where next?
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where next?
Elsewhere we're discussing Spiritualism and where it goes next. Since some undefined point after I first numbered myself among its adherents I became aware things weren't running smoothly. Something was 'wrong'.
Its hard to be sure exactly when all that began but changes such as the near-demise of Psychic News, once the voice of Spiritualism, the disappearance of The Noah's Ark Society, the demise of The New Spiritual Science Foundation ('Scole') and the rise and fall in the popularity of discussion forum-based websites are just some of the points that stand out in my mind's eye.
I arrived on the cyber-scene in 2003 posting on a number of websites and the next several years saw much activity and interest - for me at least - on all of them. A couple were predominantly about Spiritualism and its fundamentals, others catered for different subjects. I used to look forward to the discussions and debates that could run for days, weeks or longer. Now I rarely see anyone really interested in discussions and there appear to be vastly fewer new members arriving anyway, the few who do either having personal agendas and/or quickly disappearing.
So-called social media and so-called smart phones appear to have seduced those who once might have had an interest in reading, or even becoming involved in, serious topic discussions. The froth and narcissism found on Facebook have drawn away generations, generations from kids barely old enough to be allowed to swim in such dangerous waters right through to overweight, unfit cotton-tops and their husbands.
So where now for Spiritualism and its message? Not cyber-space, I suggest but not in real-world locations either it seems.
Its hard to be sure exactly when all that began but changes such as the near-demise of Psychic News, once the voice of Spiritualism, the disappearance of The Noah's Ark Society, the demise of The New Spiritual Science Foundation ('Scole') and the rise and fall in the popularity of discussion forum-based websites are just some of the points that stand out in my mind's eye.
I arrived on the cyber-scene in 2003 posting on a number of websites and the next several years saw much activity and interest - for me at least - on all of them. A couple were predominantly about Spiritualism and its fundamentals, others catered for different subjects. I used to look forward to the discussions and debates that could run for days, weeks or longer. Now I rarely see anyone really interested in discussions and there appear to be vastly fewer new members arriving anyway, the few who do either having personal agendas and/or quickly disappearing.
So-called social media and so-called smart phones appear to have seduced those who once might have had an interest in reading, or even becoming involved in, serious topic discussions. The froth and narcissism found on Facebook have drawn away generations, generations from kids barely old enough to be allowed to swim in such dangerous waters right through to overweight, unfit cotton-tops and their husbands.
So where now for Spiritualism and its message? Not cyber-space, I suggest but not in real-world locations either it seems.
Re: where next?
For all the criticisms of it, Life is still too comfortable for many, without much risk and little to fear.
The days of imminent death and 'tragedy' with attendant financial disasters looming are gone. The disasters of this day are many financial. Luck has assumed a front seat in life.
The days of imminent death and 'tragedy' with attendant financial disasters looming are gone. The disasters of this day are many financial. Luck has assumed a front seat in life.
Re: where next?
hiorta wrote:For all the criticisms of it, Life is still too comfortable for many, without much risk and little to fear.
The days of imminent death and 'tragedy' with attendant financial disasters looming are gone. The disasters of this day are many financial. Luck has assumed a front seat in life.
But who's to say that those enjoying such modern-day comfort haven't already led lives that were risky and fearful, their lives, now, showing how other lives can be? We don't consciously know what we've experienced before, don't know if we've chosen to be here still to experience/learn what we didn't get to learn/experience on previous occasions?
Or do you/we think it's a once-and-once-only incarnation picture?
Re: where next?
hiorta wrote:For all the criticisms of it, Life is still too comfortable for many, without much risk and little to fear.
The days of imminent death and 'tragedy' with attendant financial disasters looming are gone. The disasters of this day are many financial. Luck has assumed a front seat in life.
But I have my doubts that Luck is going to continue to be a Lady for most of us in the future, Hiorta. I think that the material good times have reached their top, and are on the downward slide now.
Left Behind
Re: where next?
I think so.
But you already knew that.
hiorta wrote:
Or do you/we think it's a once-and-once-only incarnation picture?
I think so.
But you already knew that.
Left Behind
Re: where next?
The Buddha began life as a privileged brat, but he saw sickness, aging, and death, and came to realize that no matter how good you have it here, earthly life is still suffering.
I think that many Baby Boomer spoiled brats are starting they see the same lesson unfold in their own lives. They may have had it 'good' -- maybe too good -- all their lives, but those lives are in their last decades, and bodies are deteriorating.
I do really believe that the party is ending: not over yet, but ending. I think that people are going to become more spiritual in the decades to come. I don't say necessarily Spiritualist as we use the term, but definitely more interested in what may come after 'death' than they have been.
I think that many Baby Boomer spoiled brats are starting they see the same lesson unfold in their own lives. They may have had it 'good' -- maybe too good -- all their lives, but those lives are in their last decades, and bodies are deteriorating.
I do really believe that the party is ending: not over yet, but ending. I think that people are going to become more spiritual in the decades to come. I don't say necessarily Spiritualist as we use the term, but definitely more interested in what may come after 'death' than they have been.
Left Behind
Re: where next?
Left Behind wrote:mac wrote:
Or do you/we think it's a once-and-once-only incarnation picture?
I think so. But you already knew that.
I suppose that for some it will be, for others it won't. I tend to forget who favors/hopes for whichever version!
Here is the information you asked me to provide.
Last edited by mac on Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: where next?
mac wrote:Left Behind wrote:mac wrote:
Or do you/we think it's a once-and-once-only incarnation picture?
I think so. But you already knew that.
I suppose that for some it will be, for others it won't. I tend to forget who favors/hopes for whichever version!
I'm of the Upward and Onward school of thought. As opposed to the ones who favor going around in circles.
You've seen the Theosophical emblem, with the serpent swallowing its tail? It makes me think of a dog chasing its tail: round and round we go, getting nowhere. That's how I view reincarnation!
Left Behind
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