Friends of Stansted
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Friends of Stansted
Received from the FOS today.
All typos, spelling and grammar are as received and are the work of the authors.
1. Mr Alf Chapman welcomed the members to the meeting.
As a result of discussions held by the Trustees of the Committee prior to the meeting, the members were notified that the Annual General Meeting could not take place on the following grounds:—
a. Whilst the Constitution required 14 days notice to convene the Annual General Meeting it had been noted that the summons for the meeting had been sent out by second class post and insufficient time had been given for members to attend the meeting. Further, pursuant to the Charity Commission guidelines, notices for an annual general meeting should be sent out at least 20 days before the 14 day notice was required pursuant by the constitution and this requirement had not been satisfactorily complied with.
b. At the trustees meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting, it was clear that the annual accounts have not been prepared in a proper format or circulated to the members together with the minutes of the previous ACM held in 2010, as a result of which the Trustees considered that in the interests of the Charity, the annual general meeting for 2011 should be adjourned to a new date and fresh notices sent out.
2. After some considerable discussion by the members to the trustees, it was moved from the floor that the members were considering aged Special Resolution to be raised at the adjourned meeting pursuant to paragraph 4 of the constitution stating “that the members had no confidence in the current committee of Trustees and asking for their removal”.
3. Pursuant to this motion from the floor, and in order to save costs, Mr Graham Hewitt and Mr Ken Smith were prepared to give an undertaking that they would stand down voluntarily at the next meeting in order that new Trustees could be appointed by the Members. A similar indication was given by Mr Alf Chapman and Mrs Phil Defoe (both of whom were due to re-election at that Meeting and were prepared to stand for a further term) together with the Treasurer Mr Stuart Harrison that they would give a similar undertaking.
It was therefore resolved that the Charity Commission should be approached for directions as to the method to be adopted for the appointment of new Trustees and towards the conduct of the next Annual General Meeting to be held on the adjourned date of 9 July 2011.
4. Conference with the Charity CommissionSubsequent Discussions held by telephone con
by Mr Graham Hewitt.
I outlined to the Charity Commission the concerns that had been raised by the members of the Annual rent General Meeting causing it to be adjourned and the apparent wish of the members present for the trustees to stand down from their respective positions.
5. They informed me that the constitution is open for a wide interpretation. Therefore, the proper course appeared to be that all members, both overseas and within the UK should be circulated with the original minutes of the previous Annual General meeting together with a summary of the meeting held for 2011. Also, the accounts when prepared and signed by the auditor should be circulated to the members together with minutes of the Annual General meeting for 2010.
6. ALL MEMBERS should have the opportunity in this notice to appoint and nominate five individuals to stand as trustees. Also, in order to update the database of members, a request should be put on that notice for the individual members to disclose to the Trustees their wish to receive notices by way of e-mail communication.
7. All Nomination papers when signed by the member of the organisation, should be submitted to a Independent Adjudicator suggested by either the members or the current trustees. That adjudicator should also verify at the next Annual General Meeting that he approved all documentation to be submitted to members for the next circulation.
the top five individuals nominated by way of this postal nomination should be appointed as ,Thereafler the continuing trustees. All documentation held by the current trustees, should they not be appointed, will then have to be handed over to the new Trustees within 14 days of the date of the adjourned annual general meeting. A full report of that annual general meeting together with the appointment is to be notified to the Charity Commission alongside the next annual return.
Dated this 3 day of JUNE 2011
All typos, spelling and grammar are as received and are the work of the authors.
1. Mr Alf Chapman welcomed the members to the meeting.
As a result of discussions held by the Trustees of the Committee prior to the meeting, the members were notified that the Annual General Meeting could not take place on the following grounds:—
a. Whilst the Constitution required 14 days notice to convene the Annual General Meeting it had been noted that the summons for the meeting had been sent out by second class post and insufficient time had been given for members to attend the meeting. Further, pursuant to the Charity Commission guidelines, notices for an annual general meeting should be sent out at least 20 days before the 14 day notice was required pursuant by the constitution and this requirement had not been satisfactorily complied with.
b. At the trustees meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting, it was clear that the annual accounts have not been prepared in a proper format or circulated to the members together with the minutes of the previous ACM held in 2010, as a result of which the Trustees considered that in the interests of the Charity, the annual general meeting for 2011 should be adjourned to a new date and fresh notices sent out.
2. After some considerable discussion by the members to the trustees, it was moved from the floor that the members were considering aged Special Resolution to be raised at the adjourned meeting pursuant to paragraph 4 of the constitution stating “that the members had no confidence in the current committee of Trustees and asking for their removal”.
3. Pursuant to this motion from the floor, and in order to save costs, Mr Graham Hewitt and Mr Ken Smith were prepared to give an undertaking that they would stand down voluntarily at the next meeting in order that new Trustees could be appointed by the Members. A similar indication was given by Mr Alf Chapman and Mrs Phil Defoe (both of whom were due to re-election at that Meeting and were prepared to stand for a further term) together with the Treasurer Mr Stuart Harrison that they would give a similar undertaking.
It was therefore resolved that the Charity Commission should be approached for directions as to the method to be adopted for the appointment of new Trustees and towards the conduct of the next Annual General Meeting to be held on the adjourned date of 9 July 2011.
4. Conference with the Charity CommissionSubsequent Discussions held by telephone con
by Mr Graham Hewitt.
I outlined to the Charity Commission the concerns that had been raised by the members of the Annual rent General Meeting causing it to be adjourned and the apparent wish of the members present for the trustees to stand down from their respective positions.
5. They informed me that the constitution is open for a wide interpretation. Therefore, the proper course appeared to be that all members, both overseas and within the UK should be circulated with the original minutes of the previous Annual General meeting together with a summary of the meeting held for 2011. Also, the accounts when prepared and signed by the auditor should be circulated to the members together with minutes of the Annual General meeting for 2010.
6. ALL MEMBERS should have the opportunity in this notice to appoint and nominate five individuals to stand as trustees. Also, in order to update the database of members, a request should be put on that notice for the individual members to disclose to the Trustees their wish to receive notices by way of e-mail communication.
7. All Nomination papers when signed by the member of the organisation, should be submitted to a Independent Adjudicator suggested by either the members or the current trustees. That adjudicator should also verify at the next Annual General Meeting that he approved all documentation to be submitted to members for the next circulation.
the top five individuals nominated by way of this postal nomination should be appointed as ,Thereafler the continuing trustees. All documentation held by the current trustees, should they not be appointed, will then have to be handed over to the new Trustees within 14 days of the date of the adjourned annual general meeting. A full report of that annual general meeting together with the appointment is to be notified to the Charity Commission alongside the next annual return.
Dated this 3 day of JUNE 2011
Re: Friends of Stansted
Thank you Z that is quite a report maybe at last people are showing genuine dissention.
Admin- Admin
Re: Friends of Stansted
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 9th July 2-30pm prompt start
Notices including the accounts and agends for the AGM have now been circulated by post to all members at their last known address on our database.
If , by reading this on the website , you have not recieved your copy, please email us with your current address so we may update our records together with your membership number.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
web site www.friendsofstanstedhall.comSee more
The Friends of Stansted Hall – The Arthur Findlay College” [herein called “The Friends of Stansted Hall] is a registered Charity under the Charities Act 1960. Its Objects are to promote education in Psychic Science and in particular to assist in the establishment and maintenance of a College for the..
Saturday 9th July 2-30pm prompt start
Notices including the accounts and agends for the AGM have now been circulated by post to all members at their last known address on our database.
If , by reading this on the website , you have not recieved your copy, please email us with your current address so we may update our records together with your membership number.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
web site www.friendsofstanstedhall.comSee more
The Friends of Stansted Hall – The Arthur Findlay College” [herein called “The Friends of Stansted Hall] is a registered Charity under the Charities Act 1960. Its Objects are to promote education in Psychic Science and in particular to assist in the establishment and maintenance of a College for the..
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