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Gladys Hayter

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Gladys Hayter Empty Gladys Hayter

Post by evpman Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:58 pm

Does anyone know if this lady is still around.She was living in Ilford in the 1980/90s and a member of our circle met her and was shown her photo albums containing many interesting psychic photos she had taken using a simple 126 film camera in red light.I have a book "Photographs of the Unknown" that has a couple of pages devoted to her pictures.
There is not much on the web,but I have managed to find the address of a lady in south London with her name (middle initial "I") and am thinking of writing to see if it's her or not.
Her material needs more web presence before its too late.


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Gladys Hayter Empty Re: Gladys Hayter

Post by Admin Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:43 pm

Thanks evpman. I will ask Lis she was living in Ilford at the start of that period (to 1984) and doing a platform medium roster of 28 churches in that East London area plus attending various development circles.

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Gladys Hayter Empty Re: Gladys Hayter

Post by evpman Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:55 pm

Robin Foy has given me the information that Gladys died in the 1990's which is sad.
To quote "Sandra and I knew Gladys well. She passed to Spirit years ago I am afraid. Gladys was a good friend of Leslie Flint, and passed before Leslie, who died in 1994. We also saw all of Glady's pictures in her photo albums. She often used to talk about a number of occasions when she had a meal with Leslie and Bram in a fully lighted restaurant; items moved on the tables and spirit hands frequently materialised and touched diners!!"


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