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Maurice Barbanell

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:29 pm

Admin Obviously I cannot replace what Z wrote or approach teh experience he had sitting was it once or twice in a Silver Birch Circle. However the SilverBircg publishing website gives the following brief bio

Maurice Barbanell
Barbanell was the founder and editor of a weekly Spiritualist newspaper, Psychic News, and for half a century devoted his life to spreading spiritual knowledge through its columns and those of other publications with which he was associated.

In his own obituary, which he wrote before his passing at the age of 79 on July 17th 1981, he revealed that he was told by Estelle Roberts' Red Cloud - a spirit guide for whom he had the greatest admiration - that in a previous incarnation he had made a promise to reincarnate and devote his life to spreading Spiritualism. Though he had no knowledge of that life or promise, events certainly conspired to make it possible.

He was born to Jewish parents in a poor area of London's East End. His mother was devoutly religious but his father, a barber was an atheist so Barbanell heard many arguments about religion during his early years. His father always won, and his son adopted the same outlook but later changed to agnosticism. Yet after hearing about Spiritualism from a speaker at a social and literary club of which he was secretary, Barbanell refused to start the debate by putting an opposing view - one of his duties - because, he explained, he had made no personal investigation and therefore his opinions were valueless.

This impressed the speaker who invited Barbanell to attend a seance in which a medium, Mrs Blaustein, was entranced by various spirits of different nationalities. He was not impressed, and on a second visit fell asleep. Barbanell apologised, believing that either boredom or tiredness had been responsible, but the other circle members informed him that he had not been asleep but had been in a trance and a Red Indian had spoken through him.

With the encouragement of a famous Fleet Street journalist Hannen Swaffer, Barbanell founded Psychic News partly as a vehicle for the guide's teachings. But, because he knew he would be criticised for publishing his own mediumship in his own newspaper, Barbanell did not reveal to his readers for many years who was channelling the wisdom, by which time the guide had a huge following on his own merits.

Silver Birch spoke regularly at Barbanell's home circle and the proceedings were always recorded shorthand. There were a number of differences in style and procedure between Barbanell's own journalistic efforts and the way in which Silver Birch communicated, as Barbanell himself observed:

"In my working life I use words every day. I have never yet written or dictated an article with which I was satisfied when I read it. Inevitably I find, when looking at the typed material, that I can improve it by altering words, phrases and sentences. No such problem arises with the guide's teachings. These flow perfectly, requiring usually only punctation. Another interesting aspect is the occasional use of words that I regard as archaic and do not form part of my normal vocabulary."

the obituary is back on the site

Last edited by zerdini on Thu May 31, 2012 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by mac Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:04 pm

Thanks for this, Z. How lucky you were to have known this man. What a historic time for Spiritualism - such a shame that it is now past.



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:50 pm

Books by Maurice Barbanell:

This is Spiritualism
Spiritualism Today
Power of the Spirit
Parish the Healer
I Hear a Voice
Across the Gulf
The Case of Helen Duncan
He Walks in Two Worlds
Where There is a Will
They Shall be Comforted
Keep the Rome Fires Burning
The Trumpet Shall Sound
Harry Edwards and his Healing
Saga of Spirit Healing

These are the ones I have. There were also various booklets and pamphlets.


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by iceblue Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:34 pm

I enjoyed reading that Z thanks.I have never read any of his books,just extracts on line which i enjoy when i come across them.You must have some serious bookshelves at your place mate,handle all the weight from the books you have! Very Happy Fascinating personal library you have.Duncan


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:04 pm

iceblue wrote:I enjoyed reading that Z thanks.I have never read any of his books,just extracts on line which i enjoy when i come across them.You must have some serious bookshelves at your place mate,handle all the weight from the books you have! Very Happy Fascinating personal library you have.Duncan

The spare room is full of books, mainly Spiritualist (some from the 1800's) ones. I could really do with another room! Wink



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Admin Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:46 pm

Hi Z,

I know the feeling on books aroud our house then there are the 500 extra ebooks I have scavenged the web for (including some dark, cobwebby, scary bits of it).

Thank you for posting all of this. So few people really know much about our pioneers and major figures. Really to know about them, the efforts they made, the spread of their knowledge and the dedication to finding out the truth puts the current era to shame.

I was re browsing This is Spiritualism when you posted this syncronicity. Just the pictures of physical mediumship show the work we have to do to get back to past standards.



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by mac Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:22 am

I agree that it is important to know about the history of Spiritualist philosophy although I'm not usually one for visiting the past. Despite that I have enjoyed learning how our movement came about.

Now, though, such journeys into history can make me despondent at the current status of Spiritualism. My view is that has slipped deep into a backwater, with little public exposure to its most important feature - quality mediumship.

From what we read in our history, communication through mediumship was more widespread and arguably more effective than it ever is now. Yet this is at a time when there are so many modes of communication which are cheaply and easily accessed by so many.

Perhaps our movement simply peaked several decades before its time??? Sad


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Admin Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:05 am

Hi Mac,

Or perhaps we were too succesful with so many people now ready to accept the reality of the continuation of life beyond that we wrongly call death.

Add that to the fact that without the phenomena of Mediumship there would be no New Age to draw people away (although the New Age is as much an off shoot of Theosophy) and we must acknowledge how much we have acheived.

If we now get smaller maybe that is no bad thing. Facing up to it here, in Australia where the failure to develop mediums has become almost critical, I realise that we may have a new way forward. The older more staid way has actually allowed many ideologies and practices I find non acceptable, like poor psychics parading as mediums on Spiritualist platforms. However, as we train the remaining observers and attendees into what is good mediumship then we will attract a new group who exercise their mind.

From this, provided the movement makes an effort, we will see a resurgence based on thinkers who live in the new world, not the rather priviledged world our upper to middle class pioneers enjoyed. While enjoying this they also lived in a life where people entertained themselves and did not accept the opium of TV. It is as a result of a rejection of this poor narcotic that we begin to see people exercising their minds again.

From these people I begin to see those who are caring and rejecting of the unsubstantial nature of modern society opportunities. As they consider the information available I believe they will look at our movement and maybe add to it in a real way to take it forward.



Last edited by Admin on Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by mac Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:35 am

Admin wrote:Hi Mac,

Or perhaps we were too succesful with so many people now ready to accept the reality of the continuation of life beyond that we wrongly call death.

Add that to the fact that without the phenomena of Mediumship there would be no New Age to draw people away (although the New Age is as much an off shoot of Theosophy) and we must acknowledge how much we have acheived.

If we now get smaller maybe that is no bad thing. Facing up to it here, in Australia where the failure to develop mediums has become almost critical, I realise that we may have a new way forward. The older more staid way has actually allowed many ideologies and practices I find non acceptable, like poor psychics parading as mediums on Spiritualist platforms. However, as we train the remaining observers and attendees into what is good mediumship then we will attract a new group who exercise their mind.

From this, provided the movement makes an effort, we will see a resurgence based on thinkers who live in the new world, not the rather priviledged world our upper to middle class pioneers enjoyed. While enjoying this they also lived in a life where people entertained themselves and did not accept the opium of TV. It is as a result of a rejection of this poor narcotic that we begin to see people exercising their minds again.

From these people caring and rejecting of the unsubstantial nature of modern society opportunities will return.



Good morning (evening for you!) Jim

Thanks for these observations. Certainly a less negative take on things than mine Smile I'd certainly feel reassured if our friends on t'other side were to say the same as you. I have made the point on other occasions that it's possible that transdimensional communication through mediumship has gone as far as was intended ie modern Spiritualism had run its intended course. If that were the case I'd be happy to accept the outcome.

What I've always felt concern about is the way that psychism (New Ageism et al) seems to have replaced mediumship (just as you also mention) but if mediumship has run its intended course, then perhaps we both ought to accept that and not feel concerned for its present situation?

If I've only learned one more thing beyond understanding survival, it's that the philosophy which underpins that, actually underpins something else of equal or perhaps more importance - that of life and its meaning both here and elsewhere.



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Admin Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:49 am

Thanks Keith and very well put..

maybe a la Dylan Thomas as of now I will not go quietly into that night


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by iceblue Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:58 pm

Admin wrote:Hi Mac,

Or perhaps we were too succesful with so many people now ready to accept the reality of the continuation of life beyond that we wrongly call death.

Add that to the fact that without the phenomena of Mediumship there would be no New Age to draw people away (although the New Age is as much an off shoot of Theosophy) and we must acknowledge how much we have acheived.

If we now get smaller maybe that is no bad thing. Facing up to it here, in Australia where the failure to develop mediums has become almost critical, I realise that we may have a new way forward. The older more staid way has actually allowed many ideologies and practices I find non acceptable, like poor psychics parading as mediums on Spiritualist platforms. However, as we train the remaining observers and attendees into what is good mediumship then we will attract a new group who exercise their mind.

From this, provided the movement makes an effort, we will see a resurgence based on thinkers who live in the new world, not the rather priviledged world our upper to middle class pioneers enjoyed. While enjoying this they also lived in a life where people entertained themselves and did not accept the opium of TV. It is as a result of a rejection of this poor narcotic that we begin to see people exercising their minds again.

From these people I begin to see those who are caring and rejecting of the unsubstantial nature of modern society opportunities. As they consider the information available I believe they will look at our movement and maybe add to it in a real way to take it forward.


I could never understand why mum didnt watch t.v. while i was growing up,when i started developing mediumship i too lost interest in the TV.I dont watch much TV at all these days i prefer to read stuff.
Tho i did watch "ice rd truckers" last night with the kids,full on,big rigs driving over frozen lakes in north america very entertaining.I must say i do enjoy a good documentary on any subject.
Your right Jim tv just numbs the brain.We encourage reading and drawing or playing outside,but our kids still watch to much of it.
From my recent experience Mac the uneducated seem to think that mediumship is doing a tarot card reading.
Doesnt matter how i put it they just dont seem to understand.The ppl in the community where i was running the circle accept many new age ideas as mediumship,this is a major problem.
Me and my wife are headed to bells beach cottages for our anniversary surf for me massage for her,anyway were we are staying they do reiki and readings i thought, oh wow,and continued to read.The lady claims she is a medium and that her tarot card readings come direct from spirit and her innerself/higherself.For as long as we have ppl like this calling themselves a medium we will see decline.
My recent experience is that very few understand basic mediumship,they think they understand it but really have no idea.Duncan


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by mac Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:59 pm

"My recent experience is that very few understand basic mediumship,they think they understand it but really have no idea"

I agree. I have tried hard, for what feels like a long time, to put (to those who I thought might have an interest) the idea that psychism and mediumship are very different beasts. By 'psychism' I mean the use of psychic attributes for entertainment and by entertainment I mean not for serious purposes.

So.....that lumps in Tarot, some stage/platform work and other performances which are primarily and predominantly psychic in nature. To be more specific, 'messages' are from the psychic who is auric reading, knowingly or not. They may genuinely believe they are conveying messages and that makes 'em mediums. But that's not the way I understand things and, I suspect, not the way that other traditionalists see it either.

Uneducated people ib? Well, maybe, but perhaps it's just insufficient or inappropriate learning. They may well have been shown or may have learned for themselves so they aren't actually 'uneducated'. But if one's tutor doesn't have a broad enough, or correct, understanding, or if one studies the wrong things, the outcome will be an incomplete and inaccurate understanding and an inhibited level of attainment.

When I was younger (ahhhhh Laughing ) I was shocked at the poor level of appreciation of 'matters spiritual' amongst those I had expected to be out of my league. Numbered amongst them (I later discovered) were new-agers, message-seekers, ghost-busters, psychic phenomena chasers, psychics, self-professed healers and what have you - all at the local Spiritualist centre. I found that to be a confusing time, compounded also by close friends who I had also expected to be far more knowledgeable than I and from who I expected to learn a lot.

I DID learn a lot but not in the way I had expected and that process of learning in unexpected ways has continued. It's not been an easy path and only recently, after some traumatic disagreements with once-close psychic friends (who meant much to me), have I begun to feel less uncomfortable with the outcome of this path of learning.

So where does this leave me? That's something which others might have to tell me... Razz Wink


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Left Behind Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:14 pm

I'm currently reading This Is Spiritualism, as per Mac's recommendations. A fascinating book!

As far as television: here in the US it's been all pay-to-view - cable or satellite - for years. I had my cable TV disconnected. I figured that if I paid for it and didn't watch it, I was wasting money, and if I paid for it and did watch it, I was wasting time. Laughing


Left Behind

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:41 pm

Left Behind wrote:I'm currently reading This Is Spiritualism, as per Mac's recommendations. A fascinating book!

As far as television: here in the US it's been all pay-to-view - cable or satellite - for years. I had my cable TV disconnected. I figured that if I paid for it and didn't watch it, I was wasting money, and if I paid for it and did watch it, I was wasting time. Laughing


Follow that with "Spiritualism Today" by Maurice Barbanell plus any other books by him and you will have a good grasp of Spiritualism.


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Left Behind Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:11 pm

Thanks! I've learned a lot about Spiritualism just from this one book, so I'm favorably disposed toward anything Mr. Barbanell wrote about the topic. Smile


Left Behind

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Left Behind Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:17 pm

mac wrote:I agree that it is important to know about the history of Spiritualist philosophy

From what we read in our history, communication through mediumship was more widespread and arguably more effective than it ever is now. Yet this is at a time when there are so many modes of communication which are cheaply and easily accessed by so many.

That could be part of the problem, Keith: people today have too many things to distract them. Neutral


Left Behind

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Admin Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:27 am

Very True Jim and everything has to be instant to but good Mediumship is not.

It is interesting when we look at the hey day and the totally different life people led, especially teh upper middleand upper classes who had such influence in the intellectual end of Spiritualism. The world has changed so much none of us have the time to give as they seemed to.

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Left Behind Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:59 am

Admin wrote:Very True Jim and everything has to be instant to but good Mediumship is not.

It is interesting when we look at the hey day and the totally different life people led, especially teh upper middleand upper classes who had such influence in the intellectual end of Spiritualism. The world has changed so much none of us have the time to give as they seemed to.

Yes. There is a great deal to be said for properly directed leisure time. Today, it seems as though society requires that you either be consumed with what you do to earn your daily bread: or else you have to be expending all your time and energy dissipating yourself with one activity or another. Or preferably, both. "Work hard, play hard." Rolling Eyes

There was a lot more to be said for people having time that they could direct toward an activity that they deemed worthwhile, like a church, lodge, charity, etc.


Left Behind

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Azur Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:19 am

I have a few of Barbanell's books.

Never got my hands on ''Spiritualism Today'' I think I should.

What medium's feature in the book, anyone know?



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:04 pm

Azur wrote:I have a few of Barbanell's books.

Never got my hands on ''Spiritualism Today'' I think I should.

What medium's feature in the book, anyone know?


Hi Azur

The contents of "Spiritualism Today" are as follows:

Chapter 1 ‘Flesh-and-blood’ materialisations 15
Chapter 2 Mediums who practise psychic surgery 37
Chapter 3 World famous healers 49
Chapter 4 Other notable healers 63
Chapter 5 ‘Dead’ fiance writes through her hand 84
Chapter 6 Bishops pay public tribute 102
Chapter 7 Spanning the gulf of centuries 120
Chapter 8 The behind-the-scenes drama 130
Chapter 9 Famous author gives her testimony 136
Chapter 10 Virgil’s spirit help for a scholar 141
Chapter 11 On safari with a medium 149
Chapter 12 Was Donald Campbell’s death fated? 155
Chapter 13 Making believers believe 162
Chapter 14 When you seek 170
Index 173

First Published in 1969

All the best



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:09 pm

Books by Maurice Barbanell:

This is Spiritualism
Spiritualism Today
Power of the Spirit
Parish the Healer
I Hear a Voice
Across the Gulf
The Case of Helen Duncan
He Walks in Two Worlds
Where There is a Will
They Shall be Comforted
Keep the Rome Fires Burning
The Trumpet Shall Sound
Harry Edwards and his Healing
Saga of Spirit Healing

Books by Sylvia Barbanell:

When A Child Dies
When Your Animal Dies
Some Discern Spirits


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Left Behind Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:50 pm

zerdini wrote:Books by Maurice Barbanell:

This is Spiritualism
Spiritualism Today
Power of the Spirit
Parish the Healer
I Hear a Voice
Across the Gulf
The Case of Helen Duncan
He Walks in Two Worlds
Where There is a Will
They Shall be Comforted
Keep the Rome Fires Burning
The Trumpet Shall Sound
Harry Edwards and his Healing
Saga of Spirit Healing

Books by Sylvia Barbanell:

When A Child Dies
When Your Animal Dies
Some Discern Spirits

Enough there to keep anyone busy for awhile. Wink


Left Behind

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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Azur Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:21 pm

zerdini wrote:
Azur wrote:I have a few of Barbanell's books.

Never got my hands on ''Spiritualism Today'' I think I should.

What medium's feature in the book, anyone know?


Hi Azur

The contents of "Spiritualism Today" are as follows:

Chapter 1 ‘Flesh-and-blood’ materialisations 15
Chapter 2 Mediums who practise psychic surgery 37
Chapter 3 World famous healers 49
Chapter 4 Other notable healers 63
Chapter 5 ‘Dead’ fiance writes through her hand 84
Chapter 6 Bishops pay public tribute 102
Chapter 7 Spanning the gulf of centuries 120
Chapter 8 The behind-the-scenes drama 130
Chapter 9 Famous author gives her testimony 136
Chapter 10 Virgil’s spirit help for a scholar 141
Chapter 11 On safari with a medium 149
Chapter 12 Was Donald Campbell’s death fated? 155
Chapter 13 Making believers believe 162
Chapter 14 When you seek 170
Index 173

First Published in 1969

All the best


Thanks Z, looks interesting.

'Some Discern Spirits'' - Isn't that about Estelle Roberts, I have Fifty Years A Medium, but it's always good to read what others say about mediums they've experienced, especially the Barbanalls. Does Sylvia go into much about Estelle?

Thanks again Z


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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by zerdini Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:20 pm

'Some Discern Spirits'' - Isn't that about Estelle Roberts, I have Fifty Years A Medium, but it's always good to read what others say about mediums they've experienced, especially the Barbanalls. Does Sylvia go into much about Estelle?

The whole book is about the mediumship of Estelle Roberts.

It was published in 1944.



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Maurice Barbanell Empty Re: Maurice Barbanell

Post by Admin Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:59 pm

Of course her own book 50 years a medium is well worth reading to a copy can be down loaded here for your personal use http://www.nasm.org.au/library.html


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