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The Spiritist Penal Code

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The Spiritist Penal Code Empty The Spiritist Penal Code

Post by Admin Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:06 am

Well you could not charge this conference with being light weight and frivolous. If you go to the site on youtube you will see just what ground they covered. It is a good reminder that in Spiritism their mediums just bring words from Spirit not messages from loved one's.


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The Spiritist Penal Code Empty Re: The Spiritist Penal Code

Post by Left Behind Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:37 am

Admin wrote:Well you could not charge this conference with being light weight and frivolous. If you go to the site on youtube you will see just what ground they covered. It is a good reminder that in Spiritism their mediums just bring words from Spirit not messages from loved one's.

If their mediums just bring words from Spirit not messages from loved ones, what is the evidential value of their messages?

Every religion and sect and cult and denomination in the world has some alleged link to the Divine, and is telling you how to live. But none of is anything but yet-another faith-based religion, if they can't provide evidence of the afterlife: evidence that's personal to you.

This is true for NDE's, also. Unless you've had one, you can read about them forever, but all it's providing you is someone else's alleged experience.

Left Behind

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The Spiritist Penal Code Empty Re: The Spiritist Penal Code

Post by Admin Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:00 am

Spiritists do not use mediums to give evidence of survival just so called trance communication (or inspirational talks). Now as the teachings are deeply embedded in their subconscious it will almost certainly be that which is speaking not Spirit.
Sadly Spiritism is very judgemental with pubnitive outcomes for misdeeds in this life.

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The Spiritist Penal Code Empty Re: The Spiritist Penal Code

Post by Left Behind Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:59 am

If there's no personal evidence of the afterlife provided, then it's all just a faith-based religion. And we already have a smorgasbord of them. I don't see the need for yet-another one.

Left Behind

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The Spiritist Penal Code Empty Re: The Spiritist Penal Code

Post by obiwan Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:15 am

Left Behind wrote:If there's no personal evidence of the afterlife provided, then it's all just a faith-based religion. And we already have a smorgasbord of them. I don't see the need for yet-another one.
100% agree.


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