From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
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SpiritualismLink :: Psychic and Mediumship - Only True Mediumship Gives Proof of Survival :: Trance, Transfiguration and Direct Voice
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From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Case 80 The Kennedy Case, From the book One Hundred Cases For Survival After Death Edited bty A T Baird and published in 1944.
case no. 80
The Kennedy Case1 (1 "The Life Story of Edmund Dawson Rogers, Journalist," Light.)
"On the evening of February 16, 1890, a seance was held at my house,
in Church End, Finchley, the circle consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt
(Mrs. Everitt being the medium) ; Mr. H. Withall and Miss H. Withall,
of Angell Park Gardens, Brixton; my wife, my two daughters, my son,
and myself. We sat in the dark for the 'direct voice'; in that way com-
munications had come from several spirit friends. In the course of the
evening a 'stranger' spoke, giving us his name, the time of his decease,
and his age, and mentioning a town in Missouri as the place of his residence
when he departed this life. Wishing, if possible, to verify the correctness
of the message, I addressed the following letter to Colonel Bundy,
the editor of The Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago:
During a seance held at my residence on the 16th inst., with Mrs.
Everitt, a spirit came, and speaking in firm, emphatic and distinct tones,
with a decidedly American accent, expressed his interest in the work in
which we were engaged and his wish for our success. He added that his
name was Moses Kennedy, and that he had passed away in September
last at Glenfield, Missouri, aged seventy-one. I had no opportunity of
making a note of his remarks until the close of the seance, and as to one
word, 'Glenfield,' I am not quite certain that I remembered it correctly,
but I think I did. I shall be glad if any of your readers can confirm the
accuracy of the message.
E. Dawson Rogers.
London, England.
February 23.
"This letter appeared in the Journal of March 22. In the meantime
namely, on the evening of March 9—we had another seance, the members
of the circle being the same as before, with the single exception that Miss
H. Withall was absent, and that her sister occupied her place. During
this sitting a spirit friend, referring to Moses Kennedy's communication
on the previous occasion, said he thought we had misunderstood the name
of his place of residence—he believed that the stranger had said 'not Glenfield,
but Glenwood, or some such name as that.' As there was no reason
to think that 'Glenwood' was more likely to be correct than 'Glenfield,'
no mention of this incident was sent to The Religio-Philosophical Journal.
"On the 17th, the post brought me the following letter from S. T.
Suddick, M.D., Cuba, Missouri, dated April 6:
"Respected Sir,
"Yours of underdate of February 23 was forwarded to me by Bro. Bundy
for confirmation. I have investigated the matter with the following results:
"There is no such town in Missouri as 'Glenfield.' I wrote to Glenwood,
Schuyler County, Missouri, and found that Moses Kennedy died there
September 30, 1889. He was born in Clement County, Ohio, November
18, 1818. His widow, Mrs. Phoebe Kennedy, still resides there. I have
written her, and her answer is before me, received today. Full particulars
will be sent to the Journal this p.m.
"I would be pleased to have you write me.
Yours very respectfully,
S. T. Suddick, M. D.
"From Mr. Suddick's letter it will be seen that the message was correct
in every particular—as to name, age, place of residence, and time of decease.
And yet none of us who formed the circle to which the message
was given had so much as known of Moses Kennedy's existence."
case no. 80
The Kennedy Case1 (1 "The Life Story of Edmund Dawson Rogers, Journalist," Light.)
"On the evening of February 16, 1890, a seance was held at my house,
in Church End, Finchley, the circle consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt
(Mrs. Everitt being the medium) ; Mr. H. Withall and Miss H. Withall,
of Angell Park Gardens, Brixton; my wife, my two daughters, my son,
and myself. We sat in the dark for the 'direct voice'; in that way com-
munications had come from several spirit friends. In the course of the
evening a 'stranger' spoke, giving us his name, the time of his decease,
and his age, and mentioning a town in Missouri as the place of his residence
when he departed this life. Wishing, if possible, to verify the correctness
of the message, I addressed the following letter to Colonel Bundy,
the editor of The Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago:
During a seance held at my residence on the 16th inst., with Mrs.
Everitt, a spirit came, and speaking in firm, emphatic and distinct tones,
with a decidedly American accent, expressed his interest in the work in
which we were engaged and his wish for our success. He added that his
name was Moses Kennedy, and that he had passed away in September
last at Glenfield, Missouri, aged seventy-one. I had no opportunity of
making a note of his remarks until the close of the seance, and as to one
word, 'Glenfield,' I am not quite certain that I remembered it correctly,
but I think I did. I shall be glad if any of your readers can confirm the
accuracy of the message.
E. Dawson Rogers.
London, England.
February 23.
"This letter appeared in the Journal of March 22. In the meantime
namely, on the evening of March 9—we had another seance, the members
of the circle being the same as before, with the single exception that Miss
H. Withall was absent, and that her sister occupied her place. During
this sitting a spirit friend, referring to Moses Kennedy's communication
on the previous occasion, said he thought we had misunderstood the name
of his place of residence—he believed that the stranger had said 'not Glenfield,
but Glenwood, or some such name as that.' As there was no reason
to think that 'Glenwood' was more likely to be correct than 'Glenfield,'
no mention of this incident was sent to The Religio-Philosophical Journal.
"On the 17th, the post brought me the following letter from S. T.
Suddick, M.D., Cuba, Missouri, dated April 6:
"Respected Sir,
"Yours of underdate of February 23 was forwarded to me by Bro. Bundy
for confirmation. I have investigated the matter with the following results:
"There is no such town in Missouri as 'Glenfield.' I wrote to Glenwood,
Schuyler County, Missouri, and found that Moses Kennedy died there
September 30, 1889. He was born in Clement County, Ohio, November
18, 1818. His widow, Mrs. Phoebe Kennedy, still resides there. I have
written her, and her answer is before me, received today. Full particulars
will be sent to the Journal this p.m.
"I would be pleased to have you write me.
Yours very respectfully,
S. T. Suddick, M. D.
"From Mr. Suddick's letter it will be seen that the message was correct
in every particular—as to name, age, place of residence, and time of decease.
And yet none of us who formed the circle to which the message
was given had so much as known of Moses Kennedy's existence."
Admin- Admin
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
case no. 81
The Randall Case1 (1 Randall, Edward C, The Dead Have Never Died (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,Inc)
Mr. Edward C. Randall, a lawyer in Buffalo, experimented twenty years
with Mrs. Emily S. French, a very frail and deaf old lady. The medium's
deafness was a distinct advantage to Mr. Randall; it created a natural
test condition for the medium that the lawyer could not improve on.
"Often," he wrote, "we sat alone in my house and the voice that broke the
stillness was not the voice of Mrs. French, nor were her vocal organs
used by another. She, being deaf, often failed to hear the voices of spirit
people and spoke while they were speaking, such interruptions causing
confusion." In his investigation of Mrs. French over 700 sittings were
held, and when she died in 1912 he wrote regarding her:
"The memory of Emily S. French comes like a benediction. She made
me her friend by being honest; I made her my friend by being fair and
so we worked for twenty years and more to learn how to expel the fear
of death from the human heart. She was the noblest woman I have
known; she was both honest and brave; she enriched herself by aiding
On May 26, 1896, Mr. Randall held a sitting with Mrs. French. At
ten o'clock that morning the Brown Building in Buffalo, then being
repaired, collapsed and the city was full of rumors that many people had
been killed. The number was put at six or seven, but there was no way
of ascertaining the truth until the debris could be removed, and this would
require many days.
At the sitting that evening, four voices announced themselves : William
P. Straub, George Metz, Michael Schurzke, a Pole, and Jennie M.
Griffin, claiming that they had lost their lives in the fall of the building.
This was verified some days later.
On another occasion Mr. Randall's father stated that there was one
small item in the settlement of his estate that had been overlooked.
Mr. Randall replied, "Your mind was ever centered on the accumulation
of money. Why take up my time . . . with your estate? It has already
been divided."
"Yes," he answered, "I know that, but I worked too hard for my money,
and there is an asset you have not discovered."
"Tell me about it."
"Some years before I left, I loaned a small sum of money to Susan
Stone, who resided in Pennsylvania, and I took from her a promissory
note upon which, by the laws of that state, I was entitled to enter a judgment
at once without suit. I was somewhat anxious about the loan; so
before its maturity I took the note and filed it with the prothonotary at
Erie, Pennsylvania, and he entered judgment, which became a lien on her
property. In my books there was no reference to that note or judgment.
If you go to the prothonotary's office in Erie, you will find the judgment
on record and I want you to collect it. There are many things you don't
know and this is one of them."
Mr. Randall was much surprised at the information thus received and
naturally sent for a transcript of that judgment. He found it entered on
October 21, 1896, and with that evidence of the debt he collected from
the woman $70 with interest. He questioned if anyone knew of this affair
besides the makers of the note and the prothonotary in Erie. He certainly
did not and had no reason to suspect it; and he considered that it was
entirely impossible for Mrs. French to have any knowledge of it.
"My father's voice was clearly recognizable on that occasion, as it has
been on hundreds of others, and I cite this instance for the benefit of those
who measure everything from an evidential standpoint."
The Randall Case1 (1 Randall, Edward C, The Dead Have Never Died (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,Inc)
Mr. Edward C. Randall, a lawyer in Buffalo, experimented twenty years
with Mrs. Emily S. French, a very frail and deaf old lady. The medium's
deafness was a distinct advantage to Mr. Randall; it created a natural
test condition for the medium that the lawyer could not improve on.
"Often," he wrote, "we sat alone in my house and the voice that broke the
stillness was not the voice of Mrs. French, nor were her vocal organs
used by another. She, being deaf, often failed to hear the voices of spirit
people and spoke while they were speaking, such interruptions causing
confusion." In his investigation of Mrs. French over 700 sittings were
held, and when she died in 1912 he wrote regarding her:
"The memory of Emily S. French comes like a benediction. She made
me her friend by being honest; I made her my friend by being fair and
so we worked for twenty years and more to learn how to expel the fear
of death from the human heart. She was the noblest woman I have
known; she was both honest and brave; she enriched herself by aiding
On May 26, 1896, Mr. Randall held a sitting with Mrs. French. At
ten o'clock that morning the Brown Building in Buffalo, then being
repaired, collapsed and the city was full of rumors that many people had
been killed. The number was put at six or seven, but there was no way
of ascertaining the truth until the debris could be removed, and this would
require many days.
At the sitting that evening, four voices announced themselves : William
P. Straub, George Metz, Michael Schurzke, a Pole, and Jennie M.
Griffin, claiming that they had lost their lives in the fall of the building.
This was verified some days later.
On another occasion Mr. Randall's father stated that there was one
small item in the settlement of his estate that had been overlooked.
Mr. Randall replied, "Your mind was ever centered on the accumulation
of money. Why take up my time . . . with your estate? It has already
been divided."
"Yes," he answered, "I know that, but I worked too hard for my money,
and there is an asset you have not discovered."
"Tell me about it."
"Some years before I left, I loaned a small sum of money to Susan
Stone, who resided in Pennsylvania, and I took from her a promissory
note upon which, by the laws of that state, I was entitled to enter a judgment
at once without suit. I was somewhat anxious about the loan; so
before its maturity I took the note and filed it with the prothonotary at
Erie, Pennsylvania, and he entered judgment, which became a lien on her
property. In my books there was no reference to that note or judgment.
If you go to the prothonotary's office in Erie, you will find the judgment
on record and I want you to collect it. There are many things you don't
know and this is one of them."
Mr. Randall was much surprised at the information thus received and
naturally sent for a transcript of that judgment. He found it entered on
October 21, 1896, and with that evidence of the debt he collected from
the woman $70 with interest. He questioned if anyone knew of this affair
besides the makers of the note and the prothonotary in Erie. He certainly
did not and had no reason to suspect it; and he considered that it was
entirely impossible for Mrs. French to have any knowledge of it.
"My father's voice was clearly recognizable on that occasion, as it has
been on hundreds of others, and I cite this instance for the benefit of those
who measure everything from an evidential standpoint."
Admin- Admin
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Hi Jim, Great post. Fantastic snippets of evidence provided. For me, direct voice mediumship always seems to produce the most compelling evidence. Out of interest, 100 Cases for Survival After Death is that a book Jim.
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Yes its a book that recently became available in eform .pdf. Snippets from books and magazines. Almost ideal material for a forum like this.
Admin- Admin
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Sounds interesting is the book available to view online checked it on google not showing much only a cover via flickr.
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Luckily the dreaded google did not scan it, these days much of what they do ends up only available through Google Books where, even for free editions you have to register a Google account with your credit card or they re appear in the catalogue of one of the print to order companies.
Admin- Admin
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
Admin wrote:Luckily the dreaded google did not scan it, these days much of what they do ends up only available through Google Books where, even for free editions you have to register a Google account with your credit card or they re appear in the catalogue of one of the print to order companies.
Cheers Jim
Re: From 100 Cases for Survival After Death Case 80 &81
nevermind link already posted for download.
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