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Why aren't more members posting?

Left Behind
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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:06 pm

Seems as though lately it's been Katy King, Admin Jim, Quiet, and myself. Question


Left Behind

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:12 pm

Maybe its something we said.

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:22 pm

But at least we're talking! Very Happy


Left Behind

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:40 pm

Maybe there's some super dooper other website we don't know about.
I' happy enough on this one. Nice class of posters and no obvious nut cases.

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by mac Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:58 pm

KatyKing wrote:Maybe its something we said.

Maybe you're not saying the right things to encourage more contributions? Laughing

Seriously, though, there are only so many subjects that can be discussed without repetition or deviation - sounds like the rules of 'Just a Minute'!

On a personal level I'm tired - even a little bored - of the same, old same-old and I'm taking a literary break until something new, or something less visited, comes up.


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by mac Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:04 pm

As a further thought, we have another Spiritualism-focused website and I contribute to other websites where Spiritualism is simply another forum, often with few contributors or visitors there.

Without new topics, or without new seekers, it's all-too-easy to run out of stuff to discuss....


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:11 pm

I thought there must be other spiritualist websites but am new to all this.
Where is it at mac?

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by _Leslie_ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:14 pm

I've been making the occasional posts - but have enjoyed reading more of the replies and information posted by others.... That's the nature of forums... some lurk, some shirk and some spurt Wink

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:18 pm

How are things in Wales Les?
Are they keeping you busy over there?

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by _Leslie_ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:48 pm

Hi Peter, Dark and gloomy here in the land of dragons and castles Wink
Quite busy at the moment - took over as our Churches booking sec about four months ago - which I actually enjoy! Had a number of private reading this week - which I also enjoy!! And... had an amazing time at my weekly circle (closed).... I'm very new to trance mediumship, and slowly... slowly... slowly... developing (so any tips advice, or help from you lot reading this - would be gratefully appreciated Wink ).

How about you? Good week?

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:31 pm

Busy last week thirteen sittings at tea with Spirit and a few one to ones at church. Colleague at work off sick so covered her evening class hence worked four six to nines and had to cancel my Weds sittings here at home. She was in work yesterday so hoping all back to normal next week.
Trance is hard work. Gives me a raging headache so I don't do it so much now. Over shadowing is as far as I go these days but they like that and Joanna is a strong guide so she's OK with limited resources from me. Robert on here with White Feather is your man for trance tips. He's possIbly the best trance medium bringing philosophy still working in UK today.
I've never heard anything but praise for his work.
Jack Corbett the trance medium's trance medium was a life member of our church here. He's passed now.

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by KatyKing Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:36 pm

Jack works with Stephen Wakeling who has
Steve is more of a mental medium though. You can see clips of him working on that site.

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by _Leslie_ Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:39 pm

Thanks Peter - will take a look.

Hoping to see Robert this year and of course try to book him for here in the land of castles and dragons.

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Quiet Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:19 pm

This forum is very interesting but in my time of reading and participation it hasn't had huge numbers of people posting.

I've learned quite a bit here but I like feeling some kind of kinship with people who share some of the same beliefs and principles.

I have missed hiorta in recent weeks and hope that he is well.


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:10 pm

mac wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Maybe its something we said.

Maybe you're not saying the right things to encourage more contributions? Laughing

Seriously, though, there are only so many subjects that can be discussed without repetition or deviation - sounds like the rules of 'Just a Minute'!

On a personal level I'm tired - even a little bored - of the same, old same-old and I'm taking a literary break until something new, or something less visited, comes up.

Ah, then, Mac: we'll have to come up with something new, to titillate your fancy! Smile


Left Behind

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Left Behind Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:11 pm

Quiet wrote:This forum is very interesting but in my time of reading and participation it hasn't had huge numbers of people posting.

I've learned quite a bit here but I like feeling some kind of kinship with people who share some of the same beliefs and principles.

I have missed hiorta in recent weeks and hope that he is well.

I miss him also. Does anyone have any news on Hiorta? Neutral


Left Behind

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Quiet Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:43 pm

I can see he was here today around 7.30am our time. So he is all right

Jim, by clicking on the members list at the top of the forum you can also see a list of those members who have visited the forum most recently.


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by mac Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:16 am

Left Behind wrote:
mac wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Maybe its something we said.

Maybe you're not saying the right things to encourage more contributions? Laughing

Seriously, though, there are only so many subjects that can be discussed without repetition or deviation - sounds like the rules of 'Just a Minute'!

On a personal level I'm tired - even a little bored - of the same, old same-old and I'm taking a literary break until something new, or something less visited, comes up.

Ah, then, Mac: we'll have to come up with something new, to titillate your fancy! Smile


I shall look forward to that, Jim.... Smile


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Deluded...

Post by wccthethird Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:06 pm

KatyKing wrote:Maybe there's some super dooper other website we don't know about.
I' happy enough on this one. Nice class of posters and no obvious nut cases.

Maybe you are full of your own pissing importance, and nobody else needs bother??

Set of deluded, non-entities rubbishing people they have not had the decency to sit with before pouring forth your venom. No wonder there are so few contributors javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Wes Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:40 pm

wccthethird wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Maybe there's some super dooper other website we don't know about.
I' happy enough on this one. Nice class of posters and no obvious nut cases.

Maybe you are full of your own pissing importance, and nobody else needs bother??

Set of deluded, non-entities rubbishing people they have not had the decency to sit with before pouring forth your venom. No wonder there are so few contributors javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')

WC, I notice that in two of your earlier posts, you have been quite critical of David Thompson's abilities, does that mean you have had the decency to sit with him
before pouring forth your own venom?

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Loneblossom Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:49 pm

wccthethird wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Maybe there's some super dooper other website we don't know about.
I' happy enough on this one. Nice class of posters and no obvious nut cases.

Maybe you are full of your own pissing importance, and nobody else needs bother??

Set of deluded, non-entities rubbishing people they have not had the decency to sit with before pouring forth your venom. No wonder there are so few contributors javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')

That's not a nice way to put your point across, is it?

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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by mac Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:04 pm

wccthethird wrote:
KatyKing wrote:Maybe there's some super dooper other website we don't know about.
I' happy enough on this one. Nice class of posters and no obvious nut cases.

Maybe you are full of your own pissing importance, and nobody else needs bother??

Set of deluded, non-entities rubbishing people they have not had the decency to sit with before pouring forth your venom. No wonder there are so few contributors javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')javascript:emoticonp('Rolling Eyes')

wcthethird? Perhaps that's why you have a mouth like a wc......

It's bad netiquette, offensive and against forum rules to personally attack members as you have. Attack what others say, the weak points they may make and that's fine but personal attacks are not. That's a principle I apply routinely to my contributions.

If you can't challenge ideas without offensive remarks, then you shouldn't write at all.


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by skfarblum Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:11 am

I do have a suggestion.Make a safe corner ,where no challenges allowed.
People can post spiritual ideas ,experiences,stories in safety and feel they
won't be subjected to ridicule or any criticism.


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by bravo321uk Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:20 am

Well my reason for not posting is a simple one,,,,, there is so much here to read Smile


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Why aren't more members posting? Empty Re: Why aren't more members posting?

Post by Loneblossom Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:10 am

skfarblum wrote:I do have a suggestion.Make a safe corner ,where no challenges allowed.
People can post spiritual ideas ,experiences,stories in safety and feel they
won't be subjected to ridicule or any criticism.

I must say that I feel a little bit intimidated to post things as I'm new to the subject and fear criticism from others of my lack of knowledge and experience or differing opinions and thoughts. But maybe that's just me. I can be a bit of a scaredy cat at times.

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