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Ectoplasm & Light

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Ectoplasm & Light Empty Ectoplasm & Light

Post by COSC2014 Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:47 am


It has been recently brought to my attention that there is some confusion surrounding the characteristics and the chemical sensitivity of ectoplasm within the séance environment. As previously discussed, I was fortunate enough for Spirit to allow me to experience personal communication through the mediumship of David Thompson.  I have sat in numerous séances and hold a degree in science, in addition to experience in science research. Therefore, I believe I am in a position of unique perspective surrounding mediumship overall.  As such, I feel it is my duty to clarify any misunderstandings and miscommunications around ectoplasm, and its’ interaction with light; in order to support genuine physical mediumship. The research I have carried out regarding physical mediumship from literature is very conducive with my personal séance experiences.

As it is widely acknowledged, ectoplasm is extruded from the pancreas of the physical medium, and is manipulated physically in order for spirit to manifest and materialise. Chemically, ectoplasm is comprised of various compounds from the pancreas; including insulin and numerous enzymes, proteins and amino acids. Consequently, the extreme chemical sensitivity of ectoplasm prohibits manifestation in direct light. This has been communicated by multiple physical mediums.  Even a minor interruption in the chemical structure of ectoplasm will cause the ectoplasm to retreat back to the body of the medium, potentially causing serious health implications; including organ rupture and haemorrhaging.  

Photochemical reactions occur when chemicals absorb photons of light and the relevant molecules become “excited” from their base state. It is known that photochemical reactions occur to enzymes, proteins and amino acids. In turn, this can cause changes in molecular structures and/or functions. Considering that ectoplasm is comprised of these relevant substances, it would greatly interrupt the suitable vibration of the ectoplasm that spirit have manipulated it to be. As a result, the ectoplasm would retreat back to the medium.

Any recording technology that emits light or vibration not conducive with the vibration of the ectoplasm will result in its’ retreat to the human body. This is a well-known occurrence in many séances in the past. In terms of vibration, as it is well known, the sitters and the medium present raise their vibrations, while spirit lower theirs in order to meet. If vibrations are not conducive with the prerequisite conditions in the séance room phenomena simply cannot occur.  

Therefore, demanding materialisation in white light or with recording technology present in the séance room (i.e. other than hidden audio recording devices) will prohibit phenomena from taking place. It is not possible to make demands from spirit and expect the impossible to occur. The protocol of séances only occurring in some form of light or with visual recording devices present will not succeed in determining genuine physical mediumship. It is simply not possible for full-length séances and full-bodied materialisation to take place under these conditions. Consequently, this method will not be able to determine genuine physical mediumship. Those who knowingly are not physical mediums will not sit under those conditions, in fear of the devices recording activities in the séance room not attributed to genuine mediumship. On the other hand, genuine physical mediums will not sit under these conditions in fear of being seriously physically injured.

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Ectoplasm & Light Empty Re: Ectoplasm & Light

Post by Admin Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:15 am

Jamie who this could be by anyone without any satisfactory qualifications whatsoevr. Its also by someone without any knowledge of the history of etcoplasm and Physical Mediumship clearly. His bias is to Physical mediumship and it shows. Not a credible witness .

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Ectoplasm & Light Empty Re: Ectoplasm & Light

Post by Admin Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:42 am

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