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Hudson Tuttle, “The Psychograph—An Explanation,”

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Hudson Tuttle, “The Psychograph—An Explanation,” Empty Hudson Tuttle, “The Psychograph—An Explanation,”

Post by Admin Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:13 am

Hudson Tuttle, “The Psychograph—An Explanation,” Religio-Philosophical Journal, December 3, 1887:5

The new attachment to the Psychograph may not be understood by the many who are experimenting with it. It was at first made with an index running over a large circle, the letters on which were wide apart, so that there could be no doubt or uncertainty as to the ones indicated. Many found fault with this arrangement, which sacrificed ease for perspicuity. When the inventor interrogated the instrument as to a remedy, it suggested that an extra alphabet be placed on one half of the revolving table, and a stationary index placed so as to mark the letters passing under it. This has been done, and now either index may be used. In the beginning the larger, or when great certainty is desired, and after there has been an advance in mediumship, the alphabet on the revolving table, by which the spelling of messages is much more quickly performed. If the stationary index should become bent in the mail, it can be readily brought in proper place, which should be with the point over the edge of the table, but not touching it. The fingers should rest lightly on this revolving table and be allowed to move with it.

Recommendations are being constantly received. A well-known lady in San Francisco writes that she had communications of a wonderful character spelled at her first trial, and by sitting has now become a writing medium. Others are not as fortunate, and are discouraged. We say to such, that the fault possibly may rest with themselves. The instrument is not a mere machine that will grind out communications; it is only a delicate means. It must be used intelligently. The sitter should sit with reverent seriousness, and undivided desire, and at fixed times, and not become discouraged if many sittings pass without results. There is scarcely a family in which at least one sensitive or mediumistic person may not be found, and the discovery of such sensitive members and their development, is the desirable office of the Psychograph. Any one desiring further information, may address the manufacturers in care of the RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL.


Hudson Tuttle, “The Psychograph—An Explanation,” Tuttle10

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