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A Royal Séance

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A Royal Séance Empty A Royal Séance

Post by Admin Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:06 am

A Royal Séance
Lilian Bailey was a deep trance medium who gave supreme survival evidence to
many notable personalities in the 20th- Century. Kings and Princes consulted her
because of her remarkable gift which allowed her spirit-self to leave its mortal shell
and thus allow a communicator from the next world to take temporary control of it;
after this, bereaved statesmen and people who had held high office were now able to
speak directly to their loved ones whom they had left behind on the Earth.
Lilian Bailey was one of a handful of gifted 20th-Century British mediums who were
responsible for Spiritualism becoming a State-recognised religion, owing to the
impression that the stunning quality of her survival evidence made on all who
witnessed it.
Her many clients included “The World’s Sweetheart” Mary Pickford, film star of the
silent screen; Hollywood actress Merle Oberon, of Wuthering Heights fame; the
inimitable Mae West; one of Canada’s greatest Premiers, Mackenzie King - and
even members of the British Royal Family benefited from her gifts.
Gordon Adams, Lilian Bailey’s son-in-law, confided to Roy Stemman (Assistant
editor to Maurice Barbanell for eight years) that a remarkable séance had taken
place in 1953, not many years before he began investigating Spiritualism. He was
sworn to secrecy and it was not until Lilian Bailey’s death in October 1971 that he
and others who knew the story were free to discuss it.
Lilian Bailey knew there were people who required her to perform under the strictest
test conditions before they would be prepared to accept the evidence of their own
eyes and ears, and she always did her best to satisfy those demands, within reason,
Adams told me. So when she received a request from a stranger to give a séance at
a house in Kensington, she agreed. A limousine took her to a well-appointed
property; then she was taken on to another address. She was required to put on a
blindfold during the journey so that there were no visual clues about the person or
people she would be meeting. Again, she agreed.
She was eventually led into a room, where she sensed others were gathered, and
was asked to conduct the séance still wearing the blindfold. This was not a great
hindrance, since she often worked in a trance. Puzzled but philosophical about the
lengths to which people went to test her mediumship, she eased herself into a chair
and soon felt herself drifting off into a trance, allowing her main spirit helper Bill
Wootton, and others in the next world, to take over her body and speak through her
In what seemed to her like no time at all, she returned to normal consciousness and
was told she could remove the blindfold. As her eyes grew accustomed to the light
she surveyed the sitters. Sitting in a circle on gilt chairs were the Queen Mother, the
Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra and the Duke of Kent.
This astonishing experience, which happened a year after the death of King George
VI, had clearly been arranged in the hope of receiving a communication from the
dead monarch, and it was almost certainly successful. However, since she was in
trance, Lilian Bailey knew nothing of the conversations that took place between
members of the British royal family and those from the spirit world who wished to
speak to them.
Unsurprisingly, none of those who participated has ever commented directly on the
secret séance.
Royal biographer and Daily Telegraph court correspondent Ann Morrow included this
story in her book, The Queen Mother. She had asked Gordon Adams if Lilian Bailey
was unnerved when she removed her blindfold.
He replied: ‘My mother-in-law had dealings with all sorts of people, such as the
Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek and the King of Greece. So she did not feel
intimidated by royalty; it was all in a day’s work for her.’
The Queen Mother is reported to have continued to phone Lilian Bailey for some
time after the séance and further private sittings took place. Eventually, when she
came to terms with her loss and was clearly satisfied that the dead king continued to
watch over her from the spirit world, she asked the medium to come to Clarence
House one last time. Removing a piece of costume jewellery from the dress she was
wearing, the Queen Mother pinned it on Lilian Bailey’s shoulder, saying: ‘You know
we do not have many possessions, but I would like you to have this.’ It expressed
her gratitude for the comfort she received. Almost immediately, she returned to
public life.
Since the royal family have not confirmed the story, can we be sure that this
remarkable event actually took place? Those who knew Lilian Bailey — who was
awarded an OBE for services in France during the First World War, when she served
with the Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps — are adamant that she would not have
invented such a story to boost her reputation. She was already famous and, since
the story was never published during her lifetime, it did not affect her standing
among Spiritualists or the public. That may not satisfy sceptics.
More to the point is-an observation made by Ann Morrow. In writing her book, she
received assistance from the Queen Mother and her private secretary, Sir Martin
Gilliat. They saw proofs of the book and raised no objection to the inclusion of the
report on the royal séance.
The story was repeated, again without objection, in Ann Morrow’s Without Equal: Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, published in July 2000 to mark her
King George VI, of course, knew all about mediums when he was alive. When his
speech therapist, Lionel Logue, had told him that he had visited mediums to seek
evidence of his wife’s survival after death, the King was not shocked - in fact he was
quite supportive and remarked, “My family are no strangers to Spiritualism.”
Lilian had two main spirit-controls or spirit guides. The first was a young soldier
named William Hedley Wootton, an ex-Grenadier Guards’ Captain who had been
killed in France in 1914-18 War. From beyond death, William gave his mother’s full
name and address, and letter from his parents in Boston, USA, verified his
Lilian also obtained a spirit photograph of her guide via the mediumship of William
Hope. The second control was a delightful little Singhalese girl who liked to be called
When asked about what her mediumship had taught her, Lilian Bailey replied: ‘I am
so sure that life goes on after death. It is not a hope – it is an absolute conviction.
There is no question in my mind that we shall meet, and be with, those whom we
As published by Zerdini on http://spiritualistchatroom.forumotion.com

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A Royal Séance Empty Re: A Royal Séance

Post by Admin Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:08 am

Ha I now have to pull this one apart because the whole back story of Lillian Bailey's life was incorrect particularly as she received no OBE. I will work on this one which may to some extent cloud the view of her stated achievements. It is sad but many mediums, especially before the second world war re created their past to make it appear somewhat more elevated than it was. She is in good company Madame Désperance did not ever live by that name and her childhood is a fabric of self imagination. Meurig Morris was the daugheter of an Agricultural Labourere in a market Garden. Ther is more to come on teh idea of a grander past and of course Wm Eglinton re invented himself but more where he went when he took breaks from mediumship.

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A Royal Séance Empty Re: A Royal Séance

Post by mac Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:36 am

oh dear Crying or Very sad

I'm not all that interested in history but it's still disappointing for me to learn so much may be wrong and fabricated in the field of Spiritualism. I will now wait with interest for what you find, Jim.

Recently someone online was bad-mouthing about Leslie Price and alleged fraudulent behaviour. I was in no position to argue.


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A Royal Séance Empty Re: A Royal Séance

Post by Admin Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:31 am

Interesting Mac I am dealing some of these points at times on social media but the phenomalists have a belief system and "specialists" they rely on that mean they hate the concept of accepting things maybe wrong with the mediums.

Sometimes the problem of a back story does not dilute the actual work they have done (it's clear Lilian Bailey was a good medium who had proved her ability) so does the back story matter. Sadly it does because the sceptics will point out the if they lied abot that how can you trust the rest. One error like that means everything else has to be subject to a higher level of scrutiny to ensure it can be verified. Meurig Morris is a fascinating study, although in her case the glitter in teh back story is minor, her father becoming manager of a market garden not one of the workers. She was also only a Trance Medium with the one control.

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