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David Nason Passed to Spirit

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by KatyKing Sat 12 May 2012 - 23:20

Top chap,all round nice guy and hard working medium David Nason has passed to his reward.
David was Jessie Nason's son Jessie was the very first medium allowed to be shown working on UK TV back in the early sixties.
Her mum was a medium too and David's daughter is a medium working the SE circuit.
So four generations of mediums,three now in Spirit and one on this side working.
Backbone of Spiritualism some of these old families.

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by Left Behind Sun 13 May 2012 - 3:30

And may it continue for many generations to come.

Left Behind

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by KatyKing Sun 13 May 2012 - 16:34

It will Jim. Those who gloomily predict the demise of Spiritualism are,as ever;wrong. I have been wondering recently just how may of our chums on here actually are members of and regular attenders at a Spiritualist church. Some like yourself can' cos thre aren' any. But I read so much on here about the rights and wrongs of Spiritualism but seldom anything about 'their' church going.
Joan I know attends. Jim and Lis are missionaries for Spiritualism. Les in Wales is GW and Mike eirefox goes to Camp New Era [lovely people]. But apart from that...
I've an inkling that some who shout loudest aren't maybe Spiritualist church goers at all.
No harm in that but I am reminded of a former colleague who was forever talking about Manchester United footy team. He was such an expert. One day someone asked him if he ever went to see them play. The chap asking turned out to be a season ticket holder and the expert only watched them on TV but never actually went to a real game. This was in pre satellite days when they would only show snatches of many games on TV and a full match only rarely.
I'm not saying that you have to go to church to be a Spiritualist but it can't hurt to do so if you can.
If folk don't like what's on offer then have a go at organizing your own local meeting. That's how organized Spiritualism began an how the movement grew.

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by KatyKing Sun 13 May 2012 - 16:41

David Nason did just that and the centre he founded 'in loving memory of Jessie Nason' is now a tribute to David too.

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by Left Behind Sun 13 May 2012 - 19:02

You see the same thing in Christian churches. People will tell you they don't go to church "because the churches are filled with hypocrites." My response is, so is every other human institution. If you're a hypocrite, you'll fit right in. If you're not a hypocrite, you should go so you can help outnumber them.

Even better is the people who smugly tell you they don't go to church "because they prefer to LIVE their faith during the week." So, is it an either-or proposition? Razz

Left Behind

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by Quiet Sun 13 May 2012 - 19:25

KatyKing wrote:It will Jim. Those who gloomily predict the demise of Spiritualism are,as ever;wrong. I have been wondering recently just how may of our chums on here actually are members of and regular attenders at a Spiritualist church. Some like yourself can' cos thre aren' any. But I read so much on here about the rights and wrongs of Spiritualism but seldom anything about 'their' church going.
Joan I know attends. Jim and Lis are missionaries for Spiritualism. Les in Wales is GW and Mike eirefox goes to Camp New Era [lovely people]. But apart from that...
I've an inkling that some who shout loudest aren't maybe Spiritualist church goers at all.
No harm in that but I am reminded of a former colleague who was forever talking about Manchester United footy team. He was such an expert. One day someone asked him if he ever went to see them play. The chap asking turned out to be a season ticket holder and the expert only watched them on TV but never actually went to a real game. This was in pre satellite days when they would only show snatches of many games on TV and a full match only rarely.
I'm not saying that you have to go to church to be a Spiritualist but it can't hurt to do so if you can.
If folk don't like what's on offer then have a go at organizing your own local meeting. That's how organized Spiritualism began an how the movement grew.

I regularly attend the Church of the Seven Principles in Melbourne. Went yesterday in fact and it was a good service. Caught up with my old teacher who spoke at the service and we had a cup of tea together. Received an unexpected reading as well - both my parents, but firstly Mum. Wonderful for Mother's Day.

There is something special about the energy that comes from people being together. There is something special about the closeness to spirit that one feels in a group where everyone has similar beliefs.

You are right, KK. Groups are what you make them and everyone can contribute something, even if it is just your presence. That isa contribution to the whole and makes it easier for you to be to be reached as well (I think).

I let serious conflict in the local VSU keep me away from regular attendance two years ago, and it has been to my cost overall. I have been a sporadic attender at other groups but some months ago made a commitment to the Church of the Seven Principles.

It was interesting that my former teacher did something I had not seen her do before. She started with an inspirational talk which led to a trance talk. The way it happened was so smooth and natural. Irena is a long time, born medium (from a family of mediums as well). She is articulate and highly intelligent and quite capable of speaking at length but yesterday she said that she simply trusted that Spirit would lead her, and they did. Both talks were highly relevant.

She is almost 80 and it was good to see her again. Her commitment itself has always been an inspiration.


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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by KatyKing Sun 13 May 2012 - 21:09

That's a nice name for a church Q.
Church is the family we get to choose.

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David Nason Passed to Spirit Empty Re: David Nason Passed to Spirit

Post by Bev Davey Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 11:56

Sorry to read about David (I'm new here!). I had some correspondance with him a while ago about his mum Jessie Nason. I remember sitting with my dad in the audience at a service following one of the SNU AGM's where Jessie was demonstrating. He was quite amazed to find that he could "see" all the same things Jessie was seeing and describing. I've not heard of a medium doing this before or since.

Bev Davey

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