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a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Jane Lyzell
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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by Admin Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 1:55

Not actually correct Jane. Psychical researchers have identified spontaneous mediumship as one of the most common forms. People, who are not mediums who receive contact from loved one's, or even friends and acquaintances around the moment of passing.

There is a very worthwhile literature about this and I gave a talk about this last year on a Sunday. I did not know what to talk about but as ever Spirit attracted me to an article called Seeing Dead People Not Knowing They Have Died because it popped up the very moment I started to think about a talk.

I have posted this https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2246-spontaneous-mediumship-seeing-dead-people#19376

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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by mac Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 5:22

Jane Lyzell wrote:
mac wrote:
Jane Lyzell wrote:All forms of mediumship is science between worlds. There is a whole team with andligha helpers that make communication possible. They are scientists, quantum physicists, health care doctors, and others who make communication even possible.

Mediumship without a medium is not possible - not even in EVP, or television is required always a human medium that it goes through

Maybe what I write is being lost as English isn't your first language but I didn't say that science isn't involved.  What I said is that we don't have any understanding of that science relating to communication and mediumship.  We don't know, for example, what's involved when a medium and communicator each change to eliminate as much as possible the differences in their 'vibrations'  - whatever that means in scientific terms!   Laughing

Concerning your last paragraph your right - mediumship (by definition) isn't possible without the agency of a medium but communication may be possible without.  There are those who will argue that certain electronic phenomena are the result of discarnates seeking to communicate directly with incarnates, without any third party assistance of a medium.  That's not me saying it - I'm just reporting what I hear on other discussion websites/forums.

No you cant have kontakt and comunication whit oute a medium (ore a human ho is as the medium) you need some how press the butten Wink

You can't have mediumship without a medium - on that I completely agree.  But neither you nor anyone else can know that communication CAN'T take place without a medium - it's what you, and maybe many, believe to be the case but negatives can't be proved.  

Communication can come about in different ways, even if they're not ways that you - or I - see as traditional communication.  I know individuals who say they can communicate directly with discarnates, no need for a medium.  That's not mediumship as I understand the term but it is communication - in my mind there is a distinct difference between the two but I do know that others don't agree with me. That's fine as we all have our own perspective on the subject and most of the individuals I encounter are not Spiritualists and that's fine too....


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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by mac Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 5:38

Admin wrote:Not actually correct Jane. Psychical researchers have identified spontaneous mediumship as one of the most common forms. People, who are not mediums who receive contact from loved one's, or even friends and acquaintances around the moment of passing.

There is a very worthwhile literature about this and I gave a talk about this last year on a Sunday. I  did not know what to talk about but as ever Spirit attracted me to an article called Seeing Dead People Not Knowing They Have Died because it popped up the very moment I started to think about a talk.

I have posted this https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2246-spontaneous-mediumship-seeing-dead-people#19376

I hadn't seen your reply, Jim, until I'd posted in response to Jane's last message.  

That's a good example of communication and if there's also a message for someone else it would fit my criterion of mediumship.  Although the person receiving such a message may not be recognised as a medium it could be argued that she/he was just for that short time i.e. transient mediumship.  

If the contact came about, though, purely for the benefit of the one receiving the message I don't class that as mediumship.  For me there has to be the aspect of a 'go-between', someone facilitating communication to benefit someone else.  

Perhaps I'm just an insufferable pedant?


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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by Admin Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 6:51

No Mac the beauty of this site is that people care and have a right to express their thoughts and positions. I don't think your view is pedantic, it is very valid. I think given the language issues Jane does extremely well so do so many of our contributors the regulars and those who come on when they are drawn to.

I enjoyed getting back into this because the Centre is on vacation and my two paying jobs and other consulting work are a bit in holiday mode. I could do with 14 day weeks to keep up.

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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by obiwan Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 10:54

I agree. Though I am not a medium, the only really evidential events I have witnessed have been spontaneous. The trick is to do it consistently, as far as I can see Smile


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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by obiwan Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 10:55

mac wrote:
Admin wrote:Not actually correct Jane. Psychical researchers have identified spontaneous mediumship as one of the most common forms. People, who are not mediums who receive contact from loved one's, or even friends and acquaintances around the moment of passing.

There is a very worthwhile literature about this and I gave a talk about this last year on a Sunday. I  did not know what to talk about but as ever Spirit attracted me to an article called Seeing Dead People Not Knowing They Have Died because it popped up the very moment I started to think about a talk.

I have posted this https://www.spiritualismlink.com/t2246-spontaneous-mediumship-seeing-dead-people#19376

I hadn't seen your reply, Jim, until I'd posted in response to Jane's last message.  

That's a good example of communication and if there's also a message for someone else it would fit my criterion of mediumship.  Although the person receiving such a message may not be recognised as a medium it could be argued that she/he was just for that short time i.e. transient mediumship.  

If the contact came about, though, purely for the benefit of the one receiving the message I don't class that as mediumship.  For me there has to be the  aspect of a 'go-between', someone facilitating communication to benefit someone else.  

Perhaps I'm just an insufferable pedant?

Spot on iMHO. Not the pedant bit. It's important to try to be precise.


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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by Jane Lyzell Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:14

I think you totaly misunderstand mee - a medum culd bee a medium whit oute knowing it - you just need a human nerby how is acting fore sprit as a medium for that thime - like evp - too bee abel to speek in oure dimention they need physical humans energi for that - eesier whit a traind medium - put if they just have a normal pursen they whill youce that persen as a medium Very Happy
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by Jane Lyzell Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:15

god hope you understand my swenglish Rolling Eyes
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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a grand - or grandiose? - vision? - Page 4 Empty Re: a grand - or grandiose? - vision?

Post by Jane Lyzell Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:19

and thats why wee need good trainde mediums
Jane Lyzell
Jane Lyzell

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