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Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:41 pm

I have heard many many times different mediums say the spirit world see us all the time this bothers me a great deal and I have often put it to spirit. I don't think they see us all the time, I think just like we have difficulty seeing them, wouldn't they in the other world have difficulty seeing us.. It is said that the other world, spirit atmosphere vibrates at a much higher frequency and speed, how can they see us all the time if this is the case. John Campbell Sloan once said at a seance, or the controlling spirit said, a dark fog covers your world I would agree with this.

It doesn't fit for me when medium's say the spirit world see's us all the time, I think just like we have to make an effort to see/experience the other world, wouldn't it be right in saying they would have to do the same.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this make more sense.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Quiet Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:26 am

An interesting question Smile. A teacher once said she thought that Spirit 'bump into us' from time to time. I don't know.

I read somewhere in Ramadahn or Silver Birch that Spirit is connected to us by throught.

A couple of times in my development class I]ve had experiences where my teacher fed back to the group a couple of words, images which were explicit to me and which had been in my thoughts that morrning. I knew then that someone in the spirit world was definitely connected with me but in a loving way. I knew that I was not alone. That was comforting at the time.

Those we love and who love us are connected by threads of light but I suspect it may be more oriented to thought.

Hope you get responses from others. I can't think that Spirit would be constantly interested in every mundane thing we do, however Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:07 am

Quiet wrote:An interesting question Smile. A teacher once said she thought that Spirit 'bump into us' from time to time. I don't know.

I read somewhere in Ramadahn or Silver Birch that Spirit is connected to us by throught.

A couple of times in my development class I]ve had experiences where my teacher fed back to the group a couple of words, images which were explicit to me and which had been in my thoughts that morrning. I knew then that someone in the spirit world was definitely connected with me but in a loving way. I knew that I was not alone. That was comforting at the time.

Those we love and who love us are connected by threads of light but I suspect it may be more oriented to thought.

Hope you get responses from others. I can't think that Spirit would be constantly interested in every mundane thing we do, however Smile

Good point quiet, it's a question that gets me all the time Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by zerdini Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:38 am

Our spirit friends are only a thought away so it is not necessary to be round us all the time.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:08 am

zerdini wrote:Our spirit friends are only a thought away so it is not necessary to be round us all the time.

This I understand z but have often wondered do the other world find it difficult to establish communcation with our side, I know many factors can affect communication or rapport with our friends on the higher side, Gordon Higginson use to say thunderstorms can affect contact. I wonder how they see our world, in the case of Mrs Piper, her controls said they see her body as an empty shell filled with light. "A medium, "said Phinuit " is for us a lighthouse, while you, non-mediums are as though you did not exist. But every little while we see you as if you were in dark apartments lighted by a kind of little windows which are the mediums." How wonderful that is Smile

I wonder do our spirit friends see us as light, depending on our spiritual progress here on earth, perhaps some of us shine brighter to them. Our spirit-self is the real medium, not the physicality.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Admin Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:43 am

Interesting Azur I believe that those in Spirit have to adjust to communicating with us in the same way a medium learns there work. Albeit it may be easier on their side. When working I often find that if someone is recently passed over then another family member steps in to start the message off and help to get the vibrations right. Sadly because this is not the person the bereaved wants to hear from all too often they dissmiss the message and as a result the communication fails

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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:16 am

Admin wrote:Interesting Azur I believe that those in Spirit have to adjust to communicating with us in the same way a medium learns there work. Albeit it may be easier on their side. When working I often find that if someone is recently passed over then another family member steps in to start the message off and help to get the vibrations right. Sadly because this is not the person the bereaved wants to hear from all too often they dissmiss the message and as a result the communication fails

I agree Admin Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by zerdini Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:15 pm

Gordon Higginson use to say thunderstorms can affect contact.

This is quite true, Azur.

I recall one occasion, in a Leslie Flint seance, in the midst of a communication it suddenly stopped.

The seance had to be abandoned.

We discovered on leaving his flat that at the exact moment the communication broke off London had been hit by an electrical storm!

Weather, amongst other factors, can affect communication.

In another physical seance, with a different medium, I asked the control how they saw us.

He replied, tongue in cheek, " You look like ghosts to me"!


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:04 pm

zerdini wrote:
Gordon Higginson use to say thunderstorms can affect contact.

This is quite true, Azur.

I recall one occasion, in a Leslie Flint seance, in the midst of a communication it suddenly stopped.

The seance had to be abandoned.

We discovered on leaving his flat that at the exact moment the communication broke off London had been hit by an electrical storm!

Weather, amongst other factors, can affect communication.

In another physical seance, with a different medium, I asked the control how they saw us.

He replied, tongue in cheek, " You look like ghosts to me"!

It's interesting isn't it, we've only really touched the surface I think.

Thanks for that z Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Quiet Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:07 am

I read or heard somewhere that the higher our vibrations the easier it is for Spirit to communicate with us. So if we have positive thinking and live giving lives that would raise our level of vibration and make it easier for Spirit. I read also that they see us in terms of light.

A woman in my former circle who is a trance medium said that coming to our level for Spirit is like walking through heavy fog and, as someone else said, they need to learn how to do that.

You can hear so many different things. I was thinking about all this yesterday and it seemed that there is as much difference in the world of spirit as there is in the world of human kind Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:14 am

I read or heard somewhere that the higher our vibrations the easier it is for Spirit to communicate with us. So if we have positive thinking and live giving lives that would raise our level of vibration and make it easier for Spirit. I read also that they see us in terms of light.

A woman in my former circle who is a trance medium said that coming to our level for Spirit is like walking through heavy fog and, as someone else said, they need to learn how to do that.

I agree with all of the Quiet, it's an area I find really interesting.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by zerdini Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:28 am

You can hear so many different things. I was thinking about all this yesterday and it seemed that there is as much difference in the world of spirit as there is in the world of human kind

The spirit world is composed of people who once lived on earth. The only difference is that they have discarded their physical bodies and are now living in a fourth dimension where previously they lived in a third dimension.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Quiet Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:38 pm

zerdini wrote:
The spirit world is composed of people who once lived on earth. The only difference is that they have discarded their physical bodies and are now living in a fourth dimension where previously they lived in a third dimension.

You've just touched on an interesting point. From what I've read and heard, there seems to be more of an expectation of spirits there that they act from insight and love. Sometimes they do make mistakes and echo something of their former human natures, however. Even Ramadhan said something like that. I've heard a grumpy spirit in trance, but that could have been my interpretation.

Of course, I know only what I've read - which is probably comparatively little compared with some. I do believe the individuality remains in some form or other. As I age, I am becoming a little more realistic about what to expect Smile


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by Azur Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:18 pm

I like David Fontanas take on it, although the concept of numbers bothers me somewhat

1. Earth (including earth-boundspirits)

2. The Intermediate State

3. The Plane of Illusion

4. The Plane of Colour (or Summerland)

The Three Formless Planes (or Planes of Pure Consciousness)

5. The Plane of Intellectual Harmony

6. The Plane of Pure Light

7. The Seventh Plane (Contemplation of the Supreme Mind)

But still these labels don't fit with me, why seven planes? My feeling about the higher life, is that there are worlds within worlds, it's vast and cannot be measured

An interconnected Oneness fits more with my understanding. I believe just as physical existence is, that the life of a discarnate spirit personality is evolving towards an interrelated state of pure being and consciousness, that is about unity and interconnectedness, rather than individual separateness.

I do believe, however, that prevalent beliefs we hold prior to and after-death of the physical body, can create the image of a physical realm. But I feel, this image appears to be quickly dropped as a wider expanse of experience is awakened to.

I think we have to be careful about seeing things as either black or white, some spirit communicators describe after-life states as being similar to our physical world and yet others do not. We have to make our own mind up, without relying on others.


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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by nick pettitt Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:53 am

zerdini wrote:

In another physical seance, with a different medium, I asked the control how they saw us.

He replied, tongue in cheek, " You look like ghosts to me"!

ha, ha... that sounds like Magnus Very Happy

nick pettitt

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Does the spirit world really see us all the time? Empty Re: Does the spirit world really see us all the time?

Post by nick pettitt Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:33 am

Each week I pick up the medium on the way to our physical development circle and often I can tell our spirit friends are moving in as we get nearer to the place we sit. Acouple of weeks ago they were stronger than usual and I said if someone wanted to come through that would be ok. It didn't take long for the medium's female voice to be replaced by the deep gruff voice of our spirit friend Clyde as he wanted to instruct us on a different way of sitting that evening. He then went on to comment that his horses never travelled this fast but he was enjoying being outside for a change and seeing the countryside.
Later that evening during the seance I asked him how he experienced the physical world when in control of the medium compared to when he just drew close to us. He said that when he drew close he could be aware of the environment and the thoughts of those in it but couldn't experience anything in a physical capacity, whereas when in control it's more of a physical experience...

nick pettitt

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