Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
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Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
All of these from the London Meeting this year
Admin- Admin
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Does anyone who knows more about Spiritism than I do (which isn't much) know what they believe about the nature of Jesus Christ? Do they consider him Divine in the traditional Christian sense of the word? Or more like a Buddha: a highly developed human, what we all could eventually become?
Left Behind
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Its interesting that its founder never called it a religion he was happy to have it exist alongside Catholicism (obviously the key religion of the Latin/European countries wher Spiritism is prevalent.)
Admin- Admin
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Yes was Catholicism happy to exist alongside it?Admin wrote:Its interesting that its founder never called it a religion he was happy to have it exist alongside Catholicism (obviously the key religion of the Latin/European countries wher Spiritism is prevalent.)
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Left Behind wrote:Does anyone who knows more about Spiritism than I do (which isn't much) know what they believe about the nature of Jesus Christ? Do they consider him Divine in the traditional Christian sense of the word? Or more like a Buddha: a highly developed human, what we all could eventually become?
Seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvBd0ARo6Zs
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
A good quickie statement. Doesn't say anything about Jesus, though.
Left Behind
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Left Behind wrote:A good quickie statement. Doesn't say anything about Jesus, though.
Should it have done?
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
I actually commented on the what is spiritism series video about Jesus asking what they see him as, Spiritism talks said they believe Jesus was not divine but the most highly evolved Human of all time in a comment on this video.Left Behind wrote:A good quickie statement. Doesn't say anything about Jesus, though.
Spiritism Talks wrote:Jesus never stated he was God. For Spiritists, Jesus went through the process of evolution and developed his intellectual and moral potential that we all possess, and are destined to attain. Jesus is not God or a god, but a highly evolved Spirit who worked for his own evolution. His message was twisted and badly interpreted because his moral code of conduct was, and still is for many individuals, too hard to follow, ex: "love your enemies, forgive those who wronged you". Because his teachings were a revolution to the social norms of that time and also because it had political implications, he was crucified, which was a standard method of killing under the rule of the Roman empire. His blood did not wash our sins as is commonly stated. To progress, we must do the work and live by the golden rule, "do unto others as wish others would do unto you", which is very easy to understand, but a challenge to put into practice. This is the reason why, for the Spiritist philosophy, someone who claims to be an atheist and yet live by the golden rule, is on a much better position then someone who claims to be a believer yet doesn't do anything to diminish the pain of others. Thank you for watching the videos..
Last edited by Torekka on Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clearing ambiguity)
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
Torekka wrote:I actually commented on the what is spiritism series video about Jesus asking what they see him as and from what I remember (I'll post links just now) Spiritism talks said they believe Jesus was not divine but the most highly evolved Human of all time.
Man you left it a long time before returning to respond to points in this thread! It's three months since the last posting. Could you quote the bit you're responding to after all this time?
Re: Spiritism remains very close to the Gospels and Christ
I've modified my post to be clearer, I apologize for my laziness.mac wrote:Man you left it a long time before returning to respond to points in this thread! Razz It's three months since the last posting. Could you quote the bit you're responding to after all this time?
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