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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity

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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity  - Page 4 Empty Poem

Post by eirefox Wed 2 May 2012 - 5:02

That was an interesting poem. Thanks for sharing it. It's beautiful.

KatyKing wrote:There's a traition in Judaism that says that dent under our nose above our lips is caused by an angel touching us there just before we are born so that we forget what we knew in our pre-existence...
Poem here about it... (Found via Google)...
A Sinai in the Womb -

The Prayer of an Unborn Child

Touch me lightly neath the nose

That my lips may part in prose

Let me not forget

You though

I fall into the world

Let luminescence last me still

and still my heart

With seraph quill

If I fall too far to hear

& memorize your notes

Send a script

A scrap of timber

A stub of finger

'quipped with pencil

May my new-born

have utensils

to inherit as she grows

And I will write what I have learned here

In this hollow, warm and light-filled

So touch me slight

That I may

Recite all that

the angel quill

inscribed upon my soul

And from this amniotic Sinai

I will find the voice to cry

the truth

though all the world

would call it lies

And though I fall

insane, forgetful

slap my lips and

snuff my candle

yet I will remember well

the angel

that taught me all I know

and marked thus with


I will recall

the revelation

of this loom

where God wove with love

my soul

For Sinai stands


above our lips

to tell of all

that we forget

as sure as

we are born

So let us thus pursue

Your truths

in deja vu

wrap us well in

what we knew

there in the womb

And Sinai

will be as a mother

enfolding us to rediscover

the radiance lost in the rubble

of the shattered tablets

of Your



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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity  - Page 4 Empty Re: Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity

Post by KatyKing Wed 2 May 2012 - 12:05

That thing about forgetting what we knew before I can really identify with.
It's that time of year in teaching where students and teachers get to the point where everyone is convinced that they have forgotten everything!
Once the course work is in they are OK and we can breath again but right now....
I have a crease under my nose and it is geting deeper by the day. Very Happy

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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity  - Page 4 Empty Re: Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity

Post by petal34 Wed 2 May 2012 - 17:30

Beautiful poem,KK.
I like it very much.

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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity  - Page 4 Empty Re: Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity

Post by Admin Sun 6 May 2012 - 1:48

Here is an interesting follow on site

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Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity  - Page 4 Empty Re: Did Jesus of Nazareth the legendary founder of Christianity

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