly in an general way as to direction from my current place and time.

The seance took the form of 'transfiguration' in a general way, with no 'mouldings' for individuals as Queenie Nixon used to supply. A very vibrant energy was present throughout.
This was around five years ago, so possibly things have developed from there.

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Margaret O'Connor Dundee Empty Re: Margaret O'Connor Dundee

Post by obiwan Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:39 pm

Thank you for your reply Hiorta. It all sounds a bit vague to me which is to be expected I guess given that I wasn't there to witness it.


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