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I should not criticise

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I should not criticise Empty I should not criticise

Post by AiR_Ravimelwani Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:04 pm

The one who is on a spiritual path must realize that he must not criticize. Why? Because this whole world is an illusion, it is mithya, everything is a manifestation of God. God is in everyone. God is everywhere and because I'm not the body, I am the soul, then in the same way that I have a God particle in me, you have a God particle in you and everybody has a God particle. Not just everybody, but everything has a God particle. Since everybody has a God particle, then what business do we have to criticize that God particle?

If that person is an illusion, then what is real is God; the God particle within, and if I criticize, I am criticizing God. Therefore, I have to be very
cautious in criticizing. In fact, I must eliminate it from my life. To renounce criticism and being critical is of the utmost importance.

Even if there are emotions, feelings, thoughts about somebody that are disturbing and compel me to criticize, I must restrain myself. I must use my intellect, decide and choose not to react, not to criticize, knowing that that person's body is an illusion and the reality of the person is God and if I'm criticizing that person, I'm criticizing God,  and also criticizing myself because I am part of this ocean. I am the wave itself and the other person is also a wave, we are both waves of the same ocean, and therefore, if I need to praise, I can praise, but I must not criticize.

These are a few principles that help us progress on the path of spirituality to achieve liberation, Nirvana and such thoughts are the ones that help us strengthen our beliefs. This will help us to reinforce the truth that we are not this physical body, nor the mind. We are the divine soul, the atman.



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I should not criticise Empty Re: I should not criticise

Post by wattie Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:54 am

Too many 'musts' or am I being critical?


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I should not criticise Empty Re: I should not criticise

Post by bravo321uk Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:29 am

Criticizing Criticizing, Interesting concept..


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