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A very heavy heart about all this

nick pettitt
Left Behind
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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Tue 24 Apr 2012 - 14:27


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Tue 24 Apr 2012 - 14:34

Hi Mac,

Looked at it read it no copyright indeed Kai claims respnsibility for the 1913 pictures, so he must be much older than we think. I think this will reappear on you tube soon and be posted here, the original book is out of copyright and it is clear this is a clever reconstruction from the series in the book.


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by mac Tue 24 Apr 2012 - 14:38

Could there be any original copyright for material so old?

Presumably Kai can't claim copyright on the material he used but did not belong to him?


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Kai seance

Post by Spiritlights2012 Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 13:09

Hello all. I attended the sat night seance @banyan to see Kai. Absolutely amazing stuff. The energy in the room was thick and spirit were obviously present.
The breathing technique was very different but interesting to hear.
The main control was of a deep smokers voice of an elderly gentleman who gave an evidentle message to a gentleman in the group who excitedly acknowledged it in ore. The control was also the guide throughout the evening.
The spirit lights were amazing leaving faint trails of light when moving around the room. The formation of the forcefield around the circle was very good was clearly witnessed by physical touches to the inner and outer circle members. I Felt touches from my feet right up to my kee, a very crazy sensation could not have been Kai or circle leader as I was sat directly behind someone and sandwiched between two and we were in chain(holding hands). We all swoped seats from the back to the front and vise versa. Unforntunely for one gentleman who came from the outer circle was left without a seat as someone didn't move to the back!
The ectoplasm was out of this world, literally! To see the ectoplasm streaming from the mediums mouth like a gentle stream forming an animated mound upon the floor. The red light at is stage was bright but become brighter due to a fault that caused the ectoplasm to decrease in size and the cabinet had to be closed.
The red light was turned back on and dimmed to low light. The cabinet was opened again to see the animated ectoplasm mound, that in front of all of our physical eyes formed a waving hand!!again the red light malfunctioned and become brighter causing the hand to drop. Once the light was adjusted again the ectoplasm began to animate more rapidly forming a tall column approx 4-5ft towards the ceiling!! Now how can that be possible?? Without Kai or somebody else holding it up! Which was not the case as Kai was still sitting with his hands on his knees.

Incredible experience and the comments from others after the seance was very positive.
I'm not sur ewhy people post hideous negative comments about this great achievment it was in red light for quite a while and the messages were evidential. The energy was certainly there! Kai looked like he was dragged through a hedge backwards afterwards and came back down after about 20mins to say thank you for the energy used why put yourself through all this?Kai is scientifically minded and wants to show evidence and is doing that.he has to charge It's expensive to travel nowadays and staying in this country is expensive the venue couldnt have been cheap. The retreat was beautiful, beautiful place to hold a safe seance.
I think fair play to all Kai and the FEG group have achieved carry on producing the work your team are doing. There are many out there who are supporting your development and pathway, keep up the good work and don't let the jealous institutionalised groups stop you. You are showing the truth to many and opening many peoples eyes into the great journey of proof of survival after death. If death is the correct term. What is death? Do we actually die? Peace to you all. Love and light X SL X


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by mac Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 13:15

I'm guessing you've joined this website just to post your report?


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by KatyKing Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 13:48

There's nowhere near enough Fairy Story tellers in the world today.
Thank you to Kai for sharing his with us.

Pinch of salt, anyone?

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by allanis111 Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 14:09

hey everyone,
whats quite sad is that above post was posted at near enuf the same time that the following post was posted by kai on PM for u.
i am posting this under my girlfriends account as i know if i post under my own i will get banned from PMforu. girlfriend doesnt post there so really doesnt care.
what is funny as you can see he has been very selective over what he has chosen to answer and of course where he has chosen to answer as he knows anyone questioning him on PMforU will get banned. anyway hope you enjoy. love ya all Smile

The allegations are old but are utilized frequently by people that cannot accept thatthere are different aproaches to PhysMedship!
In the aftermath of two strong FEG spirit team Sittings at Banyan Retreat 7 commenters at a forum of spiritualists, released a mass of hateful allegations! Why the spirit team performance in the tradition of the German Spiritists caused so much turmoil within these people is not fully clear. Only two of them attended the seance, and admitting some of the phenomena were genuine, it was the display of ectoplasm, that was ripped open in the first night to show its interior, a transparent membrane with fibrous characteristics, that was new to some observers, as well as its ability to cling onto the walls of the cabinet, they claimed did not look as ectoplasm had to look like!

Ectoplasm cannot be fibrous!
Fibrous Characteristics of ectoplasm were observed by the warzaw scientist Prof Julian Ochorowicz with the Medium Stanislawa Tomczyk around 1878! Germanies leading investigator of Physical mediums Schrenck-Notzing then Photographed the fibers a few years later. Some do associate Crawfords rod theory also with the theory of thousands of minirods forming a huge lively rod in the end. All in all ectoplasm was observed in multiple forms and structure!

Kai did praise his own circle and was searching people for a film project!
When the FEGs phenomena started i did not want to be the medium and was searching for other sitters and mediums!
We in fact had the idea we maybe could film paranormal events and make a tv format from it! That idea died very early!

Kai was willing to fake phenomena!
This is false! We said - having learned from Parapsychologies history - if we cannot film the phenomena we need to do recreations, like it is usual business and refers only to a computer generated image that is common in filmproduction. That idea to make a documentary died in the first two years after we recognized camera and phys phenomena do exclude themaelves mostly!
This never had nothing to do with faking the phenomena within the circle! The development within the circle took years and in the first years i never revealed i was the medium because i did not want to take the burden until my development and the spirit team overhanded me the responsibility to stand in for it!

A core member had left the group because he recognized fraud!
False! it was not a core member but a medium we implemented into the circle 1,5 years before. After we rejected to develop him as well as a physical medium he left the group! He never had observed something fraudulent! Many did follow this allegation like one of our scientific monitors, Dr. M., as well as our circle leader Dr. S., who both could falsify in the end the claim! Nothing fraudulent was ever observed with the FEG Spirit Team Phenomena!

The daylight photos i had admitted it was mucosa!
Multiply i have cleared that up: I said it developed FROM mouth mucosa!

Kai did animate certain photos of ectoplasmic extrusion from 1913, what proves he is able to fake something!
I only GAVE THE PHOTOS to a brazilian guy who did the animation! In fact he simply put one photo after the other and overblended them, added music, finish! This is clearly mentioned at the end of the film clip!

Should there be more questions you can adresse them freely to me!



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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 14:10

I have heard this story before welcome Spiritlights2012 I think you should really study all of the threads here. Maybe given your support which I read on another forum today you should name yourself.

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 14:27

Welcome allanis111 I have a feeling you may have some relationship with Spiritlight.

At thi sstage until the crowd of current Physical mediums work through the scientific community and new conventions such as Thermography, pressure pads under the carpet, even the old fashioned French Chalk Trick and Light then this forum will follow the advice of Emma Hardinge Britten and DD Home to ignore you.

However if you are a developing medium working to achieve these aims you will have our whole hearted support.

However until you can achieve this why do you want to perform publically and charge so much per person?

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by allanis111 Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 14:48

HI Admin,
I assure you that i have no link with them at all. and my post is not at all in support. its quite the opposite.


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 15:20

Thank you Allanis

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Spiritlights2012 Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 15:22

Yes joined today. Some good discussion points and some not so good. Why do you think it is a ferry tale story Katy? Did you witness the phenomena during either of the events held? There were 40 sitters yes all I believe had positive comments to say apart from a couple who probably couldn't believe what they were seeing so had to think it was faked.
I do respect others views and comments but to accuse the medium of fraud is not very nice.


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 15:25

Thats OK Spritlight but so much needs discussion

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by KatyKing Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 17:30

I wasn't there spiritlights but would have loved to have attended. Maybe next time. Comments are based around truthwillout postings. S/he was there.
I firmly believe in physical mediumship and that for it to be guaranteed that sensible and accurate assessment and testing of it needs to be utilised. Black out show phenomena are easily faked. Aways have been and always will be as long as rogues can get away with it.
That PM4U sounds like a tough place to post. Do they only allow people who agree with them to contribute?

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by zerdini Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 18:31

KatyKing wrote:I wasn't there spiritlights but would have loved to have attended. Maybe next time. Comments are based around truthwillout postings. S/he was there.
I firmly believe in physical mediumship and that for it to be guaranteed that sensible and accurate assessment and testing of it needs to be utilised. Black out show phenomena are easily faked. Aways have been and always will be as long as rogues can get away with it.
That PM4U sounds like a tough place to post. Do they only allow people who agree with them to contribute?

Only those who agree with Robin Foy and his understanding (or lack) of physical mediumship


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by KatyKing Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 19:41

OIC is it RF who runs it z?

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by zerdini Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 20:21

KatyKing wrote:OIC is it RF who runs it z?



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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by KatyKing Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 20:27

Ta z.
It's a whole new world to me. I only post here and had no idea these sites existed til Kindle arrived for Xmas.

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by mac Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 20:38

KatyKing wrote:Ta z.
It's a whole new world to me. I only post here and had no idea these sites existed til Kindle arrived for Xmas.

There's a whole, new, big online world out there....


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by KatyKing Sat 28 Apr 2012 - 22:40

Very Happy Sack that for a game of soldiers mac. It's all I can do to keep up with this forum. Plus Kindle only seems to work on certain sites. Anything with lots of pics or animations and it doesn't want to know.

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by Admin Sun 29 Apr 2012 - 0:44

That PM4U sounds like a tough place to post. Do they only allow people who agree with them to contribute?
That is my understanding KK and disagreement soon sees membership withdrawn. We had one person who came on here for a while who raised some issues on PM4U which went rather feral.

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by nick pettitt Sun 29 Apr 2012 - 8:44

Spiritlights2012 wrote:Hello all. I attended the sat night seance @banyan to see Kai. Absolutely amazing stuff. The energy in the room was thick and spirit were obviously present.
The breathing technique was very different but interesting to hear.
The main control was of a deep smokers voice of an elderly gentleman who gave an evidentle message to a gentleman in the group who excitedly acknowledged it in ore. The control was also the guide throughout the evening.
The spirit lights were amazing leaving faint trails of light when moving around the room. The formation of the forcefield around the circle was very good was clearly witnessed by physical touches to the inner and outer circle members. I Felt touches from my feet right up to my kee, a very crazy sensation could not have been Kai or circle leader as I was sat directly behind someone and sandwiched between two and we were in chain(holding hands). We all swoped seats from the back to the front and vise versa. Unforntunely for one gentleman who came from the outer circle was left without a seat as someone didn't move to the back!
The ectoplasm was out of this world, literally! To see the ectoplasm streaming from the mediums mouth like a gentle stream forming an animated mound upon the floor. The red light at is stage was bright but become brighter due to a fault that caused the ectoplasm to decrease in size and the cabinet had to be closed.
The red light was turned back on and dimmed to low light. The cabinet was opened again to see the animated ectoplasm mound, that in front of all of our physical eyes formed a waving hand!!again the red light malfunctioned and become brighter causing the hand to drop. Once the light was adjusted again the ectoplasm began to animate more rapidly forming a tall column approx 4-5ft towards the ceiling!! Now how can that be possible?? Without Kai or somebody else holding it up! Which was not the case as Kai was still sitting with his hands on his knees.

Incredible experience and the comments from others after the seance was very positive.
I'm not sur ewhy people post hideous negative comments about this great achievment it was in red light for quite a while and the messages were evidential. The energy was certainly there! Kai looked like he was dragged through a hedge backwards afterwards and came back down after about 20mins to say thank you for the energy used why put yourself through all this?Kai is scientifically minded and wants to show evidence and is doing that.he has to charge It's expensive to travel nowadays and staying in this country is expensive the venue couldnt have been cheap. The retreat was beautiful, beautiful place to hold a safe seance.
I think fair play to all Kai and the FEG group have achieved carry on producing the work your team are doing. There are many out there who are supporting your development and pathway, keep up the good work and don't let the jealous institutionalised groups stop you. You are showing the truth to many and opening many peoples eyes into the great journey of proof of survival after death. If death is the correct term. What is death? Do we actually die? Peace to you all. Love and light X SL X

I was there too on the Saturday evening and it was me that got the evidential message from the control Hans Bender speaking through Kai. Some years ago I was at a Stewart Alexander seance who was working in the same way where the trance communicator would relay evidential messages from other spirits.
But the most impressive part of the evening for me was the display in good red light of animated ectoplasm. Spiritlights has described it exactly how I remember seeing it. Having spent many years looking at old photos, reading witness reports and hearing people talk about there own experiences with ectoplasmic structures and full materializations I was blown away to witness this myself for the first time. When the 4-5 foot column built up towards the ceiling my thoughts went to when Tom Harrison had described this very thing happening at his mothers circle and how it would then sprout arms and legs and a head and begin talking and walking round the room. I'd just witnessed a waving arm sprout forth from the mound of ectoplasm between Kai's feet so surely this phenomena is so close now to full materialization in the light which is what everybody wants to see... right???
The negative comments in this thread as far as I can work out are based on the fact that Julia allegedly got out of her seat during the full black out. If this did happen I can't see how it would have any bearing on the red light ectoplasmic phenomena. Unless she somehow managed to get to the door on the other side of the room, open it without letting the light in, go outside and grab a huge bag of ectoplasm complete with all the apparatus required to make it animated and bring it back into the seance room without detection!!!

nick pettitt

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by mac Sun 29 Apr 2012 - 12:34

KatyKing wrote: Very Happy Sack that for a game of soldiers mac. It's all I can do to keep up with this forum. Plus Kindle only seems to work on certain sites. Anything with lots of pics or animations and it doesn't want to know.

Kindle? That's like using Windows 95 on dial up.... .


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by mac Sun 29 Apr 2012 - 12:44

any road up....

I want to play Devils' Advocate here and say that after what I read on PM4U I'd like to hear exactly why ectoplasm can't have different forms, forumulations and properties from what used to be produced - as claimed by Kai Muegge.

I'm not impressed by pm unless it is evidential mediumship and phenomena have no value in themselves so I have no axe to grind on this matter.


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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

Post by nick pettitt Sun 29 Apr 2012 - 15:08

mac wrote:any road up....

I want to play Devils' Advocate here and say that after what I read on PM4U I'd like to hear exactly why ectoplasm can't have different forms, forumulations and properties from what used to be produced - as claimed by Kai Muegge.

I'm not impressed by pm unless it is evidential mediumship and phenomena have no value in themselves so I have no axe to grind on this matter.

As I understand it mac, ectoplasm can have any form from a light mist to a steel rod and always has done.

I agree phenomena has no evidential value but what I saw at Kai's seance could well develop into materialization mediumship which is evidential.

nick pettitt

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A very heavy heart about all this - Page 3 Empty Re: A very heavy heart about all this

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