Dunfermline ASK update 2012
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Dunfermline ASK update 2012
Dunfermline Ask.
Association of Spiritualists (DASK)
We are a Scottish Charity, Registered in Scotland N0 SC035437
Touch Community Centre 30 Mercer Place Touch KY11 4UG
MAP LINK http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=KY11_4UG
We have forum and chat room at http://www.voy.com/225276/
Please look at this link for our web page at Fife Council
Visiting Mediums For Sunday Divine Services at 6-30pm prompt within Touch Community Centre KY11 4UG
These were correct at time of publishing and may be subject to change please look in for updates and in the Dunfermline Press . Please look in on our sites here and on Jocks Blog . There are brochures and posters available at Touch
Jocks Blog http://jockmcarthur.wordpress.com/
For our guest book & comments please click on this link and leave your message, opens in another window
Patron Lord John J McArthur Lord of Glencoe
Please scroll down this page for information on events and visiting Mediums at Touch Community Centre KY114UG
email: secretary@dunfermlineask.co.uk
(Jock’s mobile) 07866024607
Our Office Address for inquiries and information
General Secretary
Dunfermline ASK
5 Mowbray House
Main St Halbeath
Dunfermline Fife Scotland KY11 8EE
List of our directors as requested and responsibilities at April 2011
Jock McArthur – Chairperson, General Secretary/Booking Secretary, Groups Tutor, Approved Healer
Kerry McLeod - Vice Chairperson /Admin Secretary/Groups Tutor / Trainee Healer also available for private consultations at Touch
Helen McArthur – Treasurer
Liz Bain - Approved Healer/Catering Manager/Fundraiser
Jim Mc Arthur – Financial Consultant
June Stein - Membership Secretary/Hall Manager/ Approved Healer
Derek Rough -Merchandising Officer/ Approved Healer & Healing Group Leader
Update on groups
Hello folks on Thursday the 12th January our groups restarted after the festive break and it was a pleasant surprise at the turnout with a dozen people attending the awareness class many for the first time. We had a great night with a bit of humor flung in. The patrons enjoyed them-selves including myself in spite of my ongoing chest and breathing problems which are slowly on th...e mend. Unfortunately I have cancelled the Trance workshop at the end on the month due to the amount of notice we have to give the council. We cannot cancel at the last minute and although I am on the mend it was prudent for me to cancel early to avoid disappointment. I apologize for this however I will arrange a date for later on in the year please look in on our site at www.dunfermlineask.co.uk for updates or look at http://jockmcarthur.com/
We are a progressive organization and with the members moving up from the awareness group into the development group run by Kerry leaves room for more new enquirers to attend the awareness class. There is no need to be a member to attend the awareness class patrons only need to be over 16 and attend promptly at 7pm on a Thursday night. L&L Jock
The open awareness/development group is on Thursdays at 7pm prompt with Jock McArthur DASK (MTH&C) no need to be a member all are welcome (if you are over 16 yrs old) just come along and join in. Jock has a vast knowledge of spiritual matters and Jock has worked in churches and centres all over the country
Jock teaches in a light and humorous manner and this will give you a platform for future work. You will not be building a house of cards you will build on a strong foundation ready to go on to work with your helpers and inspirers in many forms.
The Development group is also on Thursdays with Kerry McLeod DASK (MT&C) and is on every week at 7pm Members are by invitation only, this group will take you to the platform and beyond.
Kerry will help you find where your talent and forte lies. Kerry works on the platform and teaches around the Country and has even worked abroad as well.
Our dedicated healing group is with Dunfermline Ask Healers DASK(H )and is led by Derek Rough our Healing Group Tutor and is held after the Sunday Service all are welcome and after the Thursday group by appointment only (Trance Healing with Jock). Students are by invitation only
List of our Healing Channelers with our Healing Group at Jan 2012
Derek Rough Approved Healer& Healing Group Leader
Liz Bain Approved Healer
Jock McArthur Approved Healer
June Stein Approved Healer
Marshall Reid Approved Healer
Teresa Hughes Approved Healer
Kerry McLeod, Hazel Dorey & Paula Skelton Trainee Healers
Enquires please phone mob. No 07866024607
secretary@dunfermlinask.co.uk Our website www.dunfermlineask.co.uk
Dunfermline ASK Visiting Mediums at Touch 2012
Feb 5 Cally Forbes from Kirkcaldy
12 Lorna Jones from Edinburgh
19 Stephen Burns from Edinburgh
26 Alison Cobb from Arbroath
March 4 Jacqueline Cree from Cumnock
11 Ruth Thompson from Glenrothes
18 Joyce Wells from Falkirk
25 Tom Johnston from Beith
April 1 Glynis Dally from Edinburgh
8 Margaret Ratteray from Perth
15 Ricky Martin from Glasgow
22 Lorna Irvine from Arbroath
29 Fraser McGowan from Glasgow
May 6 May Holiday
13 David Wilson from Edinburgh
20 Isabel Hill from Glenrothes
27 Linda Buchan from Stirling
June 3 Alice McCallum from Kirkcaldy
10 William McFadzean from Ayr
17 Moira Heliwell from Evanton the Black Isle
24 Dunfermline Ask Mediums & Kerry McLeod Social to follow
July 1 Richard Stibbles from Perth
8 Tilda Wilson from Cowdenbeath
15 Gary Robertson from Alloa
22 Tom Johnston from Beith
29 Lorna Jones from Edinburgh
Aug 5 Sean Szalc from Falirk
12 Linda Buchan from Stirling
19 Moira Heliwell from Evanton
26 Ricky Martin from Glasgow
Sep 2 Stephen Burns from Edinburgh
9 Alison Cobb from Arbroath
16 Hazel Blair Glenrothes
23 Ruth Thompson from Glenrothes
30 Joyce Wells from Falkirk
Oct 7 Joyce Campbell from Edinburgh
14 Glynis Dally from Edinburgh
21 Margaret Ratteray from Perth
28 Lorna Irvine from Arbroath
Nov 4 William McFadzean from Ayr
11 Fraser McGowan Glasgow
18 David Wilson from Edinburgh
25 Alice McCallum from Kirkcaldy
Dec 2 Isabel Hill from Glenrothes
9 Sean Szalc from Falkirk
16 Dunfermline ASK Mediums & Kerry McLeod Social to Follow
Mediums list can alter as circumstances change please allow for this and look in on our websites
Visiting mediums and public if you have any queries of any kind please contact us at mob no 07866024607
(Jock’s mobile) 07866024607
Special Events in 2012 at Touch Community Centre KY11 4UG Dunfermline ASK.
We are a Scottish Charity, Registered in Scotland N0 SC035437
Grand Open-day
Sat 25th February 10am to 4pm Everyone is Welcome Free Entry
Private Readings all day with Kerry McLeod from Dunfermline, Lorna Jones from Edinburgh , Joyce Campbell from Edinburgh and Robert Adamson from Grangemouth all at £20 per half hour. Mini readings with DASK mediums £5 for 15 minutes, gift shop (with new stock) and a warm cup of soothing tea available. Healing all day with DASK (H) & Derek
All are Welcome No Entry Fee
Within Touch Community Centre 30 Mercer Place Touch KY11 4UG
Enquires phone Mob. No 07866024607 Email address secretary@dunfermlinask.co.uk
Our Web Site www.dunfermlineask.co.uk
See more
Saturday 21st April 10am to 4pmOpen Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry Please contact June
Saturday 25th August 1oam to 4pm Open Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry Please contact June
Saturday 29th Sep 10am to 5pm Introductory Numerology Workshop with Ingrid Bernidson from Sweden £25
All are Welcome. Please contact Kerry to book your place
Saturday 27th October 10am to 4pm Grand Open Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry All proceeds to children in need
Please contact June
Full details to follow please remember circumstances can alter beyond our control so please look in now and then for updates on these and future events
Our Office Address for inquiries and information
General Secretary
Dunfermline ASK
5 Mowbray House
Main St Halbeath
Dunfermline Fife Scotland KY11 8EE
For our guest book & comments please click on this link and leave your message, opens in another window
November Sat 26th Grand Open Day 10 am to 4pm Free Entry
We had an open day today at Touch Community Centre and it was splendid indeed Marina Howison-hood baked beautiful scones and angel cakes all free to delight of the children who were there and this in turn rubbed of on the mediums who all gave beautiful readings. The members of our groups did encaustic art which went well with a dozen patrons having readings, some for the first time and were amazed... at the results. Our dedicated healing group had a busy time and made a lot of people very happy indeed. We run these events to augment our divine services and healing which are free and run at a loss. However that is not the main reason we do them, these events bring in people who would not dream of visiting a divine service, they will now. L&L Jock
Dunfermline ASK is a non denominational organization which promotes Spiritualism through Divine Services every Sunday, Demonstrations of Clairvoyance, Spiritual Healing, Private Consultations, Workshops, Open Days Trance & physical, and other types of mediumship, some of which are open to the public at various times through the year.
Many of our events are held at the Community Centre in Mercer Place, Touch, Dunfermline KY11 4UG, however our mediums will be demonstrating at various venues throughout Fife and Scotland.
As with many Spiritualist Organizations we have adopted the seven principles of Emma Britten.
If you have a problem of a spiritualist nature please contact us, confidence is assured
Psychics and Mediums
Most people think that a psychic is also a medium or vice versa. However, these two terms are totally different from one another. If you want to get the services of a psychic or a medium, you have to know their different capabilities in order to get accurate insights into the spiritual world.
First of all, a medium has psychic abilities but not all psychics are capable of becoming mediums.
A medium can directly communicate with the spirits in the afterlife. This special ability can not be performed by a psychic.
A medium serves as a channel between the world of the living and the afterlife to prove survival, give spiritual healing and give hope eternal to the bereaved and this is beyond the abilities of any psychic.
On the other hand, a psychic might foretell the future by using several ways. For example, a psychic might provide insights for you concerning relationships, career, money, or love by reading your aura or energy.
A medium can foresee these things or future events however will not pass it on to a recipient except on very general terms . Mediums are not allowed to direct a recipients life in any way shape or form
A medium reads the messages from the spirits in the afterlife. This means the reader will just transmit to the sitter the messages or signals from the spiritual world.
In contrast, a psychic reads your aura and the presence that could influence your future. This means that a psychic directly interacts with the sitter and will not be able to contact the spirits at all.
In most cases, a psychic can commercialize his or her abilities.
This is rarely seen among mediums because they can lose their ability to communicate with the spirits if they commercialize their services beyond what is necessary for their well being.
A psychic and a medium are different from each other. Just remember that a psychic reads your aura to foretell your future while a medium reads messages from the spirit world.
Dunfermline Ask. (Association of Spiritualists & Kindred Spirits.)
These guidelines are offered to visiting mediums, taking our divine service.
to outline the expectation of Dunfermline ASK and is also for new enquirers information to the format and order of service.
If you require more information or help of a spiritualist nature especially healing please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are aware that mediums offer their time and effort to work with spirit, to provide support
and proof of existence after the physical death to patrons
However we also acknowledge that this work should be carried out with dignity, honesty
and professionalism. Therefore we would request that all mediums taking to the platform,
be dressed suitably attired for a divine service. This will involve no jeans or trainers etc.
Gentlemen please remember your tie.
Visiting mediums should feel free to bring novices by prior arrangement.
The Order of the divine service will be in the following format:
- First Hymn will be chosen by medium from our hymn book
- Opening prayer (Please ensure that this is not a religious instruction, as we are
a multi denominational organisation and respect all faiths.)
- Healing minute, flower dedication and reading by one of our members. .
- Second Hymn chosen by medium from our hymn book.
- Address and philosophy by medium on a suitable topic. This should ideally consider the
previous hymn, the reading and observe the seven principles which we subscribe to.
This should not be an opportunity to offer any personal views on politics,
of any specific religion or organisation.
- Short meditation for congregation
- Mediums will be invited to offer clairvoyance to the congregation.
- Clairvoyance should be offered from the platform. In order that a respectful distance is
maintained from the congregation, mediums are requested not leave the platform at any point
during the service. Patrons’ wishes are to be respected at all times. If a recipient refuses a message
or part of a message twice, it should not be pursued for a third time. We understand some messages
may contain medical information, however this must be delivered in general terms, no diagnosis
or medical advice can be offered, other than referring the recipient to seek advice from their
own doctor. Mediums prove the evidence of survival and are not fortune tellers.
However there are times when a medium may ask the recipient to hold onto a piece of information.
This will normally be to provide the recipient with further proof beyond the service.
- Closing prayer (please ensure that this is not a religious instruction, as we are a multi
denominational organisation and respect all faiths.)
Thank-you Patron Lord John J McArthur Lord of Glencoe
Association of Spiritualists (DASK)
We are a Scottish Charity, Registered in Scotland N0 SC035437
Touch Community Centre 30 Mercer Place Touch KY11 4UG
MAP LINK http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=KY11_4UG
We have forum and chat room at http://www.voy.com/225276/
Please look at this link for our web page at Fife Council
Visiting Mediums For Sunday Divine Services at 6-30pm prompt within Touch Community Centre KY11 4UG
These were correct at time of publishing and may be subject to change please look in for updates and in the Dunfermline Press . Please look in on our sites here and on Jocks Blog . There are brochures and posters available at Touch
Jocks Blog http://jockmcarthur.wordpress.com/
For our guest book & comments please click on this link and leave your message, opens in another window
Patron Lord John J McArthur Lord of Glencoe
Please scroll down this page for information on events and visiting Mediums at Touch Community Centre KY114UG
email: secretary@dunfermlineask.co.uk
(Jock’s mobile) 07866024607
Our Office Address for inquiries and information
General Secretary
Dunfermline ASK
5 Mowbray House
Main St Halbeath
Dunfermline Fife Scotland KY11 8EE
List of our directors as requested and responsibilities at April 2011
Jock McArthur – Chairperson, General Secretary/Booking Secretary, Groups Tutor, Approved Healer
Kerry McLeod - Vice Chairperson /Admin Secretary/Groups Tutor / Trainee Healer also available for private consultations at Touch
Helen McArthur – Treasurer
Liz Bain - Approved Healer/Catering Manager/Fundraiser
Jim Mc Arthur – Financial Consultant
June Stein - Membership Secretary/Hall Manager/ Approved Healer
Derek Rough -Merchandising Officer/ Approved Healer & Healing Group Leader
Update on groups
Hello folks on Thursday the 12th January our groups restarted after the festive break and it was a pleasant surprise at the turnout with a dozen people attending the awareness class many for the first time. We had a great night with a bit of humor flung in. The patrons enjoyed them-selves including myself in spite of my ongoing chest and breathing problems which are slowly on th...e mend. Unfortunately I have cancelled the Trance workshop at the end on the month due to the amount of notice we have to give the council. We cannot cancel at the last minute and although I am on the mend it was prudent for me to cancel early to avoid disappointment. I apologize for this however I will arrange a date for later on in the year please look in on our site at www.dunfermlineask.co.uk for updates or look at http://jockmcarthur.com/
We are a progressive organization and with the members moving up from the awareness group into the development group run by Kerry leaves room for more new enquirers to attend the awareness class. There is no need to be a member to attend the awareness class patrons only need to be over 16 and attend promptly at 7pm on a Thursday night. L&L Jock
The open awareness/development group is on Thursdays at 7pm prompt with Jock McArthur DASK (MTH&C) no need to be a member all are welcome (if you are over 16 yrs old) just come along and join in. Jock has a vast knowledge of spiritual matters and Jock has worked in churches and centres all over the country
Jock teaches in a light and humorous manner and this will give you a platform for future work. You will not be building a house of cards you will build on a strong foundation ready to go on to work with your helpers and inspirers in many forms.
The Development group is also on Thursdays with Kerry McLeod DASK (MT&C) and is on every week at 7pm Members are by invitation only, this group will take you to the platform and beyond.
Kerry will help you find where your talent and forte lies. Kerry works on the platform and teaches around the Country and has even worked abroad as well.
Our dedicated healing group is with Dunfermline Ask Healers DASK(H )and is led by Derek Rough our Healing Group Tutor and is held after the Sunday Service all are welcome and after the Thursday group by appointment only (Trance Healing with Jock). Students are by invitation only
List of our Healing Channelers with our Healing Group at Jan 2012
Derek Rough Approved Healer& Healing Group Leader
Liz Bain Approved Healer
Jock McArthur Approved Healer
June Stein Approved Healer
Marshall Reid Approved Healer
Teresa Hughes Approved Healer
Kerry McLeod, Hazel Dorey & Paula Skelton Trainee Healers
Enquires please phone mob. No 07866024607
secretary@dunfermlinask.co.uk Our website www.dunfermlineask.co.uk
Dunfermline ASK Visiting Mediums at Touch 2012
Feb 5 Cally Forbes from Kirkcaldy
12 Lorna Jones from Edinburgh
19 Stephen Burns from Edinburgh
26 Alison Cobb from Arbroath
March 4 Jacqueline Cree from Cumnock
11 Ruth Thompson from Glenrothes
18 Joyce Wells from Falkirk
25 Tom Johnston from Beith
April 1 Glynis Dally from Edinburgh
8 Margaret Ratteray from Perth
15 Ricky Martin from Glasgow
22 Lorna Irvine from Arbroath
29 Fraser McGowan from Glasgow
May 6 May Holiday
13 David Wilson from Edinburgh
20 Isabel Hill from Glenrothes
27 Linda Buchan from Stirling
June 3 Alice McCallum from Kirkcaldy
10 William McFadzean from Ayr
17 Moira Heliwell from Evanton the Black Isle
24 Dunfermline Ask Mediums & Kerry McLeod Social to follow
July 1 Richard Stibbles from Perth
8 Tilda Wilson from Cowdenbeath
15 Gary Robertson from Alloa
22 Tom Johnston from Beith
29 Lorna Jones from Edinburgh
Aug 5 Sean Szalc from Falirk
12 Linda Buchan from Stirling
19 Moira Heliwell from Evanton
26 Ricky Martin from Glasgow
Sep 2 Stephen Burns from Edinburgh
9 Alison Cobb from Arbroath
16 Hazel Blair Glenrothes
23 Ruth Thompson from Glenrothes
30 Joyce Wells from Falkirk
Oct 7 Joyce Campbell from Edinburgh
14 Glynis Dally from Edinburgh
21 Margaret Ratteray from Perth
28 Lorna Irvine from Arbroath
Nov 4 William McFadzean from Ayr
11 Fraser McGowan Glasgow
18 David Wilson from Edinburgh
25 Alice McCallum from Kirkcaldy
Dec 2 Isabel Hill from Glenrothes
9 Sean Szalc from Falkirk
16 Dunfermline ASK Mediums & Kerry McLeod Social to Follow
Mediums list can alter as circumstances change please allow for this and look in on our websites
Visiting mediums and public if you have any queries of any kind please contact us at mob no 07866024607
(Jock’s mobile) 07866024607
Special Events in 2012 at Touch Community Centre KY11 4UG Dunfermline ASK.
We are a Scottish Charity, Registered in Scotland N0 SC035437
Grand Open-day
Sat 25th February 10am to 4pm Everyone is Welcome Free Entry
Private Readings all day with Kerry McLeod from Dunfermline, Lorna Jones from Edinburgh , Joyce Campbell from Edinburgh and Robert Adamson from Grangemouth all at £20 per half hour. Mini readings with DASK mediums £5 for 15 minutes, gift shop (with new stock) and a warm cup of soothing tea available. Healing all day with DASK (H) & Derek
All are Welcome No Entry Fee
Within Touch Community Centre 30 Mercer Place Touch KY11 4UG
Enquires phone Mob. No 07866024607 Email address secretary@dunfermlinask.co.uk
Our Web Site www.dunfermlineask.co.uk
See more
Saturday 21st April 10am to 4pmOpen Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry Please contact June
Saturday 25th August 1oam to 4pm Open Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry Please contact June
Saturday 29th Sep 10am to 5pm Introductory Numerology Workshop with Ingrid Bernidson from Sweden £25
All are Welcome. Please contact Kerry to book your place
Saturday 27th October 10am to 4pm Grand Open Day With Visiting Mediums & Kerry All proceeds to children in need
Please contact June
Full details to follow please remember circumstances can alter beyond our control so please look in now and then for updates on these and future events
Our Office Address for inquiries and information
General Secretary
Dunfermline ASK
5 Mowbray House
Main St Halbeath
Dunfermline Fife Scotland KY11 8EE
For our guest book & comments please click on this link and leave your message, opens in another window
November Sat 26th Grand Open Day 10 am to 4pm Free Entry
We had an open day today at Touch Community Centre and it was splendid indeed Marina Howison-hood baked beautiful scones and angel cakes all free to delight of the children who were there and this in turn rubbed of on the mediums who all gave beautiful readings. The members of our groups did encaustic art which went well with a dozen patrons having readings, some for the first time and were amazed... at the results. Our dedicated healing group had a busy time and made a lot of people very happy indeed. We run these events to augment our divine services and healing which are free and run at a loss. However that is not the main reason we do them, these events bring in people who would not dream of visiting a divine service, they will now. L&L Jock
Dunfermline ASK is a non denominational organization which promotes Spiritualism through Divine Services every Sunday, Demonstrations of Clairvoyance, Spiritual Healing, Private Consultations, Workshops, Open Days Trance & physical, and other types of mediumship, some of which are open to the public at various times through the year.
Many of our events are held at the Community Centre in Mercer Place, Touch, Dunfermline KY11 4UG, however our mediums will be demonstrating at various venues throughout Fife and Scotland.
As with many Spiritualist Organizations we have adopted the seven principles of Emma Britten.
If you have a problem of a spiritualist nature please contact us, confidence is assured
Psychics and Mediums
Most people think that a psychic is also a medium or vice versa. However, these two terms are totally different from one another. If you want to get the services of a psychic or a medium, you have to know their different capabilities in order to get accurate insights into the spiritual world.
First of all, a medium has psychic abilities but not all psychics are capable of becoming mediums.
A medium can directly communicate with the spirits in the afterlife. This special ability can not be performed by a psychic.
A medium serves as a channel between the world of the living and the afterlife to prove survival, give spiritual healing and give hope eternal to the bereaved and this is beyond the abilities of any psychic.
On the other hand, a psychic might foretell the future by using several ways. For example, a psychic might provide insights for you concerning relationships, career, money, or love by reading your aura or energy.
A medium can foresee these things or future events however will not pass it on to a recipient except on very general terms . Mediums are not allowed to direct a recipients life in any way shape or form
A medium reads the messages from the spirits in the afterlife. This means the reader will just transmit to the sitter the messages or signals from the spiritual world.
In contrast, a psychic reads your aura and the presence that could influence your future. This means that a psychic directly interacts with the sitter and will not be able to contact the spirits at all.
In most cases, a psychic can commercialize his or her abilities.
This is rarely seen among mediums because they can lose their ability to communicate with the spirits if they commercialize their services beyond what is necessary for their well being.
A psychic and a medium are different from each other. Just remember that a psychic reads your aura to foretell your future while a medium reads messages from the spirit world.
Dunfermline Ask. (Association of Spiritualists & Kindred Spirits.)
These guidelines are offered to visiting mediums, taking our divine service.
to outline the expectation of Dunfermline ASK and is also for new enquirers information to the format and order of service.
If you require more information or help of a spiritualist nature especially healing please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are aware that mediums offer their time and effort to work with spirit, to provide support
and proof of existence after the physical death to patrons
However we also acknowledge that this work should be carried out with dignity, honesty
and professionalism. Therefore we would request that all mediums taking to the platform,
be dressed suitably attired for a divine service. This will involve no jeans or trainers etc.
Gentlemen please remember your tie.
Visiting mediums should feel free to bring novices by prior arrangement.
The Order of the divine service will be in the following format:
- First Hymn will be chosen by medium from our hymn book
- Opening prayer (Please ensure that this is not a religious instruction, as we are
a multi denominational organisation and respect all faiths.)
- Healing minute, flower dedication and reading by one of our members. .
- Second Hymn chosen by medium from our hymn book.
- Address and philosophy by medium on a suitable topic. This should ideally consider the
previous hymn, the reading and observe the seven principles which we subscribe to.
This should not be an opportunity to offer any personal views on politics,
of any specific religion or organisation.
- Short meditation for congregation
- Mediums will be invited to offer clairvoyance to the congregation.
- Clairvoyance should be offered from the platform. In order that a respectful distance is
maintained from the congregation, mediums are requested not leave the platform at any point
during the service. Patrons’ wishes are to be respected at all times. If a recipient refuses a message
or part of a message twice, it should not be pursued for a third time. We understand some messages
may contain medical information, however this must be delivered in general terms, no diagnosis
or medical advice can be offered, other than referring the recipient to seek advice from their
own doctor. Mediums prove the evidence of survival and are not fortune tellers.
However there are times when a medium may ask the recipient to hold onto a piece of information.
This will normally be to provide the recipient with further proof beyond the service.
- Closing prayer (please ensure that this is not a religious instruction, as we are a multi
denominational organisation and respect all faiths.)
Thank-you Patron Lord John J McArthur Lord of Glencoe
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