Dancing past the dark
Left Behind
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Dancing past the dark
A book about distressing NDE's http://www.dailygrail.com/Spirit-World/2012/4/Dancing-Past-the-Dark-eBook-Distressing-NDEs
Admin- Admin
Re: Dancing past the dark
I'm looking forward to reading the book. Such a lot is unknown.
Various spirit communicators such as Silver Birch and Ramadahn comment on what the transition is like but they approach the issue usually through a question. I don't think they give an overall account.
I guess the experience might depend on the state of mind and the faith of the dying person or the person having the NDE.
Various spirit communicators such as Silver Birch and Ramadahn comment on what the transition is like but they approach the issue usually through a question. I don't think they give an overall account.
I guess the experience might depend on the state of mind and the faith of the dying person or the person having the NDE.
Re: Dancing past the dark
Or even the state of the person's soul, Quiet.
Some Christians claim that people who experience negative NDE's are being given a premonition of the fate that's in store for them if they don't accept Jesus, or mend their ways.
As Spiritualists (Christian or not), we should have a problem with the first part. But what about the second? There ARE Spiritualist accounts of an unpleasant place that some discarnate souls go to.
Some Christians claim that people who experience negative NDE's are being given a premonition of the fate that's in store for them if they don't accept Jesus, or mend their ways.
As Spiritualists (Christian or not), we should have a problem with the first part. But what about the second? There ARE Spiritualist accounts of an unpleasant place that some discarnate souls go to.
Left Behind
Re: Dancing past the dark
My husband had a N.D.E and lost all fear of death.
But then again,he had no fear of death.
But then again,he had no fear of death.
Re: Dancing past the dark
Some super images commissioned by Andrew Jackson Davis of DEs from what he saw on 'terminal' wards as a medical student.
NDEs bring some into Spiritualism.
As far as unpleasant places beyond there surely are some but those in them are there from life choices and progressing onwards and upwards.
I also wonder if some don't opt to be in a poor situation immediately after passing until they know better. For sure there are lower order spirits about to pester the unwary or untrained sensitive on this side. Pubs are my bete noir. For every living drunkard propping up the bar there are dozens of low order alko spirits feeding on the negative energies.
Awful places.
Cinemas too for some reason seem to attract the wrong sort.
NDEs bring some into Spiritualism.
As far as unpleasant places beyond there surely are some but those in them are there from life choices and progressing onwards and upwards.
I also wonder if some don't opt to be in a poor situation immediately after passing until they know better. For sure there are lower order spirits about to pester the unwary or untrained sensitive on this side. Pubs are my bete noir. For every living drunkard propping up the bar there are dozens of low order alko spirits feeding on the negative energies.
Awful places.
Cinemas too for some reason seem to attract the wrong sort.
Re: Dancing past the dark
I remember reading a book a good while ago.
(I must get reading again)
On the subject of bad spirit haunting the places they frequented in their physical life.
One of the places mentioned was public houses.
The yearning on the faces of those departed,trying to grasp a glass of alcohol.
So desparate for a drink.
(I must get reading again)
On the subject of bad spirit haunting the places they frequented in their physical life.
One of the places mentioned was public houses.
The yearning on the faces of those departed,trying to grasp a glass of alcohol.
So desparate for a drink.
Re: Dancing past the dark
Admin wrote:A book about distressing NDE's http://www.dailygrail.com/Spirit-World/2012/4/Dancing-Past-the-Dark-eBook-Distressing-NDEs
I read the Kindle sample today. It was interesting but didn't seem to say anything new, the author illustrated that some NDEs are frightening and distressing instead of blissful and happy. I kinda would have expected that, as well as the fact that those experiencing the scarey NDEs would not want to talk about it.
Last edited by Loneblossom on Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : my awesome spelling skills)
Re: Dancing past the dark
Yep some last words can be indicative of trauma.
I remember a reviled bullying ex boss whose departing words to his downtrodden wife were reported, amongst staff; as being...
'Get your foot off my oxygen tube!'
I remember a reviled bullying ex boss whose departing words to his downtrodden wife were reported, amongst staff; as being...
'Get your foot off my oxygen tube!'
Re: Dancing past the dark
petal34 wrote:My husband had a N.D.E and lost all fear of death.
But then again,he had no fear of death.
If he had no fear of death then he couldn't lose it!!
Re: Dancing past the dark
Excuse the pedantry but the subject validates the statement.
One can only lose that which one once possessed George.
I did have hair............
One can only lose that which one once possessed George.
I did have hair............
Re: Dancing past the dark
KatyKing wrote:Excuse the pedantry but the subject validates the statement.
One can only lose that which one once possessed George.
I did have hair............
Wrong analogy- we were talking about fear not hair!
Re: Dancing past the dark
Interesting comments about negative spirits in pubs and cinemas.
This should not be surprising, when we consider the types of emotions that are rife in such places: anger, lust, violent mental imagery, etc., not to mention the intoxicants.
I wonder to what extent these negative spirits feed such emotions TO the living therein, besides feeding ON them?
All my life, I've felt that bars were good places to stay away from.
This should not be surprising, when we consider the types of emotions that are rife in such places: anger, lust, violent mental imagery, etc., not to mention the intoxicants.
I wonder to what extent these negative spirits feed such emotions TO the living therein, besides feeding ON them?
All my life, I've felt that bars were good places to stay away from.
Left Behind
Re: Dancing past the dark
I wonder if they don't feed off drunkards plus somehow influence them. Sort of.... 'Go on have another'.
Cinemas because of all the low calibre violence etc pandering to baser instincts in the audience plus folk are sitting in the dark with their attention focused on a flickering screen.
I do an experiment with first years. Have them watch their favourite TV progamme usually a soap as homework. They have someone time five minutes whikst they make a tick every time the camera angle changes [reinforcing attention]. That can't be done with adverts as there are just too many changes. Gets them thinking about non verbal communication tactics.
Surprising how many mediums say much the same about 'spirit of place' when we get talking. Being sensitive has its downside. Can switch off linking with spirit folk but atmospheres of places are very invasive. I'll not set foot in a pub if I can avoid it which isn't too hard these days thank goodness. Time was to eat ot meant pub grub. These days there's more to choose from. I find restaurants to be spiritually cheery places but then Iove to eat.
Cinemas because of all the low calibre violence etc pandering to baser instincts in the audience plus folk are sitting in the dark with their attention focused on a flickering screen.
I do an experiment with first years. Have them watch their favourite TV progamme usually a soap as homework. They have someone time five minutes whikst they make a tick every time the camera angle changes [reinforcing attention]. That can't be done with adverts as there are just too many changes. Gets them thinking about non verbal communication tactics.
Surprising how many mediums say much the same about 'spirit of place' when we get talking. Being sensitive has its downside. Can switch off linking with spirit folk but atmospheres of places are very invasive. I'll not set foot in a pub if I can avoid it which isn't too hard these days thank goodness. Time was to eat ot meant pub grub. These days there's more to choose from. I find restaurants to be spiritually cheery places but then Iove to eat.
Re: Dancing past the dark
All very interesting but how much is real and not what we have read in some of the more lurid new age psychic material. If you look back at some of the "life on the other side" material it is so contradictory the only thing I am happy to say is what do we really know and whatever we do we get little reliable confirmation. However as mankind we love to take many ideas and tack them all together.
One of the big issues with NDE's is that the researchers really need to be much more scientific with their analysis I bet that all recorded NDE's are not equal that there are key variable that influence the experiences.
One of the big issues with NDE's is that the researchers really need to be much more scientific with their analysis I bet that all recorded NDE's are not equal that there are key variable that influence the experiences.
Last edited by Admin on Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Admin- Admin
Re: Dancing past the dark
To some extent, you could say that all NDE's reported since Dr. Moody's book came out in the 1970's have the potential to be tainted by accounts of NDE's that the experiencer may have read about.
Left Behind
Re: Dancing past the dark
Absolutely true Jim it also explains the explosion of so called "channelling" in various places from the same "communicators" on things like ascension and trans dimensional shifts. People like Dianan Cooper and Jennifer Hoffman start these off and make a mint. Other people read them, many greatly excietd as they are sure they will be amongst the chosen to move to the fifth dimension and then try channelling. Et voila they get similar material as their excieted subconscious fills in the gaps.
Admin- Admin
Re: Dancing past the dark
Back in the Lyceum there was a four fold pledge. You could choose which to sign up for or none. It wasn't compulsory to sign but if you did it was supposedly from life.
They were anti..
Drinking alcohol
Swearing (including oaths on a 'holy' book)
I remember the lessons on abstinence focused on the fact that spirits who pass with cravings for such things still have those cravings in spirit and bring those back with them. So a heavy smoker spirit will latch on to heavy smoker and encourage him to smoke more so that the spirit can enjoy the sensation.
That's how they sold it to us anyway.
Our church was teetotal, you couldn't be a member if you were a drinker. Everybody seemed to smoke though even in church building for socials.
They had things called 'smoking concerts'
They were anti..
Drinking alcohol
Swearing (including oaths on a 'holy' book)
I remember the lessons on abstinence focused on the fact that spirits who pass with cravings for such things still have those cravings in spirit and bring those back with them. So a heavy smoker spirit will latch on to heavy smoker and encourage him to smoke more so that the spirit can enjoy the sensation.
That's how they sold it to us anyway.
Our church was teetotal, you couldn't be a member if you were a drinker. Everybody seemed to smoke though even in church building for socials.
They had things called 'smoking concerts'
Re: Dancing past the dark
I think that really serious study of the NDE phenomenon should give the highest credibility only to those cases where the experiencer was medically prounced "dead". I'm not saying that the other cases are frauds or hallucinations: just that they don't rise to as high a level of evidentiary standards.
Also, I don't put a great deal of faith in these alleged experiences that are submitted to internet forums. I prefer the focus to be on people who are interviewed by people experienced in this area.
Also, I don't put a great deal of faith in these alleged experiences that are submitted to internet forums. I prefer the focus to be on people who are interviewed by people experienced in this area.
Last edited by Left Behind on Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Left Behind
Re: Dancing past the dark
Aye. Interviews plus observation and maybe a questionnaire. Good research needs triangulation to check data captured. Anythig less is n where near as roust.
Re: Dancing past the dark
Having said that, I'm still a believer in the validity of the near-death phenomenon. I think it's given us a lot of evidence about survival.
Also, with the academic credentials of many of its most avid proponents - MD's and PhD's galore - it strikes a responsive chord in many who wouldn't give mediums a second glance.
Also, with the academic credentials of many of its most avid proponents - MD's and PhD's galore - it strikes a responsive chord in many who wouldn't give mediums a second glance.
Left Behind
Re: Dancing past the dark
Left Behind wrote:Having said that, I'm still a believer in the validity of the near-death phenomenon. I think it's given us a lot of evidence about survival.
Also, with the academic credentials of many of its most avid proponents - MD's and PhD's galore - it strikes a responsive chord in many who wouldn't give mediums a second glance.
Near death experiences are exactly that 'near death' - they do not demonstrate survival. Only death experiences relayed from the Other Side can do that.
Re: Dancing past the dark
zerdini wrote:Left Behind wrote:Having said that, I'm still a believer in the validity of the near-death phenomenon. I think it's given us a lot of evidence about survival.
Also, with the academic credentials of many of its most avid proponents - MD's and PhD's galore - it strikes a responsive chord in many who wouldn't give mediums a second glance.
Near death experiences are exactly that 'near death' - they do not demonstrate survival. Only death experiences relayed from the Other Side can do that.
Many reported near-death experiences come from people who have been pronounced clinically dead. They tell similar stories of having gone to a place similar to earth, but more beautiful, and of meeting deceased friends and relatives, who have somehow aged up-to or down-to the prime of their lives. They tell of their lives being reviewed and evaluated, and of requesting or being ordered to return to their earthly life. They often should be suffering from brain damage when they rescuscitate, but aren't: in fact, are often inexplicably cured of whatever they died from in the first place.
Sounds evidentiary of a life beyond, to me.
Left Behind
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