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Sceptics dream of world without woo-woo

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Sceptics dream of world without woo-woo Empty Sceptics dream of world without woo-woo

Post by Admin Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:01 pm

Good new piece by Roy in Paranormal Review


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Sceptics dream of world without woo-woo Empty Re: Sceptics dream of world without woo-woo

Post by hiorta Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:50 pm

Once upon a time it was Religionists who adopted uninformed stances to 'debunk' ideas of the possibility of paranormal activity, a sort of a different branch of mumbo-jumbo clashing with an newcoming upstart.

Now science itself, that edifice of solid, marbled intellect, that has taken to attacking ideas that some minds cannot even consider possible.

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